Reports and Processes

This chapter describes Oracle Bills of Material reports and processes and their submission parameters.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Bill of Material Comparison Report

Use the Bill of Material Comparison Report to report the comparison between two manufacturing assemblies. You can compare primary bills, manufacturing and engineering bills, alternates, and different revisions. Based on your comparison criteria, if the assemblies have identical components, item sequences, operation sequences, yields, quantities, and implementations, one line is printed for each identical component. Otherwise, the report prints a separate line for each different component.

To submit the Bill of Material Comparison Report

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Bill of Material Comparison Report from the Name list of values.

    The Parameters window opens. The parameters for the Bill of Material Comparison Report are identical to those you supply when comparing bills of material online.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Comparing Bills of Materials

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Bill of Material Listing

Use the Bill of Material Listing to report manufacturing and engineering bills without any associated component or routing information.

To submit the Bill of Material Listing

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Bill of Material Listing from the Name list of values.

    The Parameters window opens. Enter values for the following parameters:

    • All Organizations

      Choose one of the following options:

      No Report the bill listing for the current organization.
      Yes Report the bill listing for all organizations having the same item master organization as the current organization, and for those organizations accessible by the user responsibility.
    • Organization Hierarchy

      Enter a valid organization hierarchy name from the list of values. If the value for the All Organizations parameter is set to No, and you have provided a value for the Organization Hierarchy parameter, then the report will provide bill listing information for the current organization and all organizations below the current organization in the specified organization hierarchy. If this parameter is left blank, and the All Organizations parameter is set to No, then the report will provide bill listing information for the current organization. You can enter a value in this field only if you have entered No in the All Organizations field.

    • Items From/To

      To restrict the report to a range of items, select the beginning and ending item numbers.

    • Category Set

      Enter a category set to report on. The default is the category set you defined for your functional area.

    • Categories From/To

      To restrict the report to a range of categories, select the beginning and ending category.

    • Alternate Selection

      Choose one of the following options:

      All Report the bill of material information for the primary and alternate assemblies.
      Primary Report the bill of material information for only the primary assembly.
      Specific Report the bill of material information for the alternate assembly you specify.
    • Alternate

      Enter a specific alternate to report.

    • Common Organization

      Enter the organization where you define bills of material in your current organization reference. Oracle Bills of Material prints the bill information for each common bill of material.

    • Common Bill (Optional, Flexfield)

      Enter common bills that report bill of material information.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Creating Organization Hierarchies, Using Oracle HRMS-The Fundamentals

Bill of Material Loop Report

Use the Bill of Material Loop Report to check for loops in a bill of material. Bill loops occur when you assign an assembly as a component to itself somewhere in the multilevel structure. You must fix loops before you can run an accurate MRP, or define a discrete job or repetitive schedule for the assembly.

If loop exists, then the components that are in the loop for the assembly are shown in the report. If no loop exists, then no components are shown for the assembly in the report.

To submit the Bill of Material Loop Report

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Bill of Material Loop Report from the Name list of values.

    The Parameters window opens. Enter values for the following parameters:

    • Item Selection (Required, Default)

      Choose one of the following options:

      Range Check for loops in the bill of material structure for a range of items you specify.
      Specific Check for loops in the item you specify. Oracle Bills of Material displays this option as the default.
    • Item (Optional, Flexfield)

      Enter a top-level item (not a component of another item). Bills of Material checks for loops throughout the multilevel structure, starting with this level.

    • Alternate Selection (Required, Default)

      Choose one of the following options:

      All Verify the bill structure for both the primary and alternate assemblies.
      Primary Verify the bill structure for the primary assemblies only. Oracle Bills of Material displays this option as the default.
      Specific Verify the bill structure for a specific alternate only.
    • Alternate (Optional)

      Enter an alternate for the item. The bill structure for item associated with this alternate is checked.

    • Revision (Optional, Default)

      Enter a revision for the item.

    • Date (Required, Default)

      Enter the date and time to explode the bill of material.

    • Items From/To (Optional, Flexfield)

      To restrict the report to a range of items, select the beginning and ending item numbers.

    • Category Set (Optional, Default)

      Enter a category set. The bill structure associated with this category set is checked. The default is the category set you defined for your functional area. You can enter a value in this field only if you entered Range in the Item Selection field.

    • Category From/To (Optional, Flexfield)

      To restrict the report to a range of categories, select the beginning and ending category.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Bill of Material Structure Report

Use the Bill of Material Structure Report to report the detail for all levels of an engineering or manufacturing bill of material. You can multiply the component usage by an explosion quantity to get an extended quantity.

To submit the Bill of Material Structure Report

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Bill of Material Structure Report from the Name list of values.

    The Parameters window opens. Enter values for the following parameters:

    • All Organizations

      Choose one of the following options:

      No Report the bill structure for the current organization.
      Yes Report the bill structure for all organizations having the same item master organization as the current organization, and for only those organizations accessible by the user responsibility.
    • Organization Hierarchy

      Enter a valid organization hierarchy name from the list of values. If the value for the All Organizations parameter is set to No, and you have provided a value for the Organization Hierarchy parameter, then the report will provide bill structure information for the current organization and all organizations below the current organization in the specified organization hierarchy. If this parameter is left blank, and the All Organizations parameter is set to No, then the report will provide bill structure information for the current organization. You can enter a value in this field only if you have entered No in the All Organizations field.

    • Item Selection (Required, Default)

      Choose one of the following options:

      Range Report the bill structure for the range of items you specify.
      Specific Report the bill structure for the specific item you specify.
    • Item (Optional, Flexfield)

      Enter a specific item to report its bill structure.

    • Alternate Selection (Required, Default)

      Choose one of the following options:

      All Report the bill structure for the primary and alternate assemblies.
      Primary Report the bill structure for only the primary assembly.
      Specific Report the bill structure for the alternate assembly you specify.
    • Alternate (Optional)

      Enter a specific alternate to report.

    • Revision (Optional)

      Enter a revision for the item. The bill structure associated with this revision is printed.

    • Date (Optional)

      Enter a revision date and time. If you entered a specific item and a revision, the date defaults to the highest date of the revision. The bill structure effective as of this date and time is printed.

    • Items From/To (Optional, Flexfield)

      To restrict the report to a range of items, select the beginning and ending item numbers.

    • Category Set (Optional, Default)

      Enter a category set. The bill structure information associated with this category set is reported. The category set you defined for your functional area is the default.

    • Categories From/To (Optional, Flexfield)

      To restrict the report to a range of categories, select the beginning and ending category.

    • Levels to Explode (Required, Default)

      Enter the number of levels to explode for the bill of material. The default is the value specified when bill of material parameters were defined.

    • Implemented Only (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to report only implemented or all components used by assemblies as of the effective date.

    • Display Option (Required, Default)

      Choose one of the following options:

      All Report all past, current, and pending components associated with the bill.
      Current Report all components effective as of the revision date.
      Future and current Report all future and current components as of the revision date.
    • Explosion Quantity (Required, Default)

      Enter a quantity to explode. This quantity is used to calculate the requirements for the components of the parent item by multiplying this quantity by the component usage in the bill of material.

    • Assembly Detail (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether you want to print assembly detail associated with the bill.

    • Order Entry Detail (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to print order entry detail for the components on the bill.

    • Leadtime and Other Detail (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to print lead time details associated with the components on the bill.

    • Reference Designators (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to print reference designators for the components on the bill.

    • Substitute Components (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to print substitute components for the components on the bill.

    • Order By (Required, Default)

      Choose one of the following options:

      Item Seq, Op Seq For each bill level, order the components by item sequence, then by operation sequence.
      Op Seq, Item Seq For each bill level, order the components by operation sequence, then by item sequence.
    • Use Planning Percent (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether you want to use the planning percent to calculate the component requirements of the present item. Component requirements are calculated by multiplying the component usage quantity by the explosion quantity, and then multiplying the component planning percent.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Creating Organization Hierarchies, Using Oracle HRMS-The Fundamentals

Bills of Material Parameters Report

Use the Bills of Material Parameters Report to report bill of material default parameters. You use these parameters to define modes of operation and default values for Oracle Bills of Material.

To submit the Bill of Material Parameters Report

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Bill of Material Parameters Report from the Name list of values.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Calculate Cumulative Yield for Network Routing

Use the Calculate Cumulative Yield for Network Routing process to calculate the cumulative yield for each process and line operation in a network routing.

To submit the Calculate Cumulative Yield for Network Routing Process

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Calculate Cumulative Yield for Network Routing from the Name list of values.

    The Parameters window opens. Enter values for the following parameters:

    • Item Selection (Required, Default)

      Range Default value. Calculate the cumulative yield for the range of items you specify.
      Specific Calculate the cumulative yield for the specific item you specify.
    • Item (Optional, Flexfield)

      Enter a specific item.

    • Operation Type (Optional, Default)

      Event Default value. Calculate the cumulative yield for each event in the network routing.
      Line operation Calculate the cumulative yield for each line operation in the network routing.
      Process Calculate the cumulative yield for the network routing.
    • Update Events (Optional, Default)

      Yes Default value. Update the cumulative yield for each event.
      No Do not update the cumulative yield for any event.
    • Items From/To (Optional)

      To restrict the report to a range of items, select the beginning and ending item numbers.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Operation Yields Calculations, Oracle Flow Manufacturing User's Guide

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Calculate Manufacturing Lead Times

Use the Calculate Manufacturing Lead Times or Calculate Manufacturing Lead Times GUI processes to calculate manufacturing lead times for one item, a range of items, or a category of items. The calculation updates the lead time attributes of all manufacturing items that you include, regardless of whether you manually maintain an item’s lead times.

Important: If you run the Calculate Manufacturing Lead Times GUI concurrent request for an assembly, it will not calculate the lead times of the components in BOM of that assembly. Hence, if you would like to compute the complete lead time for an assembly, then you must run the Cumulative MFG Lead Time request for all the items (components) in BOM and then run the Rollup Cumulative Lead Times GUI request for the assembly.

Refer to Calculating Lead Times, for instructions on how to run this process.

Consolidated Bill of Material Report

Use the Consolidated Bill of Material Report to summarize component usage at all levels for a manufacturing bill of material.

To submit the Consolidated Bill of Material Report

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Consolidated Bill of Material Report from the Name list of values.

    The Parameters window opens. Enter values for the following parameters:

    • Item Selection (Required, Default)

      Choose one of the following options:

      Range Report the consolidated bill for the range of items you specify.
      Specific Report the consolidated bill for the specific item you specify.
    • Item (Optional, Flexfield)

      Enter a specific item.

    • Alternate Selection (Required, Default)

      Choose one of the following options:

      All Report the consolidated bill for the primary and alternate assemblies.
      Primary Report the consolidated bill for only the primary assembly.
      Specific Report the consolidated bill for the alternate assembly you specify.
    • Alternate (Optional)

      Enter a specific alternate to report.

    • Revision (Optional)

      Enter a revision for the item. The consolidated bill associated with this revision is printed.

    • Date (Optional)

      Enter a revision date and time. If you entered a specific item and a revision, the date defaults to the highest date of the revision. The consolidated bill effective as of this date and time is printed.

    • Items From/To (Optional)

      To restrict the report to a range of items, select the beginning and ending item numbers.

    • Category Set (Required, Default)

      Enter a category set. Routings associated with this category set are reported. The default is the category set you defined for your functional area.

    • Categories From/To (Optional)

      To restrict the report to a range of categories, select the beginning and ending category.

    • Levels to Explode (Required, Default)

      Enter the number of levels to explode the bill of material. The default is derived from the value entered when bill of material parameters were defined.

    • Implemented Only (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to report only implemented or all components used by assemblies as of the effective date.

    • Display Option (Required, Default)

      Choose one of the following options:

      All Report all past, current, and pending components associated with the bill.
      Current Report all components effective as of the revision date. Oracle Bills of Material displays this option as the default.
      Future and current Report all future and current components as of the revision date.
    • Explosion Quantity (Required, Default)

      Enter a quantity to explode. This quantity is used to calculate the requirements for the components of the parent item by multiplying this quantity by the component usage in the bill of material.

    • Assembly Detail (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether you want to print assembly detail associated with the bill.

    • Use Planning Percent (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether you want to use the planning percent to calculate the component requirements of the present item. Component requirements are calculated by multiplying the component usage quantity by the explosion quantity, and then multiplying the component planning percent.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Delete Items Report

Use the Delete Items Report to report the delete history for items, components, bills of material, operations, and routings.

To submit the Delete Items Report

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Delete Items Report from the Name list of values.

    The Parameters window opens. Enter values for the following parameters:

    • Delete Group From/To (Optional)

      To restrict the report to a range of delete groups, select the beginning and ending delete group.

    • Item (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to print delete groups that delete items.

    • Bill of Material (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to print delete groups that delete bills of material.

    • Routing (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to print delete groups that delete routings.

    • Bill and Routing (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to print delete groups that delete bills and routings.

    • Item, Bill and Routing (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to print delete groups that delete items, bills, and routings.

    • Component (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to print delete groups that delete components.

    • Operation (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to print delete groups that delete operations.

    • Pending Status (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to print delete groups that have entities waiting to be checked or deleted.

    • Check Ok Status (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to print delete groups that have entities that were successfully checked and are eligible to be deleted.

    • Error Status (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to print delete groups that have entities that could not be checked or deleted because of an error.

    • Deleted Status (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to print delete groups that you have successfully deleted entities from.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Department Classes Report

Use the Department Classes Report to report department classes and their member departments. You can use department classes to identify manufacturing cells and flexible machine centers.

To submit the Department Classes Report

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Department Classes Report from the Name list of values.

    The Parameters window opens. Enter a value for the following parameter:

    Department Class Detail (Required, Default): Indicate whether to print member departments associated with the department classes.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Department Report

Use the Department Report to report department resource and overhead information.

To submit the Department Report

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Department Report from the Name list of values.

    The Parameters window opens. Enter values for the following parameters:

    • Overhead Details (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to print department overhead information.

    • Resource Details (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to print department resource information.

    • Department Class (Optional)

      Enter a department class to print member departments.

    • Departments From/To (Optional)

      To restrict the report to a range of departments, select the beginning and ending department.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Item Where Used Report

Use the Item Where Used Report to report the assemblies that use the inventory items you specify.

To submit the Department Report

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Item Where Used Report from the Name list of values.

    The Parameters window opens. Enter values for the following parameters:

    • All Organizations (Required, Default)

      Choose one of the following options:

      No Report assemblies for the current organization.
      Yes Report assemblies for all organizations having the same item master organization as the current organization, and for those organizations accessible by the user responsibility.
    • Organization Hierarchy (Required, Default)

      Enter a valid organization hierarchy name from the list of values. If the value for the All Organizations parameter is set to No, and you have provided a value for the Organization Hierarchy parameter, then the report will provide assembly information for the current organization and all subordinate organizations in the specified organization hierarchy. If this parameter is left blank, and the All Organizations parameter is set to No, then the report will provide assembly information for the current organization. You can enter a value in this field only if you have entered No in the All Organizations field.

    • Report Option (Required, Default)

      Choose one of the following options:

      Range Report the range of items you specify.
      Specific Report the item you specify.
    • Specific Item (Optional, Flexfield)

      Enter an item to report where used information.

    • Items From/To (Optional)

      To restrict the report to a range of items, select the beginning and ending item numbers.

    • Category Set (Optional, Default)

      Enter a category set. Bills of Material reports item where used information associated with this category set. The default is the category set defined for your functional area.

    • Categories From/To (Optional)

      To restrict the report to a range of categories, select the beginning and ending category.

    • Levels to Implode (Required, Default)

      Enter the number of bill of material levels to implode. The default is 15.

    • Implemented Only (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to report only implemented or all components used by assemblies as of the effective date.

    • Display Option (Required, Default)

      Choose one of the following options:

      All Report all past, current, and pending components associated with the bill. This option is only available if Levels to Implode is set to 1.
      Current Report all components effective as of the revision date.
      Future and current Report all future and current components as of the revision date. This option is only available if Levels to Implode is set to 1.
    • Date (Required)

      Enter a revision date and time. Bills of Material uses the bill of material information associated with this date when determining item usage.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Creating Organization Hierarchies, Oracle HRMS-The Fundamentals

Pre-Explode Configurable Bills of Material

Use the Pre-Explode Configurable Bills of Material process to show all available options in a bill of material during order entry.


A sales person enters sales orders for computers. Each computer has a large number of options available. The order entry screen lists all of the option classes, such as monitor, CPU, and keyboard, but does not list all of the options within an option class until the sales person selects the option class. The sales person must wait while the options (such as standard, ergonomic, and wireless for the keyboard option class) are retrieved before they can select one of them.

In order to eliminate this time the sales person (and customer) are waiting for options to load, run the Pre-Explode Configurable Bills of Material process on a nightly basis. This process explodes all of the options so they are viewable in the order entry screen without selecting an option class first.

To submit the Pre-Explode Configurable Bills of Material Process

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Pre-Explode Configurable Bills of Material from the Name list of values.

    The Parameters window opens. Enter values for the following parameters:

    • Org (Required, Default)

      Enter a valid organization name from the list of values.

    • Specific Assembly (Required)

      When you select the Specific Assembly field, the System Items window opens. Enter a valid item or search for one by choosing the Combinations button.

    • Explosion Type (Required, Default)

      Choose one of the following options:

      All Explode all possible options in the model, including Included and Optional items.
      Included Explode only the Included items on the model.
      Optional Explode only the Optional items on the model.
  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Configure to Order Environments

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Resource Report

Use the Resource Report to report resource cost and overhead information.

To submit the Resource Report

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Resource Report from the Name list of values.

    The Parameters window opens. Enter values for the following parameters:

    • Resource Detail (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether to print resource cost and overhead information for the resource.

    • Resources From/To (Optional)

      To restrict the report to a range of resources, select the beginning and ending resources.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Resource Where Used Report

Use the Resource Where Used Report to report the manufacturing routings that use the resources you specify.

When using Oracle Engineering, use the Resource Where Used Report to report the operations in manufacturing and engineering routings that use a resource that you specify.

To submit the Resource Where Used Report

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Resource Where Used Report from the Name list of values.

    The Parameters window opens. Enter values for the following parameters:

    • Resource From/To (Optional)

      To restrict the report to a range of resources, select the beginning and ending resources.

    • Effective Date (Required, Default)

      Enter an effective date. Bills of Material uses the routing information associated with this date when determining resource usage.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Rollup Cumulative Lead Times

Use the Rollup Cumulative Lead Times or Rollup Cumulative Lead Times GUI process to roll up the cumulative lead times after each change made to a bill (adding components, assigning to a different operation, and so on) or the item lead times.

Refer to the steps in To roll up cumulative lead times, for instructions on how to run this process.

Routing Report

Use the Routing Report for manufacturing routing information. A routing defines the steps for manufacturing an item. For each routing you define operations, the sequence in which to perform them, and the resources required at each operation.

To submit the Routing Report

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Routing Report from the Name list of values.

    The Parameters window opens. Enter values for the following parameters:

    • Item Selection (Required, Default)

      Choose one of the following options:

      Range Report routings for the range of items you specify.
      Specific Report routings for the specific item you specify. Oracle Bills of Material displays this option as the default.
    • Item (Optional, Flexfield)

      Enter a specific item to report routing information.

    • Alternate Selection (Required, Default)

      Choose one of the following options:

      All Report routing information for the primary and alternate routings. Oracle Bills of Material displays this option as the default.
      Primary Report routing information only for the primary routing.
      Specific Report routing information for the alternate routing you specify.
    • Alternate (Optional)

      Enter a specific alternate to report.

    • Revision (Optional)

      Enter a routing revision for the item. The routing associated with this revision is printed.

    • Date (Required)

      Enter a revision date and time. Bills of Material prints the routing effective as of this date and time.

    • Display Option (Required, Default)

      Choose one of the following options:

      All Report all past, current, and future operations associated with the assembly.
      Current Report all operations effective as of the revision date.
      Future and current Report all future and current operations as of the revision date.
    • Operation Detail (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether you want to print operation information associated with the routing.

    • Items From/To (Optional)

      To restrict the report to a range of items, select the beginning and ending item numbers.

    • Category Set (Optional, Default)

      Enter a category set. Bills of Material reports routings associated with this category set. The default is the category set defined for your functional area.

    • Categories From/To (Optional)

      To restrict the report to a range of categories, select the beginning and ending categories.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Standard Operation Report

Use the Standard Operation Report to report standard operations to use in assembly routings. Standard operations are default templates that you use, with little or no modification, in more than one routing. If you assign a standard operation as the operation code in a routing, the standard operation information is loaded into the routing. You can then modify the standard operation information in the routing.

To submit the Standard Operation Report

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Standard Operation Report from the Name list of values.

    The Parameters window opens. Enter values for the following parameters:

    • Standard Operation Detail (Required, Default)

      Indicate whether you want to print resource information associated with the standard operation.

    • Standard Operations From/To (Optional)

      To restrict the report to a range of standard operations, select the beginning and ending standard operations.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Workday Exception Sets Report

Use the Workday Exception Sets Report to report exception sets. You can use workday exception sets to group workday changes for each organization. For example, you can define exception sets for holidays, schedule maintenance, or extended downtime.

You use exception sets in combination with your workday calendar, the days on/off pattern, and shift on/off pattern to generate a work pattern for your organization.

To submit the Workday Exception Sets Report

  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Workday Exception Sets Report from the Name list of values.

  2. Choose OK.

  3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Oracle Configurator Concurrent Programs

If you want to build configuration models based on BOM models, you can use a series of concurrent programs provided in Bills of Material to transfer BOM and Item Master data from the Bills of Material schema to the Oracle Configurator schema. The Oracle Configurator uses this data in its development environment, Oracle Configurator Developer, to define a configuration model.

See the Oracle Configurator Implementation Guide for more information on the following concurrent programs: