Managing Opportunities

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Managing Opportunities

An opportunity is a potential sale. This process begins with the initial customer contact and ends when the sales representative makes or loses the sale.

Sales representatives can manage existing opportunities, assigned to them manually or automatically through Territory Assignment, or they can enter new opportunities.

By default, the sales representative who created the opportunity has full access to the opportunity. Full access to the opportunity means that the sales representative who created the opportunity can add other sales team members, assign sales credits, and rate the likelihood that the opportunity will succeed.

Note: There is Flexfield support for Header and Purchase Item levels for opportunities. If Flexfield functionality has been implemented for an opportunity, the Flexfield name, field, and Flexfield button display.

When you use Oracle Sales Offline in conjunction with Oracle Sales, the following conditions apply:

Overview of Managing Opportunity Line Level Forecasts

Forecasting is a quantitative tool used to predict the amount of sales for a specified time period. Managers and sales team members can use forecasting to commit to the amount of sales that they will close by the end of the forecasting period.

Oracle Sales Offline supports forecast information at the Opportunity transaction level. You can add, edit and create Forecast information within an Opportunity in Oracle Sales Offline. The complete Forecasting tool is available in Oracle Sales. You can perform the following functions within Forecasting:

Opportunity Line Level Adjustments

When you add a new product line in Opportunity Details form the Best, Forecast and Worst fields are empty. When you enter an amount in the Amount field and select Save the Best, Forecast, and Worst amounts will be calculated based upon the setting of the ASN:Forecast Defaulting Type profile option. The opportunity must be in forecastable status.

You can modify existing opportunity product lines in several ways to impact the Best, Forecast, and Worst fields as described in the following table:

Change Description
Manual Entry Amounts manually entered in the Best, Forecast, Worst fields will overwrite any values in those fields. Manually entered opportunity line Forecast amounts will be used to recalculate the opportunity header level Forecast field.
Changing Amount Field If you change the Amount field on an opportunity line, the Best, Forecast, and Worst amounts for that line are recalculated. This recalculation overwrites any values currently in these three fields, including amounts that were manually entered. Recalculated opportunity line Forecast amounts will be reflected in the opportunity header level Forecast field
Changing Win Probability If you change the win probability for an opportunity and click from the Main Details tab to the Purchase Lines tab, the opportunity lines will be recalculated. This recalculation overwrites any values currently in these three fields, including amounts that were manually entered. Recalculated opportunity line Forecast amounts will be reflected in the opportunity header level Forecast field.
Changing Status Changes to the opportunity Status will impact the Best, Forecast, and Worst amounts. If the opportunity is in a forecastable status and is changed to a nonforecastable status, the best, forecast, and worst amounts in the opportunity lines are changed to read only and the values are removed. If the opportunity is then changed back to a forecastable status, the best, forecast, worst amounts will be recalculated in the normal manner. Note that the recalculated best, forecast, and worst amounts will overwrite the previous amounts if they were manually entered.

Edit Forecast Field in Opportunity Header

The Main Details tab of the Opportunity Details and Opportunity Create forms contains an Amount field which is always read only. The Forecast field which is editable, is a summation of all of the Forecast fields in the Opportunity Purchase Lines. You can manually enter an amount in the Forecast Amount field which will impact the Forecast amounts in each Opportunity line. The amount field in the header is read only. You can change the Header Forecast Amount but it impacts the forecast amounts in each opportunity line.

The Forecast field recalculates by changes in the Opportunity lines trickling up to the Opportunity header Forecast field. For example:

View Forecast Details

In Oracle Sales Offline you can view (read only) the Forecast Details information (Revenue and Non-Revenue) for each Opportunity Purchase Line. Click the Forecast Details button located at each Opportunity Purchase Line to view the Forecast Details form. The Forecast Details information will be downloaded from Oracle Sales for existing opportunities. Forecast Details will be generated for new Opportunities created in Oracle Sales Offline.

Creating a Quote from an Opportunity

In the Opportunity Details window, click Create Quote to flow the opportunity information into a new quote. A new quote can be created based on information that flows from an existing opportunity. Only purchase item rows with a specified inventory item numbers (along with it's associated quantity) are carried over to the new quote.

This information will flow from the opportunity to the new quote into a new Create Quote window: