General Implementation Tasks

This chapter covers the following topics:

Perform System Administration Tasks

When you install Oracle Lease and Finance Management and all the Oracle applications that it depends on, many database tables include required data values to run Oracle Lease and Finance Management processes.

The implementation of Oracle Lease and Finance Management is a series of steps that you perform after you install the Lease and Finance Management software. You perform about half of the tasks in other Oracle applications, and then you do most of the remaining tasks in Oracle Lease and Finance Management itself.

These implementation steps require data that is specific to your particular company or organization. After you have completed all the implementation steps, you can start to use the full functionality of Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

Most of this manual is concerned with detailing these implementation steps and the sequence in which you should perform them. This chapter describes the more general tasks, which are either required or optional as indicated.

Required Tasks

Required tasks include:

Optional Tasks

Optional tasks, which you can perform at any stage of implementing Oracle Lease and Finance Management, include:

Define Responsibilities


Responsibilities control the presentation of menus, tabs, and pages within Oracle Application's products.

On installation, Oracle Lease and Finance Management creates several responsibilities. Each of these seeded responsibilities enables a different type of user to fulfill job-oriented real-world requirements when connected to Oracle Lease and Finance Management. For example, the Accounts Controller responsibility allows many lease-specific set up facilities, while the Asset Manager responsibility concerns only certain asset-related features.

Use Oracle Applications System Administration to create responsibilities to:

To create one or more responsibilities to either restrict users to specific functions and data when they use Oracle Lease and Finance Management or to combine the options of several other responsibilities, use Oracle Applications System Administration to create such responsibilities.

For more information, see Overview of Oracle Applications Security, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Security.



Define Employees


Several areas of Oracle Lease and Finance Management require that certain personnel are registered as employees. For example, Oracle Lease and Finance Management uses Oracle Workflow to notify and request authorizations from different employees.

For this example, and for all the other areas, if you have not already done so, you must create employees using Oracle HRMS—Human Resources Management System.

For more information, see Entering a New Person (People Window), Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide.



Define Users


You must define one or more application users. An application user is an authorized user of any Oracle application, such as Oracle Lease and Finance Management. Each application user has a unique application user name.

Once you have defined application users, they can sign on to Oracle Applications and access data through Oracle Applications windows. During the process of creating application users, you give users one or more responsibilities so that they can perform the tasks they require within Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

For more information, see Overview of Oracle Applications Security, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Security.

Note: As you create an application user, when that user is also an employee, you must associate the user name with an employee name. Use the Person field in the Users window to enter the name of the employee.



Customer Self Service User Setup

Before customers can use Customer Self Service, they must be granted access. To set up customers to use Customer Self Service, perform the following tasks in the System Administrator responsibility:

System Administrator Responsibilities Tab Tasks

Perform the following steps:

System Administrator Securing Attributes Tab Tasks

Perform the following steps:

For information on user management and responsibilities, see Oracle User Management, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Security.

Vendor Self Service User Setup

Before vendors can use Vendor Self Service, they must be granted access. To set up vendors to use Vendor Self Service, perform the following tasks in the System Administrator responsibility:

System Administrator Users Responsibilities Tasks

Perform the following steps:

System Administrator Users Securing Attributes Tasks

Perform the following steps:

For information on user management and responsibilities, see Oracle User Management, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Security.

Define Lookups


Lookup names are list of value choices that exist throughout Oracle applications to help you select data quickly and accurately. You can modify menus or lists of certain fields, such as when you want to add your own custom choices to field options.

To create or modify any lookup types and lookup names that relate to Oracle Lease and Finance Management, you must have the Application Developer responsibility within Oracle Applications.

For more information, see the Oracle Applications User's Guide.




Perform the following steps:

  1. Log in as Application Developer

  2. Using the AOL Lookup window, query the lookup codes:

    • Termination Quote reasons: OKL_QUOTE_REASON

    • Repurchase Quote reasons: OKL_QUOTE_REASON

    • Asset Return Statuses: OKL_ASSET_RETURN_STATUS

  3. Input user defined values to create your own values.

Credit Checklists Example

Define item codes for the items on checklists, in two different categories: one for credit line approval checklists, and another for funding request approval checklists.

To set up new Application Object Library Lookups for Checklists:

  1. Log into Oracle Applications (Forms) with responsibility Application Developer.

  2. Navigate to Application > Lookups > Application Object Library, to set up your Checklist Lookups.

  3. In the Type field, enter the name of your checklist lookup, for example:


  4. In the Meaning field, enter the meaning of your checklist lookup.

  5. In the Application field, enter Oracle Lease and Finance Management

  6. In the Description field, enter the description of your checklist.

  7. In the Access Level field, select Extensible radio button.

Associate item codes to the checklist items by adding new items to the checklists:

  1. In the Code field, enter a name for the code; for example, SAMPLE1.

  2. In the Meaning field, enter a meaning for the item; for example Document A.

  3. In the Description field, enter a description for this item.

  4. In the From field, enter the start date for this item.

  5. Repeat steps 8-11 for each item to be added to your checklist.

  6. Click Save, to save your work. Return to step 3 to create more checklists types.

You are likely to want to create at least one credit checklist and one funding request checklist. You may also want to create several types of checklists to reflect more restrictive or more lenient customer credit qualifying processes depending on your business practices. For the next steps in setting up checklists, see Set Up Credit Checklists.

Define Profile Options

Profile options specify how to control access to and process data. You can set profile options at one or more of these levels: site, application, responsibility, and user.

In general, users can view their own profile options and modify updatable options. Certain responsibilities allow you to see and possibly modify your own user profile options.

Note: During the implementation phase of Oracle Lease and Finance Management, the levels at which you can consider changing your profile options are the application and responsibility level.

To create or update profile options at any level, you must have the System Administrator responsibility within Oracle Applications.

For more information, see Setting Profile Options, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance.



Example: Set the Default Order Type

To enable remarketing functionality in Oracle Lease and Finance Management, you must set the "ASO : Default Order Type" to "OKL_Standard."


Perform the following steps:

  1. In the Profile window, the Site, select the Application and Responsibility check boxes.

  2. Enter "Oracle Order Capture" as the Application and "IBE_CUSTOMER" as the Responsibility.

  3. In the Profile field, enter "ASO%" and click the Find button.

  4. Scroll down to "ASO : Default Order Type" profile option and choose "OKL_Standard" as the value at the Site and Responsibility levels.

  5. Save your work.


The example procedure, Set the Default Order Type, provides steps for setting a mandatory value for one profile option. Oracle Lease and Finance Managementuses many profile options. To see a complete listing of profile options, see Appendix A.

Set Up Document Sequencing


To enable automatic numbering for consolidated invoices in Oracle Lease and Finance Management, you must set up document sequencing for each ledger.

A document sequence uniquely numbers documents that Oracle Lease and Finance Management generates. You start a transaction by entering data through a form that generates a document, such as an invoice. A document sequence generates an audit trail that identifies the application that created the transaction, such as Oracle Lease and Finance Management, and the original generated document, for example, invoice number 1234.

You also must set up document sequencing to the Transaction Type Document that you created for Oracle Order Management functionality to sell inventory items through Oracle iStore during remarketing.

See Document Sequences in the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Configuration



Set Up Concurrent Managers


Oracle Lease and Finance Management uses concurrent programs for a variety of processing including billing cycles, running periodic check for lease insurance coverage, and many others. For a complete list of concurrent programs, see the Oracle Lease and Finance ManagementUser's Guide.

To use scheduling capabilities, then you can define additional concurrent managers to share the workload.

Concurrent Processing is a feature of Oracle Applications that lets you perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Oracle Applications Concurrent Processing lets you run long, data-dependent functions at the same time as your users perform online operations. Concurrent managers are components of concurrent processing that monitor and run your time-consuming tasks without tying up your computers.

Oracle Applications automatically installs one standard concurrent manager that can run every request. You can take advantage of the flexibility of concurrent managers to control throughput on your system. You can define as many concurrent managers as you need. Keep in mind, however, that each concurrent manager consumes additional memory.

You can specialize each of your concurrent managers so that they run all requests, requests submitted by a particular user, requests submitted by a particular application, or other constraints, or any combination of these constraints. If you are using Parallel Concurrent Processing in a cluster, a massively parallel, or a homogeneous network environment, you should register your Nodes and then assign your concurrent managers to primary and secondary nodes. You can spread your concurrent managers, and therefore your concurrent processing, across all available nodes to fully utilize hardware resources.

See: Defining Concurrent Managers, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Configuration.



Define Contract Numbering

You can use the contract autonumbering feature to automatically generate the contract number upon creating a new contract. The autonumbering feature offers you flexibility in defining how to number contracts. Contract numbers can be either sequential numbers or a combination of defined prefix and suffix alpha-numeric characters to classify a contract based on its attributes. These attributes can include:

You can set up auto-number classification using a prefix and suffix with a contract number. Use of a prefix and suffix is optional. Autonumbering of contracts is helpful in a scenario where you have:

A few automatic contract numbering features mentioned in the Oracle Contracts User Guide do not apply to Oracle Lease and Finance Management:

For more information on automatically numbering contracts, see the Oracle Contracts User Guide.

Set Up XML Publisher

Oracle Lease and Finance Management enables you to generate documents in user-specific layouts using the seeded or customized XML Publisher layout templates. Prior to generating the reports, you must complete the following tasks: