

   dependencies link
  setting up link

Ad Admin utility link
address validation
  setting up for automatic import link
  setting up real-time validation link

  setting up formatting link

Administration tab
  assigning responsibility to access link
  dependencies link
  feature-specific implementation link
  profile options link
  using link

Application Developer responsibility link
automatic import
  setting up link


batch de-duplication
  setting up for automatic import link

bookmarked lists
  setting up link

broken promises
  dependencies link


  dependencies link

  dependencies link

CDL link
   See Oracle Customer Data Librarian (CDL)

CDM link
   See Oracle Customer Data Management (CDM)

  dependencies link
  setting up link

  setting up link

contact relationships link
   See also relationships
  assigning relationship phrases for link

credit items
  dependencies link

Credit Management Super User responsibility link
credit reviews
  setting up and processing link

credit summaries
  dependencies link

CRM Resource Manager responsibility link link
Customer Account Merge link


D&B link
   See also Third Party Data Integration
  allowing purchasing link
  dependencies link
  setting up for purchase link

Data Completeness report
  enabling management link

Data Quality Management (DQM)
  dependencies link
  duplicate prevention link
  feature-specific implementation link
  searches link

Data Sharing and Security (DSS)
  determining administration privileges link
  setting up and administering link

debit items
  dependencies link

  dependencies link

dependencies on other applications link
DQM Staging program link link
DQM Synchronization program link link
DSS link
   See Data Sharing and Security (DSS)

duplicate identification
  dependencies link

duplicate prevention
  setting up link


  creating link
  dependencies link
  importing link
  setting up as users link

  Oracle Customers Online dependencies link

extended attributes link
   See extensions

  setting up link


Flatten Employee Hierarchy program link
Flatten group hierarchy program link
  compiling link
  setting up for addresses link


General Ledger Super User responsibility link
Geography Hierarchy
  setting up real-time address validation link

Geography Name Referencing process
  setting up real-time address validation link

GL Set of Books Name profile option link


HZ Security Main Menu link
HZ: Address Validation Level for Application profile option link
HZ: Allow Access to D&B Online Purchase profile option link link
HZ: Allow Access to Submit Merge Requests profile option link
HZ: Allow Hierarchy Copy profile option link link
HZ: Batch Size for committing records in Geography Name Referencing process profile option link
HZ: Default Address Style profile option link
HZ: Default Flexible Address Format profile option link link link
HZ: Default Phone Number Purpose profile option link
HZ: Display Certification Level profile option link
HZ: Duplicate Allowed profile option link
HZ: Enable DQM Party Search profile option link link
HZ: Enable Duplicate Prevention at Party Creation profile option link link
HZ: Maintain Location History profile option link
HZ: Match Rule for Contact Duplicate Prevention profile option link link
HZ: Match Rule for Organization Advanced Search profile option link link
HZ: Match Rule for Organization Duplicate Prevention profile option link link
HZ: Match Rule for Organization Simple Search profile option link link
HZ: Match Rule for Person Advanced Search profile option link link
HZ: Match Rule for Person Duplicate Prevention profile option link link
HZ: Match Rule for Person Simple Search profile option link link
HZ: Number of workers for a given Geography Name Referencing request profile option link
HZ: Reference Territory profile option link
HZ: Source System Mapping Access profile option link link
HZ_CLASS_CODE_DENORM denormalization table link
HZ_ORG_ADV_SEARCH_RULE match rule link


ICX: Territory profile option link
IMC Data Librarian Merge Root Menu link
IMC: "Recently Created" Value Definition profile option link
IMC: Automate CSV File Load into TCA profile option link link
IMC: CSV Batch De-Duplication Action profile option link link
IMC: CSV Batch De-Duplication Match Rule profile option link link
IMC: CSV Batch Registry Match Rule profile option link link
IMC: Enable Manage Reports profile option link
IMC: Limit on Number of Recently Created Records to show by Date profile option link
IMC: Maximum Number of Contact Bookmarks profile option link
IMC: Maximum Number of Organization Bookmarks profile option link
IMC: Maximum Number of People Bookmarks profile option link
IMC: Maximum Number of Recent Items Displayed profile option link
IMC: Method for Defining "Recently Created" profile option link
IMC: Profile for User Access profile option link
IMC: Refresh Summary Information for Quality Reports program link
IMC: Refresh Summary Information for Reports program link
IMC: Run CSV Batch Address Validation profile option link link
IMC: Run CSV Batch De-Duplication profile option link link
IMC: Run CSV Batch Registry Match profile option link link
IMC: Visualization Solution Type profile option link
IMC_NG_ROOT_MENU menu link
  feature-specific link
  general link
  verifying link

  setting up link

Import Batch to TCA Registry program link
installed base
  dependencies link

  dependencies link

Inventory responsibility link


  dependencies link

  Oracle Customer Hub B2B link
  Oracle Customer Hub B2C link

  Oracle Customers Online link


marking duplicates link
   See duplicate identification

match rules
  creating and using for duplicate prevention link
  creating and using for searches link
  SAMPLE: SEARCH link link link

  HZ Security Main Menu link
  IMC Data Librarian Merge Root Menu link

MO: Operating Unit profile option link


  dependencies link


OCO link
   See Oracle Customers Online (OCO)

   dependencies link

Oracle Advanced Collections link
Oracle Common Application Calendar link
Oracle Credit Management link
Oracle Customer Data Librarian (CDL)
  dependencies link
  import link
  responsibilities link
  submitting merge requests to link

Oracle Customer Data Librarian responsibility link
Oracle Customer Data Librarian Superuser responsibility link
Oracle Customer Data Management (CDM) link
Oracle Customer Hub B2B
  licensing link

Oracle Customer Hub B2C
  licensing link

Oracle Customer Interaction History link
Oracle Customers Online
  profile options link

Oracle Customers Online (OCO)
  dependencies link
  feature-specific implementation link
  general implementation steps link
  overview link

Oracle Customers Online Forms Access responsibility link
Oracle Customers Online lookups link
Oracle Customers Online Superuser responsibility
  Administration tab link link
  assigning link
  feature-specific implementation link
  general implementation link

Oracle Customers Online User responsibility link
Oracle General Ledger link
Oracle GraphBuilder link
Oracle Human Resources link
Oracle Install Base link
Oracle Inventory link
Oracle Leads Management link
Oracle Marketing link
Oracle Order Management link link
Oracle Quoting link
Oracle Receivables
  accounts, credit items, and debit items link
  Sales Tax Location Flexfield link

Oracle Sales link
Oracle TeleSales link
Oracle TeleService link
Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA)
  dependencies link
  foundation for Customers Online link
  import link

Order Management Super User responsibility link
   dependencies link

Other relationships
  assigning relationship phrases for link

override thresholds link


Party Contacts relationship group link
Party Merge link
preimport processes link
prerequisite applications
  setting up link

profile option categories
  Customers Online Deployment link
  Customers Online File Load Setup link
  Customers Online Security link
  Customers Online Setup link
  description link
  overview link

profile options
  descriptions link
  GL Set of Books Name link
  HZ: Address Validation Level for Application link
  HZ: Allow Access to D&B Online Purchase link link
  HZ: Allow Access to Submit Merge Requests link
  HZ: Allow Hierarchy Copy link link
  HZ: Batch Size for committing records in Geography Name Referencing process link
  HZ: Default Address Style link
  HZ: Default Flexible Address Format link link link
  HZ: Default Phone Number Purpose link
  HZ: Display Certification Level link
  HZ: Duplicate Allowed link
  HZ: Enable DQM Party Search link link
  HZ: Enable Duplicate Prevention at Party Creation link link
  HZ: Maintain Location History link
  HZ: Match Rule for Contact Duplicate Prevention link link
  HZ: Match Rule for Organization Advanced Search link link
  HZ: Match Rule for Organization Duplicate Prevention link link
  HZ: Match Rule for Organization Simple Search link link
  HZ: Match Rule for Person Advanced Search link link
  HZ: Match Rule for Person Duplicate Prevention link link
  HZ: Match Rule for Person Simple Search link link
  HZ: Number of workers for a given Geography Name Referencing request link
  HZ: Reference Territory link
  HZ: Source System Mapping Access link link
  HZ: Validate US Addresses link
  ICX: Territory link
  IMC: "Recently Created" Value Definition link link
  IMC: Automate CSV File Load into TCA link link
  IMC: CSV Batch De-Duplication Action link link
  IMC: CSV Batch De-Duplication Match Rule link link
  IMC: CSV Batch Registry Match Rule link link
  IMC: Enable Manage Reports link
  IMC: Limit on Number of Recently Created Records to Show by Date link
  IMC: Limit on Number of Recently Created Records to show by Date link
  IMC: Maximum Number of Contact Bookmarks link
  IMC: Maximum Number of Organization Bookmarks link
  IMC: Maximum Number of People Bookmarks link
  IMC: Maximum Number of Recent Items Displayed link
  IMC: Method for Defining "Recently Created" link link
  IMC: Profile for User Access link link
  IMC: Run CSV Batch Address Validation link link
  IMC: Run CSV Batch De-Duplication link link
  IMC: Run CSV Batch Registry Match link link
  IMC: Visualization Solution Type link link
  MO: Operating Unit link
  overview link

  DQM Staging link link
  DQM Synchronization link link
  Flatten Employee Hierarchy link
  Flatten group hierarchy link
  Geography Name Referencing link
  IMC: Refresh Summary Information for Quality Reports link
  IMC: Refresh Summary Information for Reports link
  Import Batch to TCA Registry link
  Rebuilding Intermedia Index for Task Names link
  Refresh of Classification Denormalization link
  setting up periodic programs link
  Synchronize Employees link
  Synchronize JTF_NOTES_TL_C1 index link

Purchasing Super User responsibility link


   dependencies link


Rebuilding Intermedia Index for Task Names program link
Receivables Manager responsibility link
recent items
  setting up link

Refresh of Classification Denormalization program link
Registry de-duplication
  setting up for automatic import link

relationship groups
  assigning phrases to link
  Party Contacts link

relationship phrases
  creating and managing link

relationship types
  creating and managing link

  setting up link

  Data Completeness link
  refreshing data for reports link
  setting up link

  Application Developer link
  assigning link
  Credit Management Super User link
  CRM Resource Manager link link
  General Ledger Super User link
  Inventory link
  Oracle Customer Data Librarian link
  Oracle Customer Data Librarian Superuser link
  Oracle Customers Online Forms Access link
  Oracle Customers Online Superuser link link link link link
  Oracle Customers Online User link
  Order Management Super User link
  Purchasing Super User link
  Receivables Manager link
  System Administrator link link link link link
  TCA Data Security Administrator link link
  Trading Community Manager link
  US HRMS Manager link

  dependencies link


Sales Tax Location Flexfield link
SAMPLE: SEARCH match rule link link link
  setting up link

service requests
  dependencies link

single source of truth (SST) record link
Source System Management (SSM)
  dependencies link
  setting up and administering link

SSM link
   See Source System Management (SSM)

SST link
   See single source of truth (SST) record

Synchronize Employees program link
Synchronize JTF_NOTES_TL_C1 index program link
System Administrator responsibility link
  setting Oracle Application Object Library profile options link
  setting profile options link link
  setting up employees as users link



  dependencies link

TCA link
   See Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA)

TCA Data Security Administrator responsibility link link
Third Party Data Integration link
   See also D&B
  setting up and administering link

Trading Community Manager responsibility link
  from non-Oracle applications link
  viewer link


US HRMS Manager responsibility link
  assigning responsibilities to link


verifying implementation link
  dependencies link