Electronic Messaging

Overview of Electronic Messaging

XML Transactions

Oracle Shipping Execution enables the communication of information to external sources outside of Oracle E-Business Suite and internal sources outside of Oracle Shipping Execution through the use of XML (Extensible Markup Language).

Oracle XML Gateway must be installed and configured before using XML with Shipping Execution. See: Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide.

Oracle Shipping Execution uses XML transactions in many shipping processes, including DSNO (Departure Ship Notice Outbound) and carrier manifesting (shipment request and shipment advice).

DSNO (Departure Shipment Notice Outbound)

DSNO is a departure notice for shipments leaving your facility. It is an outbound XML message that is sent at ship confirm. DSNO is the Oracle Shipping Execution notification of shipment (similar to an ASN) containing the details of a given delivery.

DSNO is executed from the Shipping Transactions Form or Quick Ship window as the action Send Outbound Message.

The DSNO XML file contains information such as ship-to address, purchase order, requested ship date, etc. The formatted XML file is sent electronically to a previously specified recipient.

XML Transactions with Carrier Manifesting Systems

XML transactions are used to transmit delivery details to a carrier manifesting system. Once the carrier manifesting system has processed the delivery, the shipping details are transmitted back to Oracle Shipping Execution using an XML shipment response transaction.

The XML transactions used for carrier manifesting are ShowShipment Request and ShowShipment Advice. Both are modified versions of the Open Applications Group (OAG) document type definition (DTD) show_shipment_005 and contain data such as:

Setting Up XML Transactions with Carrier Manifesting Systems

You can send an outbound message to a carrier manifesting system, including data pertinent to the delivery, that will allow the manifesting system to calculate the total weight, calculate the total freight costs, and produce the required shipping labels and paperwork for shipment. The XML transaction, Shipment Request, extracts data from the delivery tables. After the carrier manifesting system has performed its functions, Oracle Shipping Execution will receive shipment information from the manifesting system in the form an XML Shipment Response transaction. The data transmitted will have the information required to complete the shipment, including designated carrier, vehicle information, freight costs, and other information.

Note: You can use the Action View Message History at the delivery level to view the history of XML messages that have been exchanged. This Action is only available if you have the appropriate privilege assigned to your role.

To enable XML Transactions for carrier manifesting, you must do the following:

You can setup a concurrent request that will automatically send the Shipment Request to the manifest partner for eligible delivery lines.

To set up automated carrier manifesting:

  1. Navigate to the Shipping Interfaces window.

  2. Enter Automated Carrier Manifesting in Name field.

  3. Define the parameters.

    A concurrent request will be launched in the background that will automatically manifest deliveries that meet the criteria (ship from organization, carrier, customer, scheduled from/to dates, etc.) This concurrent request can be scheduled to run periodically so that the process is automated.

To manually initiate an XML transaction for a single delivery within the Shipping Transactions form

  1. Navigate to the Shipping Transactions form.

  2. Find your delivery.

  3. Select the action Send Outbound Message.

    A pop up window displays. You can select from the following transactions that send the corresponding XML transactions:

    • Send Shipment Request: Shipment must be pick released and packed. Oracle Shipping Execution will extract shipment information and send it to the carrier manifesting system using an XML transaction (Request Shipment).

      When a shipment request is sent, the delivery is locked to prevent updates while it waits for feedback from the carrier manifesting system. To update the delivery details, you can unlock the delivery by using the Send Shipment Cancellation. You must then send another Shipment Request if you expect a response.

      Note: Manual ship confirm is disabled for a delivery if the organization and carrier are manifest enabled.

    • Send Shipment Advice: Not currently used.

    • Send Shipment Cancellation: Transmits a message to the carrier's manifesting system to cancel the shipment request

      Send Outbound Message Window

      the picture is described in the document text

Miscellaneous Shipments

Transactions with Miscellaneous Shipments

Oracle Shipping Execution enables you to process and ship confirm deliveries that are not generated through Oracle Order Management, for example from a legacy, non-Oracle order management system. Further, deliveries can also be created for miscellaneous shipments, such as outside processing shipments or return to vendor shipments.

Shipments from legacy systems are sent to Oracle Shipping Execution using XML. The XML transactions Shipment_Request and Shipment_Advice are used to transmit the data to and from the legacy system and Oracle Shipping Execution.

The XML transaction Shipment_Request is equivalent to the EDI transaction 940 Inbound. This transaction is used to send miscellaneous shipment information to Oracle Shipping Execution. This information is then processed and a delivery is created. Ship confirm information is then sent back to the legacy system using the XML transaction Shipment_Advice, which is equivalent to the EDI transaction 945 Outbound. This transaction is used to send delivery and ship confirm information back (as confirmation) to the originating source of the shipment.

The Oracle XML Gateway is used to generate the XML messages. The organization must be a Distributed Organization. See Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide.

Miscellaneous deliveries created in Shipping Execution are treated no different than deliveries created in Oracle Order Management; however, the following details are understood: