Classification API Use

This chapter describes Classification APIs. The provided information includes: PL/SQL record structure and procedure, Java inner class and method, and parameter descriptions and validations.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Classification APIs


Java Class Name: HzClassificationV2Pub

PL/SQL Record Structure for Class Category

TYPE class_category_rec_type IS RECORD (
    class_category                        VARCHAR2(30),
    allow_multi_parent_flag               VARCHAR2(1),
    allow_multi_assign_flag               VARCHAR2(1),
    allow_leaf_node_only_flag             VARCHAR2(1),
    created_by_module                     VARCHAR2(150),
    application_id                        NUMBER
    delimiter   VARCHAR2(1),

PL/SQL Record Structure for Class Code Relation

TYPE class_code_relation_rec_type        IS RECORD
    class_category                       VARCHAR2(30),
    class_code                           VARCHAR2(30),
    sub_class_code                       VARCHAR2(30),
    start_date_active                    DATE,
    end_date_active                      DATE,
    created_by_module                    VARCHAR2(150),
    application_id                       NUMBER

PL/SQL Record Structure for Code Assignment

TYPE code_assignment_rec_type            IS RECORD (
    code_assignment_id                   NUMBER,
    owner_table_name                     VARCHAR2(30),
    owner_table_id                       NUMBER,
    owner_table_key_1                    VARCHAR2(255)
    owner_table_key_2                    VARCHAR2(255)
    owner_table_key_3                    VARCHAR2(255)
    owner_table_key_4                    VARCHAR2(255)
    owner_table_key_5                    VARCHAR2(255)
    class_category                       VARCHAR2(30),
    class_code                           VARCHAR2(30),
    primary_flag                         VARCHAR2(1),
    content_source_type                  VARCHAR2(30):= HZ_PARTY_V2PUB.G_MISS_
    start_date_active                    DATE,
    end_date_active                      DATE,
    status                               VARCHAR2(1),
    created_by_module                    VARCHAR2(150),
    application_id                       NUMBER
    rank                                 NUMBER

PL/SQL Record Structure for Class Category Use

TYPE class_category_use_rec_type     IS RECORD (
    class_category                   VARCHAR2(30),
    owner_table                      VARCHAR2(240),
    column_name                      VARCHAR2(240),
    additional_where_clause          VARCHAR2(4000),
    created_by_module                VARCHAR2(150),
    application_id                   NUMBER

Java Inner Class for Class Category

public static class ClassCategoryRec {
    public String                     class_category;
    public String                     allow_multi_parent_flag;
    public String                     allow_multi_assign_flag;
    public String                     allow_leaf_node_only_flag;
    public String                     created_by_module;
    public BigDecimal                 application_id;
    public String                     delimiter
    public ClassCategoryRec();
    public ClassCategoryRec(boolean __RosettaUseGMISSValues);

Java Inner Class for Class Code Relation

public static class ClassCodeRelationRec {
    public String                         class_category;
    public String                         class_code;
    public String                         sub_class_code;
    public java.sql.Timestamp             start_date_active;
    public java.sql.Timestamp             end_date_active;
    public String                         created_by_module;
    public BigDecimal                     application_id;
    public ClassCodeRelationRec();
    public ClassCodeRelationRec(boolean __RosettaUseGMISSValues);

Java Inner Class for Code Assignment

public static class CodeAssignmentRec {
    public BigDecimal                    code_assignment_id;
    public String                        owner_table_name;
    public BigDecimal                    owner_table_id;
    public String                        class_category;
    public String                        class_code;
    public String                        primary_flag;
    public String                        content_source_type;
    public java.sql.Timestamp            start_date_active;
    public java.sql.Timestamp            end_date_active;
    public String                        status;
    public String                        created_by_module;
    public BigDecimal                    application_id;
    public String                        rank;
    public CodeAssignmentRec();
    public CodeAssignmentRec(boolean __RosettaUseGMISSValues);

Java Inner Class for Class Category Use

public static class ClassCategoryUseRec {
    public String                        class_category;
    public String                        owner_table;
    public String                        column_name;
    public String                        additional_where_clause;
    public String                        created_by_module;
    public BigDecimal                    application_id;
    public ClassCategoryUseRec();
    public ClassCategoryUseRec(boolean__RosettaUseGMISSValues);

Create Class Category API


This routine is used to create a Class Category. The API creates a record in the HZ_CLASS_CATEGORIES table. A Class Category provides a way to classify parties and party sites. For example, NAICS_1997 (1997 North American Industry Classification System) is a class category. A class category corresponds to an AR lookup type and the related class codes are lookup codes of the lookup type. Users has to create a valid lookup type before creating the class category using that lookup type.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE create_class_category(
    p_init_msg_list                IN          VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_class_category_rec           IN          CLASS_CATEGORY_REC_TYPE, 
    x_return_status                OUT         VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                    OUT         NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                     OUT         VARCHAR2

Java Method

public static void createClassCategory (
    String                         p_init_msg_list,
    ClassCategoryRec               p_class_category_rec,
    String [ ]                     x_return_status,
    BigDecimal [ ]                 x_msg_count,
    String [ ]                     x_msg_data
) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following table lists information about the parameters in the Create Class Category API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required ValidationDefaultComment
class_category IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation:
  • Unique

  • A Class Category correspond to a LOOKUP_TYPE

allow_multi_parent_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against FND lookup type YES/NO
allow_multi_assign_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against FND lookup type YES/NO
allow_leaf_node_only_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against FND lookup type YES/NO
created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute. Validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
application_id IN NUMBER No Comment: Text to indicate application from which creation of record is initiated
delimiter IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Used for concatenated class code in the HZ_CLASS_CODE_DENORM table.
Default value is / .

Update Class Category API


This routine is used to update a Class Category. The API updates a record in the HZ_CLASS_CATEGORIES table.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE update_class_category(
    p_init_msg_list                      IN         VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_class_category_rec                 IN         CLASS_CATEGORY_REC_TYPE, 
    p_object_version_number              IN OUT     NUMBER, 
    x_return_status                      OUT        VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                          OUT        NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                           OUT        VARCHAR2

Java Method

public static void updateClassCategory(
    String                               p_init_msg_list,
    ClassCategoryRec                     p_class_category_rec,
    BigDecimal [ ]                       p_object_version_number,
    String [ ]                           x_return_status,
    BigDecimal [ ]                       x_msg_count,
    String [ ]                           x_msg_data
) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following table lists information about the parameters in the Update Class Category API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
class_category IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation:
  • Unique

  • A Class Category correspond to a LOOKUP_TYPE

allow_multi_parent_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation:
  • Validated against FND lookup type YES/NO

  • This flag cannot be updated from Y to N, if there are any class codes related to more than one parent code

allow_multi_assign_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation:
  • Validated against FND lookup type YES/NO

  • This flag cannot be updated from Y to N, if there are any class codes assigned to more than one instance of HZ_PARTIES or HZ_RELATIONSHIP_TYPES or any entities that uses the classification model.

allow_leaf_node_only_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation:
  • Validated against FND lookup type YES/NO

  • This flag cannot be updated from Y to N, if there are any class codes assigned to more than one instance of HZ_PARTIES or HZ_RELATIONSHIP_TYPES or any entities that uses the classification model.

created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Non updateable if value exists, else validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
application_id IN NUMBER No Validation: Not updateable if value exists
delimiter IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Used for concatenated class code in the HZ_CLASS_CODE_DENORM table.
Default value is / .
p_object_version_number IN
NUMBER Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute

  • Validated against value in the database for the existing record

  • Pass the current object_version_number from HZ_CLASS_CATEGORIES

  • Return new value after update

Create Class Code Relation API


This routine is used to create a Class Code Relation. The API creates a record in the HZ_CLASS_CODE_RELATIONS table. The class codes are related to a class category. For example, the class category NAICS_1997 has

You can relate the code 11 as parent code of the code 111, which in turn can be related as parent code of the code 1111. This way you can set up the class codes as parent child relationship. As a class category is a lookup type, the class codes of a class category are the lookup codes of that lookup type.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE create_class_code_relation
    p_init_msg_list                 IN          VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_class_code_relation_rec       IN          CLASS_CODE_RELATION_REC_TYPE, 
    x_return_status                 OUT         VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                     OUT         NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                      OUT         VARCHAR2

Java Method

public static void createClassCodeRelation(
    String                          p_init_msg_list,
    ClassCodeRelationRec            p_class_code_relation_rec,
    String [ ]                      x_return_status,
    BigDecimal [ ]                  x_msg_count,
    String [ ]                      x_msg_data
) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following table lists information about the parameters in the Create Class Code Relation API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
class_category IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Validated against HZ_CLASS_CATEGORIES.CLASS_CATEGORY
class_code IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation:
  • Validated against FND lookup values where the LOOKUP_TYPE equals to the value in the CLASS_CATEGORY column

  • sub_class_code cannot be an ancestor code of class_code. This validation avoids recursive relationship

sub_class_code IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation:
  • Validated against FND lookup values where the LOOKUP_TYPE equals to the value in the CLASS_CATEGORY column

  • class_code cannot be a descendant of sub_class_code. This validation avoid recursive relationship

  • If allow_multi_parent_flag = N then the sub_class_code must not have any class_code related to it for the period range from start_date_active to end_date_active.

start_date_active IN DATE No  
end_date_active IN DATE No Validation:
  • A Class Code Relation must be unique for a period of time range from start_date_active to end_date_active.

  • The end_date_active must be null or greater then the start_date_active.

created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute. Validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
application_id IN NUMBER No Comment: Text to indicate application from which creation of record is initiated

Update Class Code Relation API


This routine is used to update a Class Code Relation. The API updates a record in table HZ_CLASS_CODE_RELATIONS.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE update_class_code_relation(
    p_init_msg_list                 IN         VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_class_code_relation_rec       IN         CLASS_CODE_RELATION_REC_TYPE, 
    p_object_version_number         IN OUT     NUMBER, 
    x_return_status                 OUT        VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                     OUT        NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                      OUT        VARCHAR2

Java Method

public static void updateClassCodeRelation(
    String                          p_init_msg_list,
    ClassCodeRelationRec            p_class_code_relation_rec,
    BigDecimal [ ]                  p_object_version_number,
    String [ ]                      x_return_status,
    BigDecimal [ ]                  x_msg_count,
    String [ ]                      x_msg_data
) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following table lists information about the parameters in the Update Class Code Relation API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
class_category IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Validated against HZ_CLASS_CATEGORIES
class_code IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Validated the existence of the relation (class_category, class_code, sub_class_code, start_date_active)
sub_class_code IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Part of the existence validation
start_date_active IN DATE No Validation: Part of the existence validation
end_date_active IN DATE No Validation:
  • A Class Code Relation (class_category, class_code, sub_class_Code) must be unique for a period of time range from Start_date_Active to End_Date_Active.

  • End_date_Active must be null or greater than Start_Date_Active.

created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Non updateable if value exists, else validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
application_id IN NUMBER No Validation: Not updateable if value exists
p_object_version_number IN
NUMBER Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute

  • Validated against value in the database for the existing record

  • Pass the current object_version_number of the record from hz_class_code_relations

  • Returns new value after update

Create Code Assignment API


This routine is used to create a Code Assignment. The API creates a record in the HZ_CODE_ASSIGNMENTS table. An assignment of class code links an instance of the class code to an instance of the classified table. The HZ_CODE_ASSIGNMENTS table is an intersection table that links the classification codes in the AR_LOOKUPS view to the instances of the parties or other entities stored in the table identified in the OWNER_TABLE_NAME column. The OWNER_TABLE_ID column holds the value of the ID column of the classified table.

The primary code assignment of type CUSTOMER_CATEGORY is denormalized into the HZ_PARTIES table. The primary SIC code assignment is denormalized into HZ_PARTIES and HZ_ORGANIZATION_PROFILES.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE create_code_assignment(
    p_init_msg_list                 IN        VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_code_assignment_rec           IN        CODE_ASSIGNMENT_REC_TYPE,
    x_return_status                 OUT       VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                     OUT       NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                      OUT       VARCHAR2,
    x_code_assignment_id            OUT       NUMBER

Java Method

public static void createCodeAssignment(
    String                           p_init_msg_list,
    CodeAssignmentRec                p_code_assignment_rec,
    String [ ]                       x_return_status,
    BigDecimal [ ]                   x_msg_count,
    String [ ]                       x_msg_data,
    BigDecimal [ ]                   x_code_assignment_id
) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following table lists information about the parameters in the Create Code Assignment API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
code_assignment_id IN NUMBER No Validation: Unique if passed in, else generated from sequence
owner_table_name IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against fnd lookup values where lookup type = 'CODE_ASSIGN_OWNER_TABLE'
owner_table_id IN NUMBER No Validation:
One or the other of owner_table_id or owner_table_key_1 must be supplied. Both cannot be supplied.
If supplied the value must correspond to the primary key value of the entity which is being classified.
owner_table_key_1 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation:
One or the other of owner_table_id or owner_table_key_1 must be supplied. Both cannot be supplied.
If supplied the value must correspond to the primary key value of the entity which is being classified.
Not updateable.
owner_table_key_2 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation:
If owner_table_key_1 is not supplied, then this parameter cannot be supplied.
If supplied the value must correspond to the primary key value of the entity which is being classified.
Not updateable.
owner_table_key_3 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation:
If owner_table_key_2 is not supplied, then this parameter cannot be supplied.
If supplied the value must correspond to the primary key value of the entity which is being classified.
Not updateable.
owner_table_key_4 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation:
If owner_table_key_3 is not supplied, then this parameter cannot be supplied.
If supplied the value must correspond to the primary key value of the entity which is being classified.
Not updateable.
owner_table_key_5 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation:
If owner_table_key_4 is not supplied, then this parameter cannot be supplied.
If supplied the value must correspond to the primary key value of the entity which is being classified.
Not updateable.
class_category IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against HZ_CLASS_CATEGORIES
class_code IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against FND lookup values where the LOOKUP_TYPE = CLASS_CATEGORY. A class code must be a valid lookup_code from the lookup_type which name is the CLASS_CATEGORY.
primary_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation:
  • Validated against FND lookup values where lookup type YES/NO

  • An owner_table_id can only have one primary (PRIMARY_FLAG = Y) assignment to a class_code of one class_category for one actual_content_source at one time.

content_source_type IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter is no longer used. Use actual_content_source.
Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
start_date_active IN DATE No  
end_date_active IN DATE No Validation: must be null or greater than start_date_active
Status IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR_LOOKUP type CODE_STATUS
created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute. Validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
application_id IN NUMBER No Comment: Text to indicate module from which creation of record is initiated
actual_content_source IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
x_code_assignment_id OUT NUMBER No Comment: Return the code_assignment_id of the code assignment record created
rank IN NUMBER No Comment: Provides the ability to rank classes if multiple classes have been assigned to a party.

Update Code Assignment API


This routine is used to update a Code Assignment. The API updates a record in the HZ_CODE_ASSIGNMENTS table.

The primary code assignment of type CUSTOMER_CATEGORY is denormalized into the HZ_PARTIES table. The primary SIC code assignment is denormalized into HZ_PARTIES and HZ_ORGANIZATION_PROFILES.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE update_code_assignment(
    p_init_msg_list                     IN          VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_code_assignment_rec               IN          CODE_ASSIGNMENT_REC_TYPE,
    p_object_version_number             IN OUT      NUMBER,
    x_return_status                     OUT         VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                         OUT         NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                          OUT         VARCHAR2

Java Method

public static void updateCodeAssignment(
    String                               p_init_msg_list,
    CodeAssignmentRec                    p_code_assignment_rec,
    BigDecimal [ ]                       p_object_version_number,
    String [ ]                           x_return_status,
    BigDecimal [ ]                       x_msg_count,
    String [ ]                           x_msg_data
) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following table lists information about the parameters in the Update Code Assignment API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
code_assignment_id IN NUMBER Yes Validation: Validated against HZ_CODE_ASSIGNMENTS.CODE_ASSIGNMENT_ID
owner_table_name IN VARCHAR2 No  
owner_table_id IN NUMBER No  
class_category IN VARCHAR2 Yes  
class_code IN VARCHAR2 No  
primary_flag IN VARCHAR2 No  
content_source_type IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter is no longer used. Use actual_content_source.
start_date_active IN DATE No  
end_date_active IN DATE No Comment: Cannot create classification with time period that overlaps an existing classification.
Validation: Done in HZ_CLASS_VALIDATE_V2.validate_code_assignment
status IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR_LOOKUP type CODE_STATUS
created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Non updateable if value exists, else validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
application_id IN NUMBER No Validation: Not updateable if value exists
p_object_version_number IN
NUMBER Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute

  • Validated against value in the database for the existing records

  • Pass the current object_version_number of the record from hz_code_assignments

  • Returns new value after update

rank IN NUMBER No Comment: Provides the ability to rank classes if multiple classes have been assigned to a party.

Create Class Category Use API


This routine is used to create a Class Category Use. The API creates a record in the HZ_CLASS_CATEGORY_USES table. The classification model is an open structure, the HZ_CLASS_CATEGORY_USES table indicates which tables or subsets of tables, use which classifications. The HZ_CLASS_CATEGORY_USES table stores information about the tables which are going to use a particular class category. The ADDITIONAL_WHERE_CLAUSE is the filter for the subsets of tables. For example the SIC 1987 class category can be used to classify the parties, which have the party type Organization. The COLUMN_NAME column holds the value of the column of the classified table in the OWNER_TABLE column that is used as ID column for class code assignment.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE create_class_category_use (
    p_init_msg_list                     IN          VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_class_category_use_rec            IN          CLASS_CATEGORY_USE_REC_TYPE, 
    x_return_status                     OUT         VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                         OUT         NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                          OUT         VARCHAR2

Java Method

public static void createClassCategoryUse(
    String                               p_init_msg_list,
    ClassCategoryUseRec                  p_class_category_use_rec,
    String [ ]                           x_return_status,
    BigDecimal [ ]                       x_msg_count,
    String [ ]                           x_msg_data
) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following table lists information about the parameters in the Create Class Category Use API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
class_category IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Validated against HZ_CLASS_CATEGORIES
owner_table IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation:
  • Validated against FND lookup values where Lookup type = CODE_ASSIGN_OWNER_TABLE

  • The combination (class_category, owner_table) must be unique.

column_name IN VARCHAR2 No  
additional_where_clause IN VARCHAR2 No  
created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute. Validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
application_id IN NUMBER No Comment: Text to indicate application from which creation of record is initiated

Update Class Category Use API


This routine is used to update a Class Category Use. The API updates a record in the HZ_CLASS_CATEGORY_USES table.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE update_class_category_use (
    p_init_msg_list                  IN        VARCHAR2:=FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_class_category_use_rec         IN        CLASS_CATEGORY_USE_REC_TYPE,
    p_object_version_number          IN OUT    NUMBER,
    x_return_status                  OUT       VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                      OUT       NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                       OUT       VARCHAR2

Java Method

public static void updateClassCategoryUse(
    String                           p_init_msg_list,
    ClassCategoryUseRec              p_class_category_use_rec,
    BigDecimal [ ]                   p_object_version_number,
    String [ ]                       x_return_status,
    BigDecimal [ ]                   x_msg_count,
    String [ ]                       x_msg_data
) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following table lists information about the parameters in the Update Class Category Use API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
class_category IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Validated against HZ_CLASS_CATEGORIES
owner_table IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation:
  • Validated against FND lookup type 'CODE_ASSIGN_OWNER_TABLE'

  • The combination (class_category, owner_table) must be unique.

column_name IN VARCHAR2 No  
additional_where_clause IN VARCHAR2 No  
created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Non updateable if value exists, else validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
application_id IN NUMBER No Validation: Not updateable if value exists
p_object_version_number IN
VARCHAR2 Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute

  • Validated against value in the database for the existing records

  • Pass the current object_version_number of the record from hz_class_category_uses

  • Returns new value after update

Is Valid Category API


This function determines if an ID can be assigned to a class_category and owner_table. The function returns T if an ID can be assigned to the given class_category, otherwise the function returns F.

PL/SQL Function

FUNCTION is_valid_category(
    p_owner_table                   IN         VARCHAR2,
    p_class_category                IN         VARCHAR2,
    p_id                            IN         NUMBER,
    p_key_1                         IN         NUMBER,
    p_key_2                         IN         NUMBER,


Parameter Description and Validation

The following table lists information about the parameters in the Is Valid Category API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
p_class_category IN VARCHAR2 Yes  
p_owner_table IN VARCHAR2 Yes  
p_id IN VARCHAR2 Yes Default: NULL
p_key_1 IN VARCHAR2   Default: NULL
p_key_2 IN VARCHAR2   Default: NULL