Profile Options

This chapter lists profile options and categories used in Oracle iSetup.

This appendix covers the following topics:

Oracle iSetup Profile Options and Categories

Oracle iSetup uses the profile options in the following table to perform necessary setups:

Oracle iSetup Profile Options
Profile Internal Names Profile Display Names Profile Category Description
AZ_R12_HOME_NUM_OF_RECORDS AZ: Number Of Records For Home Tab User Interface This profile option specifies the number of records to be displayed in the iSetup Home tab. The recommended value is 4.
AZ_REPORTER_MAX_RECORDS AZ: Reporter max records User Interface This profile option specifies the number of records that the system would fetch for rendering the online report. The maximum value is 200 and the recommended value is 100.
AZ_R12_REFRESH_DURATION AZ: Refresh Duration User Interface This profile options gets the request phase and status from FND tables after this duration.
AZ_COMMIT_ROWCOUNT AZ: Commit Row Count Concurrent Processing This profile option specifies the number of records that Oracle iSetup commits to the database on the target instance during load. it is set on the target instance only.
AZ_EXPORT_LANGS AZ: Export Languages Concurrent Processing This profile lists languages to be used by iSetup API to export data.
Valid values are as follows:
  • ALL - All languages

  • SESSION - The current session language

  • [blank] - If this profile is left blank, the result is the same as that with 'ALL'

  • A comma-delimited list of specific language codes. For example, 'AR,KO,US'

Note: This profile applies to the iSetup Framework (BC4J) API only. For other APIs, such as those using Generic Loader, you need to extract and load each language's data individually by switching the session language.

Note: When the target base language or the language 'US' is not extracted, please make sure one of them already exists in the target instance. Otherwise, extract and load it because it is required to maintain multilingual tables in the target instance.

AZ_LOADER_MODE AZ: Loader Mode Concurrent Processing This profile sets the running mode for iSpeed Setups loader. Valid value is LOAD/LOAD_ALL/MERGE_ONLY.
AZ_R12_CP_NUM_OF_BATCHES AZ: CP Number Of Batches Concurrent Processing This profile specifies number of multiple threads that can parallely process APIs.
AZ_R12_DEBUG_MODE AZ: Debug Mode Concurrent Processing This profile controls running Oracle iSetup requests in debug mode.
AZ_R12_MERGE_PDF AZ: Merge Pdf Concurrent Processing This profile controls merging of PDFs in downloadable reports.
AZ_VO_FETCH_SIZE AZ: VO Fetch Size Concurrent Processing This profile option specifies the number of records that Oracle iSetup extracts in a batch, before it writes to a temporary location on the file system for later use. This profile is set on the source instance only.

Note: This following profile options have been end dated and no longer used in the Oracle iSetup:

See Profile Categories, Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance for more information.