Implementation Steps for Outlook Synchronization Functionality

Setting Mandatory Profile Options

Set the following profile options for the synchronization with Pocket Outlook and Desktop Outlook:

The profile option Task Manager: Default Task Type is already set to work correctly with synchronization. Please do not change the setting.

Setting Optional Profile Options

You can change the following profile options.

Concurrent Programs

Purge Synchronization Data Concurrent Program

Schedule the concurrent program CACSYNCP to permanently delete data for obsolete devices or users. The Expiry parameter sets the number of days, with a default of 180. Data that has not been updated for longer than the expiry value is purged.

After you run the CAC SYNC Purge/Cleanup concurrent request, then the ‘SYNCML’ error will not appear in Microsoft Outlook while synchronizing data from Outlook 2007 to server.

Deleting Invalid Contacts Concurrent Program

The concurrent program Delete Invalid Contacts from User Preference checks for the status of the contacts in the contact list. The program checks whether

  1. The contacts in the download list are active contacts

  2. The user is a member of the customer sales team

Schedule this concurrent program to run periodically to keep the contacts in the users’ contact lists current.

Enabling Outlook Preferences Menu

This menu contains the functions for setting up the contact list and downloading clients.

Add the submenu for Outlook Synchronization to the ASN menu ASN_HOME_MENU. The submenu to add is ASP: Outlook Synchronization Preferences Container Menu (ASP_OUTLOOK_SYNC_PRF_CONTAINER).

Attributes Mapping for Outlook Synchronization

The following sections describe the mapping between attributes in Pocket Outlook/Outlook and Oracle eBusiness Suite. The mappings apply to Oracle Sales for Handhelds and Oracle Sales.

Appointment Attribute Mapping

The following table describes the appointment attribute mapping between Outlook/Pocket Outlook and Oracle eBusiness Suite.

Pocket Outlook Field Pocket Outlook Value Outlook Field Outlook Value eBusiness Field eBusiness Value
Subject Freeform Text (carriage return is supported)/ 4096 characters Subject Freeform Text Subject Freeform Text / 80
Location Freeform Text/ 1023 characters Location Freeform Text Location Free form Text/100
Starts Time/Date Field Start Time Time/Date Field Time/Date Time/Date Field
Ends Time/Date Field End Time Time/Date Field    
        Duration Number of minutes/hours or All Day
All Day Yes/No All Day Event Check Box All Day  
Occurs User defined Recurrence User defined Repeating (with exclusions) User defined
Reminder None/Remind Me Reminder Check Box Reminder Do not remind me/number minutes/hours/days
Attendees Multi-select LOV of contacts Attendees Multi-select LOV of contacts Attendees Multi-select LOV of employees
Status Free/Tentative/Busy/Out of Office Show Time As Free/Tentative/Busy/Out of Office Show Time As Busy/Free
Sensitivity Normal/Private Private Check Box Access Publish/ Private/ Internal
Body Freeform Text/ 20 KB Body Freeform Text Description Freeform Text / 4000

Note: If Property Manager is installed, then the location can be either freeform text or a Pick list. If the user creates the appointment using a property manager location and later updates the location via outlook, then the location will not be updated in Oracle eBusiness Suite during subsequent synchronizations. The property manager location will remain in Oracle eBusiness Suite.

Task Attribute Mapping

The following table describes the task attribute mapping between Outlook/Pocket Outlook and Oracle eBusiness Suite.

Pocket Outlook Field Pocket Outlook Value Outlook Field Outlook Value eBusiness Field eBusiness Value
Subject Freeform Text/ 4095 characters Subject Freeform Text Subject Freeform Text/ 80
Priority High/Normal/Low Priority High, Normal, Low Priority Drop down (with number values)
Status Not Complete/ Completed Status Not started, In progress, Waiting on someone else, Deferred Status Drop Down
Starts Date picker Start Date Date picker    
Due Date picker Due Date Date picker Due Date Date picker
Sensitivity Normal/Private Private Check box Visibility Internal Only/ Private/ Public
Body Freeform text/ 60 KB Body Freeform text Description Freeform Text/ 4000

Note: Status: Updating completed flag in Outlook should update the assignee status on the server to completed. Complete = Completed; On Hold = Deferred; Not Started = Not Started; In progress = In Progress; Interrupted = Waiting on someone else; User defined/Other = Matched based on the flag on the server.

Task Status Attribute Mapping

The following table provides task status mapping when tasks are downloaded from Oracle eBusiness Suite to Outlook.

Task Status in eBusiness Suite Task Status in Outlook Notes
Not Started Not Started  
In Progress In Progress  
Assigned Not Started  
Working In Progress  
Schedulable Not Started  
Accepted In Progress  
Interrupted Waiting on Someone Else  
On Hold Deferred  
Completed Completed Supported for Pocket PC
Closed Completed Supported for Pocket PC

The following table provides task status mapping when tasks are uploaded to Oracle eBusiness Suite from Outlook/Pocket Outlook.

Task Status in Outlook Task Status in eBusiness Suite
Not Started Not Started
In Progress In Progress
Deferred On Hold
Waiting on Someone Else Interrupted
Completed Completed

Task Priority Attribute Mapping

The following table provides task priority mapping when tasks are downloaded from Oracle eBusiness Suite to Outlook/Pocket Outlook.

eBusniess Suite Value Pocket Outlook / Outlook
1 High
2 High
3 High
0 Normal
4 Normal
5 Normal
6 Normal
7 Low
9 Low
8 Normal

Note: Priority 8: Special internal use by Oracle (Non-Prioritized)

The following table provides task priority mapping when tasks are uploaded to Oracle eBusiness Suite from Outlook/Pocket Outlook.

Pocket Outlook / Outlook eBusniess Suite Value
High 1
Normal 5
Low 9

Contact Attribute Mapping

The following table describes the contact attribute mapping between Outlook/Pocket Outlook and Oracle eBusiness Suite.

Pocket Outlook Field Pocket Outlook Value Outlook Field Outlook Value eBusiness Field eBusiness Value
Name Freeform text (combines title, first, middle, last, suffix) Name Freeform text (title, first, middle, last, suffix) Name Party Name / 360
Title Freeform text/ 1023 characters Title Freeform text Prefix Drop down / 30
First Freeform text/ 1023 characters First Freeform text First Name Freeform Text / 150
Middle Freeform text/ 1023 characters Middle Freeform text Middle Name Freeform Text / 60
Last Freeform text/ 1023 characters Last Freeform text Last Name Freeform Text / 150
Suffix Freeform text/ 1023 characters Suffix Freeform text Suffix Freeform Text / 30
Job Title Freeform text/ 1023 characters Job Title Freeform text Job Title Freeform text / 100
Department Freeform text/ 1023 characters Department Freeform text Department Freeform text / 60
Company Freeform text/ 1023 characters Company Freeform text Customer Freeform Text / 360
Work Tel Phone format/ 1023 characters Business Freeform text Phone Number Type = Telephone, Purpose = Business / 60
Work Fax Phone format/ 1023 characters Business Fax Freeform text Phone Number Type = Fax, Purpose = Business / 60
Mobile Tel Phone format/ 1023 characters Mobile Freeform text Phone Number Type = Mobile, Purpose = Business / 60
Home Tel Phone format/ 1023 characters Home Freeform Text Phone Number Type = Telephone, Purpose = Personal / 60
Pager Pagerformat/ 1023 characters Phone Freeform Text Phone Number Type = Pager, Purpose = Business / 60
Work address Freeform text/ 1023 characters (street, city, state, postal code, country) Business Address Freeform text Address Address 1 - 4/ 240 each city, state, county, country, postal code / 60 each (purpose “Business”)
Email (no HTML) Freeform text/ 1023 characters Email1 Freeform text Email Freeform text / 2000