Profile Options

This appendix covers the following topics:

Profile Options

The following table lists the profile options used by Oracle Collaborative Planning. Valid values, default values and profile option descriptions are also listed in the table.

Profile Option Valid Values Default Value Description
MSC: CP Debug Level Debug-Off/ Debug-On/ Debug-High Debug - High Controls the level of detail in the concurrent program log messages for Collaborative Planning. Off = no debug messages are generated; On = short debug messages are generated; High = detailed debug messages are generated.
MSC: SCEM Engine Launch Events None/Load/ Publish/All All Launches the Supply Chain Event Manager when data is loaded, published, or both.
MSC: New Supply Commit Auto Plan A valid ASCP Plan Null ASCP plan launched when a supplier provides supply commits to Oracle Collaborative Planning. This should be a constrained plan.
MSC: Launch Workflow-Enabled Exception Message Notifications Yes/No Yes Determines if notification messages are sent when an Oracle Collaborative Planning exception is generated.
MSC: New Forecast Auto Plan A valid ASCP Plan Null ASCP plan launched when a customer provided forecast into Oracle Collaborative Planing. This plan should be unconstrained.
MSC: Configuration APS/APS & CP/CP APS Indicates whether Oracle Collaborative Planning is deployed. If it is deployed together with an Oracle ERP instance use APS & CP. If it is standalone use CP.
MSC: Operator Company Name Your company name Not Applicable Provides the name of the company that deployed Collaborative Planning. All subsequent supply and demand records loaded for this company should use this value.
MSC: Vertical View Default Query Yes/No Yes Used by Oracle Collaborative Planning to determine whether default results are displayed for the vertical view.
MSC: VMI Default Query Yes/No Yes Used by Oracle Collaborative Planning to determine whether default results are displayed in the vendor managed inventory window.
MSC: Order Number-CA Mandatory for CVMI Yes/No No Determines whether the order number is mandatory for a consumption advice, while the customer enters the consumption advice record. If the profile option is set to Yes, the user must enter order number for the consumption advice.
If the value for the profile option MSC: Order Number-CA Mandatory for CVMI is set to No, the key date for sales orders and ASN is considered as part of deletion key.
MSC: Publish Supply Commit Based on Pegging Information Yes/No No Enables or disables detailed publish of supply commits as a single supply commit record or multiple supply commit records if there are multiple supplies to meet the demand.
MSC: Purchase Order Dock Date Calculation Preference Promise Date/Need By Date Promise Date Determines the date used by planning as the dock date of a purchase order.
MSC: ATP Allocation Method Demand Priority/User-Defined Allocation Percentage   Enables you to decide which allocation method to use.
MSC: Class Hierarchy Demand Class