Integration with Third-Party Sites

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Third-Party Integrations

Oracle Web Analytics is pre-integrated with Oracle E-Business Suite applications, like Oracle iStore, to track user activities in those applications and report on the same. Oracle Web Analytics can also be used to track and report on user activities in non-Oracle E-Business Suite Web sites and applications. This chapter details the implementation steps required to use Oracle Web Analytics for tracking of user activities in non-Oracle E-Business Suite Web sites.

Implementation Overview

Following is the high-level process for implementing the Oracle Web Analytics integration with third-party Web sites.

  1. Step 1 - Enable Page Tracking

  2. Step 2 - Publish Tracking Attributes

  3. Step 3 - Publish Business Events

  4. Step 4 - Set Up Privacy Preference

Step 1 - Enable Page Tracking

The following three JavaScript files are needed to track page access:

Supplied by Oracle Web Analytics, these three files are present in the folder, <APPLICATION TOP>/html/, of an Oracle E-Business Suite instance. Copy these files over to the Web site being tracked.

Each page in the Web site to be tracked should contain the following line at the bottom of the page:

<script src="<path>/ibwTrackingMain.js”></script>

Example: If <path> is /admin for example, the actual line will be:

<script src="/admin/ibwTrackingMain.js”></script>

The following tables shows the JavaScript variables whose value you need to set in the file, ibwTrackingMain.js.

JavaScript Variables
Name Description Value
waAbsolutePath This variable should be the absolute server path to access the ibwTrackingConfig.js and ibwTrackingFunctions.js files <host>:<port>/<path>, where host and port correspond to the non-Oracle E-Business Suite instance.

The following table shows the JavaScript variables whose values you need to set in the file ibwTrackingConfig.js.

Name Description Value
WaServletUrl Web Analytics Servlet URL over HTTP. The servlet will receive tracking requests from non-secure pages which have included JavaScript files provided by Web Analytics. Value of the profile option, Apps Servlet Agent, plus the value of the profile option, Web Analytics: Relative Servlet URL for Tracking Cached Pages
Example: http://host:port/OA_HTML/ibwTrackingServlet
waSecuredServletUrl Web Analytics Servlet URL over HTTPS The ibwTrackingServlet entry point in SSL enabled environments
waEnableTracking Flag to enable or disable tracking Y or N
waInstanceIdentifier A unique string for the Web Analytics instance. This variable is used to name cookies to prevent multiple Web Analytics instances the same domain (e.g., a test environment and a production environment) overwriting cookies. Value of the profile option, Applications Database ID
waEnableDebug Flag to enable or disable debugging of client-side scripting. If enabled, any tracking errors will be sent to the Web Analytics servlet. Y or N
waDomains Array to store multi-domain PrivacyPreferenceServlet URL; this is only the definition; the value of this variable doesn’t need to be set in this file. See the section about setting up the privacy policy for the appropriate values. n/a

Step 2 - Publish Tracking Attributes

This is an optional step that can provide additional tracking information to the tracking engine.

JavaScript accepts certain parameters which can be exposed as JavaScript variables within Script tags in the output page. The output page refers to the third-party Web pages to be tracked. The Script tag containing the JavaScript variables can be placed anywhere in the output page. The following table lists the supported variables.

Supported JavaScript Variables
Name Description Allowed Values
waPageCode Variable containing the Page Code Any value
waPageName Variable containing the Page Name Any value -- Oracle Web Analytics uses the following rules to identify Page Name:
  1. Use waPageName parameter exposed in a page

  2. Use document title

waSiteCode Variable containing the Site Code Site Code of the current page if already set up
waFwdPage Variable containing forwarded URL in the case of a server-side forwards The URL that is being rendered on the screen; this can be populated if the page rendered is different from what the user sought in the previous page; normally this situation occurs in the case of a server-side forwards.
waContext Variable containing context type and context ID for a page (separated by the period character (.) Any valid value for the context ID
Example: <script language>=”JavaScript”waContext =’SECTION:1002’</script>
waInventoryOrg Variable containing the Inventory Organization ID of a product The Inventory Organization ID of the product being published; this variable should be defined for product context
Example: <script language>=”JavaScript” waInventoryOrg = ‘ORCL’</script>

Note: All of these variables are optional attributes that can be published for tracking purposes.

Step 3 - Publish Business Events

Sites need to publish Business Events just like publishing other attributes for tracking. Oracle Web Analytics supplies the waEvent variable for capturing Business Events. The value of the Event variable should adhere to the syntax mentioned in this section.

Event Variable
Parameter Description Allowed values
waEvent Variable containing Event Values mentioned for each Event, adhering to the syntax mentioned in the following section

Oracle Web Analytics tracks three kinds of events:

  1. Inquiries

    • Order Inquiries

    • Payment Inquiries

    • Invoice Inquiries

  2. Site Search

  3. Registration

Syntax for Publishing Event Values

Event: [ Event Attribute Name{=Event Attribute Value}]


Also, ‘Event’ should be one of the values in the second column of the below table and ‘Event Attribute Name’ should be one of the values in the third column of the below table. The ‘Event Attribute Value’ could be anything that will have a meaning.

Example 1:

<script language=”JavaScript”>var waEvent=’ORDINQ:ORDID=219029’;</script>

Example 2:

<script language=”JavaScript”>var waEvent=’SRCH:SRCHSTR=Webanalytics:SRCHSIZE=10:SRCHMORE’;</script>

Oracle Web Analytics understands the following Events and Event Attribute Values:

Supported Event and Event Attribute Values
Event Event Code Event Attribute Name Event Attribute Value
Order Inquiry ORDINQ ORDID Order ID of the order queried
Payment Inquiry PMTINQ PMTID Payment ID or equivalent of the payment queried
Invoice Inquiry INVINQ INVID Invoice ID of the invoice queried
Site Search Event
This Event should be exposed only when search was performed and not when user is clicking on next link to browse the search results.
SRCH SRCHSTR Value of the search string
    SRCHSIZE Number of hits for this search string
This attribute should used if the SRCSIZE is more than what is being displayed.
User Registration USRREG N/A N/A

Configuring Single Sign-On for Event Capture

To ensure that Oracle Web Analytics is able to track Oracle Single Sign-On (SSO) authenticated visitors, the Oracle SSO Server and Oracle Web Analytics tracking servlet need to share the same lowest common domain.

Login Event

As a one-time implementation step, implementers must do the following to let Oracle Web Analytics understand the Login Event. This event is needed so that Oracle Web Analytics can honor the authenticated user privacy preference and identify the authenticated users for tracking purposes.

For third-party sites, implementers should follow these steps to publish the Login Event for Web Analytics.

Step 1 - Follow the steps for implementing the IPASCustomCookieInterface in the Third-Party Integration Modules in Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On Administrator’s Guide.

Step 2 - Use the source code provided below to create the class file and deploy according to the Step 1.


        import java.util.StringTokenizer;
        import java.util.HashMap;
        import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
        import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;

        public class CustomCookie implements IPASCustomCookieInterface
        private static String shortCookieDomain = null;

                public Cookie[] getCustomCookie(IPASUserInfo user, HttpServletRequest req) 

                /*<-- OWA SSO LOGIN IMPLEMENTATION: Start -->*/

             * Value of this variable should be changed according to the implementation.
             * The value of the profile ‘Applications Database ID’

String instanceIdentifier = "";

               * Value of this variable should be changed according to the implementation.
        * Value of the profile ‘Apps Servlet Agent’ + Value of the profile ‘Web Analytics: Relative          
        * Servlet URL for Tracking Cached Pages’
* Ex: 
        * “http://host:port/OA_HTML/ibwTrackingServlet”

            String servletURL = "";
                /*<---   Don't change the code from here ---->*/

   Cookie[] cookieList = req.getCookies();
            Cookie visitCookie = null;
            Cookie visitorCookie = null;
            StringBuffer sbVisit = new StringBuffer("ORA_IBW_VT_");
            StringBuffer sbVisitor = new StringBuffer("ORA_IBW_VR_");

            //Get the existing OWA cookies if present
                if (cookieList != null)
                for (int i = 0;i<cookieList.length ;i++ )
                                Cookie cookie = cookieList[i];
                                if (sbVisit.toString().equals(cookie.getName())) 
                                  visitCookie = cookie;
                                else if (sbVisitor.toString().equals(cookie.getName())) 
                                  visitorCookie = cookie;
                                if (visitCookie != null && visitorCookie != null) 

            //Send the data to OWA tracking servlet and get an appropriate response
            StringBuffer urlString = new StringBuffer(servletURL);
            if (visitCookie != null) 

            if (visitorCookie != null) 
            StringBuffer outputFromServlet = null;

              URL url = new URL(urlString.toString());
                  URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
                  if (conn == null)
                          return null;
                  InputStream inputStream = conn.getInputStream();

              BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
              String line;
              while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) 
                        if (outputFromServlet == null)
                                outputFromServlet = new StringBuffer();

                catch (MalformedURLException ex) 
              return null;
            catch (IOException ex) 
              return null;

                if (outputFromServlet == null)
                        return null;
            //Set the new cookies in the client browser.
            StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(outputFromServlet.toString(),"$");

            Cookie newVisitCookie = null;
            Cookie newVisitorCookie = null;
                HashMap attribMap = new HashMap(10);
                while (stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) 
                        String cookieValue = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
                        if (cookieValue.indexOf("=") != -1)
                                attribMap.put(cookieValue.substring(0,cookieValue.indexOf("=")),cookieValue.substring(cookieValue.indexOf("=") + 1,cookieValue.length()));

                if (attribMap.get("vtc") != null)
                        newVisitCookie = new Cookie(sbVisit.toString(),(String)attribMap.get("vtc"));
                if (attribMap.get("vrc") != null && attribMap.get("vrp") != null)
                        int age = 0;
                                age = Integer.parseInt((String) attribMap.get("vrp"));
                        catch (NumberFormatException ex) 
                                //exception we shouldnt set visitor cookie
                        if (age != 0)
                                newVisitorCookie = new Cookie(sbVisitor.toString(),(String)attribMap.get("vrc"));
            Cookie[] retVal = new Cookie[2];
            if (newVisitCookie != null) 
              retVal[0] = newVisitCookie;
            if (newVisitorCookie != null) 
              retVal[1] = newVisitorCookie;
                return retVal;
                }//END getCustomCookie
                //Get the lowest common domain
                public String getLowestCommonDomain(HttpServletRequest request) 
                if (shortCookieDomain == null) {
                  String server = request.getServerName();
                  int dot1 = server.lastIndexOf(".");
                  String topdomain = server.substring(dot1+1);
                  if (topdomain.equalsIgnoreCase("com") ||
                          topdomain.equalsIgnoreCase("edu") ||
                          topdomain.equalsIgnoreCase("net") ||
                          topdomain.equalsIgnoreCase("org") ||
                          topdomain.equalsIgnoreCase("gov") ||
                          topdomain.equalsIgnoreCase("mil") ||
                          topdomain.equalsIgnoreCase("int")) {
                        int dot2 = server.lastIndexOf(".", dot1-1);
                        if (dot2 == -1)
                          shortCookieDomain = server;
                          shortCookieDomain = server.substring(dot2);
                  else {
                        int dot2 = server.lastIndexOf(".", dot1-1);
                        int dot3 = server.lastIndexOf(".", dot2-1);
                        if (dot3 == -1)
                          shortCookieDomain = server;
                          shortCookieDomain = server.substring(dot3);
                return shortCookieDomain;
                /*<-- OWA SSO LOGIN IMPLEMENTATION: End -->*/

Logout Event

The Logout Event from the Oracle SSO Server must also be understood by the Oracle Web Analytics servlet to end the visit of the user. Hence, this event should be communicated to the Oracle Web Analytics servlet.

For third-party sites, implementers should follow these steps to publish the Logout Event for Web Analytics.

Step 4 - Set Up Privacy Policy

Overview of Privacy Policy

Oracle Web Analytics supports allowing users to communicate their privacy preference, to opt-in or opt-out of being tracked. In third-party Web sites, several steps are required to implement the functionality. For an introduction to the privacy policy and privacy preference in Oracle Web Analytics, see the "Privacy Policy" section of the chapter, Administering Tracking Features.

Implementation Assumptions

This guide assumes that implementers are going to provide their own Privacy Statement page, which will contain a hyperlink to the Oracle Web Analytics Privacy Preference page.

Web Analytics ships a JSP for the privacy preference display: ibwCWadPrivacyPref.jsp.

Cookies in Multiple Domains

Since the blocking cookie (which tells Oracle Web Analytics to not track an anonymous user) is limited to storing only one domain, cookies established at the other domains have stale data. This can result in the dishonoring of the user’s privacy preference, since the user might still be tracked on some of the sites even though his preference was not to be tracked or vice versa.

Example: A user is currently opted out and the cookies in all the domains have proper data. If he elects to “Opt In” on the Privacy Preference page, the blocking flag in one domain gets removed, but the cookies in all the other domains are not updated. So when this user visits any other site (different domain), he would not be tracked by Oracle Web Analytics (as the cookie in that domain has the blocking flag).

Addressing the Cookies in Multiple Domains Issue

Following is a summary of the steps that must be performed to address the cookies in multiple domains issue:

  1. To synchronize the cookie in all the different domains, implementers should have some server-side component in every application server hosting the different domains.

  2. Implementers should deploy a servlet to update the cookies in the domain different from that of the Oracle E-Business Suite. The following code should be compiled for the servlet (this servlet is referred to as "PrivacyPreferenceServlet".)

            import java.util.StringTokenizer;
            import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
            import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
            import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
            import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
             * This servlet should be deployed in the application servers hosting 3rd party site
             * in multi domain scenario. This will update the visitor cookie for the block flag 
             * in that domain
            public class PrivacyPreferenceServlet extends HttpServlet
              public PrivacyPreferenceServlet()
              public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) 
                doGet(request, response);
              public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) 
                String queryString = request.getQueryString();
                boolean userPref = false;
                String instanceId = null;
                if (queryString == null) 
                String preference = request.getParameter("op");
                if (preference != null) 
                  userPref = "Y".equals(preference);
                  instanceId = request.getParameter("instanceIdentifer");
                  //The querystring is not proper hence returning without setting the cookie
                if (instanceId == null) 
                  //The querystring is not proper hence returning without setting the cookie
                Cookie[] cookieList = request.getCookies();
                if (cookieList != null) 
                  for (int index = 0; index < cookieList.length; index++) 
                    if (cookieList[index].getName().equals("ORA_IBW_VR_" + instanceId)) 
                      //Found the cookie 
                      String cookieContent = URLDecoder.decode(cookieList[index].getValue());
                      StringTokenizer cst = new StringTokenizer(cookieContent, "~");
                      String visitorId = cst.nextToken();
                      cookieList[index].setValue(visitorId + ((userPref)?"~Y":"~N"));
                //Cookie was not found hence not updating anything
  3. To deploy the servlet, implementers should follow the steps particular to the application server being used.

  4. If creating an equivalent server-side component due to restrictions in their application server, implementers should follow the logic or programming steps mentioned below:

    1. There will be two parameters sent in the request header:

      • op: This parameter specifies the user's option. Y = opted out; N = opted in.

      • instanceIdentifer: This is a string which identifies the unique instance of Web Analytics. This value will be equivalent to the value configured in the section, "Step 1 - Enable Page Tracking", above.

    2. If either of these parameters is null or empty, Web Analytics won't perform anything, and exits.

    3. If both parameters are present, Web Analytics will search the request header for the cookie whose name is ORA_IBW_VR_ concatenated with the instanceIdentifier string.

    4. If the cookie doesn’t exist, Web Analytics won't perform anything, and exits.

    5. The cookie content could be either of the following two formats: ‘a’~Y or ‘a~N’.

    6. Web Analytics splits the cookie content string based on ‘~’ as the separator if it is in the earlier format.

    7. Now the new cookie content will be either:

      • a if op = N

      • a~Y if op = Y

    8. Web Analytics sets this new cookie content in the response and exits.

  5. Implementers must add a list of all the domains where the above server-side component can be reached in the array mentioned in the table in the section, "Step 1 - Enable Page Tracking", above. The sample HTML code given below represents the same:

    //List of domains where the PrivacyPreferenceServlet is deployed
                    waDomains[0] = 'http:\/\/\/servlet\/PrivacyPreferenceServlet’;
                    waDomains[1]= 'http:\/\/\/servlet\/PrivacyPreferenceServlet’ ;
            waDomains[2]= 'http:\/\/\/servlet\/PrivacyPreferenceServlet’;