Sample Appraisal Scoring Formulas

Sample Appraisal Objective Line-Scoring Formulas

This topic includes the two supplied sample formulas of type Appraisal Objective Line Scoring. When you define an objective assessment template with a rating-scale type of Fast Formula Based Line Scoring, the application uses the formula you select to calculate the score for each objective in the Objectives section of the appraisal.

Sample Formula PERF

This sample formula returns a performance rating derived from a specified performance rating. Business group and legislation code are global (null).



 * Formula Name : PERF


 * Description  : For an objective appraisal line, this formula

 *                returns Performance.


 * Formula Type : Appraisal Objective Line Scoring


 * Inputs       : 1) performance, number, default required

 *                2) weighting, number, default required

 *                3) line_object_id (objective_id), number, always set

 *                4) appraisal_id, number, always set

 *                5) appr_template_id, number, always set 

 *                6) appr_system_type (e.g.. SELF,EMP360,MGR360TRANS), text, always set 

 *                7) appr_type, text 

 * Note         : For appraisal_id, appr_template_id, appr_system_type, appr_type  

 *                a) This is an input, not a context

 *                b) No seeded DBIs use this

 * Outputs      : 1) line_score, number


 * Contexts     : Business Group, Assignment, Organization,

 *                Person, Date Earned


 * Example DBIs : ptu_per_person_type, asg_grade, asg_job,

 *                asg_status, asg_type, asg_primary,

 *                asg_position, asg_hours, asg_salary



/* Defaults for optional inputs and database items */

DEFAULT FOR performance IS 0

DEFAULT FOR weighting   IS 0

/* Declare formula inputs */

INPUTS ARE  performance(number)







/* Main body of formula */

line_score = performance 

/* Return the line score */

RETURN line_score 


This sample formula returns a performance rating derived from a specified performance rating and the weighting value specified for the objective. Business group and legislation code are global (null).



 * Formula Name : PERF_X_WEIGHTING


 * Description  : For an objective appraisal line, this formula

 *                multiplies Performance and Weighting.


 * Formula Type : Appraisal Objective Line Scoring


 * Inputs       : 1) performance, number, default required

 *                2) weighting, number, default required

 *                3) line_object_id (objective_id), number, always set

 *                4) appraisal_id, number, always set

 *                5) appr_template_id, number, always set 

 *                6) appr_system_type (e.g.. SELF,EMP360,MGR360TRANS), text, always set 

 *                7) appr_type, text 

 * Note         : For appraisal_id, appr_template_id, appr_system_type, appr_type  

 *                a) This is an input, not a context

 *                b) No seeded DBIs use this

 * Outputs      : 1) line_score, number


 * Contexts     : Business Group, Assignment, Organization,

 *                Person, Date Earned


 * Example DBIs : ptu_per_person_type, asg_grade, asg_job,

 *                asg_status, asg_type, asg_primary,

 *                asg_position, asg_hours, asg_salary



/* Defaults for optional inputs and database items */

DEFAULT FOR performance IS 0

DEFAULT FOR weighting   IS 0

/* Declare formula inputs */

INPUTS ARE  performance(number)







/* Main body of formula */

line_score = performance * weighting

/* Return the line score */

RETURN line_score 

Sample Appraisal Competency Line-Scoring Formulas

This topic includes the three supplied sample formulas of type Appraisal Competency Line Scoring. When you define a competency assessment template with a rating-scale type of Fast Formula Based Line Scoring, the application uses the formula you select to calculate the score for each competency in the Competencies section of the appraisal.

Sample Formula PERF_X_PROF

This sample formula returns a competency rating derived from specified performance and proficiency ratings. Business group and legislation code are global (null).



 * Formula Name : PERF_X_PROF


 * Description  : For a competency appraisal line, this formula

 *                multiplies Performance and Proficiency.


 * Formula Type : Appraisal Competency Line Scoring


 * Inputs       : 1) performance, number, default required

 *                2) proficiency, number, default required

 *                3) weighting, number, default required

 *                4) line_object_id (competency_id), number, always set

 *                5) appraisal_id, number, always set

 *                6) appr_template_id, number, always set 

 *                7) appr_system_type (e.g.. SELF,EMP360,MGR360TRANS), text, always set 

 *                8) appr_type, text 

 * Note         : For appraisal_id, appr_template_id, appr_system_type, appr_type  

 *                a) This is an input, not a context

 *                b) No seeded DBIs use this

 * Outputs      : 1) line_score, number


 * Contexts     : Business Group, Assignment, Organization,

 *                Person, Date Earned


 * Example DBIs : ptu_per_person_type, asg_grade, asg_job,

 *                asg_status, asg_type, asg_primary,

 *                asg_position, asg_hours, asg_salary


/* Defaults for optional inputs and database items */

DEFAULT FOR performance IS 0

DEFAULT FOR proficiency IS 0

DEFAULT FOR weighting   IS 0

/* Declare formula inputs */

INPUTS ARE  performance(number)








/* Main body of formula */

line_score = performance * proficiency

/* Return the line score */

RETURN line_score


This sample formula returns a competency rating derived from specified performance and weighting values. Business group and legislation code are global (null).



 * Formula Name : PERF_X_WEIGHTING


 * Description  : For a competency appraisal line, this formula

 *                multiplies Performance and Weighting.


 * Formula Type : Appraisal Competency Line Scoring


 * Inputs       : 1) performance, number, default required

 *                2) proficiency, number, default required

 *                3) weighting, number, default required

 *                4) line_object_id (competency_id), number, always set

 *                5) appraisal_id, number, always set

 *                6) appr_template_id, number, always set 

 *                7) appr_system_type (e.g.. SELF,EMP360,MGR360TRANS), text, always set 

 *                8) appr_type, text 

 * Note         : For appraisal_id, appr_template_id, appr_system_type, appr_type  

 *                a) This is an input, not a context

 *                b) No seeded DBIs use this

 * Outputs      : 1) line_score, number


 * Contexts     : Business Group, Assignment, Organization,

 *                Person, Date Earned


 * Example DBIs : ptu_per_person_type, asg_grade, asg_job,

 *                asg_status, asg_type, asg_primary,

 *                asg_position, asg_hours, asg_salary


/* Defaults for optional inputs and database items */

DEFAULT FOR performance IS 0

DEFAULT FOR proficiency IS 0

DEFAULT FOR weighting   IS 0

/* Declare formula inputs */

INPUTS ARE  performance(number)








/* Main body of formula */

line_score = performance * weighting

/* Return the line score */

RETURN line_score 

Sample Formula PROF _X_WEIGHTING

This sample formula returns a competency rating derived from specified proficiency and weighting values. Business group and legislation code are global (null).



 * Formula Name : PROF_X_WEIGHTING


 * Description  : For a competency appraisal line, this formula

 *                multiplies Proficiency and Weighting.


 * Formula Type : Appraisal Competency Line Scoring


 * Inputs       : 1) performance, number, default required

 *                2) proficiency, number, default required

 *                3) weighting, number, default required

 *                4) line_object_id (competency_id), number, always set

 *                5) appraisal_id, number, always set

 *                6) appr_template_id, number, always set 

 *                7) appr_system_type (e.g.. SELF,EMP360,MGR360TRANS), text, always set 

 *                8) appr_type, text 

 * Note         : For appraisal_id, appr_template_id, appr_system_type, appr_type  

 *                a) This is an input, not a context

 *                b) No seeded DBIs use this

 * Outputs      : 1) line_score, number


 * Contexts     : Business Group, Assignment, Organization,

 *                Person, Date Earned


 * Example DBIs : ptu_per_person_type, asg_grade, asg_job,

 *                asg_status, asg_type, asg_primary,

 *                asg_position, asg_hours, asg_salary


/* Defaults for optional inputs and database items */

DEFAULT FOR performance IS 0

DEFAULT FOR proficiency IS 0

DEFAULT FOR weighting   IS 0

/* Declare formula inputs */

INPUTS ARE  performance(number)








/* Main body of formula */

line_score = proficiency * weighting

/* Return the line score */

RETURN line_score 

Sample Appraisal Total Scoring Formulas

This topic includes the two supplied formulas of type Appraisal Total Scoring. When you define an appraisal template, you can select an Appraisal Total Score Formula to calculate the appraisee's suggested overall rating using the total scores for competencies and objectives. This total score appears in the Overall Ratings region of the Final Ratings page.

Note: The Appraisal Total Score Formula must return a rating level ID rather than a rating value.

See: Writing Formulas for Rating Competencies and Objectives, Oracle HRMS FastFormula User Guide

Sample Formula SUM_COMP_AND_OBJ

This sample formula adds the final scores for objectives and competencies and uses the result to identify a final rating.



 * Formula Name : SUM_COMP_AND_OBJ


 * Description  : This sums the competency and objective scores,

 *                and then uses hard-coded bands to calculate

 *                a final rating.


 * Formula Type : Appraisal Total Scoring


 * Inputs       : 1) competency_score, number, always set

 *                2) objective_score, number, always set

 *                3) appraisal_id, number, always set

 *                4) appr_template_id, number, always set 

 *                5) appr_system_type (e.g.. SELF,EMP360,MGR360TRANS), text, always set 

 *                6) appr_type, text 

 * Note         : For appraisal_id, appr_template_id, appr_system_type, appr_type  

 *                a) This is an input, not a context

 *                b) No seeded DBIs use this


 * Outputs      : 1) final_rating, number


 * Contexts     : Business Group, Assignment, Organization,

 *                Person, Date Earned


 * Example DBIs : ptu_per_person_type, asg_grade, asg_job,

 *                asg_status, asg_type, asg_primary,

 *                asg_position, asg_hours, asg_salary


/* Defaults for optional inputs and database items */

DEFAULT FOR competency_score IS 0

DEFAULT FOR objective_score IS 0

/* Declare formula inputs */

INPUTS ARE  competency_score(number)



/* Main body of formula. */

total_score = competency_score + objective_score

/* Band the total score to give a final rating */

IF total_score < 50 THEN

  final_rating = 1

IF total_score >= 50 AND total_score < 100 THEN

  final_rating = 2

IF total_score >= 100 AND total_score < 150 THEN

  final_rating = 3

IF total_score >= 150 AND total_score < 200 THEN

  final_rating = 4

IF total_score >= 200 THEN

  final_rating = 5

/* Return the final rating */

RETURN final_rating

Sample Formula AVG_COMP_AND_OBJ

This sample formula calculates the average of the total scores for objectives and competencies and uses that value to identify a final rating.



 * Formula Name : AVG_COMP_AND_OBJ


 * Description  : This takes the average of the competency and

 *                objective scores and then uses this to

 *                determine the final rating.


 * Formula Type : Appraisal Total Scoring


 * Inputs       : 1) competency_score, number, always set

 *                2) objective_score, number, always set

 *                3) appraisal_id, number, always set

 *                4) appr_template_id, number, always set 

 *                5) appr_system_type (e.g.. SELF,EMP360,MGR360TRANS), text, always set 

 *                6) appr_type, text 

 * Note         : For appraisal_id, appr_template_id, appr_system_type, appr_type  

 *                a) This is an input, not a context

 *                b) No seeded DBIs use this


 * Outputs      : 1) final_rating, number


 * Contexts     : Business Group, Assignment, Organization,

 *                Person, Date Earned


 * Example DBIs : ptu_per_person_type, asg_grade, asg_job,

 *                asg_status, asg_type, asg_primary,

 *                asg_position, asg_hours, asg_salary


/* Defaults for optional inputs and database items */

DEFAULT FOR competency_score IS 0

DEFAULT FOR objective_score IS 0

/* Declare formula inputs */

INPUTS ARE  competency_score(number)



/* Main body of formula. */

avg_score = (competency_score + objective_score) / 2

/* Convert the average into a final rating */

IF avg_score < 1.5 THEN

  final_rating = 1

IF avg_score >= 1.5 AND avg_score < 2.5 THEN

  final_rating = 2

IF avg_score >= 2.5 AND avg_score < 3.5 THEN

  final_rating = 3

IF avg_score >= 3.5 AND avg_score < 4.5 THEN

  final_rating = 4

IF avg_score >= 4.5 THEN

  final_rating = 5

/* Return the final rating */

RETURN final_rating