
Acquisition is the part of the DQM matching process that matches input record attributes against the attributes in the staged schema to get a smaller group of records that form the work unit. This process narrows down the records that can be scored in the scoring part of the matching process.
An attribute corresponds to a column in a TCA registry table, and the attribute value is the value that is stored in the column. For example, party name is an attribute and the actual values of party names are stored in a column in the HZ_ PARTIES table.
Control File
A control file is used to give instructions to SQL*Loader.
Concurrent Process
A task in the process of completing. Each time you submit a task, you create a new concurrent process. A concurrent process runs simultaneously with other concurrent processes (and other activities on your computer) to help you complete multiple tasks at once with no interruptions to your terminal.
Stands for Comma Separated Variable. A file format used to transfer basic data between databases and spreadsheets. Each line (up to the carriage return) is considered a record. Fields within each record are divided by a comma. Each line must have the same number of fields (commas). If a comma or leading and/or trailing blanks appear in any field value, the field must be enclosed by quotes (") to indicate the information is data and not a field divider.
Deduplication is identifying identical records from a list. For example, you will deduplicate the records in the AS_SALES_LEAD table to avoid multiple occurrences of a lead record.
Stands for Data Quality Management. DQM manages duplicate parties in TCA. Parties are entities, of type Person, Organization, or Relationship, that can enter into business relationships. Party information includes the party name, addresses, contacts, and contact points.
Stands for Document Type Definition. The purpose of a DTD is to define the legal building blocks of an XML document. It defines the document structure with a list of legal elements.
Flat File
Flat file is a tilde (~) delimited text file with data to be imported as leads.
Stands for File Transfer Protocol. FTP is the protocol used on the Internet for exchanging files. FTP uses the Internet's TCP/IP protocols to enable data transfer.
See Rating.
Match Rule
A match rule is a set of rules that determine the records that are selected and displayed as matches for the input record. A match rule consists of acquisition attributes that are used for matching and can also include scoring attributes to score the matched records.
Organization Person
An organization person is one who acts on behalf of or in the context of an organization.
A party is a person, organization, or collection of parties that can enter into relationships with other parties.
See Rating
The rating assigned to a lead by the Rating Engine based on the lead attributes. Examples of rating are Hot Lead, Cold Lead, and so on.
Stands for Trading Community Architecture. TCA is the Oracle Customer Model where all customer records are stored. It is a common repository which is accessed by the Oracle E-Business Suite and ERP applications.
Stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It is the World Wide Web address of a site on the Internet.
User Hook
User hook is part of the source code of an application that is exposed for the purpose of customization.
Stands for Extensible Markup Language. XML is a metalanguage --a language for describing other languages--which lets you design your own customized markup languages for limitless different types of documents.