Maintaining Oracle E-Records

Oracle E-Records has utilities that let you maintain your system. You can view XML and e-record information from within the application. This information can be used to verify XML and XSL information, as well as e-record layouts prior to the event being used. You can also update or delete existing indexed XML elements, or add new elements.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Generating XML

The XML Generator window is used to generate an XML document using a specific map code and document ID. The resulting XML document is then displayed for technical review, or subsequently copied into the e-record generator with an XSL style document to view the readable electronic record.

Developers can use this utility to verify if their XML mapping is correct.

To generate XML:

  1. Navigate to the XML Generator window by selecting Generate XML.

  2. Select the Event Map Code from the list of values. The map code is created in XML Gateway.

  3. Enter the Event Key, which is the value for the root element.

  4. Click Generate. The XML is generated and then displayed on the window. Click Clear All to start over.

Generating E-Record Documents

The E-record Generator window lets you see the e-record format based on given XML and XSL documents. If you need to make changes to your XML or XSL, once the changes are made, then rerun this utility to see the new e-record format. Once the XSL is correct, upload it into the database for it to take effect for any generated e-records.

To generate an e-record document:

  1. Navigate to the E-record Generator window by selecting Generate E-record Document.

  2. Paste your XML document into the XML field. Required.

  3. Paste your XSL style document into the XSL field. Required.

  4. Click Generate. The format for the e-record document displays. Click Clear All to start over.

Validating E-record Events

This feature enables customers and users to validate whether the required setup for any business event is complete. A user selects the business event and transaction key, and the application checks all the setup required such as profile options, configuration variables, approval setup, workflow subscriptions and e-record templates to enable a business event for e-signatures. Users can review approvers, approval rules, and associated input configuration variable values. The user can validate generated XML and e-record formats and content before deploying it to the production environment.

Some of the use cases for this utility, include:

You can select data either from a database to verify already transacted information, or from an object, when you have raw XML, and want to test how it can be transformed. In addition, if you complete a transaction with failures, you can turn on the EDR: Developer Mode profile option putting the system into debug mode, rerun the event, and the raw XML is stored in the EDR_RAW_XML_TL table.

Refer to "Running E-record Event Setup Verification report" for additional information.

To validate a database data source:

  1. Navigate to the Validate Event window.

  2. Enter the Event name you want to validate.

  3. Select the Database Data Source.

  4. Enter the Event Key you want to validate against.

  5. Click Validate. The Event Details window displays with all the current information about the selected event.

To validate a view object data source:

  1. Navigate to the Validate Event window.

  2. Enter the Event name you want to validate.

  3. Select the View Object Data Source.

  4. Enter the Raw XML Payload you want to use for the validation. If you have run the event in Developer Mode then you do not need to enter the XML Payload, as the system pulls the information from the EDR_RAW_XML_TL table.

  5. Enter the Event Key you want to validate against.

  6. Click Validate. The Event Details window displays with all the current information about the selected event.

Validation Information Details

The Event Details window displays information about the event and event key combination you are validating.

Profile Options

This section displays two profile options that are critical to the setup of e-records. These are EDR: E-records and E-signatures and Server Time Zone.

Meta Data

The meta data section displays information about the business event, the business event subscriptions and their associated parameters. If this information is not correct, navigate to the Workflow Business Events window to make any necessary changes.

Run Time Data

The run time data section displays information about the AME rules, approvers, and any routing rule overrides that are currently set up. To change this information, you must navigate to the Oracle Approval Management window and complete the setup.

In addition, this section displays all the configuration variable information. If this information is not correct, navigate to the Configuration Variables window to make any necessary changes.

XML Payload

The XML payload section displays the raw XML as it is currently set for this event. Click Export to download this XML to your machine so you can make changes to it.


The e-record section displays the actual e-record for this event. This can be either a text version or RTF version, depending on how the e-record is set up.

Adding a New Indexed XML Element

When creating an indexed XML element, it can be defined as a query element, a secure element, or both. A query element is used in the E-record Query window and lets you view e-records based on one or many elements. A secure element is used to set up security rules. Restrict or grant access based on an element.

To add an indexed XML element:

  1. Navigate to the XML Elements window.

  2. Click Create Element. The Create XML Element window displays.

  3. Enter the Owner Application short name. Required.

  4. Enter the Display Name. This name appears in the generic query when querying e-records and the page used to create security rules. Required.

  5. Enter the XML Element. Only the XML elements belonging to the ERES events of the particular application are shown in the list of values. Required.

  6. Enter the name of the Document Type Definition. The DTDs in the list of values contain the element already selected. You then select a DTD knowing which event it applies to. Normally, this is left blank.

  7. Enter the Description, which is an internal descriptive name for the element.

  8. Select the Query Element and Secure Element options where applicable. The Query Element option lets you see this element on the E-record Query window, and the Secure Element option lets you use the element for setting up security rules.

  9. Click Apply. The element is created in a non-indexed state.

  10. Run the E-record Indexed XML Element Maintenance program. Refer to "Setting Up Indexed XML Elements" for details.

Maintaining Indexed XML Elements

All e-records are XML documents consisting of many XML elements. An XML element which is indexed and used for special purposes such as querying or creating security rules is called an Indexed XML Element.

The search criteria is not case sensitive and handles trailing wild cards. For example, searching for abc returns all matches for abc% and ABC%.

To query an indexed XML element:

  1. Navigate to the XML Element window.

  2. Search for elements in the system. You can enter criteria to narrow your search.

    • Enter the XML Element name.

    • Enter the Display Name.

    • Enter the Status of the Element. Required. Valid options are:

      • Indexed displays only indexed XML elements

      • Not Indexed displays all non-indexed XML elements

      • All displays all XML elements

  3. Click Go. The elements display in the Results section of the window. The following information displays for each record:

    • Owner displays the product family that owns the element.

    • Display Name displays the long description name of the element.

    • XML Element displays the name of the element.

    • Document Type Definition displays the DTD that the element is from.

    • Status displays whether the element is Indexed or Not Indexed. An indexed element can be used for searching e-records and creating security rules if they have been identified as query or secure elements. A non-indexed element is indexed by running the E-record Indexed XML Element Maintenance program.

Viewing Indexed XML Element Details

You can view the details for the Indexed XML elements. You cannot make any changes from this window.

To view details of an indexed XML element:

  1. Click Details for the element. The XML Element:<element_name> window displays.

  2. View details about the element including the General Details, Element Usage, and Event Details.

Updating Indexed XML Elements

Basic information about an element can be updated. You can add or change the Document Type Definition (DTD), add a description for the element, and modify whether the element is Query or Secure.

To update an indexed XML element:

  1. Click Update from the XML Element window. The Update XML Indexed window displays.

  2. Make any modifications to the element information:

    • Add or change the Document Type Definition Name.

    • Add or change the Definition of the element.

    • Change the Query Element and Secure Element options.

  3. Click Apply.

  4. Run the E-record Indexed XML Element Maintenance program. Refer to "Setting Up Indexed XML Elements" for details.

Deleting Indexed XML Elements

To delete an indexed XML element:

  1. Click Delete from the XML Indexed Element window. A warning window displays.

  2. Click Yes to delete the element.

  3. Run the E-record Indexed XML Element Maintenance program. Refer to "Setting Up Indexed XML Elements" for details.

Running the Oracle E-records XML Element Synchronization Program

When new, deleted, or changed XML elements are synchronized into the system, they are available for query on all existing records in the system. To make them available for query on new elements, the Oracle E-records XML Element Synchronization Program must be run.

This program is run in the background as a cron job. It is run as often as necessary, based on the amount of querying done in your system. For example, if your system has several hundred records entered every day, and there is a need to have the ability to query these records immediately, then have this program run every hour.

To schedule the Oracle E-records XML Element Synchronization Program:

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window from the ERES Administrator responsibility.

  2. Enter Oracle E-records XML Element Synchronization Program in the Name field.

  3. Click Schedule.

  4. Select the necessary information to schedule the program and save the new schedule.

  5. Click Submit.

  6. View or print the report.

Running the Oracle E-records XML Element Optimization Program

When indexes are added, changed, or deleted the system does not remove the old information and replace it with the new information. Instead, new rows are added which over time causes fragmentation of the table. This can cause performance problems during query. The Oracle E-records XML Element Optimization Program cleans up the fragmented information to help improve performance. This program can be run as often as needed, based on the use of your system.

To submit the Oracle E-records XML Element Optimization Program:

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window from the ERES Administrator responsibility.

  2. Enter Oracle E-records XML Element Optimization Program in the Name field.

  3. Enter the Optimization Level. Valid options are Fast which only defragments the table and Full which defragments the table and removes old data.

  4. Enter the Minutes for each optimization which determines the number of minutes the program runs.

  5. Click Submit.

  6. View or print the report.

Purging Temporary E-record Tables

In Oracle E-records, temporary tables are populated to complete the signature process and for reporting purposes. The tables used for these purposes are EDR_ERECORDS, EDR_ESIGNATURES, and EDR_TRANS_QUERY_TEMP. Once the process is complete and all reporting is done, the data is no longer used. This program lets you clean these tables.

To purge data in temporary E-record tables:

  1. Navigate to the Submit Request window from the ERES Administrator responsibility.

  2. Enter E-records Temporary Data Cleanup in the Name field.

  3. Click Submit.

Framework Verification

The Framework Verification window lets you test the components of the framework without dependencies to any other products. This lets you validate the framework setup in an environment separate from setups in Oracle Applications.

The Framework Verification window can be used in four modes; deferred allowed, online only, offline only, and offline using forms library. The difference between offline and offline using forms library is that it invokes the AddTransaction and POST Forms Commit procedures. These procedures now support DB mode being passed as a parameter. Now, the corresponding files are modified to handle the DB mode as a parameter to the Add Transaction call.

The Oracle Application Framework (OAF) can also be enabled for e-records and e-signatures, without any additional setup required.

You can use attachments with this verification utility. The attached files are shown along with the e-record.

This window also supports descriptive flexfields. When an e-record is generated, you can see all the flexfield information associated to that e-record.

The following components are added to use with this window, which have no connection to any other product:

Using the Single Event Framework Verification Window

The Single Event Framework Verification window can be used for testing different aspects of the framework setup. Different fields are populated based on the part of the framework you are testing.

To enable Single Event Framework Verification:

  1. Verify that the EDR: E-records and E-Signatures profile option is set to Yes.

  2. Verify that the Framework Verification Event (oracle.apps.edr.framework.test) subscription is enabled.

  3. Navigate to Transaction Type Configuration Variables and set ESIGNATURE_REQUIRED to Y.

  4. Create an approval group in AME with at least two approvers.

  5. Define a Rule and associate approval group. This step is mandatory to test e-signatures from the Framework Verification window.

To request an e-signature on the Single Event Framework Verification window:

  1. Navigate to the ERES Framework Verification window.

  2. Enter the information for the test record:

    • Test No. is a new, unique, alphanumeric ID for this test record. After it is saved, it can be used again in query mode. Required.

    • Description is a short description of the test record.

    • Numeric Value is any number for testing numeric format in the framework setup.

    • Date Value is a date entered based on the system date configuration that lets you test the date format in the framework setup.

    • Debug Mode can be set to On or Off. If it is set on, then messages of what is happening during process display.

    • Signature Mode can be online only, offline only, deferred, or offline using forms library. This is required when raising an ERES event.

    • Query Key Type tells the EDR_STANDARD package how to build the where clause when form call for transaction query from the E-record Details option on the Actions menu. It is required only when you want to see the e-record details. The valid values are:

      • Append %When the event Key is passed to EDR_STANDARD.PSIG_QUERY, it builds dynamic SQL for the event key as ' event_key like '||event_key||'%'.

      • Prepend %When the event key is passed to EDR_STANDARD.PSIG_QUERY, it builds dynamic SQL for the event key as ' event_key like '||'%' ||event_key.

      • Apply % Both SidesWhen event Key is passed to EDR_STANDARD.PSIG_QUERY, it builds dynamic SQL for the event key as ' event_key like '||'%' ||event_key||'%'.

      • Use Equal ConditionWhen the event key is passed to EDR_STANDARD.PSIG_QUERY, it builds dynamic SQL for the event key as ' event_key = '|event_key.

    • Signature Status is not an active field. It displays the current state of the test record. This field is initially blank, but changes to the status of the current record as it goes through the signature process.

    • The Descriptive Flexfield lets you enter information into a number of flexfield attributes. You can then see this information on the e-record.

To verify partial online (deferred allowed) mode:

  1. Navigate to the ERES Framework Verification window.

  2. Enter required data.

  3. Set Signature Mode to Deferred Allowed.

  4. Save the record. The signature process starts.

  5. Complete the signature process for one user and click Finish.

  6. Close the window and respond to the message window. This sets the signature status to Pending.

  7. Navigate to the worklist of the next approver and respond to the notification. If the second user also approves, then when you query the record it displays as Complete. If the second user rejects, then it displays as Rejected assuming there are only two users in the approval group.

To verify partial offline only mode:

  1. Navigate to the ERES Framework Verification window.

  2. Enter required data.

  3. Set Signature Mode to Offline only.

  4. Save the record. This sets the signature status to Pending.

  5. Navigate to the approvers worklist and respond to the notification.

  6. Repeat Step 5 for all approvers.

To verify partial offline using forms library mode:

  1. Navigate to the ERES Framework Verification window.

  2. Enter required data.

  3. Set Signature Mode to Offline using forms library.

  4. Save the record. This sets the signature status to Pending.

  5. Navigate to the approvers worklist and respond to the notification.

  6. Repeat Step 5 for all approvers.

To verify online only mode:

  1. Navigate to the ERES Framework Verification window.

  2. Enter required data.

  3. Set Signature Mode to Online only.

  4. Save the record. This sets the signature status to Pending. The signature windows display.

  5. Complete the signature process for one user and click Finish. If you click Finish or close the browser without completing the signature process, then the window does not save any changes.

To view e-record and e-signature details from the window:

  1. Navigate to the ERES Framework Verification window.

  2. Query for a record that has completed the signature process.

  3. Select E-record Details from the Actions menu.

To start the signature process manually:

  1. Navigate to the ERES Framework Verification window.

  2. Query for an existing record and select Request Signature from the Actions menu.

To verify an e-record with attachments:

  1. Query for an existing record.

  2. Click the attachment icon and attach a file or long text.

  3. Set Category to either Other or Miscellaneous.

  4. Select Request Signature from the Actions menu. The e-record displays the attachment along with the e-record.

Inter Event Framework Verification

The Inter Event Framework Verification window lets you test the related events set up in your system to ensure the set up was completed successfully.

The system is seeded with four events for testing related events:

Event Name Display Name
oracle.apps.edr.InterEvt.Event1 EDR ERES Inter Event Verification Event 1
oracle.apps.edr.InterEvt.Event2 EDR ERES Inter Event Verification Event 2
oracle.apps.edr.InterEvt.Event3 EDR ERES Inter Event Verification Event 3
oracle.apps.edr.InterEvt.Event4 EDR ERES Inter Event Verification Event 4
oracle.apps.edr.OAFInterEvent1 EDR ERES OAF Inter Event Verification Event 1
oracle.apps.edr.OAFInterEvent2 EDR ERES OAF Inter Event Verification Event 2
oracle.apps.edr.OAFInterEvent3 EDR ERES OAF Inter Event Verification Event 3
oracle.apps.edr.OAFInterEvent4 EDR ERES OAF Inter Event Verification Event 4

Working With Test Scenarios

You can set up test scenarios with a hierarchy of events to replicate the inter event signature process. This lets you test the setup of your system without modifying the existing environment, or adding any unnecessary data into the Evidence Store.

To add a test scenario:

  1. Navigate to the Inter Event Test Scenarios Navigator from the EDR Administrator responsibility.

  2. Right-click on the root node Test Scenarios. The shortcut menu displays.

  3. Select Add Test Scenario. The Test Scenario window displays.

  4. Enter the Test Scenario name.

  5. Enter the Test Scenario Instance.

  6. Select the Test Scenario Type for the new test. This can be either Forms for a Forms-based test or OAF for an Oracle Applications Framework test.

  7. Select the Debug Mode for the test. Debug can be either On or Off.

    • The Descriptive Flexfield lets you enter information into a number of flexfield attributes. You can then see this information on the e-record.

  8. Click Save to save the new test scenario.

  9. Either collapse and expand the root node or click Refresh from the right-click shortcut window to view the new test scenario.

To copy a test scenario:

  1. Navigate to the Inter Event Test Scenarios Navigator from the EDR Administrator responsibility.

  2. Right-click on the test scenario to copy. The shortcut menu displays.

  3. Select Copy Test Scenario. The Test Scenario window displays.

  4. Enter the new Test Scenario name.

  5. Enter the new Test Scenario Instance.

  6. Select the Debug Mode for the test. Debug can be either On or Off.

  7. Click Save to save the copied test scenario.

  8. Either collapse and expand the root node or click Refresh from the right-click shortcut window to view the new test scenario.

To show test scenario details:

  1. Navigate to the Inter Event Test Scenarios Navigator from the EDR Administrator responsibility.

  2. Right-click on the test scenario and select Show Test Scenario Details from the shortcut menu. The Test Scenario window displays.

  3. View the information for the test scenario.

  4. Set the Debug Mode if necessary.

  5. Click Save if the debug mode was changed or Cancel to exit the window.

To request an e-signature:

  1. Navigate to the Inter Event Test Scenarios Navigator from the EDR Administrator responsibility.

  2. Right-click on the test scenario to send for signatures.

  3. Click Request E-signature from the shortcut menu. The List of Signers window displays.

  4. Proceed through the signature process normally.

Action menu - E-record details

After the signature process is complete, you can select E-record Details from the Actions menu. The E-record Details window displays with all the details about the signatures. If the test was sent for multiple signatures, then this displays all the records.

Action menu - Latest E-record details

After the signature process is complete, you can select E-record Details from the Actions menu. The E-record Details window displays with all the details about the signatures. If the test was sent for multiple signatures, then this displays only the last record.

To verify an e-record with attachments:

  1. Query for an existing record.

  2. Click the attachment icon and attach a file or long text.

  3. Set Category to either Other or Miscellaneous.

  4. Select Request Signature from the Actions menu. The e-record displays the attachment along with the e-record.

Adding a New Event to a Test Scenario

You can add several events to a test scenario. These events have an established hierarchy, which are grouped together. Below the test scenario, you can have three levels of events.

To add an event:

  1. Navigate to the Inter Event Test Scenarios Navigator from the EDR Administrator Responsibility.

  2. Right-click on the test scenario where you want to add an event and click Add Event. The Event window displays.

  3. Select the Event Name to be raised from the list of values.

  4. Enter the Execution Order. This dictates the order in which the events are raised.

  5. Select the Signature Mode for the event. This can be online only, offline only, or deferred and is required when raising an ERES event.

  6. Select the Execution Mode for the event as either Raise with Other Events or Raise Separate.

    • The execution mode determines how to group events for the signature process. For example, set up a hierarchy which has Event4 associated to Event3, Event3 associated to Event2, and Event2 associated to Event1. If you select Raise Separate for Event2, then Event1 and Event2 are run first, then Event3 and Event4 are run. If you select Raise with Other Events, then they are all raised at the same time.

  7. The Related Event Name field is blank if the event being added is the highest level event. This field displays when adding Related Events to an existing event.

  8. Either collapse and expand the root node or click Refresh from the right-click shortcut window to view the new event.

To add a related event:

  1. Navigate to the Inter Event Test Scenarios Navigator from the EDR Administrator Responsibility.

  2. Right-click on the event name to add a related event to and click Add Related Event. The Event window displays.

  3. Select the Event Name to be raised from the list of values.

  4. Enter the Execution Order. This dictates the order in which the events are raised.

  5. Select the Signature Mode for the event. This can be online only, offline only, or deferred and is required when raising an ERES event.

  6. Select the Execution Mode for the event as either Raise with Other Events or Raise Separate.

    • The execution mode determines how to group events for the signature process. For example, set up a hierarchy which has Event4 associated to Event3, Event3 associated to Event2, and Event2 associated to Event1. If you select Raise Separate for Event2, then Event1 and Event2 are run first, then Event3 and Event4 are run. If you select Raise with Other Events, then they are all raised at the same time.

  7. The Related Event Name field displays the name of the event directly above in the hierarchy when adding Related Events to an existing event.

  8. Either collapse and expand the root node or click Refresh from the right-click shortcut window to view the new event.

To show related event details:

  1. Navigate to the Inter Event Test Scenarios Navigator from the EDR Administrator Responsibility.

  2. Right-click on the event and select Show Event Details from the shortcut menu. The Event window displays.

  3. Edit the Execution Order, Signature Mode, and Execution Mode if necessary.

  4. Click Save if any information changed or Cancel to exit the window.

Raising a New Event After Event Approval

Once a event has completed approvals, it can be necessary to launch another event. For example, after all approvals are complete, it can be necessary to send Workflow notifications to other people to let them know the event is complete. You can use the Approval Completion event and subscription as a hook to initiate another event. This can be used both through the forms and as an API. For details on setting up this event, refer to the Oracle E-Records Developer's Guide.