Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

This chapter covers the following topics:


A new selection on the Diagnostics page of the HTML Administration Console has been added to assist in debugging configuration problems. To access this page:




CRM HTML Administration




  1. Click the Diagnostics tab.

    The Diagnostics Summary page appears.

  2. From the Application list, select Email Center, then click Go.

  3. In the Select column, click the box for the diagnostic test you want to run, and click Run.

Note: The following categories of tests are available:


Please refer to the latest IEM release About Document and relevant HTML files:

Please refer to My Oracle Supportm for all the latest product documentation and documentation updates for Oracle's products.

In addition to providing correct values for the fields listed above, ensure that you provide the correct Listener Port Number, Passwords, Machine name & IP address information.

  1. Error message received when associating a route with an email account.

Indication: The Email Center administrator attempts to associate a route with an email account and receives an error message indicating that no resource groups are defined.

Solution: Ensure that at least one resource group has been defined which includes an agent with the Email Center Agent resource role.

  1. Email messages are not reaching the Inbox folder of my email account.

Indication: Email messages have been sent to an email account. A user accesses the account inbox and does not see the email messages. This problem might be encountered while testing the installation during the Installation Checkpoint process.


  1. Check if the email has bounced because of a bad email address. Re-send the email to the correct email address.

  2. Check if your email has reached the email server. Check your system logs.

  1. Email messages are not being moved into the appropriate classification folders.

Indication: The Email Center administrator monitors the Email Center processing and notices that email metadata tokens are remaining in the Pre Meta-Data Table (Pre MDTS).

Solution: Email Center has two MetaData tables in its schema. They are IEM_PRE_MDTS (Pre MDTS) and IEM_POST_MDTS (Post MDTS). The Pre MDTS stores information about those email messages that are still in processing phase. The Post MDTS stores fully processed email information. If your email metadata tokens are remaining in the Pre MDTS, the Concurrent program might not be running.

To see any existing Email Center concurrent processes, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Forms application login page, login using the default system administrator user name and password.

  2. From the list of application responsibilities, select Email Center Concurrent Program Administrator.

    The Navigator-Email Center Concurrent Program Administrator page appears, displaying a list of functions.

  3. From the list of functions, double-click Run.

  4. Double-click Requests.

  5. Click Find to see existing processes.

Indication: An Email Center agent user does not see suggested responses in the Suggested Response bin when replying to an email message.

Solution: Check the following:

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get more information on Email Center?

Please refer to My Oracle Support.

What is the Administration console?

Email Center Administration is a set of common pages for the setup and administering of Email Center from a single login. Administration is user friendly and chronological formatted for simple navigation and step-by-step set up. Key features and benefits include the following:

A user accessing the Administration console must have the Email Center Administrator responsibility, MES Administrator resource role, and the JTF_FM_ADMIN role assigned.

What is the recommended Implementation approach for Email Center?

The Email Center Implementation steps have been grouped into 4 modules: Installation, Configuration, Rules and Business Data.

Setting Up Site Profiles

Why do I need a default customer?

All interactions have to be associated with a valid customer. The interactions for incoming emails from parties not defined in the system will either be associated with Default Customer or the agent can search for a valid customer.

What happened to the default workflow shipped with Email Center?

The out of the box processing of default workflow has been replaced by database resident programs which do the equivalent processing, that is, analyze emails, extract the contents, classify and route the emails, and get the suggested response documents. The Mail Pre-processing workflow is still provided but is called only for custom email processing - Refer to Create Email Accounts Enable Customized Processing Flow field.

What will happen to the existing customization done to the workflow (release 11.5.5 and before)?

If you already customized the default workflow (that is, added some extra nodes, plugged in new customized API, and so on .), then in the Administration console Create Account page you need to enable the customized workflow option. Refer to Create Email Accounts Enable Customized Processing Flow field.

How are classifications used?

The Email Center classification engine automatically classifies incoming emails based on user-defined rules; these are presented to agents as queues. When a classification is associated with an email account, a queue bearing the classification name will be created under that account. Classification rules are constructed using key value pairs extracted from incoming emails. If none of the rules are satisfied, the email is assigned the classification Unclassified.

How is routing performed?

The Email Center Routing engine automatically routes incoming emails to an agent group based on user-defined rules. These rules are constructed using key value pairs extracted from incoming emails. The routing rules are executed in the ascending order of priority starting with 1. If none of the rules are satisfied, then the email is routed to all agents belonging to that account. Emails are routed to an agent group and not to the individual agent. An agent (resource) group is only valid if it contains at least one resource, which is assigned to the email account and has one of the Email Center Agent, Email Center Supervisor, or Email Center Manager roles assigned to it.

What happened to the term Email Classification?

Email Classification is now referred to as Intent. Intents enable agents to identify the broad area pertaining to the email and assist in the selection of appropriate responses.

How does the Email Center analyze incoming emails?

Oracle Email Center is provided with a string of keywords or themes (for English language only) extracted from the email by the Oracle Text module of the Oracle database. Using these keywords, Oracle Email Center deciphers the intent of the email message or the broad area pertaining to the email and assists the agent in selection of appropriate responses. To enable the Email Center Intent engine, the administrator is required to create intents and keywords pertaining to the business. The keywords extracted from every incoming email are matched with the keywords stored in the Email Center schema to identify the intent of the email and fetch corresponding responses. Every intent and suggested response document is assigned a score (percentage) based on the scores of the keywords identified in the incoming email.

Does the Email Center intent processing support multi languages?

Email Center uses the Oracle Text application as part of it's Intent analysis process. Oracle Text extracts a set of keywords from an incoming message and provides them to the Email Center Intent engine to identify the email intent. Once the intent for the email is identified, Oracle Text searches through the knowledge base repositories to determine appropriate response documents.

Oracle Text, previously known as interMedia Text, is a component of the Oracle 8i Database. It provides a generic search, retrieval, and viewing capabilities for text. When used with Email Center, Oracle Text 8.1.7 performs text searches and keyword analysis in languages supported by CRM applications. The quality of this process for a specific language is a function of not only how well the system has been trained and tuned over time by the administrator. The quality also depends on the database character set and tools, such as stop lists provided by Oracle Text, used to optimize the search and retrieval of keywords.

Questions on Migration

How do I know that the Email Center Migration process is running?

Email Center Administrator provides a window for the migration process: Email Center Administration > Monitoring: Migration. This window shows the current status of the migration. If you have followed all the migration steps correctly, you can see migration related entries in this console. Also there are entries in the iem_migration_Details and iem_migration_store_temp files.

How do I know that the migration process is complete?

Navigate to Email Center Administration > Monitoring > Migration. It shows you all accounts with their current migration status.

Why are we getting “unable to extend sequence iem_ms_base_headers_s1” after migration is over and normal processing resumes?

This error occurs when the migration process invoked incorrectly. For example, this occurs if the administrator runs the migration process in a plain release 12 environment without any reference data. Doing so causes this sequence value to increase to its maximum when this migration process was run for few days without any supervision. We experienced this issue in our internal environment. As a result the sequence value increased to an astronomical figure. Therefore, when the normal process starts, this value cannot be extended. If a similar situation occurred at your site, check this sequence value. If this value is a very high, such as a 13 to 14 digit number, then reset it before resuming normal operations.

How I can limit the migration to run on specific accounts only?

Migrating only part of your account data requires a customization. Move the unwanted records from the iem_email_accounts table to another temporary table to restrict migration to the remaining accounts. After migration, take care of the unmigrated records according to your retention policy.

Is it possible to migrate only configuration data from an application?

No, you must migrate both Inbox and agent queue data along with configuration data. Historical data can be minimized by entering a recent cutoff date within the migration start-up parameter. Normally any EBS instance has 80 percent or more historical data. Therefore, by restricting the amount of historical data, migration process can be completed quickly.

How can I migrate configuration data without running migration?

This requires customizing. Calling an available private API can migrate all configuration data without running migration. Please contact development for that API script. Run the script only under support supervision.