Support for OSFM Transactions in Various User Interface Modes

Support for OSFM Transactions in Various User Interface Modes

User Interface Support for OSFM Transactions
S. No. Transaction Forms HTML Interface Mobile Remarks
1.1. Job Creation Y N Y N  
1.1.1. Lot Attributes Y N Y N  
1.1.2. Serial Attributes Y N Y N  
1.2. Lot Creation Y N Y N  
1.2.1. Lot Controlled Assemblies Y N Y N  
1.2.2. Lot and Serial Controlled Assemblies Y N N N  
1.2.3. Lot Attributes Y N Y N  
1.2.4. Serial Attributes Y N N N  
1.3. Update Unreleased Job Y N Y N  
1.4 Update Released Job Y N Y N  
1.5 Change Job Status          
1.5.1. Close Y N N N  
1.5.2. Unclose Y N N N  
1.5.3. Purge Y N N N  
1.5.4. Release Y N Y N  
1.5.5. Hold Y N Y N  
1.5.6. Cancel Y N Y N  
2.1. Move Y Y Y* N *Move from an intraop step to any intraop step of next operation not supported
2.1.1. Move In N Y N N Moving into an operation
2.1.2. Move Out N Y N N Moving out of an operation
2.1.3. Move To Next Op N Y N N Moving to the next operation
2.2. Partial Move Y N N N  
2.3. Backflush Y Y Y N  
2.4. Scrap          
2.4.1. Moving to Intraop Step Scrap Y N Y N  
2.4.2. Move and Scrap Y Y Y N Combined Move and Scrap Transaction
2.4.3. Scrap Codes Y Y* N N *Scrap Quantity can be specified against Scrap Codes
2.5. Bonus Quantity N Y N N  
2.5.1. Bonus Codes N Y* Y N *Bonus Codes can be specified for Bonus Quantity
2.6. Completion Y Y Y N  
2.7. Return Y Y Y N  
2.8. Undo Y Y Y N  
2.9. Jump Y Y Y N  
2.10. Serial Generation during Move Y N N N  
2.11. Lot Attributes during Move Y Y Y N  
2.12. Serial Attributes during Move Y N Y N  
2.13. Capture Actual Start Date N Y N N Actual Start Date/Time of the operation is captured
3. WIP Lot Transactions          
3.1. Split Y Y Y N  
3.2. Merge Y Y Y N  
3.3. Update Quantity Y Y Y N  
3.4. Update Assembly Y Y Y N  
3.5. Update Routing Y Y Y N  
3.6. Update Lot Name Y Y Y N  
3.7. Bonus Y N Y N  
3.8. Update Lot Attributes Y Y Y N  
3.9. Update Serial Attributes Y N Y N  
  Lot/Serial Support: WIP Lot Transactions          
3.10. Split Y Y Y N  
3.11 Merge Y Y Y N  
3.12. Update Quantity Y Y Y N  
3.13. Update Assembly Y Y Y N  
3.14. Update Routing Y Y Y N  
3.15. Update Lot Name Y Y Y N  
3.16. Bonus N N N N  
4. Inventory Lot Transactions          
4.1. Split Y N Y Y* *Serial Controlled Items not supported by INV on Mobile
4.2. Merge Y N Y Y* *Serial Controlled Items not supported by INV on Mobile
4.3. Translate Y N Y Y* *Serial Controlled Items not supported by INV on Mobile
4.4. Transfer Y N Y Y  
4.5. Update Lot Attributes Y N Y Y  
4.6. Update Serial Attributes N N Y N  
5. Material Transactions          
5.1. Issue Material to Job Y Y Y Y* *OSFM Jobs not supported in Mobile
5.2. Return Material to Inventory Y Y Y Y* *OSFM Jobs not supported in Mobile
6. Change Current Operation Details          
6.1. Change Resource Y N Y N  
6.2. Change Components Y Y Y N  
6.3. Change Recommended Path N Y Y N  
6.4. Change Resource Usage/Instances N Y Y N  
7. Change Plan Details          
7.1. Change Resource (Future Operation) N Y* Y N *Only substitutions to predefined alternate resources possible
7.2. Change Components (Future Operation) N Y* Y N *Only substitutions to predefined alternate components possible
7.3. Change Recommended Path N Y Y N  
7.4. Change Resource Usage/Instances (Future Operation N N Y N  
7.5. Change Operation Yield N Y Y N  
7.6. Infinite Rescheduling Y N Y N  
7.7. Detailed Scheduling N N Y N Constrained or Finite Scheduling
8. Co-Product          
8.1. Define Co-Product Y N N N  
8.2. Update Co-Product Y N N N  
9. BOM and Routing          
9.1. Define BOM Y N Y N  
9.2. Update BOM Y N Y N Updating BOM does not update Co-Product definition
9.3. Define Network Routing Y N Y N  
9.4. Update Network Routing Y N Y N  
10.1. Setup: Defining an Item as Serial Controlled Y N Y N  
10.2. Setup: Serialization Start Operation in the Routing Y N N N  
10.3. Generation of Serials Y N Y N  
10.4. Association of Serials Y N Y N  
10.5. Lot/Serial Support in Job Move Transactions Y Y Y N  
10.6. Lot/Serial Component Issue: Material Transaction Y Y N N  
10.7. Lot/Serial Component Issue: Backflush Transaction Y Y N N  
10.8. Managing Attributes Y Y* Y N *Only Lot Attributes supported in HTML
10.9. Genealogy of Lot/Serial Y N - N