Channel Manager Dashboard

This chapter covers the following topics:


The Channel Manager Dashboard provides you with a 360-degree view of your partners and activities. It includes three main features:

For more information about the Channel Manager Dashboard, see the Partner Management Implementation Guide.

Vendor User Data Visibility

A vendor user's resource role and permissions determine the partner data seen on the Channel Manager Dashboard. The information available in the Key Metrics bin and Sales Performance graphs is determined by the data visibility of the channel team membership or resource group role. A vendor user is assigned to a channel team automatically.

The My Partners area lists the results of a partner search. If the PV: Enable Profile Attribute Security profile option is set to Yes at the site level, the permissions for your role and the attributes assigned to your role affect the actions you can take upon the listed partners.

Customizing Key Performance Indicator Information

Oracle Partner Management provides several seeded Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on the Channel Manager Dashboard. It is unlikely that most Channel Managers need to view all of them on their dashboard, so a Channel Manager can display only those KPIs relevant to his business needs. The selected KPIs can also be re-ordered.

The personalization is at the user level, so one Channel Manager’s list of KPIs can differ from another's. However, personalization at the Responsibility level is also supported. This enables the administrator to define a subset of KPIs for a specific Responsibility, and a user can further define another subset within that subset.

To customize KPIs, click the Personalize Key Metrics button on the Channel Manager Dashboard and use the shuttle boxes to move the metrics from the Available to the Selected box. You can then rearrange them in the Selected box.

Customizing Shortcuts

The shortcut bin on the Channel Manager dashboard can be customized either at a Site or Responsibility level. As part of the customization effort, the Administrator can hide, relabel and reorder the links. Additionally, the Administrator can add new links to the bin. These links can point to external sites (for example,, internal sites (intranet), or to other areas within the Oracle application.

Message Center

You can click a shortcut link on the Vendor User dashboard to view the Message Center. The Message Center informs the user about changes that have occurred regarding the application. These updates include information about: