
This chapter covers the following topics:

Search and Replace Features

Understanding Mass Search and Replace

The Mass Search and Replace window lets you search for and replace records in:

The Find list enables you to select the target for the search, such as an operation or a routing. You can only search for one target at a time. The Basic and Advanced search regions let you specify conditions to narrow the search. Once you have selected a target, and initiated a search, clear the window before searching for a new target.

Using the Basic Search Region

The Basic search region enables you to specify any combination of Name, Version, Description, Organization, Owner, or Status. Enter specific search data, or use the wildcard % for search string matching.

For example, if you search for:

Owner JDOE (as User ID)

Name A%

The results contain all entries where the Owner is JDOE and that start with the letter A.

Using the Advanced Search Region

The Advanced search region enables you to specify conditions to narrow the search for one or more Item field entries. Specify different conditions for each search target.

Specifying the Item Field in an Advanced Search

Specifying the Condition Field in an Advanced Search

In an advanced search of operations, routings, formulas, recipes, or validity rules, select any of the following conditions for items entered:

Mass Search and Replace Security

Your System Administrator sets up the Mass Search and Replace function security. When functions are registered for the appropriate responsibility, two parameters are passed with the following settings:

Default Status Rules Applied to New Versions

When new versions of operations, routings, formulas, recipes, and validity rules are created during the Mass Search and Replace process, the default status is assigned according to the status set up for default configuration rules. If a new formula is created, then a new recipe is also created if the recipe configuration rules are set up for the formula owner organization.

Performing a Mass Search and Replace

The Mass Search and Replace window lets you search for and replace components in recipes, formulas, operations, routings, and validity rules.

You cannot replace components in recipes, formulas, operations, routings, or validity rules that have a status of obsolete/archived, or on hold. If you attempt to replace any components in these entities, then a message displays indicating that you can only change the status. You can search for recipes, formulas, operations, routings, or validity rules that are obsolete/archived or on hold. The Update indicator is cleared for these entities. If you attempt to select the Update indicator, then a message displays that indicates you can only update the status. Click the Replace tab, choose Status, and select the Update indicator.

You cannot replace components in recipes, formulas, operations, routings, or validity rules with a status of pending. If workflow, e-records, and e-signatures are enabled, and a status is changed through mass search and replace, then the entity changes to a pending status. You cannot update an entity with a pending status until it is approved. Go to the advanced worklist to approve a pending status through Oracle Workflow or Oracle E-Records, and respond to the notification. If you attempt to replace any components for such entities, then you receive a message.

Important: Upon entering the Mass Search and Replace window, the context organization is used to filter for process-enabled items. You can also search across organizations by leaving the Organization field blank.


To search for and replace components:

  1. Navigate to the Mass Search and Replace window.

  2. Select Formulas, Operations, Recipes, Routings, or Validity Rules from the Find list to specify the type of records to search for and replace.

    Note: If you select Formulas, then you can enter Validity Rule Criteria for Start Date, End Date, Recipe Use, and Status. You can also search for global validity rules.

    Note: If you select Validity Rules, then you can enter the Effective Dates for the validity rule. You can also enter the Standard quantity and the Minimum and Maximum quantities that the validity rule covers.

    Note: Use the Basic and Advanced regions to specify the search criteria.

  3. Enter one or more of the search parameters. It is not necessary to enter them all. You can use string search matching by entering % as wildcard.


  1. Enter the Name of the record type to search and replace.

  2. Enter the Version number of the record type to search and replace.

  3. Enter the Description of the record type to search and replace.

  4. Enter the Organization of the record type to search and replace. Search across organizations by leaving this field blank.

  5. Enter the Owner of the record type to search and replace.

  6. Select a Status of the record type to search and replace.

  7. Click Find to search for all records that match the Basic search criteria. If you do this, then proceed to step 12, or click the Advanced region to enter additional search criteria. If you do this, then proceed to step 11.


  1. Enter an Item, Condition, and Value to specify a condition for the search. For example, to search for all formulas with a version of 1, select Formula Version as the Item, Equal To as the Condition, and enter a Value of 1.

  2. Click Find to search for all records that match Basic and Advanced search criteria. The Results of the search display. If results are not found, then you cannot use GoTo or Replace. To review the details for each record found perform one of the following:

    • Double-click the drill down indicator next to the appropriate Name.

    • Select the appropriate Name and click Go To.

    Return to the Product Development Search and Replace window to continue.

    Note: You cannot use the Replace capability unless you have proper authorization. Contact your system Administrator if you have questions regarding this authorization.


  1. Click the Replace region.

  2. Select the component to replace from the Replace list. Enter the Old component Name and, if required, its Version.

  3. Enter the New component Name to replace in selected Results. Enter a new Version if required. If the component being replaced is a formula, then enter an appropriate Scale Factor. You can replace ingredients using a scale factor greater than zero. However, you cannot replace ingredients using a negative scale factor.

  4. Select the Update indicator next to each Name to replace with the entry made in the new Name field. To update the entire list, choose Select All from the Actions menu. To clear all selections, choose Deselect All from the Actions menu.

  5. Click Replace to perform the specified changes. The message "Are you sure you want to replace this?" displays:

    • Click Yes to proceed with replacement of the selected records with the New Name field.

    • Click No to cancel replacement of the selected records with the New Name field.

    If automatic version control is active, then the message "Create new version?" displays.

  6. Enter Yes to indicate that you want to create a new version, or enter No to keep the same version. If records are not found that meet the replace criteria, then the message "No records were found that meet the replace criteria." displays.

  7. Note the Request ID number.

  8. Choose View from the menu.

  9. Choose Requests to view the status of your request in the concurrent program manager.

  10. Select View Log to determine if there were any problems after your Request ID completes normally. The log displays all successful and failed updates, and it indicates if no records were found for the replacement operation.

Managing Item Substitutions in Formulas

Date-driven item substitutions are often required in the manufacturing process. Formulators define item substitutions to a prescribed list of alternative item replacements with usage managed by defined start and stop dates. The item substitution list is approved through the Item Substitution Status Change Approval Workflow with separate version and status control. Following summarizes the process to create and approve the item substitution list:

  1. Create an item substitution list to specify the original item and its substitute with start and substitution effective dates.

  2. Associate one or more formulas to this item substitution list.

  3. Optionally, use the Find Formula feature to select the list of formulas to associate to the item substitution list.

  4. Associate any formula you have privileges to access except those with a status of Obsolete/Archived.

  5. Apply for a change of status for this item substitution list to start the approval workflow that obtains e-signature approvals. Acquisition of the e-signature finalizes the item substitution list setup. When the list is approved, the item substitution becomes effective in the Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Planning, Costing and Process Execution applications where the substituted item is referenced. The item substitution list cannot be used by a formula unless it has an Approved for General Use status.

Understanding Item Substitutions

Companies use item substitutions to manage a date-specific list of replacement items. This includes raw materials, intermediate items, or packaging components. For example, a product formulator can create a standard formula and include a label as one of the packaging ingredients. As stock supplies are exhausted, or special promotions expire, the labels need to change. Rather than changing the formula each time a label change is required, item substitution lists are created with start dates and end dates so a specific label is assigned to a specific date range. Planning and production have visibility to the substitute items available on any given date.

Associating Formulas to the Item Substitution List

After setting up and approving an item substitution list, associate formulas to each list created. Click Associate Formulas on the Item Substitution List window, and select each formula to use from the LOV or click Find Formula.

Approving Item Substitution Lists

Use Change Status to approve, audit, and manage changes made to an item substitution list. The default status is set to New. Other available statuses are:

If you decide to select Approved for General Use and the e-signature workflow is activated, then the electronic record described in "Item Substitution Status Change Approval Workflow" displays. The list status is set to Pending for Approved General Use until all e-signature approvals are collected. When the approval of the item substitution list is complete, the associate list of formulas and the original formula item line substitution effective date are set. The item substitution list cannot be used by a formula unless it is approved for general use.

Understanding the Replacement UOM Source

For example, substitution of SACCHARIN with ASPARTAME requires an analysis to determine use of the original or replacement UOM. Select the appropriate Replacement UOM Source on the Item Substitution List window. Select Original Item to maintain the original UOM, or select Replacement Item to use the UOM of the substitution item.

Calculating the Replacement Quantity

The Replacement Qty field represents the quantity relationship of the replacement item to its original item. For example, one pound of original item SACCHARIN has a primary UOM of kg. It can be replaced by 0.6 kg of ASPARTAME. Therefore, enter 0.6 as the Replacement Qty.

Example Calculation of Replacement Quantity

When you substitute an item, the substitute quantity is based on the original unit quantity expressed in its primary UOM as displayed on the Item Substitution List window.

Here is an example:

1 unit quantity of master item = 0.6 units replacement item quantity

If the quantity of master item is 100 kg, then

Replacement Qty = 0.6 * 100 kg

                = 60 kg ASPARTAME

Use 60 kg ASPARTAME as a substitution for 100 kg SACCHARIN.

Versioning Item Substitution Lists

Set the Version Control parameter to Yes, No, or Optional. When this parameter is set to:

Accessing Formula Substitution Lists from the Formula Details Window

Access the Formula Substitution List window from the Actions menu on the Formula Details window. Substituted items display in the Substitution Effective Date field on that window.

Understanding the Effective Item in Other Applications

Once an item substitution becomes part of a formula, the OPM Planning, Costing, and Process Execution applications access the substitution as the active, effective item for the defined date range. If an item substitution affects the quality specifications required for a batch, then there are utilities to change the specification association for a sample during sample creation or specification comparison in the OPM Quality Management application.

Creating and Approving Item Substitution Lists

The Item Substitution List window lets you create a list of formulas that you set up for time-based item substitutions. These substitutions are based on dates you enter to start and stop the item substitution.


To create an item substitution list:

  1. Navigate to the Item Substitution List window.

  2. Enter the Name of the item substitution list. Required.

  3. Enter the Version number of the item substitution list. The default is 1. Required.

  4. Enter a Description of the item substitution list. Required.

  5. Status is restricted to:

    • New for a new list that requires approval. Default.

    • Approved for General Use for an approved list name and version.

    • Obsolete/Archived for a list no longer approved for general use.

  6. Choose Change Status from the Actions menu to initiate the Item Substitution Status Change Approval Workflow after entering all required fields.

  7. Enter Original Item as the original item to substitute using this list.

  8. Item Description is the description for the item entered on the Item Master.

  9. Enter Valid From Date as the approved starting date and time for the item substitution list. This is the beginning of the period for which the item substitution is effective, and defaults to the system date. Required.

  10. Enter Valid To Date as the approved ending date and time for the item substitution list. If a date is not entered, then this is an open-ended item substitution list. If the system date is greater than the last entry for this field, then the original item in the formula is used for subsequent batches.

  11. Organization is the default organization code. Required.

  12. Enter Preference as the desirability assigned to this list. A value of 1 is the most desirable list, followed by 2, 3, 4 and so on. If substitution lists have overlapping effective date periods, then the list with the lowest number in this field is used. The Preference field is always unique within a given date range. Required.

  13. Enter Replacement UOM Source as:

    • Original Item to maintain the original item UOM (Default).

    • Replacement Item to use the substitution item UOM.

  14. Enter Item as the replacement item and its Description as entered on the Item Master.

  15. Enter Replacement Qty as the quantity relationship of the replacement item to its original item. Refer to the discussion on Calculating the Replacement Quantity in "Managing Item Substitutions in Formulas."

  16. UOM defaults to the primary unit of measure for the replacement item. If a UOM conversion exists on the Item Master between the new UOM entered and the primary UOM for the replacement item, then change this field.

  17. Enter Formula as the formula to associate to this item substitution list, or use the Find Formula window to enter formulas as described in the task that follows this procedure.

  18. Enter Version as the formula version to associate to this item substitution list.

  19. Description is a brief description of the formula as entered on the Formula Details window.

  20. Status is the status of the formula association. The status displays New until the status of the completed list is obtained.

  21. Item Substitution Effective Date is the date on which the first substitution becomes effective in the associate formula. This date is derived by the application.

To find formulas for substitution lists:

Refer to "Finding Formulas for Item Substitutions" for additional information.

To change the status of the item substitution list:

  1. Choose Change Status from the Actions menu.

  2. Choose one of the following:

    • Approved for General Use to approve the item substitution list for general use.

    • Obsolete/Archived to obsolete an existing item substitution list.

  3. Click OK.

Refer to the discussion on Approving Item Substitution Lists in "Managing Item Substitutions in Formulas" for status changes.

Finding Formulas for Item Substitutions

Use the Find Formulas window to select formulas for item substitutions.


To find formulas for an item substitution

  1. Navigate to the Item Substitution List window.

  2. Enter all required fields described in "Creating and Approving Item Substitution Lists."

  3. Click Associate Formulas.

  4. Click Find Formula to navigate to the Find Formula window.

  5. Enter as many parameters as needed to filter formula search results:

    • Enter search parameters in the Basic region for Formula Name, Version, Description, Class, Product, or Item.

    • Enter Start Date, End Date, Recipe Use, Organization, and Validity Status.

    • Enter search parameters in the Advanced region to enter a specific Item, Condition, or Value.

  6. Click Find.

  7. Review the results of the search.

  8. Select the formulas for use with this item substitution list.

  9. Click OK to display the Associate Formulas window.

Finding Item Substitution Lists

The Find Item Substitution List window retrieves substitution lists based on a set of criteria you enter. Narrow the search based on list status, list version, original and replacement item, and the valid date range for a substitution.


To find an item substitution list:

  1. Navigate to the Find Item Substitution Lists window.

  2. Enter any of the following criteria to narrow your search:

    • Status is restricted to New for a new list that still requires approval, Approved for General Use for an approved list name and version, and Obsolete/Archived for a list no longer approved for general use.

    • Original Ingredient is the original item to substitute using this list.

    • Replacement Item is the item that replaces the original item.

    • Name is the name of the item substitution list.

    • Version is the version of the item substitution list.

    • Description is a description of the item substitution list.

    • Valid From Date is the approved starting date and time for the item substitution list. This is the beginning of the period for which the item substitution is effective, and defaults to the system date.

    • Valid End Date is the approved ending date and time for the item substitution list. If a date is not entered, then this is an open-ended item substitution list.

    • Preference is the desirability assigned to this list. A value of 1 is the most desirable, followed by 2, 3, 4 and so on. If substitution lists have overlapping effective date periods, then the list with the lowest number in this field is used. The Preference field is always unique within a given date range.

  3. Click Find.

To clear the Find Item Substitution List window:

Click Clear to clear the item substitution list. The Original Ingredient continues to display.

Finding Formula Substitution Lists

The Formula Substitution Lists window displays all substitution lists associated to a formula item when you are on the Formula Details window. The substitution list details are display only, and cannot be modified, overridden, or deleted on this window.


To display formula substitutions from the Formula Details window:

  1. Navigate to the Formula Details window.

  2. Select an ingredient line with effective date for item substitution.

  3. Choose Substitution Lists from the Tools menu.

  4. The following fields are display only on the Formula Substitution Lists window:

    • Original Item is the original item to substitute using this list.

    • Description is a description of the original item as entered on the Item Master.

    • Item Substitution Lists is the name of the item substitution list.

    • Version is the version of the item substitution list.

    • Description is the description of the substitution list.

    • Status is status of the item substitution list.

    • Valid From is the approved starting date and time for the item substitution list. This is the beginning of the period for which the item substitution is effective, and defaults to the system date.

    • Valid To is the approved ending date and time for the item substitution list. If a date is not entered, then this is an open-ended item substitution list.

    • Preference is the desirability assigned to this list. A value of 1 is the most desirable, followed by 2, 3, 4 and so on. If substitution lists have overlapping effective date periods, then the list with the lowest number in this field is used. The Preference field is always unique within a given date range.

    • Substitute Items is the replacement item for the original item.

    • Description is the description of the replacement item.

    • Replacement Qty is the quantity relationship of the replacement item to its original item. Refer to the discussion on Calculating the Replacement Quantity in "Managing Item Substitutions in Formulas."

    • UOM is the primary UOM for the replacement item.

To display an item substitution list:

  1. Click the desired Item Substitution List.

  2. Click Details.

Item Substitution Status Change Approval Workflow

The Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Product Development Item Substitution Status Change Approval Workflow notifies the workflow recipient that an item substitution list was created and requires approval for general use or approval to make obsolete or archived. The item substitution list cannot be used with its associate formulas unless it has a status of Approved for General Use.


Refer to the Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide to set up the following:

Setting up GMD ERES Item Substitution Status Change Approval Event

When you request a status change to Approved for General Use or Obsolete/Archived, this business event is triggered for an item substitution.

Following summarizes the subscription for the oracle.apps.gmd.itemsub.sts business event:

Field Value
Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.itemsub.sts
Display Name GMD ERES Item Substitution Status Change Approval
Owner Name Product Development
Owner Tag GMD
Description Item Substitution Status Change Approval

E-record for Item Substitution Lists

The workflow sends a notification to the contact person to approve the item substitution list. The e-record event can be set to run ON-LINE or in DEFERRED mode.

The body of the notification for the Item Substitution Status Change Approval transaction follows:

Substitution Name: Substitution 455-1234
Version: 2
Description: Substitution for Item 455-1234
Original Item: 455-1234
Description: Original Item Used
Original Item Qty: 1.0000
Original Item UOM: KG
Valid From Date: 11-Feb-2005
Valid To Date:   28-FEB-2005
Preference: 1
New Status: Approved for General Use
Item Substitution Descriptions:
Language     Description
US           Item 455-1234 - English
F            Item 455-1234 - French
ESP          Item 455-1234 - Spanish
Replacement Item
Item          Description      Unit Quantity     UOM
421-999E      Ing. 421-999      2                LB
Associated Formulas
Formula       Version         Description
Formula 1     190.0           Formula 1 Description
Formula 2     290.0           Formula 2 Description