High Volume Order Processing

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of High Volume Order Processing

High Volume Order Processing (HVOP) enables to you to import large volume orders. HVOP supports both Basic Pricing and Oracle Advanced Pricing.

In Order Management, HVOP is optimized when used in pricing setups with basic modifiers. However, HVOP is not optimized if any of the following exist in the pricing setup:

To see if your pricing setup is compliant with the optimized pricing path, check the profile option, QP: High Volume Order Processing Compliance for the following conditions:

To update the QP: High Volume Order Processing Compliance profile option, run the concurrent program QP: Maintain Denormalised data in QP Qualifiers with "Update High Volume Order Processing profile" selected as the Update Type. Then review the profile option to confirm if the pricing setup is compliant with the optimized pricing path.

Attribute Mapping Rules Restrictions

HVOP uses the same attribute mapping rules (including the custom mapping rules used by Order Import or Sales Order pad) to source attributes to the pricing engine.

However, one restriction applies to the custom attribute mapping rules: any references to the OM global record structure inside the API must be removed and instead, must be passed as input parameters to the API. The Build Sourcing API automatically maps these references to the global record structure elements to the appropriate memory structure elements.

Also, in the optimized pricing path, the order lines are not posted to the database before pricing. So any mapping rules that review the OE tables to derive custom attributes need to look at the memory structures during the HVOP path. For more information, see the QP_SOURCING_API_PUB.Get_Order_Amount API in the Oracle Order Management Open Interfaces, API,& Electronic Messaging Guide or sample implementation for details.

If the custom mapping rules which reference the OE global record structure elements in the custom API or if custom mapping logic looking at the OE tables are not changed, the attributes will not be sourced correctly.

Until they are changed, the HVOP profile may be manually set to No to price using the non-optimized path, so that the attributes are sourced correctly. Once the mapping rules are fixed, the HVOP concurrent program should be run to reset the HVOP profile to use the optimized pricing path.

Related Topics

Order Management User's Guide

Oracle Order Management Implementation Manual