iRecruitment Functions

iRecruitment Functions

Add Attachments

Document Name:


Description: Page to add internal and external documents as attachments to a vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Add Skills

Document Name:


Description: Page to search for applicant skills.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_CAND_ADD_SKILLS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicants Management Applicant Details

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable manager to view the details of candidates and their applications and offers. This page is displayed when a manager clicks on the name of a candidate or applicant.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CAND_APPL_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP
Page Level Instruction IRC_NO_APPLICATION_MSG
Application Details Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Application Details Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Status Details and Change Reason shortTip IRC_412601_COMMENT_LEN_TIP
Page Level Instruction IRC_NO_OFFER_MSG
Page Level Instruction IRC_OFFER_DETAILS_INST
Page Level Instruction IRC_NO_SINGLE_OFFER_MSG


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Page Level PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Page Level NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Page Level FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Page Level SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Application Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Application Details IrcFlexField2 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Application Details Notifflex2 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Application Details IrcFlexFieldRO1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Application Details IrcFlexFieldRO2 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Application Details NotifflexRO Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
EEO Information EthnicGroup Further Person Information Person Developer DF
EEO Information EthnicGroup Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Applicant Rating AplRankFlex1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Applicant Rating AplRankFlex2 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Applicant Rating AplRankFlex3 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Page Level AssignmentFlex Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Page Level AssignmentFlex Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Event Details PER_EVENTS
Basic Offer Details AdditionalAssignmentDetailsDFF Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Basic Offer Details OfferDetailsFlex Offer Details IRC_OFFERS
Basic Offer Details PersonDeveloperFlex Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Salary Information OfferPayProposalFlex Add'l Salary Admin. Details PER_PAY_PROPOSALS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/AplMgtStatDetRN IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/AplMgtAplRankRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

Applicants Management Applicant Details

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable manager to view the details of candidates and their applications and offers. This page is displayed when a manager clicks on the name of a candidate or applicant.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CAND_APPL_DETAILS_RO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_NO_APPLICATION_MSG
Application Details Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Application Details Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Page Level Instruction IRC_NO_OFFER_MSG
Page Level Instruction IRC_NO_SINGLE_OFFER_MSG


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Candidate Profile PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Candidate Profile PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Candidate Profile NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Contact Details FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Contact Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Page Level SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Application Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Application Details IrcFlexField2 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Application Details Notifflex2 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Application Details IrcFlexFieldRO1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Application Details IrcFlexFieldRO2 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Application Details NotifflexRO Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Applicant Rating AplRankFlex1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Applicant Rating AplRankFlex2 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Applicant Rating AplRankFlex3 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Page Level AssignmentFlex Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Page Level AssignmentFlex Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Event Details PER_EVENTS
Basic Offer Details AdditionalAssignmentDetailsDFF Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Basic Offer Details OfferDetailsFlex Offer Details IRC_OFFERS
Basic Offer Details PersonDeveloperFlex Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Salary Information OfferPayProposalFlex Add'l Salary Admin. Details PER_PAY_PROPOSALS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Accessibility Preferences

Document Name:


Description: Page that enables visitors to enter their accessibility preference.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_ACCESSIBILITY_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Application Details Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to view a description and status history for their applications.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APPLICATION_DETAILS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Description IrcFlexField1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Description IrcFlexField2 Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Description IrcFlexField3 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Description IrcFlexField4 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplicationDetsPG IRC_APPLICATION_DETAILS_PAGE

Applicant Qualifications Review Flex Page

Document Name:


Description: Flex page to enable candidates to update their educational qualifications.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_EDUQUAL_REV_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Additional Qualification Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Disability Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter Disability information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_DISABILITY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Document Upload Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to upload their resume.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_DOCUMENT_UPLOAD_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Other Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter other information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_OTHER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
How Did You Hear About Us Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Equal Employment Opportunity Instruction IRC_APL_EQUAL_OPPOR
Equal Employment Opportunity Instruction IRC_APL_CONFIDENTIAL
Equal Employment Opportunity Instruction IRC_APL_RACE_TIP


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
How Did You Hear About Us IrcFlexField1 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
How Did You Hear About Us IrcFlexField2 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
How Did You Hear About Us IrcFlexField3 Further Person Information Person Developer DF
How Did You Hear About Us NotifFlex1 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Equal Employment Opportunity EthnicGroup Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Equal Employment Opportunity IrcFlexField1 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Equal Employment Opportunity IrcFlexField4 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Equal Employment Opportunity IrcFlexField5 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSrcInfoSCRN IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEqualOpporDCRN IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO

Accept Offer

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable an applicant accept a job offer online. This page is displayed when the applicant clicks the Accept button on the Offer Details page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_ACCEPT_OFFER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_ACCEPT_OFFER_INST


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Veteran Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter veteran information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_VETERAN_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Other Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter other information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
How Did You Hear About Us Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Equal Employment Opportunity Instruction IRC_APL_EQUAL_OPPOR
Equal Employment Opportunity Instruction IRC_APL_CONFIDENTIAL
Equal Employment Opportunity Instruction IRC_APL_RACE_TIP


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
How Did You Hear About Us IrcFlexField1 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
How Did You Hear About Us IrcFlexField2 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
How Did You Hear About Us IrcFlexField3 Further Person Information Person Developer DF
How Did You Hear About Us NotifFlex1 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Equal Employment Opportunity EthnicGroup Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Equal Employment Opportunity IrcFlexField1 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Equal Employment Opportunity IrcFlexField4 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Equal Employment Opportunity IrcFlexField5 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSrcInfoSCRN IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEqualOpporDCRN IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO

Applicant Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Job Search Page for Registered Users

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_APL_JOB_SEARCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Search shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT
Search shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Search SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Search IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Search IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Search IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Application Review

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable an applicant to review their details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_UPLD_REV

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Overview PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Overview PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Overview NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Page Level FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Page Level IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Work Preferences SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

Applicant Previous Employer Review Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to review their previous employment details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_ACCOUNT_REVIEW_PREVEMP

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Application: Assessment

Document Name:


Description: Page that displays assessment during the job application process after registration in iRecruitment.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_PARSE_ASMT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_412553_ASSESSMENT_WARNING


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Apply For Job Page

Document Name:


Description: Page that enables visitors to enter their accessibility preference.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_HA_APPLY_FOR_JOB_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Equal Employment Opportunity Instruction IRC_APL_EQUAL_OPPOR
Equal Employment Opportunity Instruction IRC_APL_CONFIDENTIAL
Equal Employment Opportunity Instruction IRC_APL_RACE_TIP
Page Level Instruction IRC_HA_APPLYFORJOB_INST


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Equal Employment Opportunity EthnicGroup Further Person Information Person Developer DF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Declined Acceptance

Document Name:


Description: Page to record the reason for applicant declining the offer after acceptance and notes about declining the offer.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_DECLINED_ACCEPTANCE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Personal Account Details Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to enter their personal details as part of My Account.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Page Level PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Page Level NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Page Level FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Page Level IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersAccDetsPG IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplNavBarRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/webui/AplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Application Selection Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable Managers to search for suitable applications to make an offer for.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APPLICATION_SELECTION

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicants For Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to view a list of applicants for a vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_RTM_APPL4VAC_SEARCH

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Referral Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable site visitors and registered users to refer vacancies to other people.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REFER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_REFER_HDR


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSearch/webui/CmReferSCRN IRC_CM_REFER
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSearch/webui/CmReferSCRN IRC_APL_REFER

Applicants For Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to view a list of applicants for a vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_APPL4VAC_SEARCH

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2
Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2
Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
View Applicants : IrcFlexField1 Person Information HZ_PERSON_PROFILES
View Applicants : IrcFlexField2 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
View Applicants : IrcFlexField3 Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Person Information HZ_PERSON_PROFILES
Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Page Level IrcFlexField3 Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Search IrcFlexField1 Person Information HZ_PERSON_PROFILES
Search IrcFlexField2 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Search IrcFlexField3 Further Person Information Person Developer DF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Account Verify Page

Document Name:


Description: Page in the high availability instance candidate job site to verify if the candidate is already registered with iRecruitment.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_HA_APPLY_ACCT_VERIFY_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_HA_NEW_USER_INST
Page Level Instruction IRC_HA_EXIST_USER_INST


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Advanced Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to perform an advanced job search.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_ADV_JOB_SEARCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Advanced Search Instruction FND_INQUIRIES_GO
Advanced Search shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT
Advanced Search shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Advanced Search SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Advanced Search IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Advanced Search IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Advanced Search IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Advanced Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Advanced Job Search Page for Registered Users

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_APL_ADV_JOB_SRCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Advanced Search Instruction FND_INQUIRIES_GO
Advanced Search shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT
Advanced Search shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Advanced Search SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Advanced Search IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Advanced Search IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Advanced Search IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Disability Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter Disability information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_DISABILITY_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Veteran Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter veteran information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APLY_RES_PARSE_VETERAN

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Veteran Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter veteran information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_VETERAN_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Disability Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter Disability information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APLY_RES_PARSE_DISABILITY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Disability Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter Disability information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_DISABILITY_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Veteran Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter veteran information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_VETERAN

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Disability Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter Disability information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_DISABILITY_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Qualification Review Flex Page

Document Name:


Description: Flexfield page to enable a candidate to enter additional qualifications information.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_QUAL_ACCREV_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Additional Qualification Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Add Skills

Document Name:


Description: Page to search for applicant skills.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_ADD_SKILLS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Job Basket Page

Document Name:


Description: Job Basket Page for Applicant

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Job Basket IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Job Basket IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Job Basket IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Email Preferences Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable candidates to set their email preferences as part of My Account.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
email Preferences EmailPrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Site Preferences SitePrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplNavBarRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

Applicant Qualifications Flex Page

Document Name:


Description: Flexfield page to enable a registered user to enter additional qualification details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_QUALS_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Additional Qualification Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Application Review

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable an applicant to review their details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_PARSE_REV

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Overview PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Overview PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Overview NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Page Level FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Page Level IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Work Preferences SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

Applicant Qualification Details Flex Page

Document Name:


Description: Flexfield page to enable a registered user to enter additional qualification details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_QUAL_DET_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Additional Qualification Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Disability Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter Disability information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APLY_RES_PARSE_DISABILITY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Qualifications Details Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to enter details of their qualifications as part of My Account.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Education Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTR_ESTABLISHMENTS
Education Qualifications Tip IRC_ADD_EDU_QUALS_INSTR
Additional Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Education Qualifications IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education Qualifications QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplNavBarRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEmpHisRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEmplmntHistTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSkillsInputTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Applicant Veteran Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter veteran information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_VETERAN_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Veteran Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter veteran information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_VETERAN

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Skills Flex Page

Document Name:


Description: Flexfield page to enable a registered user to enter additional skills information.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_SKILLS_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Additional Skill Information IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Apply for Job: Assessment

Document Name:


Description: Page that appears when an agency user applies for a vacancy associated with an assessment.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_ASMNT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_412385_NO_ASMNT_ATTACHED
Page Level Instruction IRC_412553_ASSESSMENT_WARNING


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Agency Applicant Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable Agency to search for suitable applicants for a particular vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2
Search shortTip IRC_LINK_VACANCY
Page Level longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Page Level IrcFlexField3 Further Person Information Person Developer DF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Email Preferences Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable candidates to set their email preferences as part of My Account.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
email Preferences EmailPrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Site Preferences SitePrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplNavBarRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

Applicant Job Basket Page

Document Name:


Description: Job Basket Page for Applicant

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Job Basket IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Job Basket IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Job Basket IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplJobBsktRN IRC_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplJobBasketTbl2RN IRC_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

Applicant Other Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter other information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_OTHER_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
How Did You Hear About Us Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Equal Employment Opportunity Instruction IRC_APL_EQUAL_OPPOR
Equal Employment Opportunity Instruction IRC_APL_CONFIDENTIAL
Equal Employment Opportunity Instruction IRC_APL_RACE_TIP


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
How Did You Hear About Us IrcFlexField1 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
How Did You Hear About Us IrcFlexField2 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
How Did You Hear About Us IrcFlexField3 Further Person Information Person Developer DF
How Did You Hear About Us NotifFlex1 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Equal Employment Opportunity EthnicGroup Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Equal Employment Opportunity IrcFlexField1 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Equal Employment Opportunity IrcFlexField4 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Equal Employment Opportunity IrcFlexField5 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSrcInfoSCRN IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEqualOpporDCRN IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO

Applicant Update Password Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to update their password if required, for example, if their existing password has expired

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_UPD_PASSWORD_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/common/webui/OkCancelBarRN IRC_APL_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Applicant Previous Employer Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to enter their employment history as part of My Account.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_PREVEMP_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Qualifications: Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicants For Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to view a list of applicants for a vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_APPL4VAC_SEARCH

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2
Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
View Applicants : IrcFlexField1 Person Information HZ_PERSON_PROFILES
View Applicants : IrcFlexField2 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
View Applicants : IrcFlexField3 Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Search IrcFlexField1 Person Information HZ_PERSON_PROFILES
Search IrcFlexField2 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Search IrcFlexField3 Further Person Information Person Developer DF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Account Details Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable employee applicants to save their job search.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_ACCOUNT_DETAILS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST
Education Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTR_ESTABLISHMENTS
Education Qualifications Tip IRC_ADD_EDU_QUALS_INSTR
Additional Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR
Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Page Level PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Page Level NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Page Level FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Page Level IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Education Qualifications IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education Qualifications QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Page Level SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level SitePrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Page Level EmailPrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplNavBarRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/webui/AplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEmpHisRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEmplmntHistTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSkillsInputTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

Applicant Veteran Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter veteran information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APLY_RES_PARSE_VETERAN

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Application Review

Document Name:


Description: Page enables an agency user to review application details of their candidate.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_APLN_REVIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Overview PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Overview PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Overview NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Personal Details FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Personal Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Personal Details IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Work Preferences SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

Applicant Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to perform a job search.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_JOB_SEARCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Search shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT
Search shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Search SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Search IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Search IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Search IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Application Confirmation Page

Document Name:


Description: Page displayed to confirm an application has been successfully submitted.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Email Preferences EmailPrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Site Preferences SitePrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

Applicant Vacancy Display Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to display the details of a vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Description IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Description IrcFlexField2 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF
Description FndFlexField Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Description IrcFlexField3 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES
Skills IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Recruiter Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Recruiter Details IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Recruiter Details IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VacDispStkRN IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/RectrDetsSWRN IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/RectrDetsSWRN IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

Applicant Update Password Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to changed their login password.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_UPD_PASSWORD_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/common/webui/OkCancelBarRN IRC_APL_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Application Details Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to view a description and status history for their applications.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_APPL_DETAILS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Page Level IrcFlexField2 Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Page Level IrcFlexField3 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Page Level IrcFlexField4 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Review Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable an applicant to review and update their account details as part of an application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_CREATE_CAND

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST
Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST
Additional Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS
Work Preferences Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR
Work Preferences shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Basic Details PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Basic Details PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Basic Details NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Address FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Address IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Employment History IrcAplPrevEmpFlex Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Work Preferences SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Email Preferences EmailPrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Site Preferences SitePrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSkillsInputTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

Applicant Review Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable an applicant to review and update their account details as part of an application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_APL_ACCOUNT_REVIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT
Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST
Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST
Additional Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS
Work Preferences Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR
Work Preferences shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_REVIEW_DETAILS


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Basic Details PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Basic Details PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Basic Details NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Address FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Address IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Employment History IrcAplPrevEmpFlex Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Work Preferences SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Email Preferences EmailPrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSkillsInputTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE

Applicant Review Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable an applicant to review and update their account details as part of an application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu HR_APPLY_REVIEW_SS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT
Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST
Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST
Education Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTR_ESTABLISHMENTS
Education Qualifications Tip IRC_ADD_EDU_QUALS_INSTR
Additional Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS
Page Level Instruction IRC_412188_UPLOAD_RESUME_APPLY


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Basic Details PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Basic Details PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Basic Details NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Address FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Address IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Employment History IrcAplPrevEmpFlex Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Education Qualifications IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education Qualifications QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/ApplyReviewPG HR_APPLY_REVIEW_SS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/webui/AplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSkillsInputTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

Application Review

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable an applicant to review their details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Overview PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Overview PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Overview NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Page Level FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Page Level IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Work Preferences SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

Application Review

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable an applicant to review their details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Overview PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Overview PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Overview NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Page Level FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Page Level IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Work Preferences SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

Applicant Review Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable an applicant to review and update their account details as part of an application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT
Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST
Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST
Education Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTR_ESTABLISHMENTS
Education Qualifications Tip IRC_ADD_EDU_QUALS_INSTR
Additional Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_REVIEW_DETAILS


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Basic Details PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Basic Details PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Basic Details NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Address FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Address IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Employment History IrcAplPrevEmpFlex Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Education Qualifications IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education Qualifications QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/webui/AplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSkillsInputTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

Applicant Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to perform a job search.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_CONFIRM_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Other Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter other information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_PARSE_OTHR

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
How Did You Hear About Us Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Equal Employment Opportunity Instruction IRC_APL_EQUAL_OPPOR
Equal Employment Opportunity Instruction IRC_APL_CONFIDENTIAL
Equal Employment Opportunity Instruction IRC_APL_RACE_TIP


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
How Did You Hear About Us IrcFlexField1 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
How Did You Hear About Us IrcFlexField2 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
How Did You Hear About Us IrcFlexField3 Further Person Information Person Developer DF
How Did You Hear About Us NotifFlex1 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Equal Employment Opportunity EthnicGroup Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Equal Employment Opportunity IrcFlexField1 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Equal Employment Opportunity IrcFlexField4 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Equal Employment Opportunity IrcFlexField5 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSrcInfoSCRN IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEqualOpporDCRN IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO

Applicant Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Job Search Page for Registered Users

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Search shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT
Search shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Search SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/EmpJobSearchPG HR_APPLY_FOR_JOB_SS

Applicant Veteran Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter veteran information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_VETERAN_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Add Attachments

Document Name:


Description: Page to add internal and external documents as attachments to offers.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.


Document Name:


Description: Page displays information such as the applicant name, vacancy name, manager name, and application status. This page appears when managers click the Filled, Total Number of Applications, To be Processed, In process, or Rejected column links in the Recruitment Summary Report.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicants Management Applicant Details

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable manager to view the details of applicants who have applied for a particular vacancy. This page is displayed when a manager clicks on the name of an applicant in the Vacancy Search page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Application Details : Instruction IRC_APL_VIEW_HEADER
Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST
Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP
Application Details Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Status Details and Change Reason shortTip IRC_412601_COMMENT_LEN_TIP


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Overview PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Overview PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Overview NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Personal Details FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Personal Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Application Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Application Details IrcFlexField2 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Application Details Notifflex2 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Applicant Rating AplRankFlex1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Applicant Rating AplRankFlex2 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Applicant Rating AplRankFlex3 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Other Jobs Applied To JobsApldPerAssignmentsFlex Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Other Jobs Applied To JobsApldSearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/AplMgmtVwHeaderRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/AplMgtStatDetRN IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/AplMgtAplRankRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

Applicants Management Applicant Details

Document Name:


Description: Applicant Details Page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Application Details : Instruction IRC_APL_VIEW_HEADER
Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST
Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP
Application Details Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Status Details and Change Reason shortTip IRC_412601_COMMENT_LEN_TIP


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Overview PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Overview PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Overview NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Personal Details FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Personal Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Application Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Application Details IrcFlexField2 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Application Details Notifflex2 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Applicant Rating AplRankFlex1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Applicant Rating AplRankFlex2 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Applicant Rating AplRankFlex3 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Other Jobs Applied To JobsApldPerAssignmentsFlex Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Other Jobs Applied To JobsApldSearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/AplMgmtVwHeaderRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/AplMgtStatDetRN IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/AplMgtAplRankRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/webui/AplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Applicants Management Mass Update Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to update many applications.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Status Details and Change Reason shortTip IRC_412601_COMMENT_LEN_TIP


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/AplMgmtMassUpdateRN IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/AplMgmtAplicantListRN IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/CmSelectedAplicantsTblRN IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/AplMgtStatDetRN IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE

Applicant Qualification Update Flex Page

Document Name:


Description: Flexfield page to enable a registered user to update qualification details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_CM_QUALUPD_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Additional Qualification Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicants Management Mass Reconsider Applications Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to update many applications.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_MASS_REVTERM_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/AplMgmtAplicantListRN IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/CmSelectedAplicantsTblRN IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE

Applicant Background Check Page

Document Name:


Description: Page used to redirect mangers to the background check vendor.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_BACKGROUND_CHECK_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Document Upload Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable Agencies and Managers to upload documents as part of Creating a Candidate, for example resumes, or covering letters

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APPLY_DOC_UPLOAD

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_TIP


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Generic Document Upload Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to upload documents as part of My Account, for example resumes, or covering letters

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_GENERIC_DOC_UPLOAD

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_TIP


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Disability Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter Disability information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_DISABILITY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Disability Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter Disability information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_DISABILITY_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Qualifications Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to enter more detailed information about their qualifications as part of My Account.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_EDUQUALS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicant Qualification View Flex Page

Document Name:


Description: Flex page to enable managers to view qualification details of candidates.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_QUAL_VIEW_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Additional Qualification Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Applicants Management Applicant Details

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable manager to view the details of applicants who have applied for a particular vacancy. This page is displayed when a manager clicks on the name of an applicant in the Vacancy Search page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_APPLICANT_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Application Details : Instruction IRC_AGENCY_APL_VIEW_HEADER
Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST
Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP
Status Details and Change Reason shortTip IRC_412601_COMMENT_LEN_TIP


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Overview PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Overview PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Overview NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Personal Details FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Personal Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Application Details PersonFlexfield Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Application Details AssignmentFlexfield Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Application Details Notifflex2 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Applicant Rating AplRankFlex1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Applicant Rating AplRankFlex2 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Applicant Rating AplRankFlex3 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Other Jobs Applied To PerAssignmentsFlexfield Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Other Jobs Applied To SearchCriteriaFlexField Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/AplMgtStatDetRN IRC_CM_MASS_UPDATE_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/applicant/webui/AplMgtAplRankRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS

Applicant Other Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to enter other information when required as part of the job application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_ADDITIONAL_APL_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
How Did You Hear About Us Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_EQUAL_OPPOR
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_CONFIDENTIAL
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_RACE_TIP


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
How Did You Hear About Us IrcFlexField1 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
How Did You Hear About Us IrcFlexField2 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
How Did You Hear About Us IrcFlexField3 Further Person Information Person Developer DF
How Did You Hear About Us NotifFlex1 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Page Level EthnicGroup Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Page Level IrcFlexField4 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Page Level IrcFlexField5 Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSrcInfoSCRN IRC_APL_OTHER_INFO

Candidate Upload Details Page

Document Name:


Description: Review Uploaded Candidate Details Page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST
Phone Number Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST
Additional Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS
Page Level Instruction IRC_412143_APL_PARSE_RES_HDR


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Overview PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Overview PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Overview NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Address FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Address IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Phone Number IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplNavBarRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEmpHisRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEmplmntHistTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSkillsInputTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

Candidate Select Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to search for individual people, for example, by name.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMPLOYEE_CANDIDATE_SELECT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Person Information HZ_PERSON_PROFILES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidates For Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable a manager to perform a search for suitable candidates for a particular vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_CAN4VAC_SEARCH

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Vacancy Details Instruction IRC_CAND4VAC_SRCH_HDR
Vacancy Details Instruction IRC_CAND4VAC_CMN_SRCH_HDR


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Vacancy Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Vacancy Details SearchCriteriaFlexResults Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Management Candidate Details Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable a manager to view a candidate's details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_CAND_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Applicant Details : Instruction IRC_APL_VIEW_HEADER
Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP
Site Preferences shortTip IRC_APL_ALLOW_SEARCH_INST


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Overview PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Overview PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Overview NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Personal Details FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Personal Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Personal Details IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Work Preferences SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/agency/webui/AgencyAplVwPG IRC_AGENCY_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

Candidate Management Qualifications Flex Page

Document Name:


Description: Flexfield page to enable a registered user to enter additional qualification details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_CM_EDUQUAL_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Additional Qualification Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Management Qualification Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable a manager to update a candidate's qualification details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Additional Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplNavBarRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSkillsInputTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS

Candidate Management Educational Qualifications Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to view and update the details of an applicant's qualifications.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_CAND_EDUQUAL_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Management Personal Information Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable a candidate to update personal details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST
Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Overview PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Overview PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Overview NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Address FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Address IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplNavBarRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

Candidate Management Previous Employment Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to view and update previous employer information for registered users.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_CAND_PREVEMP_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Previous Employer IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Establishment Attendances Flex Page

Document Name:


Description: Flexfield page to enable candidates and managers to add additional details about educational establishments attended.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_EST_ATT_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Management Candidate Details Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable a manager to view a candidate's details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Applicant Details : Instruction IRC_APL_VIEW_HEADER
Documents Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_BUTTON_TIP


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Overview PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Overview PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Overview NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Personal Details FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Personal Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Personal Details IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Education IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Work Preferences SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Jobs Applied For JobsApldPerAssignmentsFlex Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Jobs Applied For JobsApldSearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APPLY_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateManagement/webui/MgrAplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_REVIEW

Candidate Establishment Attendances Flex Page

Document Name:


Description: Flexfield page to enable candidates to add additional details about educational establishments attended.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CAND_EST_ATT_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Select Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to search for individual people, for example, by name.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_CANDIDATE_SELECT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Person Information HZ_PERSON_PROFILES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidates For Vacancy Advanced Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable a manager to perform a search for suitable candidates for a particular vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_CAN4VAC_ADV_SEARCH

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Advanced Search Instruction IRC_CAND4VAC_ADV_SRCH_HDR
Advanced Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2
Results Instruction IRC_CAND4VAC_CMN_SRCH_HDR


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Advanced Search SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Results IrcFlexField1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Results SearchCriteriaFlexResults Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to search for candidates in the prospect pool.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Search Instruction IRC_CM_CAND_SRCH_HDR
Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2
Search shortTip IRC_LINK_VACANCY


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Search SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Candidates: Prospect Pool IrcFlexField1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Candidates: Prospect Pool SearchCriteriaFlexResults Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSearch/webui/CmCandSrchCritDumRN IRC_CM_CANDIDATE_SEARCH
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSearch/webui/CmCandSrchCritDumRN IRC_CM_CAN4VAC_ADV_SEARCH

Create Account

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable a registered user to create their account details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_CREATE_ACCOUNT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Create Account

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to enter their account details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_CREATE_ACCOUNT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Compare Profiles

Document Name:


Description: Page to print profiles of candidates and applicants, compare candidates and compare applicants.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Create Candidate Document Upload Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable Agencies and Managers to upload documents as part of Creating a Candidate, for example resumes, or covering letters

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CREATE_CAND_DOC_UPLOAD

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_GEN_DOC_LOAD_TIP


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Create Offer Review Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable Managers to create an offer for the selected application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CREATE_OFFER_REVIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Work Preferences

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable a manager to update a registered user's work preferences

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR
Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT
Page Level Instruction IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplNavBarRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

Candidates For Vacancy Advanced Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable a manager to perform a search for suitable candidates for a particular vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_CAN4VAC_ADV_SEARCH

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Advanced Search Instruction IRC_CAND4VAC_ADV_SRCH_HDR
Advanced Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2
Results Instruction IRC_CAND4VAC_CMN_SRCH_HDR


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Advanced Search SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Results IrcFlexField1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Results SearchCriteriaFlexResults Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Profile

Document Name:


Description: Page for managers or recruiters to view a snapshot of the candidate in the following sections: Candidate Details, Application Details, Skills Match Percentage, and Applicant Pool Analysis.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CANDIDATE_PROFILE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level shortTip IRC_412606_SAL_GRAPH


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Candidate Name PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Candidate Name PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Candidate Name FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Candidate Name IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Application Details AssignmentFlex Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Application Details AplPersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Application Details AplPersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Page Level DEE Further Person Information Person Developer DF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidates For Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable a manager to perform a search for suitable candidates for a particular vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_CAN4VAC_SEARCH

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Vacancy Details Instruction IRC_CAND4VAC_SRCH_HDR
Vacancy Details Instruction IRC_CAND4VAC_CMN_SRCH_HDR


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Vacancy Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Vacancy Details SearchCriteriaFlexResults Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Close Offer

Document Name:


Description: Page to close an offer.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CLOSE_OFFER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_OFFER_NOTES_INST


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Create Interview

Document Name:


Description: Page to create interviews for applicants.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Interview Details shortTip (example: 20:45)
Interview Details shortTip (example: 20:45)


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Interview Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Event Details PER_EVENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Create Offer Note

Document Name:


Description: Page to create offer notes.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Create Offer Details Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable Managers to create an offer for the selected application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_ENTER_OFFER_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Create Offer Compensation Details Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable Managers to create an offer for the selected application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CREATE_OFFER_COMP

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Candidate Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to search for candidates in the prospect pool.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Search Instruction IRC_CM_CAND_SRCH_HDR
Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2
Search shortTip IRC_LINK_VACANCY


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Search SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Candidates: Prospect Pool IrcFlexField1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Candidates: Prospect Pool SearchCriteriaFlexResults Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSearch/webui/CmCandSrchCritDumRN IRC_CM_CANDIDATE_SEARCH
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSearch/webui/CmCandSrchCritDumRN IRC_CM_CAN4VAC_ADV_SEARCH

Candidate Management Applicant Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to search for suitable applicants for a particular vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2
Search shortTip IRC_LINK_VACANCY
Page Level longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Page Level IrcFlexField3 Further Person Information Person Developer DF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Create Topic

Document Name:


Description: Page enables an applicant to create a new communication topic, update topics for communication messages for managers, recruiters, and agency users.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Create Topic

Document Name:


Description: Page to create and update topics for communication messages for managers, recruiters, and agency users.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Document Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to perform a search on resumes that have been uploaded by candidates.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2
Search shortTip IRC_LINK_VACANCY


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Default Posting Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to define default job postings

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_DEFLT_POST_SEARCH
Page Level longMessage IRC_REQ_IMAGE_URL_TIP
Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_DPOST_HEADER


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Default Posting Details IRC_DEFAULT_POSTINGS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Document Preview Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable any document to be previewed.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_DOCUMENT_PREVIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Document Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to perform a search on resumes that have been uploaded by candidates.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2
Search shortTip IRC_LINK_VACANCY


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Duplicate Profile

Document Name:


Description: Page for managers or recruiters to search and identify duplicate profiles that exist in iRecruitment.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_LINKED_CANDIDTATES

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Decline Offer

Document Name:


Description: Page for an applicant to decline a job offer online. This page is displayed when the applicant clicks the Decline Offer button on the Offer Details page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_DECLINE_OFFER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_DECLINE_OFFER_INST


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Employee Visitor Job Basket Page

Document Name:


Description: Job Basket page for employee site visitors.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_VIS_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Job Basket IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Job Basket IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Job Basket IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Employee Applicant Vacancy Display Page

Document Name:


Description: Vacancy Details Display Page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Description IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Description IrcFlexField2 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF
Description FndFlexField Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Description IrcFlexField3 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES
Skills IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Recruiter Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Recruiter Details IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Recruiter Details IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/RectrDetsSWRN IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/RectrDetsSWRN IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

Employee Person Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to search for individual people, for example, by name.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Person Information HZ_PERSON_PROFILES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Employee Applicant Vacancy Display Page

Document Name:


Description: Vacancy Details Display Page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu HR_APPLY_JOB_DETAILS_SS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Description IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Description IrcFlexField2 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF
Description FndFlexField Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Description IrcFlexField3 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES
Skills IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Recruiter Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Recruiter Details IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Recruiter Details IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/JobDisplayPG HR_APPLY_JOB_DETAILS_SS
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/RectrDetsSWRN IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/RectrDetsSWRN IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

Enter Applicant Response

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to enter an applicant's response to a job offer. Managers can select whether an applicant has accepted or declined an offer.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_ENTER_APL_RESP2OFFER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Employee Visitor Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable employee visitors to perform a job search.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_VIS_JOB_SEARCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Search Instruction IRC_VIS_QUICK_SEARCH
Search shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT
Search shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Search SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Search IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Search IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Search IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Establishment Attendances Flex Page

Document Name:


Description: Flexfield page to enable candidates and managers to add additional details about educational establishments attended.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_MGR_EST_ATT_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Employee Visitor Advanced Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Advanced Job Search Page for Visitors

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_VIS_ADV_JOB_SRCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction FND_INQUIRIES_GO
Page Level shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT
Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Employee Visitor Vacancy Display Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable an employee site visitor to display the details of a vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Description IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Description IrcFlexField2 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF
Description FndFlexField Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Description IrcFlexField3 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES
Skills IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Recruiter Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Recruiter Details IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Recruiter Details IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/EmpVisVacDispPG IRC_EMP_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/RectrDetsSWRN IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/RectrDetsSWRN IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

Establishment Attendances Qualification Flex Page

Document Name:


Description: Flexfield page to enable candidates and managers to add additional details about educational establishments attended.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_MGR_QUAL_EST_ATT_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Employee Visitor Login on Apply Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable employee site visitors to log in when applying for a vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHmeLoginStkRN IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHmeLoginStkRN IRC_VIS_HOME_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHmeLoginStkRN IRC_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHmeLoginStkRN IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHomeLoginDCRN IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHomeLoginDCRN IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE

Employee Visitor Login Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable employee site visitors to log in

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_VIS_LOGIN_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHomeLoginDCRN IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHomeLoginDCRN IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE

Existing Linked Profiles

Document Name:


Description: Page appears when managers click the number in the Duplicates column of the Potential Duplicates region. This page displays details of the duplicate profiles.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Extend Offer Duration

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable a manager to extend the duration of an offer.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EXTEND_OFFER_DURATION

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Ex-employee Registration

Document Name:


Description: Ex-employee registration page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EX_EMP_REGISTRATION

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_EX_EMP_REGISTRATION
Page Level Instruction IRC_EXEMP_REGISTER_HDR


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Generate Resume

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable candidates to select a resume format and create a resume.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_GENERATE_RESUME

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

HA System Administration Page

Document Name:


Description: Page for High availability feature administration.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Steps Instruction IRC_HA_SYS_ADMIN_STEP1
Steps Instruction IRC_HA_SYS_ADMIN_STEP2
Steps Instruction IRC_HA_SYS_ADMIN_STEP3
Steps Instruction IRC_HA_SYS_ADMIN_STEP4
Steps Instruction IRC_HA_SYS_ADMIN_STEP5
Steps Instruction IRC_HA_SYS_ADMIN_STEP6


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Interviewer Home Page

Document Name:


Description: Page for employee interviewers to view vacancy details of their interviews and view applications for which they are the interviewers. They can also view interview details, such as the location, time, and date of their interviews. Only primary interviewers can update interview details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_MGR_HOME_HEADER1


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Interview Details

Document Name:


Description: Interview details page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Event Details PER_EVENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Manager Visitor Home Page

Document Name:


Description: Home page for manager

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_LOGIN

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Manager Home Page

Document Name:


Description: Home page for managers

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Notifications Instruction IRC_MGR_HOME_HEADER1
Page Level shortTip IRC_412244_NMBR_TOL_TIP
Page Level shortTip IRC_412244_NMBR_TOL_TIP
Page Level shortTip IRC_412244_NMBR_TOL_TIP
Page Level shortTip IRC_412244_NMBR_TOL_TIP
Save For Later Instruction IRC_412505_SFL_HEADER


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/MgrHomePG IRC_CM_HOME
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/MgrHomeStkRN IRC_CM_HOME

iRecruitment Vacancy Display Skills Flex Page

Document Name:


Description: Flexfield page to enable a registered user to enter additional skills information, or a manager to enter additional skills information for a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_DISP_SKILLS_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Additional Skills Details IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Set Effective Date Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable users to set the effective date

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_SET_EFFECTIVE_DATE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Interview Details

Document Name:


Description: Page displays details of scheduled interviews.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_INTERVIEW_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Event Details PER_EVENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Interviewer Bookings

Document Name:


Description: Page displays any booking conflict when managers click the Check Availability button to verify the availability of the interviewer on the date of interview.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment External Job Basket Page

Document Name:


Description: Job Basket page for external registered users.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EXT_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Job Basket IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Job Basket IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Job Basket IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplJobBsktRN IRC_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplJobBasketTbl2RN IRC_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

iRecruitment Apl Skills Flex Update Page

Document Name:


Description: Flex page to enable candidates to update their skills information.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_SKILLS_FLEX_UPD_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Additional Skills Details IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment External Site Visitor Job Basket Page

Document Name:


Description: Obsolete

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EXT_VIS_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Job Basket IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Job Basket IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Job Basket IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplJobBsktRN IRC_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplJobBasketTbl2RN IRC_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

iRecruitment Site Visitor Home Page

Document Name:


Description: Site Visitor Home Page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Job Search Instruction IRC_VIS_QUICK_SEARCH
Job Search shortTip IRC_412603_EID_KEYWORDS_TIP
Job Search shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT
Job Search shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Job Search SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHomeLoginDCRN IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHomeLoginDCRN IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE

iRecruitment Referral Home Page

Document Name:


Description: Home page for managers

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_MGR_HOME_HEADER1


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Emp Job Basket Page

Document Name:


Description: Job Basket page for employees.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Job Basket IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Job Basket IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Job Basket IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplJobBsktRN IRC_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplJobBasketTbl2RN IRC_APL_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

iRecruitment Apl Skills Flex View Page

Document Name:


Description: Flex page to enable candidates to view their skills information.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_SKILLS_FLEX_VIEW_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Additional Skills Details IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Employee Visitor Home Page

Document Name:


Description: Home page for employee site visitors.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Job Search Instruction IRC_VIS_QUICK_SEARCH
Job Search shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT
Job Search shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Job Search SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHomeLoginDCRN IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHomeLoginDCRN IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE

iRecruitment Relaunch Page

Document Name:


Description: iRecruitment relaunch page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_RELAUNCH_PG

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Mail Unsubscription Page

Document Name:


Description: Confirmation page that appears when candidates click the Unsubscribe link on the New Jobs Alert notification and General iRecruitment Update notification pages.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_UNSUBSCRIB_FUNC

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Employee User Home Page

Document Name:


Description: Home Page for Registered Employee Users

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Notifications Instruction IRC_MGR_HOME_HEADER1
Jobs Applied For Instruction IRC_APL_HOME_HEADER2


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Jobs Applied For IrcFlexField1 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Jobs Applied For IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Apl Vacancy Skills Flex Display Page

Document Name:


Description: Flexfield page to enable a registered user to enter additional skills information.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_VAC_SKILLS_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Additional Skills Details IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Apl Account Review Page Skills Flex Page

Document Name:


Description: Flexfield page to enable a registered user to enter additional skills information.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_ACREV_SKILLS_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Additional Skills Information IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Visitor Vacancy Skills Flex Display Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable a site visitor to display the details of a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_VAC_SKILLS_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Additional Skills Details IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

iRecruitment Registered User Home Page

Document Name:


Description: Home Page for Registered Users

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_HOME_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Notifications Instruction IRC_MGR_HOME_HEADER1
Jobs Applied For Instruction IRC_APL_HOME_HEADER2


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Jobs Applied For IrcFlexField1 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Jobs Applied For IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/JobsApldForTblRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/JobsApldForTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

iRecruitment Agency Home Page

Document Name:


Description: Home page for agencies

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Notifications Instruction IRC_MGR_HOME_HEADER1


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Job Notifications Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to see their job notifications.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_JOB_NOTIFS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Notifications Instruction IRC_NOTIFS_RECEIVED


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Jobs Applied For Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to see the full list of jobs for which they have applied.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APPLY_JOB_DETAILS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Jobs Applied For Page

Document Name:


Description: Search Jobs Applied For

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_APPLIED_JOBS_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Maintain Offer Address

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers or recruiters to check whether the address details of an applicant is correct before a paper copy of an offer letter is sent to the applicant. If an applicant wants the offer letter to be sent to another address, then the changed address details can be entered using this page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_MAINTAIN_OFFER_ADDRESS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Address Information for Offer Instruction IRC_SEND_OFFER_HARDCOPY_INSTR


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Mass Communication

Document Name:


Description: Page for mass communication.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Mass Interview Creation

Document Name:


Description: Mass interview creation page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Interview Details shortTip (example: 20:45)
Interview Details shortTip (example: 20:45)


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Manager Document Preview Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to preview documents uploaded by candidates.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_NAV_DOCUMENT_VIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

My Account: Work Preferences

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to enter work preferences as part of My Account

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR
Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplNavBarRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS

Offer Approvers

Document Name:


Description: Page displays offer details and offer approval history.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.


Document Name:


Description: Page that displays offer information such as the applicant name, vacancy name, job title, and manager name. This page appears when managers click the Pending for Approval, Approved, Extended, Accepted, Declined by Applicants, On Hold, or Withdrawn column links in the Recruitment Summary Report.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offer Letter

Document Name:


Description: Offer letter page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_TEMPLATE_OFFER_LETTER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offer Details

Document Name:


Description: AplJobOfferPG

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_VIEW_OFFER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offer History

Document Name:


Description: Offer history page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIEW_OFFER_HISTORY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offer Notes

Document Name:


Description: Page to view offer notes.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offer Letter

Document Name:


Description: Offer letter preview page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offer Template Associations

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers or recruiters to associate offer letter templates with business group, organization, jobs, or positions. This page is used to create and maintain default offer letter template associations.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offer Letter

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers or recruiters to preview offer letters.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_PREVIEW_OFFER_LETTER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offer Letter

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers or recruiters to preview offer letters.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_UPD_OFFER_LETTER_PREVIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offers Workbench

Document Name:


Description: Page enables managers or recruiters to search for offers using criteria such as offer status. Managers can click the applicant's name to view the offer details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level OfferDetailsFlex Offer Details IRC_OFFERS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Offer History Details

Document Name:


Description: Offer history details page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_OFFER_HISTORY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Basic Offer Details AdditionalAssignmentDetailsDFF Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Basic Offer Details OfferDetailsFlex Offer Details IRC_OFFERS
Basic Offer Details PersonDeveloperFlex Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Salary Information OfferPayProposalFlex Add'l Salary Admin. Details PER_PAY_PROPOSALS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Person Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to search for individual people, for example, by name.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Search longMessage IRC_412510_PHONE_NUMBER_TIP
Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Person Information HZ_PERSON_PROFILES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Primary System Administration Page

Document Name:


Description: Page for High availability primary system administration.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Steps Instruction IRC_HA_PRIM_ADMIN_STEP1
Steps Instruction IRC_HA_PRIM_ADMIN_STEP2
Steps Instruction IRC_HA_PRIM_ADMIN_STEP3
Steps Instruction IRC_HA_PRIM_ADMIN_STEP4
Steps Instruction IRC_HA_PRIM_ADMIN_STEP5


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Pursue Consider Reject Candidates For Vacancy Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to pursue, consider or reject a candidate.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_PCR_CAND4VAC_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Pursue Consider Reject Candidates Instruction IRC_CM_PCR_HDR
Candidate List Instruction IRC_CM_PCR_INST_TXT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Candidate List IrcFlexField1 Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Candidate List SearchCriteriaFlexResults Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Registered User Save Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to save the criteria of a job search.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_CREATE_SV_SRCH_HDR


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSaveSrchPG IRC_APL_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/common/webui/OkCancelBarRN IRC_APL_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Register and Apply: Enter Preferences

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable candidates to enter work preferences as part of registration process to apply for jobs.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_PREFS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR
Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level SitePrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Page Level EmailPrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

Register and Apply: Add Qualifications and Skills

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable candidates to add qualifications and skills to their account as part of the registration process and create resumes online.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_QUALS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Education Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTR_ESTABLISHMENTS
Education Qualifications Tip IRC_ADD_EDU_QUALS_INSTR
Additional Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Education Qualifications IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education Qualifications QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEmpHisRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEmplmntHistTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSkillsInputTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Person Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to search for individual people, for example, by name.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Search longMessage IRC_412510_PHONE_NUMBER_TIP
Search longMessage IRC_CM_RESUME_SEARCH_TIP2


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Person Information HZ_PERSON_PROFILES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Reply to Message

Document Name:


Description: Page for an applicant to reply to an existing communication topic.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Reply to Topic

Document Name:


Description: Page for managers to reply to an existing communication topic.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Referrals Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to refer candidates to other managers or recruiters.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_REFER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_CM_REFER_HDR


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Recruiting Team Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to search for vacancies

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_REC_TEAM_VAC_SRCH_FUNCTION

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Recruitment Summary

Document Name:


Description: Recruitment summary.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_CM_RECRUITMENT_SUMMARY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Register: Enter Preferences

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to enter work and e-mail preferences as part of their account.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_RESUME_PREFS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR
Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level SitePrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Page Level EmailPrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

Register: Personal Information

Document Name:


Description: Enter personal information page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_RESUME_PERSON_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST
Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Basic Details PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Basic Details PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Basic Details NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Address FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Address IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPrsAcDetsSkRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/webui/AplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Register: Enter Preferences

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to add preferences to their account.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_PARSE_PREF

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR
Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level SitePrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Page Level EmailPrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

Registered User View Save Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to view the job searches they have saved.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_VIEW_SAVED_SEARCHES

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Personal Job Search Views Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_SAVED_SEARCHES


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Personal Job Search Views IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Register and Apply: Review Account Information

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to review their account information after resume extraction.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_PARSE_REVIEW_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST
Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST
Education Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTR_ESTABLISHMENTS
Education Qualifications Tip IRC_ADD_EDU_QUALS_INSTR
Additional Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS
Page Level Instruction IRC_REG_REVIEW_PARSE_INFO


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Basic Details PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Basic Details PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Basic Details NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Address FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Address IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Education Qualifications IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education Qualifications QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEmpHisRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEmplmntHistTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSkillsInputTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/webui/AplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT


Document Name:


Description: Partial registration page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_PARTIAL_REG_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Register and Apply: Personal Information

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable candidates to add work preferences to their account as part of the registration process and create resumes online.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_PERSON_INF

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST
Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Basic Details PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Basic Details PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Basic Details NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Address FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Address IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPrsAcDetsSkRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/webui/AplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Register: Enter Preferences

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to enter work preferences as part of My Account.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_PREFS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR
Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level SitePrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Page Level EmailPrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

Registered User View Save Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to view the job searches they have saved.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_VIEW_SAVED_SEARCHES

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Personal Job Search Views Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_SAVED_SEARCHES


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Personal Job Search Views IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwSrchesRegRN IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplVwSrchesTblRN IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE

Register: Create Resume

Document Name:


Description: Create resume during registration page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_CREATE_RESUME

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Register: Personal Information

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable candidates to update personal details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_PERSON_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST
Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Basic Details PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Basic Details PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Basic Details NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Address FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Address IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPrsAcDetsSkRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/webui/AplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Recruiting Site Flex Page

Document Name:


Description: Flexfield page to enable a manager to enter additional details for a recruiting site

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_REC_SITE_MAINTAINFLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Additional Recruiting Site Information FndFlexField Additional Recruiting Site Information IRC_ALL_RECRUITING_SITES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Recruiting Site Page

Document Name:


Description: Job posting vendor details page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Job Posting Vendor Details RecruitingSites Additional Recruiting Site Information IRC_ALL_RECRUITING_SITES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Register and Apply: Create Resume

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable candidates to register with iRecruitment and create their resumes to apply for jobs.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_CREATE_RESUME

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Register and Apply: Assessment

Document Name:


Description: Page in the job application process that provides the application assessment.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_UPLD_RESUME_ASMNT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_412553_ASSESSMENT_WARNING


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Register: Review Account Information

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to review their account information after resume extraction.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_PARSE_REVIEW_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST
Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST
Education Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTR_ESTABLISHMENTS
Education Qualifications Tip IRC_ADD_EDU_QUALS_INSTR
Additional Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS
Page Level Instruction IRC_REG_REVIEW_PARSE_INFO


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Basic Details PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Basic Details PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Basic Details NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Address FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Address IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Education Qualifications IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education Qualifications QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEmpHisRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEmplmntHistTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSkillsInputTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/webui/AplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Register: Enter Preferences

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to enter their preferences as part of My Account.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_RESUME_PARSE_PREFS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR
Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level SitePrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Page Level EmailPrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

Register and Apply: Enter Preferences

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable candidates to add work preferences.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_RESUME_PREFS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_WORK_PREFS_INSTR
Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level SitePrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Page Level EmailPrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_MGR_WORK_PREFS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplWorkPrefRN IRC_APL_MY_ACCT_SEARCHES_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

Registration Assessment

Document Name:


Description: Page appears during candidate registration, if a registration assessment is defined.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REGISTER_ASSESSMENT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Register and Apply: Add Qualifications and Skills

Document Name:


Description: Add qualifications and skills page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_QUAL_SKILLS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Education Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTR_ESTABLISHMENTS
Education Qualifications Tip IRC_ADD_EDU_QUALS_INSTR
Additional Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Education Qualifications IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education Qualifications QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEmpHisRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEmplmntHistTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSkillsInputTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Register: Add Qualifications and Skills

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to add details about their educational qualifications and skills.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_RESUME_QUAL_SKILLS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Education Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTR_ESTABLISHMENTS
Education Qualifications Tip IRC_ADD_EDU_QUALS_INSTR
Additional Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Education Qualifications IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education Qualifications QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEmpHisRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEmplmntHistTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSkillsInputTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Register: Add Qualifications and Skills

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to enter details of their qualifications and skills as part of My Account.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_REG_QUAL_SKILLS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Education Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTR_ESTABLISHMENTS
Education Qualifications Tip IRC_ADD_EDU_QUALS_INSTR
Additional Qualifications Instruction IRC_APL_ENTER_ADD_QUALS


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Employment History IrcFlexField1 Additional Previous Employer Details PER_PREVIOUS_EMPLOYERS
Skills IrcFlexField5 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Education Qualifications IrcFlexField3 Add'l Establishment Att. Det's PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES
Education Qualifications QualFlexField Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS
Additional Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Qualification Details PER_QUALIFICATIONS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEmpHisRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEmplmntHistTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSkillsInputTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_CM_CAND_QUAL_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_QUALIFY_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplEducationTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Registration Assessment

Document Name:


Description: Page appears during candidate registration, if a registration assessment is defined.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_REG_ASSESSMENT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Registered User Save Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to update the criteria of a saved job search.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_UPD_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_UPD_SV_SRCH_HDR


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/common/webui/OkCancelBarRN IRC_APL_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Registered User Save Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to update the criteria of a saved job search

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_UPD_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_UPD_SV_SRCH_HDR


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/common/webui/OkCancelBarRN IRC_APL_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Register and Apply: Assessment

Document Name:


Description: Page appears during the registration process where external candidates can attempt registration assessment.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_REG_APL_ASMNT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_412553_ASSESSMENT_WARNING


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Register and Apply: Personal Information

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to add personal information to their account.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_APLY_PERSON_INFO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Basic Details Instruction IRC_APL_YOUR_WEBSITE_INSTRCT
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_SOURCE_TIP
Address Instruction IRC_APL_ADDRESS_INST
Phone Numbers Instruction IRC_APL_PHONES_INST


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Basic Details PersDetsFlexField Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Basic Details PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF
Basic Details NotificationPreferencesFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Address FndFlexField Personal Address Information Address Structure
Address IrcFlexField1 Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES
Phone Numbers IrcFlexField3 Add'l Telephone Number Det's PER_PHONES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPrsAcDetsSkRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_PER_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_RESUME_REVIEW_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPersDetsRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_APL_PERSONAL_ACC_DETS_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplAddressRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhnNumbersRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_APPLICANT_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplPhoneNumbersTblRN IRC_CM_CAND_DETAILS
/oracle/apps/irc/documentLoad/webui/AplDocTblRN IRC_APL_APPLY_ACCOUNT

Requisition Launch Region

Document Name:


Description: Vacancy Workflow Page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_NEW_LAUNCH_WF

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Registered User Save Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable employee applicants to save their job search.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMP_APL_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_APL_CREATE_SV_SRCH_HDR


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/common/webui/OkCancelBarRN IRC_APL_SAVE_SEARCH_PAGE

Send Offer

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers send offers to applicants online.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_SEND_OFFER_EMAIL

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Track Offer

Document Name:


Description: Track offer page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_TRACK_OFFER_LETTER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_TRACK_OFFER_HDR_MSG


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Mailing Address Address Personal Address Information Address Structure
Mailing Address AddressAdtnlDets Additional Address Details PER_ADDRESSES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Update Interview

Document Name:


Description: Update interview details page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_UPDATE_INTERVIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Interview Details shortTip (example: 20:45)
Interview Details shortTip (example: 20:45)


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Interview Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Event Details PER_EVENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Update Offer Review Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable Managers to update an offer for the selected application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_UPDATE_OFFER_REVIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_OFFER_REVIEW_INST
Page Level Instruction IRC_OFFER_REVIEW_INST


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Offer Basic Details WorkScheduleFlex Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Offer Basic Details OffersFlexField Offer Details IRC_OFFERS
Offer Basic Details PersonDeveloperFlex Additional Personal Details PER_PEOPLE
Offer Salary Details OfferPayProposalFlex Add'l Salary Admin. Details PER_PAY_PROPOSALS
Offer Basic Details EmpOffersFlexField Offer Details IRC_OFFERS
Proposed Additional Assignment Details UpdWorkScheduleFlexCompare Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Employee Additional Assignment Comparison GlbWorkScheduleFlexCompare Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Employee Additional Assignment Comparison WorkScheduleFlexCompare Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Employee Additional Assignment Comparison WorkScheduleFlexEmp Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS
Employee Additional Assignment Comparison WorkScheduleFlexOffer Additional Assignment Details PER_ASSIGNMENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Update Offer Letter: Upload New Offer Letter Version

Document Name:


Description: Update offer letter page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_UPLOAD_OFFER_LETTER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Update Offer: Enter Compensation

Document Name:


Description: Update offer compensation details.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_UPDATE_OFFER_COMP

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_OFFER_COMP_INST


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Update Offer Note

Document Name:


Description: Update offer note.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Update Offer Details Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable Managers to update an offer for the selected application.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_UPDATE_OFFER_DETAILS

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Visitor Login on Apply Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable site visitors to log in when applying for a vacancy.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisAplyLoginPG IRC_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHmeLoginStkRN IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHmeLoginStkRN IRC_VIS_HOME_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHmeLoginStkRN IRC_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHmeLoginStkRN IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHomeLoginDCRN IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHomeLoginDCRN IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE

Visitor Login Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable site visitors to log in

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_LOGIN_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHmeLoginStkRN IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHmeLoginStkRN IRC_VIS_HOME_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHmeLoginStkRN IRC_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHmeLoginStkRN IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHomeLoginDCRN IRC_EMP_VIS_APPLY_LOGIN_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisHomeLoginDCRN IRC_EMP_VIS_HOME_PAGE

Vacancy View Page

Document Name:


Description: Vacancy Details Review Page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_VAC_VIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Primary Details IrcPeopleGroupFlex People Group Flexfield GRP
Primary Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Primary Details IrcFlexField2 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES
Compensation Information IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Travel Information IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Skills and Qualifications IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Job Posting IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevDetsDCRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevDetsDCRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevDetsDCRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevCompnRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevCompnRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevCompnRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevTravelRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevTravelRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevTravelRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to search for vacancies

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_VACANCY_SELECT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_SELECT_VAC_HEADER


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Search SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level SearchCriteriaFlexResults Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to search for vacancies

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Search SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level SearchCriteriaFlexResults Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to search for vacancies

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_EMPLOYEE_VACANCY_SELECT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_SELECT_VAC_HEADER


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Search SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level SearchCriteriaFlexResults Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to search for vacancies

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Search SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level SearchCriteriaFlexResults Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy Edit Review Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to review the vacancy they are creating

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_REVIEW_HEADER


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Update Vacancy: Review IrcPeopleGroupFlex People Group Flexfield GRP
Update Vacancy: Review IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Update Vacancy: Review IrcFlexField2 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES
Update Vacancy: Review IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Salary Information IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Update Vacancy: Review IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Update Vacancy: Review IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Update Vacancy: Review IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy Cancel Page

Document Name:


Description: Page displayed when an action is cancelled

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_CANCEL

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Warning Instruction IRC_CANCEL_VACANCY


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy Edit Details Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable a manager to update the primary details of a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_DETS_EDIT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Overview shortTip IRC_VAC_EMP_CON_TIP
Compensation Information shortTip IRC_412060_MIN_SALARY_FORMAT
Compensation Information shortTip IRC_412060_MIN_SALARY_FORMAT
Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_DETAILS_HEADER


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Overview IrcPeopleGroupFlex People Group Flexfield GRP
Overview FndFlexField Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES
Compensation Information IrcFlexField1____1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Travel Information IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/ReqDetsStkRN IRC_VAC_DETS_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/ReqDetsStkRN IRC_VAC_DETS_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/ReqOverviewDCRN IRC_VAC_DETS_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/ReqOverviewDCRN IRC_VAC_DETS_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/ReqTravelDCRN IRC_VAC_DETS_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/ReqTravelDCRN IRC_VAC_DETS_EDIT

Vacancy View Internal Posting Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable a manager to preview a job posting

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Description IrcFlexField1 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES
Description IrcFlexField2 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Description IrcFlexField3 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Skills IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Recruiter Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Recruiter Details IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Recruiter Details IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

Vacancy New Posting Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to create a job posting for a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_POST_NEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level shortTip IRC_REQ_IMAGE_URL_TIP
Page Level Instruction IRC_POSTINGS_HEADER


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/ReqPostingDCRN IRC_VAC_POST_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/ReqPostingDCRN IRC_VAC_POST_NEW

Vacancy View Page

Document Name:


Description: Vacancy Details Review Page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_VIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Primary Details IrcPeopleGroupFlex People Group Flexfield GRP
Primary Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Primary Details IrcFlexField2 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES
Compensation Information IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Travel Information IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Skills and Qualifications IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Job Posting IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacVwStkRN IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevDetsDCRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevDetsDCRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevDetsDCRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevCompnRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevCompnRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevCompnRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevTravelRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevTravelRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevTravelRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

Vacancy Approve Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable people approving new or changed vacancies to see the vacancy details

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Primary Details IrcPeopleGroupFlex People Group Flexfield GRP
Primary Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Primary Details IrcFlexField2 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES
Compensation Information IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Travel Information IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Skills and Qualifications IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Job Posting IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevDetsDCRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevDetsDCRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevDetsDCRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevCompnRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevCompnRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevCompnRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevTravelRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevTravelRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevTravelRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

Vacancy View External Posting Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to preview external job postings

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_PREV_EXT_POST

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Preview Job Posting IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy New Details Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to enter the primary details for a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_DETS_NEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Overview shortTip IRC_VAC_EMP_CON_TIP
Compensation Information shortTip IRC_412060_MIN_SALARY_FORMAT
Compensation Information shortTip IRC_412060_MIN_SALARY_FORMAT
Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_DETAILS_HEADER


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Overview IrcPeopleGroupFlex People Group Flexfield GRP
Overview FndFlexField Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES
Compensation Information IrcFlexField1____1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Travel Information IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/ReqDetsStkRN IRC_VAC_DETS_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/ReqDetsStkRN IRC_VAC_DETS_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/ReqOverviewDCRN IRC_VAC_DETS_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/ReqOverviewDCRN IRC_VAC_DETS_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/ReqTravelDCRN IRC_VAC_DETS_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/ReqTravelDCRN IRC_VAC_DETS_EDIT

Vacancy Assessment Preview

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to enter the skills and qualifications required for a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_ASSESSMENT_PREVIEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy Posting Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to create and update job postings

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_REQ_JOB_POSTING

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy View Page

Document Name:


Description: Vacancy Details Review Page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_DETAILS_RO

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Primary Details IrcPeopleGroupFlex People Group Flexfield GRP
Primary Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Primary Details IrcFlexField2 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES
Compensation Information IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Travel Information IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Skills and Qualifications IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Job Posting IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Page Level IrcPeopleGroupFlex People Group Flexfield GRP
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES
Salary Information IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Job Posting IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacVwStkRN IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevDetsDCRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevDetsDCRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevDetsDCRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevCompnRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevCompnRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevCompnRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevTravelRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevTravelRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacRevTravelRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT

Vacancy Edit Skills Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to update the skills and qualifications required for a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_SKILLS_EDIT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Update Vacancy: Skills and Qualifications Instruction IRC_VACANCY_ASSESSMENT_INSTR
Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_SKILLS_HEADER


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Skills IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsTblRN IRC_VAC_SKILLS_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsTblRN IRC_VAC_SKILLS_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsTblRN IRC_CM_CANDIDATE_SEARCH
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsTblRN IRC_CM_CAN4VAC_ADV_SEARCH

Vacancy Edit Team Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to update the security for a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_TEAM_EDIT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level longMessage IRC_412461_STATUS_COMM_TIP
Page Level longMessage IRC_412462_ATTACH_COMM_TIP
Page Level longMessage IRC_412492_RCPT_COMM_TIP
Page Level longMessage IRC_412493_MOD_COMM_TIP
Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_TEAM_HEADER


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Recruiter Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES
Security Method IrcFlexField1 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES
Security Method IrcFlexField1 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/RectrDetsRN IRC_VAC_TEAM_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/SecTeamDetsRN IRC_VAC_TEAM_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/SecTeamDetsRN IRC_VAC_TEAM_NEW

Vacancy Edit Posting Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable a manager to update the job posting for a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_POST_EDIT

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level shortTip IRC_REQ_IMAGE_URL_TIP
Page Level Instruction IRC_POSTINGS_HEADER


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/ReqPostingDCRN IRC_VAC_POST_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/ReqPostingDCRN IRC_VAC_POST_NEW

Vacancy New Team Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to set the security for their vacancy, for example by defining a recruiting team

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_TEAM_NEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level longMessage IRC_412461_STATUS_COMM_TIP
Page Level longMessage IRC_412462_ATTACH_COMM_TIP
Page Level longMessage IRC_412492_RCPT_COMM_TIP
Page Level longMessage IRC_412493_MOD_COMM_TIP
Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_TEAM_HEADER


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Create Vacancy: Enter Team Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES
Security Method IrcFlexField1 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES
Security Method IrcFlexField1 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/RectrDetsRN IRC_VAC_TEAM_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/SecTeamDetsRN IRC_VAC_TEAM_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/SecTeamDetsRN IRC_VAC_TEAM_NEW

Vacancy Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to search for vacancies

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy New Skills Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to enter the skills and qualifications required for a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_SKILLS_NEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Create Vacancy: Skills and Qualifications Instruction IRC_VACANCY_ASSESSMENT_INSTR
Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_SKILLS_HEADER


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Skills IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Qualifications IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsTblRN IRC_VAC_SKILLS_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsTblRN IRC_VAC_SKILLS_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsTblRN IRC_CM_CANDIDATE_SEARCH
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsTblRN IRC_CM_CAN4VAC_ADV_SEARCH

Vacancy Skills Flex Page

Document Name:


Description: Flexfield page to enable a manager to enter additional skills information for a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_SKILLS_FLEX_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Vacancy New Review Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable managers to review an updated vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_REQ_REVIEW_HEADER


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level IrcPeopleGroupFlex People Group Flexfield GRP
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Salary Information IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.


Document Name:


Description: View vacancy details page.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Visitor Advanced Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable visitors to perform an advanced job search.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu  

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction FND_INQUIRIES_GO
Page Level shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT
Page Level shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Page Level SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Page Level IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Page Level IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Visitor Registration on Apply Page

Document Name:


Description: Visitor Registration Page

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_APPLY_REGISTER_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Your Details PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Visitor Search Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable visitors to perform a job search

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_JOB_SEARCH_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Search Instruction IRC_VIS_QUICK_SEARCH
Search shortTip IRC_412133_KEYWORDS_FORMAT
Search shortTip IRC_412135_SALARY_FORMAT


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Search SearchCriteriaFlex Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Search IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Search IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Search IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Visitor Vacancy Display Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable a site visitor to display the details of a vacancy

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Description IrcFlexField1 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Description IrcFlexField2 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF
Description FndFlexField Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Description IrcFlexField3 Additional Vacancy Details PER_VACANCIES
Skills IrcFlexField1 Add'l Competence Element Det's PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS
Recruiter Details IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Recruiter Details IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Recruiter Details IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VacDispStkRN IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VACANCY_APPROVE
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_NEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_VIEW
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_PREV_INT_POST
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/VacSklsDispTblRN IRC_VAC_REVIEW_EDIT
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/RectrDetsSWRN IRC_VIS_VAC_DISPLAY
/oracle/apps/irc/vacancy/webui/RectrDetsSWRN IRC_APL_VAC_DISPLAY

Visitor Registration Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable site visitors to register for iRecruitment

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_REGISTER_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Your Details PersonDeveloperFlex Further Person Information Person Developer DF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Visitor Job Basket Page

Document Name:


Description: Job Basket Page for Visitor

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Job Basket IrcFlexField1 Additional Posting Content Details IRC_POSTING_CONTENTS
Job Basket IrcFlexField2 Additional Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA
Job Basket IrcFlexField3 Further Search Criteria Details IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisJobBsktRN IRC_VIS_JOB_BASKET_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisJobBsktRN IRC_EMP_VIS_JOB_BASKET_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/VisJobBasketTblRN IRC_VIS_JOB_BASKET_PAGE

Visitor Confirm Page

Document Name:


Description: Page displayed to confirm the candidate registration.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name


The following table presents a list of flexfields:

Region Name Item Name Flexfield Name Flexfield Code
Email Preferences EmailPrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES
Site Preferences SitePrefsFlex Additional Notification Preference Details IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

The following table presents a list of seeded function level personalizations:

Seeded Function Level Personalizations
Document Name Level Value
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_CONFIRM_APPLY_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_VIS_CONFIRM_PAGE
/oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplSitePrefsRN IRC_APL_EMAIL_PREFS_PAGE

Visitor Password Page

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable registered users to request that their password is reset

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_VIS_PASSWORD_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level Instruction IRC_VIS_PASSWORD_EMAIL


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Withdraw Application

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable applicants to provide reasons when they withdraw their applications.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_APL_WITHDRAW_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

The following table presents a list of configurable tips and instructions:

Configurable Tips and Instructions
Region Name Tip Type Message Name
Page Level shortTip IRC_412601_COMMENT_LEN_TIP


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Withdraw Application

Document Name:


Description: Page to enable agency users to withdraw application on behalf of their applicants.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_AGENCY_WITHDRAW_PAGE

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.

Withdraw Offer

Document Name:


Description: Page to withdraw an offer extended to an applicant.

Menu and Function Names:

This module can be accessed from the following menus and functions presented in the table:

Menu and Function Names
User Menu Name Function Name
Not directly accessible from a menu IRC_WITHDRAW_OFFER

Configurable Tips and Instructions:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Seeded Function Level Personalizations:

Not applicable.