
This appendix describes the validations in Oracle Contracts.

This appendix covers the following topics:

Validations - Overview

This appendix lists all validations that are provided by the system during validation of contract templates and business documents.

Contract Templates Validations

The following table lists all errors and warnings that the system uses as part of the validation process for Contract Templates.

Validation Type Condition Description
Alternate Clauses Warning Checks for the presence of alternate clauses on the document.
Clause Default Section Error Checks whether the default section of the draft clause is valid.
Clause Inactive Variable Error Checks whether the draft clause contains an inactive variable.
Clause Invalid Status Change Error Checks whether the clause is being changed to an invalid status.
Clause Type Error Checks whether the clause type of the draft clause is valid.
Clause Variable Invalid Value Set Error Checks whether the draft clause contains a user-defined variable with an inactive value set.
Contract Expert Template Not Exported Warning Checks whether a template is not exported for Contract Expert.
Contract Expert Template Not Published Warning Checks whether a template is not published for Contract Expert.
Duplicate Clauses Warning Checks the document for presence of repeated clauses.
Empty Section Warning Checks for the presence of sections with no clauses.
Inactive Clauses Error This checks for the presence of invalid clauses in the document.
Incompatible Clauses Warning Checks for the presence of incompatible clauses on a document.
Invalid Default Section in Template Warning This checks for the presence of a valid default section in the Contract Expert area.
Invalid Variable for Document Type Warning Checks for variables without any document type association.
Layout Template Not Defined Warning Checks whether a stylesheet has been defined on a template.
Template Rules That Are Not Active Warning Checks whether any rules are attached to templates that are not active.
Template With No Active Rules Warning Checks whether the template has no Active rules attached.
Translated Template Has Been Revised Warning Checks whether the parent template has been revised.
Translated Template is Invalid Warning Checks whether the parent template is expired or on hold.

Contract Expert Validations

The following table lists all errors and warnings that the system uses as part of the validation process for Contract Expert rules.

Validation Type Condition Description
Expired Clause Error Checks for any expired clause that is used in the rule.
Invalid Clause Error Checks for any On Hold clause that is used in the rule.
Draft Clause Error Checks for any Draft clause that is used in the rule.
Circular Dependency Error Checks for questions with circular dependencies on other rules.
Invalid Question Valueset Query Error Checks for an invalid valueset query in a question that is used on a rule.
Invalid Variable Valueset Query Error Checks for an invalid valueset query in a variable that is used on a rule.
Missing Valueset Value in Question Error Checks for any missing valueset values for a question that is used in a rule.
Missing Valueset Value in Variable Error Checks for missing valueset values for a variable that is used in a rule.
Invalid Valueset in Question Error Checks for deleted valueset for a question that is used in a rule.
Invalid Valueset in Variable Error Checks for deleted valueset for a variable that is used in a rule.
Invalid Question Error Checks for disabled questions in the rule.
Invalid Default Section Warning Checks for the effectivity of the default section that is associated with the template.
Missing Template Association Error Checks for missing template associations in non-organization-wide rules.
Invalid Procedure in Variable Error Checks for invalid procedure in the variable that is used in a rule.
Invalid Procedure Name in Variable Error Checks for incorrect procedure name format for user-defined variables. The correct format is: <schema name>.<package name>.<procedure name>
Invalid or Missing Procedure Warning Checks for invalid procedure in a new user-defined variable.

Business Documents Validations

The following table lists errors and warnings that are used in the application, during authoring, as part of the validation process for contract documents.

Note: The Error and Warning conditions may have been defined differently based on the individual application. Refer to the relevant documentation within Procurement Contracts and Sales Contracts for the exact condition that is used in the relevant applications.

Validation Type Condition Description
Alternate Clauses Warning Checks for the presence of alternate clauses on the document.
No Clause Amendment Description Warning Checks for the presence of amended clauses without amendment descriptions.
No Clauses Exist Warning Checks whether any clause exists on the document.
Inactive Clauses Warning Checks for the presence of inactive clauses in the document.
Check Contract Administrator Warning Checks whether you have defined a contract administrator for the document.
Duplicate Clauses Warning Checks the document for the presence of repeated clauses.
Empty Section Warning Checks for the presence of sections with no clauses.
Contract Expert not Run on Document Warning Checks whether Contract Expert has been run on a document.
Unresolved External Variables Warning Checks for the presence of external variables without values.
Incompatible Clauses Warning Checks for the presence of incompatible clauses on a document.
Incomplete Contract Expert Configuration Warning Checks for an incomplete Contract Expert configuration based on current document attribute values.
Unresolved Internal Variable Warning Checks the document for the presence of internal variables without values.
Invalid Contract Expert Setup Warning Checks for an invalid Contract Expert configuration based on the current document attribute values.
Old Version of Clause Used Warning Checks the document for older versions of a clause from the library.
Contract Locked Warning Checks whether the contract has been locked.
New Contract Expert Clause Warning Checks whether Contract Expert returns a clause that is not in the Contract Expert configuration that is currently in the document.
Not Required Contract Expert Clause Warning Checks for Contract Expert clauses in the document that are no longer required.
Primary Contract Document not Found Warning Checks whether a primary contract document is uploaded when the Contract Source is set to Attached Document.
No Section Amend Description Warning Checks whether the amendment description is missing for a section-related change during amendment of a document.
Inactive Template Warning Checks for an inactive contract terms template when it is used to create business document terms and conditions.
Unassigned Clause Warning Checks for clauses that are not assigned to any section.
Unresolved System Variable Warning Checks for the system variables without any values.
Invalid Variable for Document Type Warning Checks for the variables without any document type association.

Repository Validations

The following table lists the validation codes for Repository.

Validation Type Condition Description
Validate Effective Date Error Checks whether the contract has a valid effective date.
Validate External Party Warning Checks whether the contract has an external party.
Contract Type Active Warning This checks whether the contract has a valid contract type.
Contact Role Active Warning Checks the contract for the presence of invalid contract roles.
Risk Active Warning Checks whether the contract was assigned an invalid risk.
External Party Active Warning Checks for the presence of invalid external parties in a contract.
Contact Active Warning Checks for the presence of invalid contacts in a contract.

Deliverables Validations

The following table lists the validation codes and their descriptions for Deliverables.

Type QA Code Description
(Buyer Contact)
Verifies whether a buyer contact is not provided or not a valid contact. Buyer contact is a required field on a deliverable. Hence, this check is qualified as an error.
Deliverable CHECK_BUYER_CONTACT_VALID Error message to indicate that the buyer contact must be a current employee.
Deliverable CHECK_REQUESTER_CONTACT_VALID Error message to indicate that the requester must be a current employee.
Deliverable CHECK_ESCALATION_CONTACT_VALID Error message to indicate that the escalation assignee must be a current employee.
Deliverable CHECK_NOTIFICATIONS Error message to indicate that the Escalation notification details must not be blank if the Escalation notification is checked.
(Supplier Contact)
Verifies whether the provided supplier contact is a valid contact for the given supplier ID and is only an error if supplier contact is provided on a deliverable.
(Due Date)
Verifies the following deliverable due-date details:
  • If the deliverable is defined for a fixed due date, the date must be provided.

  • If the deliverable is defined relative to an event, the date must be specified on the given business document.

(Deliverable Amendment)
Verifies the amendment details for the deliverable. A warning message is shown if the amendment description is not provided when a deliverable is amended.
(Deliverable variable usage)
Verifies whether the deliverable variables are used in a clause when no deliverables are on the document.
Deliverable CHECK_RESP_PARTY Verifies whether the responsible party is incompatible with the deliverable type.