Using the Deployment Tab

Viewing Jserv Statistics

Use this procedure to view the Jserv statistics of a particular host.


  1. In the Deployment tab, navigate to System Statistics > Jserv Statistics.

  2. Select a node from the poplist.

  3. The data provided is as follows:

    1. Memory: Displays the total amount of memory in the Java Virtual Machine and amount of free memory in the system.

    2. Threads: Displays the total number of active threads in the current thread's thread group.

    3. Connection Pool: Displays the status of the database connection pool, including the maximum connection pool size, the current connection pool size, and the number of connections being used.

    4. Session: Displays information about the servlet session, including the number of stateful sessions, the number of concurrent user requests, the total number of ICX sessions, and the applications installed in this middle tier (specified by application short name).

    5. Services In Use: Displays information about each application, including the service descriptor, the maximum number of services, the number of current services, and the number of services in use.