SF 132 Apportionment Reapportionment Schedule Procedures


In the SF-132 Apportionment and Reapportionment Schedule window, users can perform these tasks:

SF-132 Apportionment and Reapportionment Schedule Window

The SF-132 Apportionment and Reapportionment Schedule window is divided into these sections:

OMB Circular A-11 provides details for agencies on how to prepare the SF 132 Apportionment and Reapportionment Schedule.

Entering the SF 132 Apportionment and Reapportionment Schedule

To enter or update data in the SF-132 Apportionment and Reapportionment Schedule window:

  1. Navigate to the SF-132 Apportionment and Reapportionment Schedule window.

  2. Enter the agency name.

  3. Enter the bureau name.

    Note: Status is updated to Pending when users select Submit. The status is only changed to Approved when any of the Action by OMB fields is not NULL and the Total Budgetary Resources amount on Line 7 is equal to the Total Budgetary Resources amount on Line 12.

  4. Enter the fiscal year.

  5. Enter the appropriation.

  6. Enter the treasury symbol.

  7. In the Reapportionment Number field, increase the number to create a new record for subsequent transmissions to OMB for an apportionment schedule. The value defaults to zero.

  8. In the Appropriation (P.L. <field>), optionally enter the amount of appropriations specified in appropriations acts or in substantive laws that become available for obligation on or after October 1 of the fiscal year. Enter public law in P.L. field.

  9. In the Borrowing authority field, optionally enter the amount of new authority to borrow, primarily from Treasury, to finance obligations and outlays. Include the amount becoming available for obligation on or after October 1 of the fiscal year.

  10. In the Contract Authority (P.L. <field>), optionally enter the amount of new contract authority to incur obligations that typically require a separate appropriation of liquidating cash before payments can be made. Enter public law in P.L. field.

  11. In the Net transfers (+ or -) field, optionally enter the net amount of budget authority enacted for the fiscal year that is actually transferred to (+) or from (-) the account under existing legislation

  12. In the Other field, optionally include these:

    • Amount of indefinite appropriations anticipated to become available under existing law for the remainder of the fiscal year

    • Anticipated collection of available receipts

    • Current estimate of any new budget authority anticipated to be transferred to (+) or from (-) the account under existing legislation

    • Amount of proceeds from loan asset sales with recourse. Unlike other amounts included on line 1E, the sale of financial assets with recourse may include both estimated and actual amounts.

    Do not include these:

    • Indefinite appropriations included on line 1A

    • Anticipated, un-enacted supplemental appropriations

    • Transfers that have been made and included on line 1D

    • Anticipated transfers that require legislation

      Note: Use this line for other amounts only with prior OMB approval. Identify the law or laws providing the appropriations included on line 1A through 1E in a footnote.

  13. In the Brought Forward October 1 field, optionally enter the amount of unobligated balance brought forward from prior fiscal years as of October 1 of the current fiscal year that is available for obligation as defined in OMB Circular No. A-34, Section 11.2. Include rescissions of these prior year balances enacted in the current year on line 6B.

  14. In the Net Transfers, actual (+ or -) field, optionally enter the net amount of any unobligated balance actually transferred to (+) or from (-) the account

  15. In the Anticipated transfers (+ or -) field, optionally enter the amount of the current estimate of any balances, other than balances of new budget authority, to be transferred to (+) or from (-) the account under existing legislation.

  16. Leave the Amount on Latest SF-132 column blank for initial apportionment requests. For reapportionment requests, include the amounts in the Action by OMB column of the previously approved SF 132.

  17. In the Agency Request column, include amounts in the column for each applicable line.

  18. Leave the Action by OMB column blank unless recording approved amounts by OMB.

  19. To update status and initiate the concurrent process for the SF 132 Apportionment and Reapportionment Schedule report, click Submit.

  20. Click the Page 1, #3-4 tab.

  21. In the Collected field, optionally enter the amount of reimbursement and other income earned and collected to date during the current fiscal year, including those for revolving funds

  22. In the Receivable from Federal Sources field, optionally enter the amount of reimbursements from another Federal Government account that is earned, but not collected, to date during the current fiscal year, including those for revolving funds.

  23. In the Advance received field, optionally enter the amount of increase (+) or decrease (-) from October 1 in unfilled orders on hand accompanied by an advance.

  24. In the Without Advance from Federal sources field, optionally enter the amount of increase (+) or decrease (-) from October 1 in unfilled orders on hand from other Federal Government accounts that are valid obligations of the ordering account and are not accompanied by an advance.

  25. In the Anticipated for rest of year, without advance field, optionally enter the amount of the current estimate of anticipated offsetting collections, such as anticipated orders from federal sources or anticipated refunds, expected for the remainder of the year.

  26. In the Collected field, optionally enter the amount of expenditure transfers from a trust fund account to a federal fund account, pursuant to appropriations or other laws, to fund the activities of an agency that are, or would be, normally funded in a federal fund account.

  27. In the Anticipated field, optionally enter the amount of expenditure transfers anticipated for the remainder of the year.

  28. In the Actual field, optionally enter the amount of any cancellations or downward adjustments of obligations incurred in prior fiscal years that were not outlaid. Show the actual recoveries, as shown on the SF 133, on reapportionment requests.

  29. In the Anticipated field, optionally enter the amount of the current estimate of additional recoveries of prior fiscal year obligations anticipated in unexpired accounts for the remainder of the fiscal year.

  30. Click the Page 1, #5-7 tab.

  31. In the Temporarily not available pursuant to Public Law <field> (-) field, optionally enter public law.

  32. In the Cancellations of expired and no year accounts (-) field, optionally enter the amount of any budgetary resources cancelled in no-year accounts pursuant to 31 U.S.C.1555 or withdrawn.

  33. In the Enacted Rescissions (-) field, optionally enter the amount of enacted rescissions (-).

  34. In the Capital transfers and redemption of debt (-) field, optionally enter the amount transferred to the general fund of the Treasury: that is, deposited to Treasury receipt accounts for "Earnings of Government-owned enterprises" or "Repayments of capital investment, Government-owned enterprises."

  35. In the Other authority withdrawn (-) field, optionally enter excess appropriations to liquidate debt and contract authority

  36. In the Pursuant to Public Law <field> (-) field, optionally enter amounts that are permanently cancelled by law. Enter public law.

  37. In the Anticipated rest of year (+ or -) field, optionally enter estimates of amounts anticipated to be cancelled or withdrawn during the remainder of the year for reasons specified in lines 6A through 6E under existing law. Do not include pending rescissions.

    Note: The sum of amounts shown on lines 1 through 6 is displayed in the Total Budgetary Resources field. This amount represents the total amount of budgetary resources available for apportionment in the fiscal year for which the schedule is being submitted.

  38. Click the Page 1, #8 tab.

  39. In the Category A: field, optionally enter the amount requested to be apportioned for each calendar quarter in the fiscal year.

  40. When both Category A and Category B are used, optionally insert a descriptive label on the Category A line to distinguish the amounts apportioned by quarter from the remaining amounts.

  41. Optionally, enter the amount requested to be apportioned for the first, second, third, and fourth quarters in the fiscal year.

  42. Optionally, in the Category B fields (1) through (7), enter the amount requested to be apportioned on a basis other than calendar quarters, such as time periods other than quarters, activities, projects, or a combination thereof.

  43. Click the Page 2, #9-12 tab.

  44. In the Withheld pending rescission field, optionally enter the amount of budgetary resources to be withheld from availability pending congressional action on a Presidential rescission proposal; amounts subject to the Impoundment Control Act (2 U.S.C.683).

  45. In the Deferred field, optionally enter the amount of budgetary resources being set aside for possible use at a later date before the funds expire; amounts subject to the Impoundment Control Act (2 U.S.C.684).

  46. The Unapportioned balance of revolving fund field is used primarily for public enterprise funds, intragovernmental revolving funds, and trust funds that are subject to apportionment.

  47. The sum of the amounts on lines 8, 9, 10 is displayed in the Total Budgetary Resources field, and must equal Line 7.

  48. In the Notes field, optionally enter notes to be printed at the end of the SF 132 Apportionment and Reapportionment Schedule report.

Generating the SF 132 Apportionment and Reapportionment Schedule Report

Note: The SF 132 Apportionment and Reapportionment Schedule report is automatically generated when users click the Submit button in the SF-132 Apportionment and Reapportionment Schedule window.

  1. Navigate to the Submit Requests window.

  2. In the Name field, select SF 132 Apportionment and Reapportionment Schedule.

  3. In the Ledger field, select the ledger.

  4. Select the treasury symbol.

  5. Select the fiscal year.

  6. Enter the reapportionment number.