
An optional feature in User Management, whereby approvers can reject or approve new user accounts. In the User tab, the System Administrator Console provides windows so you can view, create, modify, delete, enable, and disable approvals, including those for specific organizations.
approval flow
The approval flow is a predefined flow of steps required to approve user registration or service enrollment requests in User Management.
An assignee is the designated person who is assigned to fulfill a specific task or assignment. If an assigned task cannot be completed by the assignee, then the owner of this task can reassign a new resource (assignee) to this task.The assignee, can also be the owner of the task.
Assignment Manager
The Assignment Manager is a tool that helps you assign resources to a task or a document.
assisted assignment option
The assisted assignment option is used to assign a resource to a task or a document based on predefined criteria in the Assignment Manager.
An attachment is any document associated with one or more application modules. You can view attachments as you review and maintain a module. For example: operating instructions, purchase order, notes, item drawings, presentations, or an employee photo can be an attachment.
An audit displays a history of changes that have been made to information in Oracle e-Business Suite.
automatic assignment
Automatic assignment refers to the matching of territories to resources resulting in a "Winning Territory" in Territory Management.
Bins are small reports, which display high-level summary information in a tabular format on your homepage.
business rule
A business rule is a user-defined condition. When a rule is violated, a relevant workflow process can be triggered.
Business Rule Monitor (BRM)
The Business Rule Monitor is the engine that monitors documents over time against user-defined business rules.
business rule owner
A business rule owner is an employee resource who enforces the business rules.
business rule workbench
The Business Rule workbench is used to define a business rule in BRM.
business user
A business user is a typical Business to Business (B2B) user, associated with an organization. Generally, the Primary user(s) of the same organization approves these users.
Calendar (HTML)
The HTML Calendar is a tool to effectively manage your daily activities, appointments, and tasks.
Calendar (Forms)
The Forms-based Calendar is a scheduling tool used to define and view available and non-available time for a resource or group of resources.
calendar datebook
The calendar datebook displays time availability for yourself, a resource, or a group of resources in the Forms-based Calendar.
concurrent manager
The concurrent manager is a process manager that coordinates the processes generated by users' requests to run various data-intensive programs. An Oracle applications product group can have several concurrent managers.
A contact contains information about a person and how to locate them such as their phone number and e-mail address.
control tower
The Control Tower is a window in Field Service where you can view resource availability or assign resources to a task.
Customers are typically primary users, Business to Business (B2B) users, business to Customer (B2C), and (individual) users.
customer relationship escalation
A customer relationship escalation is an escalation document that escalates multiple support requests or tasks.
Customizations are enhancements to an Oracle Applications system made to fit the needs of a specific user community.
A dependency is where one task must complete before another. This functionality is only available in the Forms-based Task Manager.
dynamic group
A dynamic group is a group which is created based on your criteria by using SQL statements in the Resource Manager.
effective dates
Effective dates are the dates used by Oracle E-Business Suite to specify when something is going to begin.
An employee is a resource type that represents a person who is hired to work for a company. Employee resources can be imported as resources from the Oracle Human Resources Management System (HRMS).
Enrollment is a set of add-on services that you can receive during or after registration in User Management. One enrollment corresponds to zero or one responsibility, zero or one template, zero or one approval and zero or more roles. Enrollments are application specific and can be tied to user types.
An escalation is a modification of a process, a status, or both, to reflect an increased level of importance and a more immediate degree of response.
escalation management
Escalation Management is the process of managing proactive and reactive escalations. Proactive escalations are managed using the Business Rule Monitor and reactive escalations are managed using Escalation Manager.
Escalation Manager
Escalation Manager is a tool used to reprioritize, reassign, and monitor a situation, such as a service request or task, to a satisfactory completion.
escalation owner
An escalation owner is a person who oversees the escalation task, or document in Escalation Management. Once a task or document is escalated, the responsibility of the original owner of the escalated task is transferred to the escalation owner.
escalation plan
An escalation plan is a series of follow up tasks that are attached to the escalation document.
An exception is defined the time that a resource is not available in the Forms-based Calendar. Examples of exceptions include holidays, vacations, sick days, or weekends.
explicit enrollment
Explicit enrollments are enrollments that you manually register for during the registration process from the "Register Here" link in User Management.
Forms are a logical collection of fields, regions, and graphical components that appears on a single screen. Oracle applications forms resemble paper forms used to run a business. You enter data by typing information into the form.
forms server
A Forms server is a type of application server that hosts the Forms server engine. It mediates between the desktop client and the database, providing input screens for the Forms-based products on the desktop client and creating or changing database records based on user actions.
A framework is a collection of collaborating classes. The interaction framework dictates the architecture. It defines the overall structure, its partitioning into classes and objects, the key responsibilities, how the classes and objects collaborate, and the thread of control.
full access
Full access provides you with the ability to read and edit, and delete a record. This access type does not include the capability of granting access to others.
functions (privileges)
A function is an action that can be performed on an object or object instance. It can be granted to a user or user group that means gives them permission to perform that function. Therefore, a function can also be referred as a permission or privilege from a user's point of view.
Gantt Chart
The Gantt chart provides a graphical overview of the scheduled tasks for resources.
grant (authorization)
A grant is an authorization for the grantee (users, or user groups) to perform the specified object role on the specified object instance or object instance set.
group calendar
A group calendar is a calendar used only by its subscribers in the HTML Calendar. For example, a group calendar called Key Account can be used by any subscriber after the subscription is approved.
An interface used with personal computers and workstations that allows the user to access fields and regions of the screen with a pointing device, typically a mouse. The acronym is pronounced "goo-ee."
HTML (hypertext markup language)
HTML is a simple language used to format documents, predominantly for viewing with a web browser. Portions of text or images, called hypertext, can be associated with other documents.
HTTP (Hypertext transfer protocol)
The TCP/IP-based network protocol used to transmit requests and documents between an HTTP server and a web browser.
HTTP listener
An HTTP listener is a program on an HTTP server that accepts and processes incoming HTTP requests from web browsers.
implicit enrollment
These are enrollments for which a user is automatically registered for during the registration process using the "Register Here" link In User Management. The user is not asked to register for these enrollments. Instead, they are automatically attached to the user upon registration.
individual user
An individual user is an individual with no relationship to an organization in User Management. Generally, no approval is required for this type of user.
intelligent assignment option
The intelligent assignment option is no longer used.
JAR (java archive) file
JAR files are a collection of Java classes compressed into files for faster download to a desktop client.
java class
Java classes are components of a Java program that define objects and operations performed on objects. A Java class also identifies an operating system file that contains a program or part of a program written in Java.
Oracle JInitiator enables end users to run Oracle Developer Server applications directly within Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer on the Windows 95, 98, or 2000 and Windows NT4.0 platforms. Implemented as a plug-in (Netscape Navigator) or ActiveX component (Microsoft Internet Explorer), Oracle JInitiator allows you to specify the use of Oracle's Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on web clients instead of having to use the browser's default JVM.
Java server pages are an extension to the Java servlet technology that was developed by Sun as an alternative to Microsoft's ASPs (Active Server Pages). JSPs have dynamic scripting capability that works in tandem with HTML code, separating the page logic from the static elements — the actual design and display of the page.
list of values (LOV)
A list of value is a predefined list of choices that the user has to chose from.
menus (roles)
A menu is a grouping of functions. It is required to group functions into related sets of menus necessary to perform a particular job role on an object instance. A good example is an "Administrator" menu, which might include many functions required for a user with an administrator role to perform his job. Therefore, menus can also be referred as roles.
merchant administrator (system administrator)
The Merchant or System Administrator is the main administrator of a company who approves requests for primary, business, and individual users in the User Management process. This System Administrator, who has the JTREG_APPROVAL permission, sees all the pending requests to be approved and is able to approve them.
Merchants refer to implementors of the Oracle E-Business Suite. This term is used to clear up any confusion with the term “customers”, which refers to customers of a business using Oracle products as opposed to those implementing the product.
Notes is a tool that provides additional text locations where you can specify more detail, if needed. A note can be added to a task.
note source
A note source is the originating module of the note. For example, if the notes are entered from a service request application, then the source of the note is Service Request.
note status
Note status determines note accessibility. For example, you can define a private note with status of Personal so that only you can see the note. There are three statuses available for notes that you can set:
  • Private: Only the creator can view it.

  • Public: The creator and others can read or write to it.

  • Publish: Publishable over the Internet. Everyone can view it. This status is currently not used.

note text
A large type note, such as a customer's letter or directions.
note type
Note types provide a further categorization to the notes based on a user's individual needs. Also, a note type can be tied to a source type and such note types are visible only to that mapped source. Therefore, you must choose between the entire note types that have been defined for your source and those which do not have any source type attached to them.
An object is a type of thing on which security can be managed. For example, Tasks and Notes can be examples of an object.In a technical definition, each object must be registered in the FND_OBJECTS tables. Every object definition will contain related database object (table or view) and primary key information for the object.
Object Instances
An object instance is a subset of an object. This generally corresponds to a row (or related set of rows) in the database. For example, if Notes is considered an object, then the Note with number 1541 is an object instance.In a technical explanation, object instances are derived from the primary key values. The primary key values should be set for the registered object in the FND_GRANTS table.
Object Instance Sets
An object instance set is a group of multiple object instances. For example, all notes with a number smaller than 5 could be considered as an object instance set. In a technical definition, object instance set definition is stored in the FND_OBJECT_INSTANCE_SET table. The definition contains a SQL where clause, the predicate, that combined with the object definition will return all the object instances that are part of the object instance set.
OMO is an acronym for Oracle Marketing Online.
OSO is an acronym for Oracle Sales Online.
Other/TBH is the only resource that is created and not imported in the Forms-based version of Resource Manager. Use this resource to create a salesperson that is going to be hired (TBH) but is not yet an employee.
An owner is a resource person who oversees a task or a document. Use the Task Manager: Default Task Owner profile option to set the default to a specific owner. For example, tasks can be owned by a specific employee such as Ms. Marsha Able. This way she can oversee the work completed per task.
A partner is one of two or more persons who contribute capital to establish or maintain a commercial venture and who usually share in the risks and profits.
A party is a person, group, or organization and is owned by TCA. Party relates to an employee, customer, or organization that can be related to a task.
A permission is the HTML equivalent to a responsibility.
Within a resource category, there could be numerous platforms in skills management. A resource can be rated individually for each of those platforms. Platforms can be rated with the following: foundation, intermediate, skilled, advanced, expert, or N/A.
PL/SQL is a procedural extension of SQL that provides programming constructs such as blocks, conditionals, and functions.
In TCP/IP and UDP networks, a port is an endpoint to a logical connection. The port number identifies what type of port it is. For example, port 80 is used for HTTP traffic.
primary user
A primary user is a designated person of an external organization, like a business partner, who is responsible for some administrative functions on behalf of the external organization in User Management. In the case of registration the primary user is responsible for managing the registration and maintenance of users, accounts, and enrollments. Primary users of different parties may have access to different responsibilities and they may be granted different access rights.
Privileges define how a user can operate a system resource on a network or a file server. Privileges also define a right to execute a particular type of SQL statement or to access another user's object. For example, the right to create a table or session.
problem code
Within a category in skills management, there could be numerous problem codes. A resource can be rated individually for each of those problem codes. Problem codes can be rated with the following: foundation, intermediate, skilled, advanced, expert, or N/A.
Within a category in skills management, it is possible to have numerous products. A resource can be rated individually for each of those products. A product can be sub-divided into components. Products can be rated with the following: foundation, intermediate, skilled, advanced, expert, or N/A.
profile option
A profile option is a set of changeable attributes that affect the way Oracle applications appear and how they function.You set profile options whenever you want the application to react in different ways for different users, depending on specific user attributes. They can be set at the user, application, site, or responsibility level.
proxy server
A server that sits between a client application, such as a Web browser, and a real server. It intercepts all requests to the real server to see if it can fulfill the requests itself. If not, it forwards the request to the real server.
public calendar
A public calendar can be used by everyone. Examples of public calendars can be corporate holiday calendar and local holiday calendars for branch offices.
Read-only access provides you with read-only capability. You cannot edit or delete any information.
Recurrence is where a task is repeatedly assigned to a user in a pre-specified time increment such as daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.
reference document
A reference document is a document that is linked to an escalation document. For example, a service request (number 9229) is escalated to John Smith in an escalation document (number 11749), then this service request (number 9229) is a reference document.
Reference is where one task relates to another document. For example, a task can be related to a service request.
reference type
A reference type specifies whether or not a reference document is escalated or used to provide additional information in Escalation Management.
Registration is the process by which any user gains some access to the application's functionality.
registration self-service administration UI
The registration self-service administration UI is used by System Administrators, and at times primary users, to maintain external organization or internal group, users, parties, and accounts in User Management.
registration self-service user UI
The registration self-service user UI is used by the primary, individual, or business users to register themselves in User Management.
registration templates
Applications require varying pieces of information to register different types of users in User Management. Registration templates refer to JSP files that are used to capture the registration information that is special to a particular user type or enrollment.
repeating task
A repeating task is repeated in specified time increment such as daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.
request owner
The request owner is the current approver based on the approver list and current state of workflow defined for a given approval in User Management. The request owner is only able to approve the requests which they currently own. This user should have “JTAPPROVER” permission. The request owner is tied to the JTUM_APPROVAL_OWNER profile option.
A resource is the basic element of the Resource Manager and is defined as people, places and things.
resource category
There are five types of resources defined in Resource Manager: party, employee, partner, supplier contact, other/to be hired (TBH).
resource component
Within a product in skills management, there are numerous components. A resource can be rated individually for each of those components. Components can be rated with the following: foundation, intermediate, skilled, advanced, expert, or N/A.
Resource Manager
The Resource Manager is a tool used to define, access, and maintain all resources in Oracle E-Business Suite.
resource skill category
A resource skill category is the highest level that a resource can be rated in relation to skills management. If a resource is rated at the category level, and not rated at any one of the product, platform, or product code levels, it does not imply the resource is also rated at those levels. Categories can be rated with the following: foundation, intermediate, skilled, advanced, expert, or N/A.
Responsibilities are groupings of application menus that determine the user interface accessible to a particular user.
Roles are groupings of permissions, which are page level and function level granular privileges used to maintain application security.
role attribute
A role attribute is associated with a role. It defines the responsibility for each role in a group or team in the Resource Manager. For example, a Telesales Agent role represents the Member role attribute in a group, and a Sales Manager role represents the Manager role attribute in a group.
role type
A role type is a collection of roles associated with a particular module in Oracle E-Business Suite.
A salesperson is a generic term used for any person involved in the sale or support of products and services.
self-service registration
Rather than asking an Administrator to register users manually, users can register themselves through a self-service UI in User Management. Self-service registration includes the UI and the background processes used to complete the registration process. This involves assigning users the correct data and UI access privileges.
service request
A service request is a document that tracks information about a customer's product and service problems.
A servlet is a Java program executed on an HTTP server, rather than downloaded to a desktop client.
Shifts define a resource's availability to work in the Forms-based Calendar.
shift pattern
Shift pattern is a set of shifts, such as First Shift Monday through Friday 08:00 a.m - 05:00 p.m. in the Forms-based Calendar.
skills management
Skills management provides the ability to add a new skill rating to a resource in the Resource Manager. The resource can update and maintain their skill rating, attach a numeric value to each skill level, and change the actual name of each skill level.
A source is the originator of the note. For example, if the notes are entered from a service request application, then the source of the note is Service Request. Sources are pre-defined.
source object
The source object is the originator of the task, note, or appointment; for example, Sales, Service, or Contract.
A spreadtable is the user interface component that contains row, columns, and column headers set in a grid that can be embedded into an Oracle form.
SQL (structured query language)
SQL is an internationally standard language used to access data in a relational database. The acronym is pronounced “sequel.”
SQL*Plus is an Oracle tool used to submit SQL statements to an Oracle database server for execution. It has its own command language.
SQL script
A SQL script is a file containing SQL statements that you run with a tool such as SQL*Plus to query or update Oracle data.
supplier contact
A supplier contact is the contact information for a person or agency that sells raw material or goods in the Resource Manager. Supplier resources can be imported as resources from the purchasing (PO) application.
system administrator
The System Administrator is the person who manages administrative tasks in Oracle Applications, such as registering new users and defining system printers, using the System Administrator responsibility.
A task is a discrete unit of work that is assigned to one or more individuals. Tasks are managed by the Task Manager. Tasks are often scheduled events and have defined expirations.
task assignee
An assignee is the person that is assigned to a task, which can include the owner. An assignee can accept, refuse, or reassign the task.
task category
A task category as a way of organizing tasks. For example, the task can be a phone call and the category could be call back customer.
task creator
The creator is the originator of the task and defaults to the owner. However, the owner can be modified.
task template
A task template is a skeleton or surrogate task.
task group template
A task group template is a grouping of different task templates defined during setup.
Task Manager
Task Manager is a tool used to manage tasks throughout other applications. Task Manager provides a mechanism for tasks to be created, assigned, managed, sorted, and prioritized to provide timely response to customer issues.
task owner
An owner is the person (resource) that creates and is responsible for the task.
task type
A task type defines the nature of the task such as a callback or a meeting.
TCP/IP (transmission control protocol / internet protocol)
A widely-used industry-standard networking protocol used for communication among computers.
A team is a collection of cross-functional resources. It is organized for the purpose of accomplishing a project in the Resource Manager. Team members are chosen for their availability, qualifications, and location. This functionality can be defined in the Forms version of Resource Manager only.
template handler
Template handlers refers to how the data flow built by other applications occur among registration and how they are associated with enrollments and user types in User Management.
Thin Client Framework (TCF)
The Thin Client Framework server is a middle tier process that enables certain Java components of the Oracle Applications user interface to communicate with the middle tier and database tier.
A set of machines that perform similar tasks. Client/server is a two-tier architecture, with machines on the client tier connecting to machines on the server tier. Internet Computing Architecture consists of three tiers. Machines on the desktop client tier communicate with machines on the application tier, which in turn, communicate with each other and with machines on the database tier.
to do list
A to do list is a personal listing of things to do.
unassisted assignment option
The unassisted assignment option is used to manually assign a resource to a document or task of your choice without taking predefined criteria into account in the Assignment Manager.
universal primary user approver
Create a universal primary user approver if you want to have multiple primary users in User Management.
A user is a single person with an account on the system (represented by a row entry in FND_USER). Users can be referred as Grantee if they are the subjects of a data security grant. These users must be exposed in the WUSER table.Users can be grouped into groups.
user group
A user group is any grouping of FND_USERS who are exposed through the WROLES view. User groups can be referred as Grantee if they are the subjects of a data security grant. These user groups must be exposed in the WROLES table.
user ID
The User ID is a combination of a username and its password.
User Management
User Management is a tool used to registering a user and thereafter maintaining the user in the system by granting or revoking privileges, accounts, customer profile information, and party relationships based on a set of business requirements set-forth by the organization where the process is deployed.
A name that grants access to a secure environment or program, such as an Oracle database or Oracle applications. A username is customarily associated with a collection of privileges and data available to a particular user (responsibilities in Oracle Applications). Every username is associated with a password.
user profile
User profiles, which are associated with responsibilities, are a set of user interfaces that give users access to their personal data and preferences.
user type
A user type is a category of users that caters to the specific needs of an application's business requirements in User Management. User types allow flexible and extensible ways for defining, categorizing and implementing behavior of users. A user type is associated to only one template, one responsibility, zero or one approval and zero or more roles.
web availability
Web availability is defined as a resource who has the immediate ability to attend to a service request that is assigned online in the Resource Manager.
window to promise assignment option
The Window to Promise assignment option is no longer used.
Work is broadly defined as a collection of items presented to an agent through the Oracle E-Business application to be processed. Work items can be either a media item or a task.
Oracle Workflow automates and continuously improves business processes, routing information of any type according to business rules you can change. Oracle Workflow manages business processes according to rules that you define. The rules, which we call a workflow process definition, include the activities that occur in the process and the relationship between those activities. An activity in a process definition can be an automated function defined by:
  • a PL/SQL stored procedure or an external function

  • a notification to a user or role that they may request a response

  • a business event

  • a subflow that itself is made up of many activities.

workflow attributes
Workflow attributes control the behavior of the workflow.
workflow monitor
The workflow monitor is a Java based tool used for administering and viewing workflow process.