Custom Hierarchy Page

Setting Up a Custom Hierarchy Page

You can set up a custom page for entering transactions for your environment's requirements. This page is accessed from the Hierarchy Workbench and enables data displayed on the panes to be passed to the custom page. You can perform a transaction on the custom page, and then navigate back to the Hierarchy Workbench. The Callout icon on the Hierarchy Workbench is used to navigate to the custom page.

the picture is described in the document text

Note: This functionality only moves data to Oracle Applications Framework pages and not other website pages.


The profile option RRS: Hierarchy UI Custom URL is populated with the address for the custom page. When the profile option is defined, the Callout icon on the Hierarchy Workbench is enabled.

Define the address for the custom page in profile option using the following format, where CustomPG is the name of your page: /oracle/apps/rrs/site/user/webui/CustomPG

See: Profile Options

When the profile option has been defined, the Callout icon appears in the Hierarchy Workbench and the pop-up menu:

  1. Select a hierarchy, node, or site object. You can only select one object, not multiple objects in this feature.

  2. Select Callout to navigate to the custom page.

Parameters Passed To Custom Page

During navigation, relevant parameters are passed to the custom page depending on the object selected in the hierarchy structure. The following table shows hierarchy, site, and node parameters passed to the custom page:

Hierarchy Object
Hierarchy in the Hierarchy List Description
objectType Type of object user selected, this value is hierarchy.
siteGroupId Internal ID of the selected hierarchy.
siteGroupName Name of the selected hierarchy.
Site Object
Site in Edit Pane Description
objectType Type of object user selected, this value is site.
siteId Internal ID of the selected site.
siteIdNum Identification number of the selected site.
siteName Name of the selected site.
siteGroupId Internal ID of the hierarchy containing selected site.
siteGroupName Name of the hierarchy containing selected site.
parentMemberType Type of parent of selected site; values are site or node.
parentMemberId Internal ID of parent of selected site.
parentMemberIdNum Identification number of the parent of selected site.
Node Object
Node in Edit Pane Description
objectType Type of object user selected, this value is node.
nodeId Internal ID of the selected node.
nodeIdNum Identification number of the selected node.
nodeName Name of the selected node.
siteGroupId Internal ID of the hierarchy containing selected node.
siteGroupName Name of the hierarchy containing selected node.
parentMemberType Type of parent of selected node, values are site or node.
parentMemberId Internal ID of parent of selected node.
parentMemberIdNum Identification number of the parent of selected site.

Parameters Passed Back to Hierarchy Workbench

When the custom Oracle Application page transaction is complete, and you navigate back to the Hierarchy Workbench, consider the following occurrences:

Sample of Return Call in processFormRequest:

  //check whether it is navigated from the standalone workbench
  String standalone = pageContext.getParameter("standalone");
  String selectedTab = pageContext.getParameter("selectedTab");
  if(standalone != null && standalone.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")){
    pageContext.forwardImmediately("OA.jsp?OAFunc="+pageFunction + "&OASF=" + selectedTab + OAHP=RRS_USER_HOME_PAGE_MENU",
                             OAWebBeanConstants.ADD_BREAD_CRUMB_NO);  //if navigate from the standalone workbench, need drop the breadcrumb chain
  pageContext.forwardImmediately("OA.jsp?OAFunc="+pageFunction + "&OASF=" + selectedTab + "&OAHP=RRS_USER_HOME_PAGE_MENU",