Seed Data

This appendix covers the following topics:


The seeded responsibilities are:

To create new responsibilities for the Contract Terms Library, use the following:

To create new responsibilities for the Contracts Workbench, use the following:

Note: Changing the seeded menu structure is not recommended. You must first customize the standard menus, and then create responsibilities.

Document Types

The following table displays the seeded document types:

Seeded Document Types
Name Description Document Class Application
B Sales Agreement SO Oracle Order Management
O Sales Order SO Oracle Order Management
QUOTE Quote QUOTE Oracle Order Capture

Layout Template

To print contract documents and the Deviations reports, the application provides seeded layout templates in Oracle XML Publisher.

The layout templates are stored in the XML Publisher Layout Template repository.

The seeded layout templates for printing contract terms are:

The following table displays the seeded layout templates for the Deviations report:

Seeded Layout Templates for Deviations Report
Name Type Description
Contract Deviations Order Management Template RTF The main Rich Text Format template for Order Management.
Contract Deviations Template for Quoting RTF The main Rich Text Format template for Quoting.
Contract Deviations Report Template RTF Sub-template for contract deviations summary details.
Contracts RTE Handler Template XSL-FO Sub-template for handling HTML tags that are used in Rich Text Editor for contracts.
Contract Deviations Constants Template XSL-FO Sub-template containing all context information.
Contract Deviations Variable Resolution Template XSL-FO Sub-template for variables resolution.
Contract Deviations Table Variable Resolution for Sell Side XSL-FO Sub-template for resolving the table-type variables in sell-side documents.


The following table lists the different types of notifications that are seeded in Oracle Contracts:

Seeded Notifications
Type Business Context Description
Clauses Clause submitted for approval Notifies the global or local organization approvers when a global or local clause requires approval.
Clauses Global Clause approved Sends a notification to the requestor and library administrators of local organizations when a global clause is approved.
Clauses Clause rejected Sends a notification to the requestor in a global or local organization when a clause is rejected.
Clauses Auto-adoption of global clause Sends a notification to the library administrator of a local organization when a global clause is automatically adopted in that organization.
Clauses Global clause available for adoption Notifies the library administrator of a local organization when a global clause is available for adoption.
Clauses Clause requiring approval for adoption Sends a notification that a global clause was adopted in a local organization and submitted for approval.
Clauses Clause adoption approved Sends a notification that a global clause was approved for adoption in a local organization.
Clauses Clause adoption rejected Sends a notification that a global clause was rejected for adoption in a local organization.
Contract Templates Contract template submitted for approval Notifies global or local organization approvers when a global or local template requires approval.
Contract Templates Contract template approved Sends a notification to requestor when a contract template is approved.
Contract Templates Contract template rejected Sends a notification to requestor in a global or local organization when a contract template is rejected.
Repository Approval request notification Notifies the contract approver when a contract requires approval.
Repository Contract approved notification Notifies the contract approval requester that the contract has been approved.
Repository Contract rejected notification Notifies the contract approval requester that the contract has been rejected.
Repository Contract expiration notification Notifies the contract administrator that a contract is about to expire.

System Variables

The following table lists the system variables that are used in Oracle Sales Contracts.

Level Name Description Type Used by Available for
Header OKC$S_ACTIVATION_DATE Activation Date System Sales Agreement Clause Inclusion
Header OKC$S_ADJUST_AMOUNT Total Adjustment Amount System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_ADJUST_PERCENT Total Adjustment Percentage System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_BILLTO_COUNTRY Bill to Country System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_BILLTO_CUST_NAME Bill to Customer Name System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_BLANKET_AGREEMENT_ TYPE Sales Agreement Type System Sales Agreement Clause Inclusion
Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_BLANKET_NUMBER Sales Agreement Number System Sales Agreement
Sales Order
Clause Inclusion
Header OKC$S_BLKT_NUM_EXIST Sales Agreement Number Exist System Sales Order Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_CURRENCY_CODE Currency Code System    
Header OKC$S_CURRENCY_NAME Currency Name System Sales Agreement
Sales Order
Clause Inclusion
Header OKC$S_CURRENCY_SYMBOL Currency Symbol System Sales Agreement
Sales Order
Clause Inclusion
Header OKC$S_CUST_CAT Customer Category System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_CUST_CLASS Customer Class System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_CUST_CONTACT_NAME Customer Contact Name System Sales Agreement
Sales Order
Clause Inclusion
Header OKC$S_CUST_CRDT_CLASS Customer Credit Classification System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_CUST_CRDT_RATE Customer Credit Rating System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_CUST_PO_EXIST Customer PO Number System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_CUST_PO_NUMBER Customer Purchase Order Number System Sales Agreement
Sales Order
Clause Inclusion
Header OKC$S_CUST_PROF_CLASS Customer Profile Class System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_CUST_RISK_CODE Customer Risk Code System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_CUSTOMER_NAME Customer Name System Sales Agreement
Sales Order
Clause Inclusion
Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_CUSTOMER_NUMBER Customer Number System Sales Agreement
Sales Order
Clause Inclusion
Header OKC$S_END_CUST End Customer System Sales Order Clause Inclusion
Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_END_CUST_EXIST End Customer Exists System Sales Order Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_EXPIRATION_DATE Expiration Date System Sales Agreement Clause Inclusion
Header OKC$S_FREIGHT_TERMS Freight Term System Sales Agreement
Sales Order
Clause Inclusion
Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_INVOICING_RULE Invoicing Rule System Sales Agreement
Sales Order
Clause Inclusion
Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_ITEM_CATEGORIES Item Category System Sales Agreement
Sales Order
Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_ITEMS Item System Sales Agreement
Sales Order
Expert Rules
Line OKC$S_LINE_FOB Line FOB System Quote Expert Rules
Line OKC$S_LINE_INVOICING_RULE Line Invoicing Rule System Sales Agreement
Sales Order
Clause Inclusion
Expert Rules
Line OKC$S_LINE_PA_NAME Line Pricing Agreement Name System Sales Order Expert Rules
Line OKC$S_LINE_PAYMENT_TERM Line Payment Terms System Sales Agreement
Sales Order
Clause Inclusion
Expert Rules
Line OKC$S_LINES (table variable) Lines Variables Table Sales Agreement
Sales Order
Header OKC$S_MAX_AMOUNT_AGREED Maximum Amount Agreed System Sales Agreement Clause Inclusion
Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_MIN_AMOUNT_AGREED Minimum Amount Agreed System Sales Agreement Clause Inclusion
Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_MODIFIERS Discounts Table Sales Agreement Clause Inclusion
Header OKC$S_ORDER_NUMBER Order Number System Sales Order Clause Inclusion
Header OKC$S_ORDER_TYPE Order Type System Sales Order
Clause Inclusion
Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_PA_NUMBER Pricing Agreement Number System Sales Order Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_PA_TYPE Price Agreement Type System - Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_PAYMENT_TERM Payment Terms System Sales Agreement
Sales Order
Clause Inclusion
Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_PAYMENT_TYPE Payment Type System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_PRC_AGR_EXIST Price Agreement Exist System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_PRICE_LIST Price List Name System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_PRICELISTS Pricelists Table Sales Agreement Clause Inclusion
Header OKC$S_QUOTE_NUMBER Quote Number System Quote Clause Inclusion
Header OKC$S_SALES_CHANNEL Sales Channel System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_SALES_DOC_TYPE Sales Document Type System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_SALESREP_NAME Salesrep Name System Sales Agreement
Sales Order
Clause Inclusion
Header OKC$S_SHIPMENT_PRIORITY Shipment Priority (used in iStore) System Quote -
Header OKC$S_SHIPPING_METHOD Shipping Method System Sales Agreement
Sales Order
Clause Inclusion
Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_SHIPTO_COUNTRY Ship to Country System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_SHIPTO_CUST_NAME Ship to Customer Name System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_SITE_ID Site ID (used in iStore) System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_SOLDTO_COUNTRY Sold to Country System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_SUPPLIER_NAME Supplier Name (internal organization) System Quote Clause Inclusion
Header OKC$S_TAX_HANDL Tax Handling System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_TOTAL Total System Quote Expert Rules
Header OKC$S_VERSION_NUMBER Revision Number System Sales Agreement
Sales Order
Clause Inclusion