Interface Tables

Interface Table for Uploading the Initial Balance

The following table describes the interface table to upload Initial Balances.

Table description to Upload Initial Balances
Column Data Type Null Description
BATCH_CODE VARCHAR2(100) Not Null The Import program will accept a parameter “Batch Code”. This parameter can be used to restrict the concurrent job to process only those records corresponding to the Batch Code.
APPLICATION_ID NUMBER Not Null Application Identifier
LEDGER_ID NUMBER Not Null Ledger Identifier
CODE_COMBINATION_ID NUMBER   If this is provided then this is used to import the initial balances. If Not provided then code combination segment values are used to derive account.
ANALYTICAL_CRITERION_CODE VARCHAR2(30) Not Null Analytical criterion code
ANALYTICAL_CRITERION_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2(1) Not Null Analytical criterion type code
AMB_CONTEXT_CODE VARCHAR2(30) Not Null AMB context code+D39
AC1 VARCHAR2(30) Not Null Analytical criterion detail value 1
AC2 VARCHAR2(30) Not Null Analytical criterion detail value 2
AC3 VARCHAR2(30) Not Null Analytical criterion detail value 3
AC4 VARCHAR2(30) Not Null Analytical criterion detail value 4
AC5 VARCHAR2(30) Not Null Analytical criterion detail value 5
PERIOD_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Not Null Period Name
INIT_BALANCE_DR NUMBER   Initial Balance Debit amount
INIT_BALANCE_CR NUMBER   Initial Balance Credit amount
SEGMENT1 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT2 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT3 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT4 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT5 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT6 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT7 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT8 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT9 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT10 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT11 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT12 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT13 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT14 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT15 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT16 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT17 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT18 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT19 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT20 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT21 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT22 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT23 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT24 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT25 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT26 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT27 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT28 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT29 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
SEGMENT30 VARCHAR2(25)   Code Combination Segment value
STATUS VARCHAR2 (30) Not Null Status of the row. The value is NULL if the row is successfully imported. Other possible values are: IMPORTED – For the rows that got imported. ERROR – For the rows that encountered error and could not be imported.
MESSAGE_CODES VARCHAR2 (1000)   This stores message codes for the errors. This will be reported on the report and will be used by users to see the error message for the erred rows.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN NUMBER   Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE DATE   Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY NUMBER   Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE DATE   Standard Who column
CREATED_BY NUMBER   Standard Who column