Reports and Processes

This chapter covers the following topics:

Project Schedule Exception Report - WIP

You can launch the exceptions report for a single project or range of projects. This compares the project schedule dates with the dates on the WIP jobs. The report lists exceptions for all project WIP jobs that satisfy the following conditions:

Report Submission

Navigate to the Project Schedule Exception window. Select the process Project Schedule Exception Report - WIP.

Report Parameters

Order by

Select the sequence the output display sequence. You can choose from organization/job name, organization/project number/task number, or organization/exception days. This is a required value with a default value of organization/job name.

Tolerance Days

Enter a number that is positive or negative, if you do not want the default of 0. This is a required value. In the calculations, an exception is not raised if the corresponding manufacturing activity date is on the tolerance date.

Item From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of items, enter the beginning and ending item numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Project Number From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of projects, enter the beginning and ending project numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Date From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of dates, enter the beginning and ending dates. This is an optional parameter.

See Also

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Project Schedule Exception Report - Procurement Activities

You can launch the exceptions report for a single project or range of projects. This compares the project schedule dates with the dates on the various procurement documents such as Purchase Orders, Purchase Requisitions, Blanket Release, RFQs, and Quotes. The report lists the procurement documents that violate the project schedule dates.

Report Submission

Navigate to the Project Schedule Exception window. Select the process Project Schedule Exception Report - Procurement.

Report Parameters

Order by

Select the output sequence to display. You can choose from exception days, project number/task number, or document number. This is a required value, default value is document number.

Tolerance Days

Enter a number that is positive or negative, if you do not want the default of 0. This is a required value. In the calculations, an exception is not raised if the corresponding manufacturing activity date is on the tolerance date.

Select Yes to include exception data about the document type on the report.

Purchase Requisition

Lists all project purchase requisitions that satisfy the following conditions:


Lists all project RFQs that satisfy the following conditions.


Lists all project quotations that satisfy the following conditions:

Purchase Order

Lists all project purchase order lines that satisfy the following conditions:

Blanket Release

Lists all project blanket release lines that satisfy the following conditions:

Item From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of items, enter the beginning and ending item numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Project Number From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of projects, enter the beginning and ending project numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Date From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of dates, enter the beginning and ending dates. This is an optional parameter.

Project Schedule Exception Report - Sales Order

You can launch the exceptions report for a single project or range of projects. This compares the project schedule dates with the dates on the sales order documents. The report lists all project sales order lines that satisfy the following conditions:

Report Submission

Navigate to the Project Schedule Exception window. Select the process Project Schedule Exception Report - Sales Orders.

Report Parameters

Order by

Select the output sequence to display. You can choose from exception days, project number/task number, or document number. This is a required value, default value is document number.

Tolerance Days

Enter a number that is positive or negative, if you do not want the default of 0. This is a required value. In the calculations, an exception is not raised if the corresponding manufacturing activity date is on the tolerance date.

Item From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of items, enter the beginning and ending item numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Project Number From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of projects, enter the beginning and ending project numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Date From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of dates, enter the beginning and ending dates. This is an optional parameter.

Overdue Project WIP Jobs Report

This report lists all the open Project WIP jobs that have not been completed on or after the project schedule completion date. You can launch the exceptions report for a single project or range of projects. The report lists all project WIP jobs that satisfy the following conditions:

Report Submission

Navigate to the Project Schedule Exception window. Select the process Overdue Project WIP Jobs Report.

Report Parameters

Order by

Select the output sequence to display. You can choose between organization/job name and organization/project number/task number. This is a required value with a default value of organization/job name.

Assembly From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of items, enter the beginning and ending assembly item numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Project Number From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of projects, enter the beginning and ending project numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Date From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of dates, enter the beginning and ending dates. This is an optional parameter.

Overdue Project Procurement Activities Report

This report lists all the project procurement documents that have not been completed even after the Project/Task schedule completion date. You can launch the exceptions report for a single project or range of projects. The report lists all project procurement documents that satisfy the following conditions:

Purchase Orders

Blanket Releases

Purchase Requisitions

Request For Quotations


Report Submission

Navigate to the Project Schedule Exception window. Select the process Overdue Project Procurement Report.

Report Parameters

Order by

Select the output display sequence. You can choose between project number/task number and document number. This is a required value with a default value of document number.

Select Yes to include exception data about the document type on the report. The default value for Purchase orders is Yes. For the rest of the documents it is No. This is a required value.

Item From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of items, enter the beginning and ending item numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Project Number From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of projects, enter the beginning and ending project numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Date From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of dates, enter the beginning and ending dates. This is an optional parameter.

Overdue Undemanded Project Sales Orders Report

This report lists all the project sales orders that have not been demanded on or after the Project/Task scheduled start date. You can launch the exceptions report for a single project or range of projects. The report lists all undemanded project sales orders that satisfy the following conditions:

Report Submission

Navigate to the Project Schedule Exception window. Select the process Overdue Undemanded Project Sales Orders.

Report Parameters

Order by

Select the output display sequence. You can choose between (sales) order number and project number/task number. This is a required value with a default value of order number.

Item From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of items, enter the beginning and ending item numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Project Number From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of projects, enter the beginning and ending project numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Date From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of dates, enter the beginning and ending dates. This is an optional parameter.

Project Schedule Exception Notification

You can launch the notifications request for a single project or range of projects. This is a workflow-based concurrent request that compares the project schedule dates with the dates on the various project WIP Jobs, Purchase Orders, Purchase Requisitions, Blanket Release, RFQs, Quotes, Sales Orders, MDS, MPS, and Forecast entries. The successful completion of the request results in notifications being sent to you about exception situations. You can also choose to notify the Project/Task Manager by specifying the appropriate parameters in the request. The Project Schedule Exception Report is handled by Oracle Workflow technology.

For information on customizing this process, see Appendix B: Workflows

Report Submission

Navigate to the Project Schedule Exception window. Select the process Project Schedule Exception Notifications.

Report Parameters

Document Type (Optional)

Select one of the following options:


Generate exceptions for all project forecast entries that satisfy the following conditions:


Generate notifications for all the project MDS entries that satisfy the following conditions:


Generate notifications for all the project MPS entries that satisfy the following conditions:

Sales Order

Generate exceptions for all project sales order lines that satisfy the following conditions:

Purchase Requisition

Generate exceptions for all project purchase requisitions that satisfy the following conditions


Generate exceptions for all project RFQs that satisfy the following conditions:


Generate notifications for all project quotations that satisfy the following conditions:

Purchase Order

Generate notifications for all project purchase order lines that satisfy the following conditions:

Blanket Release

Generate notifications for all project blanket release lines that satisfy the following conditions:


Generate exceptions for all project WIP jobs that satisfy the following conditions:

Tolerance Days

Enter a number that is positive or negative, if you do not want the default value of 0. This is a required value. In the calculations, an exception is not be raised if the corresponding manufacturing activity date is on the tolerance date.


Select the user name where the notifications need to be sent. Default is the user name from login.

Notify Project Manager

Select Yes to have the notification sent to the project manager. Default value is No.

Notify Task Manager

Select Yes to have the notification sent to the task manager. Default value is No

Item From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of items, enter the beginning and ending item numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Project Number From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of projects, enter the beginning and ending project numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Date From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of dates, enter the beginning and ending dates. This is an optional parameter.

Transfer Project Invoice Charges Request

This process allows you to transfer Invoice Price Variances (IPV), Exchange Rate Variances (ERV), Tax Rate Variances (TRV), and other special charges including freight, tax and miscellaneous costs for invoices matched to project PO distributions or receipts with a destination of Inventory or Shop Floor. The amounts are allocated to Oracle Projects as project expenditures.

Report Submission

Navigate to the Transfer Costs to Projects menu option. Select Invoice Charges as the option. This results in the selection of the process Transfer Project Invoice Charges.

Report Parameters

Project Number

You can specify a single project to transfer or leave it null for all projects.

Expenditure Through Date

You can specify the ending expenditure date or leave it null for all.

Run Report

You can optionally run the execution report before submitting the Transaction Import program. Default is No.

Submit Transaction Import

You can optionally submit PA Transaction Import program upon completion of the transfer program. Default is No.

Note: For transferring invoice charges related to PJM Organizations with the GL Posting option set to "Projects", you should not invoke the PRC: Transaction Import process from Transfer Invoice Charges request.Separately run the transaction import process by specifying the correct Transaction Source (Inventory with Accounts and Inventory with No Accounts respectively).