Oracle Depot Repair Public APIs

This appendix presents information on the Oracle Depot Repair public API.

This appendix covers the following topics:

Depot Repair Public Packages

Oracle Depot Repair provides the following public API.

This API includes the following two procedures:

Procedure Name Description
Create_Repair_Order This procedure is called to create a Repair Order.
Update_Repair_Order This procedure is called to update a Repair Order.


This API will create a Repair Order. User can pass REPAIR_LINE_ID and REPAIR_NUMBER. If passed, the ID or NUMBER will be validated for uniqueness. If valid, the same ID or NUMBER will be returned.

Procedure Name





p_api_version_number   IN   NUMBER     Required
p_init_msg_list        IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
p_commit               IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
p_validation_level     IN   NUMBER     Optional  Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
p_repair_line_id       IN   NUMBER     Optional  Default = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM
P_REPLN_Rec            IN   CSD_REPAIRS_PUB.REPLN_Rec_Type Required
x_return_status        OUT  VARCHAR2
x_msg_count            OUT  NUMBER
x_msg_data             OUT  VARCHAR2
x_repair_line_id       OUT  NUMBER
x_repair_number        OUT  NUMBER

Current Version


Procedure Specification

P_Api_Version_Number     IN   NUMBER,
P_Init_Msg_List          IN   VARCHAR2     := FND_API.G_FALSE,
P_Commit                 IN   VARCHAR2     := FND_API.G_FALSE,
p_validation_level       IN   NUMBER       := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
p_repair_line_id         IN   NUMBER       := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
P_REPLN_Rec              IN   CSD_REPAIRS_PUB.REPLN_Rec_Type,
X_Return_Status          OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
X_Msg_Count              OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER,
X_Msg_Data               OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2


This procedure will update a Repair Order.

Procedure Name





p_api_version_number      IN   NUMBER     Required
p_init_msg_list           IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
p_commit                  IN   VARCHAR2   Optional  Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
p_validation_level        IN   NUMBER     Optional  Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
p_repair_line_id          IN   NUMBER     Required
P_REPLN_Rec               IN   CSD_REPAIRS_PUB.REPLN_Rec_Type Required
x_return_status           OUT  VARCHAR2
x_msg_count               OUT  NUMBER
x_msg_data                OUT  VARCHAR2

Current Version


Procedure Specification

P_Api_Version_Number         IN   NUMBER,
P_Init_Msg_List              IN   VARCHAR2     := FND_API.G_FALSE,
P_Commit                     IN   VARCHAR2     := FND_API.G_FALSE,
p_validation_level           IN   NUMBER       := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
p_repair_line_id             IN   NUMBER,
P_REPLN_Rec                  IN OUT NOCOPY
X_Return_Status              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
X_Msg_Count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
X_Msg_Data                   OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2

Parameter Descriptions

The following table describes the IN parameters associated with this API.

Parameter Data Type Description
p_api_version NUMBER This must match the version number of the API. An unexpected error is returned if the calling program version number is incompatible with the current API version number (provided in the documentation).
p_init_msg_list VARCHAR2 Default = FND_API.G_FALSE.
If set to true, then the API makes a call to fnd_msg_pub.initialize to initialize the message stack.
If set to false then the calling program must initialize the message stack. This action is required to be performed only once, even in cases where more than one API is called.
p_commit VARCHAR2 Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
If set to true, then the API commits before returning to the calling program.
If set to false, then it is the calling program's responsibility to commit the transaction.
p_validation_level NUMBER Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
If set to full, then the API validates all the IN parameter values.
If set to none, then the API validates parameters that are a minimum requirement to create a Repair Order.
p_repair_line_id NUMBER If the repair line id is not passed, then the API uses sequence to generate the repair line id.
If the repair line id is passed, then it validates to ensure that the repair line id does not exist in CSD_REPAIRS table.
P_REPLN_Rec PL/SQL Record It accepts the Repair Order record.

The following table describes the OUT parameters associated with this API.

Parameter Data Type Description
x_return_status VARCHAR2(1) If the API successfully creates a Repair Order, then it returns the status 'S', Else it returns the status as 'E' or 'U'.
x_msg_count NUMBER Returns the number of messages logged in the message stack.
x_msg_data VARCHAR2 It retrieves the message from the message stack and returns the message to the calling APIs.
x_repair_line_id NUMBER It returns the repair line id after the Repair Order is created successfully.
x_repair_number NUMBER It returns the repair number after the Repair Order is created successfully. The repair number can be different from the repair line id as different sequences are used.

Data Structure Specifications

Depot Repair API uses the following data structure.


The following table presents descriptions of data structures.

Name Description
Repair_Number If this value is passed during Repair Order creation, it will be validated for uniqueness and used for creation of Repair Order.
Incident_id This is the Service Request id.
Inventory_item_id Item information.
Customer_product_id Instance ID of IB reference number.
Unit_of_measure Unit of Measure Code.
Repair_type_id Repair type information.
Resource_id Resource to which the Repair Order is to be linked.
Project_id Not used currently.
Task_id Not used currently.
Contract_line_id Used to store the contract information.
Auto_process_rma Used to determine if the RMA has to be created automatically for the Repair Order.
Repair_mode Used to determine if the Repair Order has to be created in WIP/Task/None mode.
Object_version_number For Repair Order creation, the version number should be 1. For Repair Order update, the version number must be the same as that of the Repair Order in the database.
Item_revision If the item is revision controlled, then pass the revision.
Instance_id Same as customer product id.
Status Repair Order transaction status.
Status_reason_code Estimate approval reason code. It is required only if there is an estimate.
Date_closed Repair order close date.
Approval_required_flag This flag is used to check if the approval is required.
Approval_status Estimate approval status.
Serial_number Serial number if the serialized item is selected.
Promise_date The promise date of repair completion.
Attribute_category Context of the descriptive flexfield.
Attribute1 Attribute1
Attribute2 Attribute2
Attribute3 Attribute3
Attribute4 Attribute4
Attribute5 Attribute5
Attribute6 Attribute6
Attribute7 Attribute7
Attribute8 Attribute8
Attribute9 Attribute9
Attribute10 Attribute10
Attribute11 Attribute11
Attribute12 Attribute12
Attribute13 Attribute13
Attribute14 Attribute14
Attribute15 Attribute15
Quantity Total Quantity for which the Repair Order has to be created.
Quantity_in_wip To store quantity submitted for Work in Process (WIP) process.
Quantity_rcvd To store the received quantity.
Quantity_shipped To store the shipped quantity.
Currency_code To store the currency code
RO_txn_status Used internally to store the Repair Order Status.
Order_line_id Not used currently.
Original_source_reference Not used currently.
Original_source_header_id Order header id of the source reference
Original_source_line_id Order line id of the source reference
Price_list_header_id Default Repair Order price list