Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows

Oracle Work in Process Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows

The following table matches character mode forms with their corresponding GUI windows or processes. This information supplements Windows and Navigator Paths in the product online documentation. Text in brackets ([ ]) indicates a button.

The GUI Navigator paths are based on the WIP Manager GUI US1 responsibility.

For more information on any window, navigate to the window and choose the help icon.

Character Mode Form and Menu Path GUI Window or Process, and Navigation Path
Assign Descriptive Security Rules
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Descriptive Security Assign
Use the System Administrator responsibility and See: System Administrator Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows.
Assign Key Flexfield Security Rules
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Key Security Assign
Use the System Administrator responsibility and See: System Administrator Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows.
Assign Security Rules
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Validation Security Assign
Use the System Administrator responsibility and See: System Administrator Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows.
AutoCreate Final Assembly Orders
\Navigate Discrete AutoCreate
AutoCreate Final Assembly Orders
Navigator: Discrete > AutoCreate Orders
Change Organization
\Navigate Other ChangeOrg
Change Organization
Navigator: Other > Change Organization
Close Discrete Jobs
\Navigate Discrete Close
Close Discrete Jobs
Navigator: Discrete > Close Discrete Jobs > Close Discrete Jobs (SRS)
Navigator: Discrete > Close Discrete Jobs > Close Discrete Jobs (Forms)
Define Cross-Validation Rule
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Key Rules
Use the System Administrator responsibility and See: System Administrator Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows.
Define Descriptive Flexfield Segments
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Descriptive Segments
Use the System Administrator responsibility and See: System Administrator Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows.
Define Descriptive Security Rule
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Descriptive Security Define
Use the System Administrator responsibility and See: System Administrator Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows.
Define Descriptive Segment Values
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Descriptive Values
Use the System Administrator responsibility and See: System Administrator Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows.
Define Discrete Job
\Navigate Discrete Define
Discrete Jobs
Navigator: Discrete > Discrete Jobs
Define Employee Labor Rate
\Navigate Setup Employee Rates
Labor Rates
Navigator: Setup > Employees > Labor Rates
Define Key Flexfield Security Rule
\Navigate Setup Flexfield Key Security Define
Use the System Administrator responsibility and See: System Administrator Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows.
Define Key Flexfield Segments
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Key Segments
Use the System Administrator responsibility and See: System Administrator Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows.
Define Key Segment Values
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Key Values
Use the System Administrator responsibility and See: System Administrator Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows.
Define Production Line
\Navigate Setup Line
Production Lines
Navigator: Repetitive > Production Lines
Define Repetitive Assembly
\Navigate Repetitive Assembly
Associate Lines and Assemblies
Navigator: Repetitive > Associate Lines and Assemblies
Define Repetitive Schedules
\Navigate Repetitive Schedule
Repetitive Schedules
Navigator: Repetitive > Repetitive Schedules
Define Report Set
\Navigate Report Set
Request Set
Use the System Administrator responsibility Navigator: Concurrent > Set
Define Rollup Groups
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Key Groups
Use the System Administrator responsibility and See: System Administrator Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows.
Define Security Rule
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Validation Security Define
Use the System Administrator responsibility and See: System Administrator Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows.
Define Segment Values
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Validation Values
Use the System Administrator responsibility and See: System Administrator Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows.
Define Shop Floor Statuses
\Navigate Setup Status
Shop Floor Statuses
Navigator: Move Transactions > Shop Floor Statuses > Shop Floor Statuses
Define Shorthand Aliases
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Key Aliases
Use the System Administrator responsibility and See: System Administrator Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows.
Define Standard WIP Comments
\Navigate Setup Comments
Job and Schedule Documents
Navigator: Setup > Job and Schedule Documents
Define Value Set
\Navigate Setup Flexfields Validation Sets
Use the System Administrator responsibility and See: System Administrator Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows.
Define WIP Accounting Class
\Navigate Setup Class
WIP Accounting Classes
Navigator: Setup > WIP Accounting Classes
Define WIP Parameters
\Navigate Setup Parameters
Navigator: Setup > Parameters
Enter Employees
\Navigate Setup Employee Enter
Enter Person
Navigator: Setup > Employees > Persons
Import Job/Schedules
\Navigate Transact Import
Import Jobs and Schedules
Navigator: Discrete > Import Jobs and Schedules
Navigator: Repetitive > Import Jobs and Schedules
Purge Job/Schedule Information
\Navigate Transact Purge
Purge Jobs and Schedules
Navigator: Repetitive > Purge Repetitive Schedules > Purge Repetitive Schedules (SRS)
Navigator: Discrete > Purge Discrete Jobs > Purge Discrete Jobs (SRS)
Reschedule Discrete Job
\Navigate Discrete Reschedule Job
Navigator: Job/Schedule Details > Operations > [Reschedule]
Run Reports
\Navigate Report
Submit Request
Navigator: Report > Run
Shop Floor Transactions
\Navigate Transact Shop Floor
Move Transactions
Navigator: Move Transactions > Move Transactions
Simulate Discrete Job
\Navigate Discrete Test
Simulate Discrete Jobs
Navigator: Discrete > Simulate Discrete Jobs
Update Personal Profile Options
\Navigate Other Profile
Personal Profile Values
Navigator: Other > Profile
Update Shop Floor Statuses
\Navigate Transact Update Status
Assign Shop Floor Statuses
Navigator: Move Transactions > Shop Floor Statuses > Assign Shop Floor Statuses
Update WIP Operations
\Navigate Transact Update Operations
Navigator: Job/Schedule Details > Operations
Update WIP Requirements
\Navigate Transact Update Requirements
Material Requirements
Navigator: Job/Schedule Details > Material Requirements
Update WIP Transaction Interface
\Navigate Transact Update Interface
Pending Move Transactions
Navigator: Move Transactions > Pending Move Transactions
Pending Resource Transactions
Navigator: Resource Transactions > Pending Resource Transactions
View Component Item Requirements
\Navigate Inquiry Shop Floor Requirements Component
View Material Requirements
Navigator: Job/Schedule Details > View Material Requirements
View Concurrent Requests
\Navigate Other Request
Navigator: Other > Request
View Output button - to view Request Output
View Log button - to view Request Log
Use the Menu to choose:
Special > Managers - to view Manager Log
View Department Dispatch List
\Navigate Inquiry Operations Dispatch
View Operations
Navigator: Job/Schedule Details > View Operations (by Dept)
View Discrete Job
\Navigate Inquiry Discrete Job
View Discrete Jobs
Navigator: Discrete > View Discrete Jobs
View Job/Schedules by Status
\Navigate Inquiry Shop Floor Status
View Discrete Jobs
Navigator: Discrete > View Discrete Jobs (by Status)
View Repetitive Schedules
Navigator: Repetitive Schedules >View Repetitive Schedules (by Status)
View Jobs by Assembly
\Navigate Inquiry Discrete
View Discrete Jobs
Navigator: Discrete > View Discrete Jobs (by Assembly)
View Repetitive Schedules by Assembly
\Navigate Inquiry Repetitive
View Repetitive Schedules
Navigator: Repetitive > View Repetitive Schedules (by Assembly)
View WIP Operations
\Navigate Inquiry Operations WIP
View Operations
Navigator: Job/Schedule Details > View Operations
View WIP Transactions
\Navigate Inquiry Transact WIP
View Move Transactions
Navigator: Move Transactions > View Move Transactions
View Resource Transactions
Navigator: Resource Transactions > View Resource Transactions
View WIP Value
\Navigate Inquiry Value
WIP Value Summary
Navigator: Discrete > WIP Value Summary
Navigator: Repetitive > WIP Value Summary
WIP Completion Transaction
\Navigate Transact Completion
Completion Transactions
Navigator: Material Transactions > Completion Transactions
WIP Material Transaction
\Navigate Transact Issue
WIP Material Transactions
Navigator: Material Transactions > WIP Material Transactions