Implementing Alerts

Implementing Alerts Overview

The following diagram depicts the components of the alert feature.

the picture is described in the document text

The alert feature consists of the following functions:

Enabling Outlook Preference Menu

This menu contains the functions for setting up the contact list and downloading clients. Add the submenu, ASP: Sales Alerts Preferences Container Menu, for Oracle Synchronization, to the ASN menu ASN_HOME_MENU.

Lookup Types for Alerts

There are two extensible lookup types for implementing Alerts:

Concurrent Programs for Alerts

Concurrent programs generate two sales alerts, delinquent customers and expiring service contracts. Set these concurrent programs to run periodically. The concurrent program set name is ASP: Sales Alerts Program Set. The description is: Program set for concurrent programs related to sales alerts. It is available from the Sales Administrator responsibility. The program set contains two concurrent programs:

Extensibility for Alerts Using Oracle Workflow

Oracle Workflow automates and streamlines business processes both within and beyond your enterprise, supporting traditional applications based workflow as well as e–business integration workflow. Oracle Workflow lets you include your own PL/SQL procedures or external functions as activities in your workflows. Without modifying your application code, you can have your own program run whenever the Workflow Engine detects that your program’s prerequisites are satisfied.

See the Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide for information on how to utilize the extensibility of Oracle Workflow.

The following diagram illustrates various sales alerts workflow nodes associated with the implementation of the alert feature.

Workflow Manager Process Flow Diagram for Sales Alerts System

the picture is described in the document text

There are several components of the Sales Alerts System that are extensible. You can modify any step for seeded alerts by replacing shipped nodes with customer nodes. You can also support for entirely new alerts by adding custom nodes for each step of the process.

Subscription Program

The start point of the diagram is where concurrent programs or business events invoke the workflow process. The Business Event System dispatches raised business events to the Sales Alerts System Subscription. One subscription function, ASP_ALERTS_SUBS.Initiate_Alerts, is shipped to support the alerts system. This function calls the Sales Alerts Workflow Process (ASP_ALERT_PROCESS) with the necessary parameters. You can extend this subscription function with the following parameters:

Custom Alert Agent Function Node

If an event is raised that is not supported by the shipped Alerts function, then the Custom Alert Agent node is called for the event. This node is totally customizable and is attached to the function ASP_ALERT_ENGINE.NOOP by default.

Process Flow Diagram Including Custom Alert Agent Function Node

the picture is described in the document text

Notes on Customizing the Custom Alert Agent Function

Notes on Post Alert Agent Function

Custom Content Provider Function Node

The Custom Content Provider node is called if an event is raised that is not supported by the shipped Alerts function, or if the item attribute USE_CUSTOM_CONTENT_AGENT is set to YES. This node is totally customizable and is attached to the function ASP_ALERT_ENGINE.NOOP by default.

Process Flow Diagram Including Custom Content Provider Function Node

the picture is described in the document text

Notes on Customizing SMS Content

Notes on Customizing E-mail Content

Notification Mailer Node: Custom Delivery Agent

The Custom Delivery Agent node is called if the item attribute USE_CUSTOM_DELIVERY_AGENT is set to YES. This node is totally customizable and is attached to the function ASP_ALERT_ENGINE.NOOP by default. You can change this function to your own function for the custom delivery solution. You can use the shipped delivery agent for your custom alerts.

Process Flow Diagram Including Custom Delivery Agent

the picture is described in the document text