Customer Account API Use

This chapter describes Customer Account APIs. The provided information includes: PL/SQL record structure and procedure, Java inner class and method, and parameter descriptions and validations.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Customer Account APIs


Java Class Name: HzCustAccountV2Pub

PL/SQL Record Structure for Customer Account

TYPE cust_account_rec_type IS RECORD (
    cust_account_id                  NUMBER,
    account_number                   VARCHAR2(30),
    attribute_category               VARCHAR2(30),
    attribute1                       VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute2                       VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute3                       VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute4                       VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute5                       VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute6                       VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute7                       VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute8                       VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute9                       VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute10                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute11                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute12                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute13                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute14                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute15                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute16                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute17                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute18                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute19                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute20                      VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute_category        VARCHAR2(30),
    global_attribute1                VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute2                VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute3                VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute4                VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute5                VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute6                VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute7                VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute8                VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute9                VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute10               VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute11               VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute12               VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute13               VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute14               VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute15               VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute16               VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute17               VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute18               VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute19               VARCHAR2(150),
    global_attribute20               VARCHAR2(150),
    orig_system_reference            VARCHAR2(240),
    orig_system                      VARCHAR2(30),
    status                           VARCHAR2(1),
    customer_type                    VARCHAR2(30),
    customer_class_code              VARCHAR2(30),
    primary_salesrep_id              NUMBER,
    sales_channel_code               VARCHAR2(30),
    order_type_id                    NUMBER,
    price_list_id                    NUMBER,
    tax_code                         VARCHAR2(50),
    fob_point                        VARCHAR2(30),
    freight_term                     VARCHAR2(30),
    ship_via                         VARCHAR2(25),
    warehouse_id                     NUMBER,
    tax_header_level_flag            VARCHAR2(1),
    tax_rounding_rule                VARCHAR2(30),
    coterminate_day_month            VARCHAR2(6),
    primary_specialist_id            NUMBER,
    secondary_specialist_id          NUMBER,
    account_liable_flag              VARCHAR2(1),
    current_balance                  NUMBER,
    account_established_date         DATE,
    account_termination_date         DATE,
    account_activation_date          DATE,
    department                       VARCHAR2(30),
    held_bill_expiration_date        DATE,
    hold_bill_flag                   VARCHAR2(1),
    realtime_rate_flag               VARCHAR2(1),
    acct_life_cycle_status           VARCHAR2(30),
    account_name                     VARCHAR2(240),
    deposit_refund_method            VARCHAR2(20),
    dormant_account_flag             VARCHAR2(1),
    npa_number                       VARCHAR2(60),
    suspension_date                  DATE,
    source_code                      VARCHAR2(150),
    comments                         VARCHAR2(240),
    dates_negative_tolerance         NUMBER,
    dates_positive_tolerance         NUMBER,
    date_type_preference             VARCHAR2(20),
    over_shipment_tolerance          NUMBER,
    under_shipment_tolerance         NUMBER,
    over_return_tolerance            NUMBER,
    under_return_tolerance           NUMBER,
    item_cross_ref_pref              VARCHAR2(30),
    ship_sets_include_lines_flag     VARCHAR2(1),
    arrivalsets_include_lines_flag   VARCHAR2(1),
    sched_date_push_flag             VARCHAR2(1),
    invoice_quantity_rule            VARCHAR2(30),
    status_update_date               DATE,
    autopay_flag                     VARCHAR2(1),
    notify_flag                      VARCHAR2(1),
    last_batch_id                    NUMBER,
    selling_party_id                 NUMBER,
    created_by_module                VARCHAR2(150),
    application_id                   NUMBER

PL/SQL Record Type for Customer Account Relationship

TYPE cust_acct_relate_rec_type           IS RECORD (
    cust_account_id                      NUMBER,
    related_cust_account_id              NUMBER,
    relationship_type                    VARCHAR2(30),
    comments                             VARCHAR2(240),
    attribute_category                   VARCHAR2(30),
    attribute1                           VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute2                           VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute3                           VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute4                           VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute5                           VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute6                           VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute7                           VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute8                           VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute9                           VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute10                          VARCHAR2(150),
    customer_reciprocal_flag             VARCHAR2(1),
    status                               VARCHAR2(1),
    attribute11                          VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute12                          VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute13                          VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute14                          VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute15                          VARCHAR2(150),
    bill_to_flag                         VARCHAR2(1),
    ship_to_flag                         VARCHAR2(1),
    created_by_module                    VARCHAR2(150),
    application_id                       NUMBER

Java Inner Class for Customer Account

public static class CustAccountRec {
    public BigDecimal               cust_account_id;
    public String                   account_number;
    public String                   attribute_category;
    public String                   attribute1;
    public String                   attribute2;
    public String                   attribute3;
    public String                   attribute4;
    public String                   attribute5;
    public String                   attribute6;
    public String                   attribute7;
    public String                   attribute8;
    public String                   attribute9;
    public String                   attribute10;
    public String                   attribute11;
    public String                   attribute12;
    public String                   attribute13;
    public String                   attribute14;
    public String                   attribute15;
    public String                   attribute16;
    public String                   attribute17;
    public String                   attribute18;
    public String                   attribute19;
    public String                   attribute20;
    public String                   global_attribute_category;
    public String                   global_attribute1;
    public String                   global_attribute2;
    public String                   global_attribute3;
    public String                   global_attribute4;
    public String                   global_attribute5;
    public String                   global_attribute6;
    public String                   global_attribute7;
    public String                   global_attribute8;
    public String                   global_attribute9;
    public String                   global_attribute10;
    public String                   global_attribute11;
    public String                   global_attribute12;
    public String                   global_attribute13;
    public String                   global_attribute14;
    public String                   global_attribute15;
    public String                   global_attribute16;
    public String                   global_attribute17;
    public String                   global_attribute18;
    public String                   global_attribute19;
    public String                   global_attribute20;
    public String                   orig_system_reference;
    public String                   orig_system;
    public String                   status;
    public String                   customer_type;
    public String                   customer_class_code;
    public BigDecimal               primary_salesrep_id;
    public String                   sales_channel_code;
    public BigDecimal               order_type_id;
    public BigDecimal               price_list_id;
    public String                   tax_code;
    public String                   fob_point;
    public String                   freight_term;
    public String                   ship_via;
    public BigDecimal               warehouse_id;
    public String                   tax_header_level_flag;
    public String                   tax_rounding_rule;
    public String                   coterminate_day_month;
    public BigDecimal               primary_specialist_id;
    public BigDecimal               secondary_specialist_id;
    public String                   account_liable_flag;
    public BigDecimal               current_balance;
    public java.sql.Timestamp       account_established_date;
    public java.sql.Timestamp       account_termination_date;
    public java.sql.Timestamp       account_activation_date;
    public String                   department;
    public java.sql.Timestamp       held_bill_expiration_date;
    public String                   hold_bill_flag;
    public String                   realtime_rate_flag;
    public String                   acct_life_cycle_status;
    public String                   account_name;
    public String                   deposit_refund_method;
    public String                   dormant_account_flag;
    public String                   npa_number;
    public java.sql.Timestamp       suspension_date;
    public String                   source_code;
    public String                   comments;
    public BigDecimal               dates_negative_tolerance;
    public BigDecimal               dates_positive_tolerance;
    public String                   date_type_preference;
    public BigDecimal               over_shipment_tolerance;
    public BigDecimal               under_shipment_tolerance;
    public BigDecimal               over_return_tolerance;
    public BigDecimal               under_return_tolerance;
    public String                   item_cross_ref_pref;
    public String                   ship_sets_include_lines_flag;
    public String                   arrivalsets_include_lines_flag;
    public String                   sched_date_push_flag;
    public String                   invoice_quantity_rule;
    public java.sql.Timestamp       status_update_date;
    public String                   autopay_flag;
    public String                   notify_flag;
    public BigDecimal               last_batch_id;
    public BigDecimal               selling_party_id;
    public String                   created_by_module;
    public BigDecimal               application_id;    
    public CustAccountRec();
    public CustAccountRec(boolean __RosettaUseGMISSValues);

Java Inner Class for Customer Account Relationship

public static class CustAcctRelateRec {
    public BigDecimal               cust_account_id;
    public BigDecimal               related_cust_account_id;
    public String                   relationship_type;
    public String                   comments;
    public String                   attribute_category;
    public String                   attribute1;
    public String                   attribute2;
    public String                   attribute3;
    public String                   attribute4;
    public String                   attribute5;
    public String                   attribute6;
    public String                   attribute7;
    public String                   attribute8;
    public String                   attribute9;
    public String                   attribute10;
    public String                   customer_reciprocal_flag;
    public String                   status;
    public String                   attribute11;
    public String                   attribute12;
    public String                   attribute13;
    public String                   attribute14;
    public String                   attribute15;
    public String                   bill_to_flag;
    public String                   ship_to_flag;
    public String                   created_by_module;
    public BigDecimal               application_id;

    public CustAcctRelateRec();
    public CustAcctRelateRec(boolean __RosettaUseGMISSValues);

Create Customer Account API (Person or Organization)


This routine is used to create a Customer Account. The API creates a record in the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table for party type Person or Organization. Account can be created for an existing party by passing party_id of the party. Alternatively, this routine creates a new party and an account for the party. Customer profile record in the HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILES table can also be created while calling this routine based on value passed in p_customer_profile_rec. The routine is overloaded for Person and Organization. If an orig_system_reference is passed in, the API creates a record in the HZ_ORIG_SYS_REFERENCES table to store the mapping between the source system reference and the TCA primary key. If orig_system_reference is not passed in, the default is UNKNOWN.

PL/SQL Procedure for Person Account

PROCEDURE create_cust_account (
    p_init_msg_list        IN        VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_cust_account_rec     IN        CUST_ACCOUNT_REC_TYPE,
    p_person_rec           IN        HZ_PARTY_V2PUB.PERSON_REC_TYPE,
    p_create_profile_amt   IN        VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_TRUE,
    x_cust_account_id      OUT       NUMBER,
    x_account_number       OUT       VARCHAR2,
    x_party_id             OUT       NUMBER,
    x_party_number         OUT       VARCHAR2,
    x_profile_id           OUT       NUMBER,
    x_return_status        OUT       VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count            OUT       NUMBER,
    x_msg_data             OUT       VARCHAR2

Note: p_create_profile_amt indicates whether to create profile amounts for the customer profile being created. If value equals to FND_API.G_TRUE, profile amounts will be created by copying over the profile amounts for the profile class on which this customer profile is based.

PL/SQL Procedure for Organization Account

PROCEDURE create_cust_account (
    p_init_msg_list        IN   VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_cust_account_rec     IN   CUST_ACCOUNT_REC_TYPE,
    p_organization_rec     IN   HZ_PARTY_V2PUB.ORGANIZATION_REC_TYPE,
    p_create_profile_amt   IN   VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_TRUE,
    x_cust_account_id      OUT  NUMBER,
    x_account_number       OUT  VARCHAR2,
    x_party_id             OUT  NUMBER,
    x_party_number         OUT  VARCHAR2,
    x_profile_id           OUT  NUMBER,
    x_return_status        OUT  VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count            OUT  NUMBER,
    x_msg_data             OUT  VARCHAR2

Note: p_create_profile_amt indicates whether to create profile amounts for the customer profile being created. If value equals to FND_API.G_TRUE, profile amounts will be created by copying over the profile amounts for the profile class on which this customer profile is based.

Java Method for Person Account

public static void createCustAccount
    String                           p_init_msg_list,
    CustAccountRec                   p_cust_account_rec,
    HzPartyV2Pub.PersonRec           p_person_rec,
    HzCustomerProfileV2Pub.CustomerProfileRec     p_customer_profile_rec,
    String                           p_create_profile_amt,
    BigDecimal [ ]                   x_cust_account_id,
    String [ ]                       x_account_number,
    BigDecimal [ ]                   x_party_id,
    String [ ]                       x_party_number,
    BigDecimal [ ]                   x_profile_id,
    String [ ]                       x_return_status,
    BigDecimal [ ]                   x_msg_count,
    String [ ]                       x_msg_data
) throws SQLException;

Note: p_create_profile_amt indicates whether to create profile amounts for the customer profile being created. If value equals to HzConstant.getGTrue(), profile amounts will be created by copying over the profile amounts for the profile class on which this customer profile is based.

Java Method for Organization Account

public static void createCustAccount(
    String                               p_init_msg_list,
    CustAccountRec                       p_cust_account_rec,
    HzPartyV2Pub.OrganizationRec         p_organization_rec,
    HzCustomerProfileV2Pub.CustomerProfileRec      p_customer_profile_rec,
    String                               p_create_profile_amt,
    BigDecimal [ ]                       x_cust_account_id,
    String [ ]                           x_account_number,
    BigDecimal [ ]                       x_party_id,
    String [ ]                           x_party_number,
    BigDecimal [ ]                       x_profile_id,
    String [ ]                           x_return_status,
    BigDecimal [ ]                       x_msg_count,
    String [ ]                           x_msg_data
) throws SQLException;

Note: p_create_profile_amt indicates whether to create profile amounts for the customer profile being created. If value equals to HzConstant.getGTrue(), profile amounts will be created by copying over the profile amounts for the profile class on which this customer profile is based.

Parameter Description and Validation

The following table lists information about the parameters in the Create Customer Account API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
cust_account_id IN NUMBER N Validation: unique if passed in, else generated from sequence
account_number IN VARCHAR2 Y Validation:
  • Mandatory Attribute. If GENERATE_CUSTOMER_NUMBER of AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS is on, if user has passed in an account_number, error out

  • account_number will be generated from sequence. If autonumbering is off, if user has not passed in value, error out

attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute1 IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute2 IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute3 IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute4 IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute5 IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute6 IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute7 IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute8 IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute9 IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute10 IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute11 IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute12 IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute13 IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute14 IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute15 IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute16 IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute17 IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute18 IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute19 IN VARCHAR2 N  
attribute20 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute1 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute2 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute3 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute4 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute5 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute6 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute7 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute8 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute9 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute10 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute11 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute12 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute13 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute14 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute15 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute16 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute17 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute18 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute19 IN VARCHAR2 N  
global_attribute20 IN VARCHAR2 N  
orig_system_reference IN VARCHAR2 N Validation: unique if passed in
Default: cust_account_id
orig_system IN VARCHAR2 N Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system.
Default: UNKNOWN if an orig_system_reference is passed in.
status IN VARCHAR2 N Validation:
  • status is lookup code in lookup type CODE_STATUS

  • status cannot be set to null during update. It is defaulted to 'A' if user does not pass any value

customer_type IN VARCHAR2 N Validation: customer_type is lookup code in AR lookup type CUSTOMER_TYPE
customer_class_code IN VARCHAR2 N VAlidation: Validated against AR lookup type CUSTOMER CLASS
primary_salesrep_id IN NUMBER N Comment: This attribute is no longer used. Use hz_cust_site_uses.primary_salesrep_id instead.
sales_channel_code IN VARCHAR2 N Validation: sales_channel_code is lookup code in lookup type SALES_CHANNEL in so_lookups
order_type_id IN NUMBER N Comment: This attribute is no longer used. Use hz_cust_site_uses.order_type_id instead.
price_list_id IN NUMBER N Validation: Must be a valid price_list_id from SO_PRICE_LISTS table.
tax_code IN VARCHAR2 N Comment: This attribute is no longer used. Use hz_cust_site_uses.tax_code instead.
fob_point IN VARCHAR2 N Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FOB.
freight_term IN VARCHAR2 N Validation: freight_term is lookup code in lookup type FREIGHT_TERMS in so_lookups
ship_partial IN VARCHAR2 N Comment: This attribute is no longer used. Functionality replaced by ship_sets_include_lines_flag.
ship_via IN VARCHAR2 N Validation: ship_via is foreign key to oe_ship_methods_v and can be passed only in single org case
warehouse_id IN NUMBER N Validation: Must be valid organization_id from the ORG_ORGANIZATION_DEFINITIONS table.
tax_header_level_flag IN VARCHAR2 N Validation: tax_header_level_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO. It is defaulted to 'N' if user does not pass value.
tax_rounding_rule IN VARCHAR2 N Validation: Validated against AR lookup type TAX_ROUNDING_RULE.
coterminate_day_month IN VARCHAR2 N  
primary_specialist_id IN NUMBER N Validation: primary_specialist_id is foreign key to per_all_people_f
secondary_specialist_id IN NUMBER N Validation: secondary_specialist_id is foreign key to per_all_people_f
account_liable_flag IN VARCHAR2 N Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
Validation: account_liable_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO. It is defaulted to 'N' if user does not pass value.
current_balance IN NUMBER N Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
account_established_date IN DATE N  
account_termination_date IN DATE N Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
  • account_termination_date should be greater than account_established_date.

  • account_termination_date should be greater than account_activation_date.

account_activation_date IN DATE N Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
Validation: account_activation_date should be greater than account_established_date.
department IN VARCHAR2 N Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
held_bill_expiration_date IN DATE N  
hold_bill_flag IN VARCHAR2 N Validation: hold_bill_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO
Default: N.
realtime_rate_flag IN VARCHAR2 N Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
acct_life_cycle_status IN VARCHAR2 N Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
account_name IN VARCHAR2 N  
deposit_refund_method IN VARCHAR2 N  
dormant_account_flag IN VARCHAR2 N Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
Validation: dormant_account_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO. Default: N.
npa_number IN VARCHAR2 N  
suspension_date IN DATE N Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
source_code IN VARCHAR2 N  
comments IN VARCHAR2 N  
dates_negative_tolerance IN NUMBER N  
dates_positive_tolerance IN NUMBER N  
date_type_preference IN VARCHAR2 N Validation: Validated against OE lookup type REQUEST_DATE_TYPE
over_shipment_tolerance IN NUMBER N  
under_shipment_tolerance IN NUMBER N  
over_return_tolerance IN NUMBER N  
under_return_tolerance IN NUMBER N  
item_cross_ref_pref IN VARCHAR2 N Validation: Allowed values are INT, CUST, and valid cross_reference_type from MTL_CROSS_REFERENCE_TYPES
ship_sets_include_lines_flag IN VARCHAR2 N Validation:
  • ship_sets_include_lines_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO

  • If ship_sets_include_lines_flag is set to Y, then arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is always N.

  • If arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is Y, then ship_sets_include_lines_flag is always N.

Default: N
arrivalsets_include_lines_flag IN VARCHAR2 N Validation:
  • arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

  • If ship_sets_include_lines_flag is set to Y, then arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is always N.

  • If arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is Y, then ship_sets_include_lines_flag is always N.

sched_date_push_flag IN VARCHAR2 N Validation: sched_date_push_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO
invoice_quantity_rule IN VARCHAR2 N Validated against OE lookup type INVOICE_BASIS.
pricing_event IN VARCHAR2 N Comment: This attribute is no longer used.
status_update_date IN DATE N  
autopay_flag IN VARCHAR2 N Validation: autopay_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO
notify_flag IN VARCHAR2 N Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
Validation: notify_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
last_batch_id IN NUMBER N  
selling_party_id IN NUMBER N Validation: selling_party_id is foreign key of HZ_PARTIES
created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 Y Validation: Mandatory attribute. Validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
application_id IN NUMBER N Comment: Text to indicate application from which creation of record is initiated
x_cust_account_id OUT NUMBER N Comment: Returns cust_account_id of the account record create
x_account_number OUT NUMBER N Comment: Returns account_number of the account record created
x_party_id OUT NUMBER N Comment: Returns party_id of the organization or person party created
x_party_number OUT NUMBER N Comment: Returns party_number of the organization or person created
x_profile_id OUT NUMBER N Comment: Returns profile_id of the organization or person profile created

Other Validations

Update Customer Account API


This routine is used to update a Customer Account. The API updates a record in the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table. The account could belong to a party of type Person or Organization:. The same routine updates all types of accounts whether it belongs to a person or an organization.

If the primary key is not passed in, get the primary key from the HZ_ORIG_SYS_REFERENCES table based on orig_system and orig_system_reference if they are not null and unique.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE update_cust_account (
    p_init_msg_list         IN        VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_cust_account_rec      IN        CUST_ACCOUNT_REC_TYPE,
    p_object_version_number IN OUT    NUMBER,
    x_return_status         OUT       VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count             OUT       NUMBER,
    x_msg_data              OUT       VARCHAR2

Java Method

public static void updateCustAccount(
    String                           p_init_msg_list,
    CustAccountRec                   p_cust_account_rec,
    BigDecimal [ ]                   p_object_version_number,
    String [ ]                       x_return_status,
    BigDecimal [ ]                   x_msg_count,
    String [ ]                       x_msg_data
) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following table lists information about the parameters in the Update Customer Account API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
cust_account_id IN NUMBER Yes Validation: valid cust_account_id should be passed in
Comment: Pass cust_account_id from hz_cust_accounts table
account_number IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Not updateable if automatic numbering is on. If not, then account_number can be updated.
attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute1 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute6 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute7 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute8 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute9 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute10 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute11 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute12 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute13 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute14 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute15 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute16 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute17 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute18 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute19 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute20 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute1 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute6 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute7 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute8 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute9 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute10 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute11 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute12 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute13 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute14 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute15 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute16 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute17 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute18 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute19 IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_attribute20 IN VARCHAR2 No  
orig_system_reference IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Non updateable, but if a primary key is not passed in, you can pass in any ORIG_SYSTEM and ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE that exists in the HZ_ORIG_SYS_REFERENCE table and unique validation is bypassed. The ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE does not change, but persists in the table.
orig_system IN VARCHAR2 N Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system.
status IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Cannot be set to null during update
customer_type IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: customer_type is lookup code in AR lookup type CUSTOMER_TYPE
customer_class_code IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CUSTOMER CLASS
primary_salesrep_id IN NUMBER No Comment: This attribute is no longer used. Use hz_cust_site_uses.primary_salesrep_id instead.
sales_channel_code IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: sales_channel_code is lookup code in lookup type SALES_CHANNEL in so_lookups
order_type_id IN NUMBER No Comment: This attribute is no longer used. Use hz_cust_site_uses.order_type_id instead.
price_list_id IN NUMBER No Validation: Must be valid price_list_id from SO_PRICE_LISTS.
tax_code IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This attribute is no longer used. Use hz_cust_site_uses.tax_code instead.
fob_point IN VARCHAR2 No Validated against AR lookup type FOB.
freight_term IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: freight_term is lookup code in lookup type FREIGHT_TERMS in so_lookups
ship_partial IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This attribute is no longer used. Functionality replaced by ship_sets_include_lines_flag.
ship_via IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: ship_via is foreign key to oe_ship_methods_v and can be passed only in single org case
warehouse_id IN NUMBER No Validation: Must be valid organization_id from ORG_ORGANIZATION_DEFINITIONS.
tax_header_level_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: tax_header_level_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO
tax_rounding_rule IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type TAX_ROUNDING_RULE.
coterminate_day_month IN VARCHAR2 No  
primary_specialist_id IN NUMBER No Validation: primary_specialist_id is foreign key to per_all_people_f
secondary_specialist_id IN NUMBER No Validation: secondary_specialist_id is foreign key to per_all_people_f
account_liable_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
Validation: account_liable_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO. It is defaulted to 'N' if user does not pass value.
current_balance IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
account_established_date IN DATE No  
account_termination_date IN DATE No Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
  • account_termination_date should be greater than account_established_date.

  • account_termination_date should be greater than account_activation_date.

account_activation_date IN DATE No Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
Validation: account_activation_date should be greater than account_established_date.
department IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
held_bill_expiration_date IN DATE No  
hold_bill_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: hold_bill_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO
realtime_rate_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
acct_life_cycle_status IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
account_name IN VARCHAR2 No  
deposit_refund_method IN VARCHAR2 No  
dormant_account_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
Validation: dormant_account_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO. Default: N.
npa_number IN VARCHAR2 No  
suspension_date IN DATE No Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
source_code IN VARCHAR2 No  
comments IN VARCHAR2 No  
dates_negative_tolerance IN NUMBER No  
dates_positive_tolerance IN NUMBER No  
date_type_preference IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against OE lookup type REQUEST_DATE_TYPE.
over_shipment_tolerance IN NUMBER No  
under_shipment_tolerance IN NUMBER No  
over_return_tolerance IN NUMBER No  
under_return_tolerance IN NUMBER No  
item_cross_ref_pref IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Allowed values are INT, CUST, and valid cross_reference_type from MTL_CROSS_REFERENCE_ TYPES.
ship_sets_include_lines_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation:
  • shipsets_include_lines_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

  • If ship_sets_include_lines_flag is set to Y, then arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is always N.

  • If arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is Y, then ship_sets_include_lines_flag is always N.

arrivalsets_include_lines_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation:
  • arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

  • If ship_sets_include_lines_flag is set to Y, then arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is always N.

  • If arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is Y, then ship_sets_include_lines_flag is always N.

sched_date_push_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: sched_date_push_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO
invoice_quantity_rule IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against OE lookup type INVOICE_BASIS.
pricing_event IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This attribute is no longer used.
status_update_date IN DATE No  
autopay_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: autopay_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO
notify_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter is no longer used.
Validation: notify_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
last_batch_id IN NUMBER No  
selling_party_id IN NUMBER No Validation: selling_party_id should point to a organization party
created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Non updateable if value exists, else validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
application_id IN NUMBER No Validation: Not updateable if value exists.
p_object_version_number IN NUMBER Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute

  • Validated against value in the database for the existing record.

  • Pass the current object_version_number of the customer account record

  • Return new value after update.

Create Customer Account Relationship API


This routine is used to create a Customer Account Relationship. The API creates a record in the HZ_CUST_ACCT_RELATE table. You can relate two different customer accounts in this process. This is different from Relationship API that has been discussed earlier.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE create_cust_acct_relate (
    p_init_msg_list                      IN         VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_cust_acct_relate_rec               IN         CUST_ACCT_RELATE_REC_TYPE,
    x_return_status                      OUT        VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                          OUT        NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                           OUT        VARCHAR2

Java Method

public static void createCustAcctRelate(
    String                               p_init_msg_list,
    CustAcctRelateRec                    p_cust_acct_relate_rec,
    String [ ]                           x_return_status,
    BigDecimal [ ]                       x_msg_count,
    String [ ]                           x_msg_data
) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following table lists information about the parameters in the Create Customer Account Relationship API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
cust_account_id IN NUMBER Yes Validation:
Mandatory attribute
Comment: Pass cust_account_id hz_cust_accounts
related_cust_account_id IN NUMBER Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute

  • elated_cust_account _id is foreign key of hz_cust_accounts

relationship_type IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: relationship_type is lookup code in lookup type RELATIONSHIP_TYPE
comments IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute1 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute6 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute7 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute8 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute9 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute10 IN VARCHAR2 No  
customer_reciprocal_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: customer_reciprocal_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO
Default: N
status IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Status is lookup code in lookup type CODE_STATUS
Default: A
attribute11 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute12 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute13 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute14 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute15 IN VARCHAR2 No  
bill_to_flag IN VARCHAR2 No  
ship_to_flag IN VARCHAR2 No  
created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute. Validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
application_id IN NUMBER No Comment: Text to indicate module from which creation of record is initiated

Other Validations

The combination of cust_account_id and related_cust_account_id should be unique for all active customer accounts in an organization.

Update Customer Account Relationship API


This routine is used to update a Customer Account Relationship. The API updates accounts in the HZ_CUST_ACCT_RELATE table.

There are two overloaded procedures for this API. One updates active customer account relationship records only. The other with rowid in the signature updates customer account relationship records based on the rowid.

PL/SQL Procedure

The p_rowid parameter is only in the overloaded procedure, and is used to identify the exact customer account relationship record to update.

PROCEDURE update_cust_acct_relate (
    p_init_msg_list                     IN          VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_cust_acct_relate_rec              IN          CUST_ACCT_RELATE_REC_TYPE,
    p_rowid                             IN          ROWID,
    p_object_version_number             IN OUT      NUMBER,
    x_return_status                     OUT         VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                         OUT         NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                          OUT         VARCHAR2

Java Method

The p_rowid parameter is only in the overloaded procedure, and is used to identify the exact customer account relationship record to update.

public static void updateCustAcctRelate(
    String                              p_init_msg_list,
    CustAcctRelateRec                   p_cust_acct_relate_rec,
    String                              p_rowid,
    BigDecimal [ ]                      p_object_version_number,
    String [ ]                          x_return_status,
    BigDecimal [ ]                      x_msg_count,
    String [ ]                          x_msg_data
) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following table lists information about the parameters in the Update Customer Account Relationship API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
cust_account_id IN NUMBER Yes Validation: cust_account_id is foreign key of hz_cust_accounts
related_cust_account_id IN NUMBER Yes Validation: related_cust_account_id is foreign key of hz_cust_accounts
relationship_type IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: relationship_type is lookup code in lookup type RELATIONSHIP_TYPE
comments IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute1 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute6 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute7 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute8 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute9 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute10 IN VARCHAR2 No  
customer_reciprocal_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Not updateable
status IN VARCHAR2 No Validation:
  • Status cannot be set to null during update

  • Status is lookup code in lookup type CODE_STATUS

attribute11 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute12 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute13 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute14 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute15 IN VARCHAR2 No  
bill_to_flag IN VARCHAR2 No  
ship_to_flag IN VARCHAR2 No  
created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Non updateable if value exists, else validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
application_id IN NUMBER No Validation: Not updateable if value exists.
p_rowid IN ROWID No Comment: This is only in the overloaded procedure of this API.
p_object_version_number IN
NUMBER Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute

  • Validated against value in the database for the existing record

  • Pass the current object_version_number of the cust account relate record

  • Return new value after update

Other Validations

The combination of cust_account_id and related_cust_account_id should be unique for all active customer accounts in an organization.