Frequently Asked Questions

Scoring in Searches


What are the details of how search scoring works for solutions and service requests? I need information about how to improve the search effectiveness of text score and how to calculate normalized usage score. What are the profiles related to these elements?


The Oracle Knowledge Management Simple Search UI shows a set of tabs, each containing a search result for a particular repository such as Solutions, Service Requests, and Enterprise Search. It can also show search results for a custom created repository. Because each search result for a repository, that is, each tab on the UI, can be generated by different searching methods, no single search scoring algorithm is used across the application. For example, a default repository like Solutions uses Oracle Text, while an Enterprise Search repository delegates the search to an Oracle Enterprise Search server. Customers write repositories and use whatever method they choose to return the search results.

Most questions about the scoring algorithms specifically refer to out-of-the-box seeded repositories, particularly Solutions and Service Requests. Because Knowledge Management uses Oracle Text for searching on these repositories, the scoring generally inherits the Oracle Text scoring algorithm.

Some general guidelines about searching are as follows:

The following sections contains notes specific to each repository type, with respect to search.

Some specific information about scores follows:

Searches on Solutions

Service Requests