
This appendix covers the following topics:

Workflows - Overview

The following tables list the new workflows for Contract Terms Library, Repository, and Deliverables.

Contract Terms Library

The following table lists the new workflows for Contract Terms Library.

Workflow Name Technical Name Description
Contract Clause Approval OKCARTAP This workflow routes contract clauses for approval. If applicable, it also notifies:
  • Approvers that a clause requires approval.

  • Contract administrators, when clauses are approved or rejected.

  • Local organizations, when global clauses become available for adoption or are automatically adopted in local organizations.

Contract Template Approval OKCTPAPP This workflow routes contract templates for approval. It also notifies:
  • Approvers, if a template requires approval.

  • Contract administrators, when templates are approved or rejected.


The following table lists the new workflows for Repository.

Workflow Name Technical Name Description
Contract Repository Approval OKCREPAP This workflow routes the Repository Contracts for approval.
Repository Contract Expiration Notifications OKCREPXN For a contract that is created in Contracts Repository and has an expiration date, you can set up a notification to be generated prior to the expiration date. This workflow generates the notifications and sends them to the user roles defined in the contract.