Windows and Navigator Paths

Windows and Navigator Paths

Windows and paths specific to MRP appear in italic. Windows and paths specific to Supply Chain Planning appear in bold. Although your system administrator may have customized your navigator, typical navigational paths include the following:

Note: Text in brackets ([ ]) indicates a button.

For windows described in other manuals:

Refer to this manual for a complete window description
BOM Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide
CST Oracle Cost Management User's Guide
Flex Oracle Applications Flexfields Manual
GL Oracle General Ledger User's Guide
HR Oracle Human Resources User's Guide
IN Oracle Inventory User's Guide
PO Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
SYS - Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide
- Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide
- Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts
- Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide
User Oracle Applications User's Guide
Material Planner, Supply Chain Planner, and Distribution Planner Responsibility
Window Name Navigation Path
Available Resources MRP > Workbench > [Resources] > [Availability]
Bill of Distribution Sourcing > Bills of Distribution
Change Organization Other > Change Organization
Compare Kanban Plans Kanban > Kanban Planning > Kanban Planner Workbench [Compare]
Components DRP > Workbench [Items] > [Components]
  MPS > Workbench [Items] > [Components]
  MRP > Workbench [Items] > [Components]
  Other > Request > Open
  Other > Request
Consume Forecast Set Forecast > Consume Set
  Forecast > Items [Consume]
  Forecast > Sets [Consume]
Copy/Merge Forecast Forecast > Copy
  Forecast > Sets [Copy/Merge Forecast]
  Forecast > Items [Copy/Merge]
DEMAND_CLASS Lookups 1 – 29 Setup > Demand Class
Destinations DRP > Workbench [Items] > [Destinations]
  MPS > Workbench [Items] > [Destinations]
  MRP > Workbench [Items] > [Destinations]
  DRP > Names
DRP Planner Workbench DRP > Workbench
  DRP > View Plan
End Assemblies DRP > Workbench [Items] > [End Assemblies]
  MPS > Workbench [Items] > [End Assemblies]
  MRP > Workbench [Items] > [End Assemblies]
Enterprise View DRP > Workbench [Items] > [Enterprise View]
  MPS > Workbench [Items] > [Enterprise View]
  MRP > Workbench [Items] > [Enterprise View]
Exceptions DRP > View Plan [Exceptions]
  DRP > Workbench [Exceptions]
  Inquiry > MPS > Workbench [Exceptions]
  Inquiry > MRP > Workbench [Exceptions]
  MPS > View Plan > Status [Exceptions]
  MPS > Workbench [Exceptions]
  MRP > View Plan > Status [Exceptions]
Exception Details DRP > View Plan [Exceptions] > [Exception Details]
  DRP > Workbench [Exceptions] > [Exception Details]
  Inquiry > MPS > Workbench [Exceptions] > [Exception Details]
  Inquiry > MRP > Workbench [Exceptions] > [Exception Details]
  MPS > View Plan > Status [Exceptions] > [Exception Details]
  MPS > Workbench [Exceptions] > [Exception Details]
  MRP > View Plan > Status [Exceptions]
Exception Summary DRP > View Plan [Exceptions]
  DRP > Workbench [Exceptions]
  Inquiry > MPS > Workbench [Exceptions]
  Inquiry > MRP > Workbench [Exceptions]
  MPS > View Plan > Status [Exceptions]
  MPS > Workbench [Exceptions]
  MRP > View Plan > Status [Exceptions]
  MRP > Workbench [Exceptions]
Find Items DRP > Workbench [Items]
  MRP > Workbench [Items]
  MPS > Workbench [Items]
Find Supply/Demand DRP > Workbench [Supply/Demand]
  MRP > Workbench [Supply/Demand]
  MPS > Workbench [Supply/Demand]
  Forecast > Entries [Bucketed]
  Forecast > Items [Bucketed]
  Forecast > Sets [Forecast Set Items] > [Bucketed]
  Forecast > View Entries [Bucketed]
  Forecast > View Items [Bucketed]
  Forecast > View Sets [Forecast Set Items] > [Bucketed]
  Inquiry > Forecast > View Entries [Bucketed]
  Inquiry > Forecast > View Items [Bucketed]
  Inquiry > Forecast > View Sets [Forecast Set Items] > [Bucketed]
  Forecast > Entries [Bucketed] [Detail] > [Consumptions]
  Forecast > Entries [Consumptions]
  Forecast > Items [Bucketed] > [Detail] > [Consumptions]
  Forecast > Items [Detail] > [Consumptions]
  Forecast > Sets [Forecast Set Items] > [Bucketed] [Detail] > [Consumptions]
  Forecast > Sets [Forecast Set Items] > [Detail] [Consumptions]
  Forecast > View Entries [Consumptions]
  Forecast > View Items [Bucketed] > [Detail] [Consumptions]
  Forecast > View Items [Detail] > [Consumptions]
  Forecast > View Sets [Forecast Set Items] > [Bucketed] [Detail] > [Consumptions]
  Forecast > View Sets [Forecast Set Items] > [Detail] [Consumptions]
  Inquiry > Forecast > View Entries [Consumptions]
  Inquiry > Forecast > View Items [Bucketed] > [Detail] [Consumptions]
  Inquiry > Forecast > View Items [Detail] > [Consumptions]
  Inquiry > Forecast > View Sets [Forecast Set Items] > [Bucketed] [Detail] > [Consumptions]
  Inquiry > Forecast > View Sets [Forecast Set Items] > [Detail] [Consumptions]
  Forecast > Items [Bucketed] > [Detail]
  Forecast > Items [Detail]
  Forecast > Sets [Forecast Set Items] > [Bucketed] [Detail]
  Forecast > Sets [Forecast Set Items] > [Detail]
  Forecast > View Items [Bucketed] > [Detail]
  Forecast > View Items [Detail]
  Forecast > View Sets [Detail]
  Forecast > View Sets [Forecast Set Items] > [Bucketed] [Detail]
  Forecast > View Sets [Forecast Set Items] > [Detail]
  Inquiry > Forecast > View Items [Bucketed] > [Detail]
  Inquiry > Forecast > View Items [Detail]
  Inquiry > Forecast > View Sets [Bucketed] > [Detail]
  Inquiry > Forecast > View Sets [Detail]
  Forecast > Items
  Forecast > Sets [Forecast Items]
  Forecast > Sets [Forecast Set Items]
  Forecast > View Items
  Forecast > View Sets [Forecast Set Items]
  Forecast > View Sets [Forecast Items]
  Inquiry > Forecast > View Items
  Inquiry > Forecast > View Sets [Forecast Items]
  Inquiry > Forecast > View Sets [Forecast Set Items]
  Forecast > Sets
  Forecast > View Sets
  Inquiry > Forecast > View Sets
  Forecast > Source List
Generate Forecast Forecast > Generate
Horizontal Plan DRP > Workbench [Demand] > [Horizontal Plan]
  DRP > Workbench [Exceptions] > [Horizontal Plan]
  DRP > Workbench [Items] > [Destinations] [Horizontal Plan]
  DRP > Workbench [Items] > [Horizontal Plan]
  MPS > Workbench [Items] > [Sources] [Horizontal Plan]
  DRP > Workbench [Supply/Demand] > [Horizontal Plan]
  DRP > Workbench [Supply] > [Horizontal Plan]
  MPS > Workbench [Demand] > [Horizontal Plan]
  MPS > Workbench [Exceptions] > [Horizontal Plan]
  MPS > Workbench [Items] > [Destinations] [Horizontal Plan]
  MPS > Workbench [Items] > [Horizontal Plan]
  MPS > Workbench [Items] > [Sources] [Horizontal Plan]
  MPS > Workbench [Supply/Demand] > [Horizontal Plan]
  MPS > Workbench [Supply] > [Horizontal Plan]
  MRP > Workbench [Demand] > [Horizontal Plan]
  MRP > Workbench [Exceptions] > [Horizontal Plan]
  MRP > Workbench [Items] > [Destinations] [Horizontal Plan]
  MRP > Workbench [Items] > [Horizontal Plan]
  MRP > Workbench [Items] > [Sources] [Horizontal Plan]
  MRP > Workbench [Supply/Demand] > [Horizontal Plan]
  MRP> Workbench [Supply] > [Horizontal Plan]
Item Forecast Entries Forecast > Entries
  Forecast > View Entries
  Inquiry > Forecast > View Entries
Item Master Demand Schedule Entries Inquiry > MDS > View Entries
  MDS > Entries
  MDS > View Entries
Item Master Production Schedule Entries Inquiry > MPS > View Entries
  MPS > Entries
  MPS > View Entries
Items DRP > Workbench [Items]
  DRP > Workbench [Items] > [Destinations] [Items]
  DRP > Workbench [Items] > [Sources] [Items]
  MPS > Workbench > [Items]
  MPS > Workbench [Items] > [Destinations] [Items]
  MPS > Workbench [Items] > [Sources] [Items]
  MRP > Workbench [Items]
  MRP > Workbench [Items] > [Destinations] [Items]
  MRP > Workbench [Items] > [Sources] [Items]
Kanban Details Kanban > Kanban Planning > Kanban Planner Workbench [Details]
Kanban Names Kanban > Kanban Planning > Kanban Names
Kanban Workbench Kanban > Kanban Planning > Kanban Planner Workbench
Launch DRP DRP > Launch
  DRP > Names [Launch]
Launch DRP Copy Plan DRP > Launch Copy Plan
  DRP > Workbench > Launch Copy Plan
Launch Kanban Kanban > Kanban Planning > Launch
  Kanban > Kanban Planning > Kanban Names > [Launch]
Launch MPS MPS > Launch
  MPS > Names [Launch]
Launch MPS Copy Plan MPS > Launch Copy Plan
  MPS > Workbench > Launch Copy Plan
Launch Supply Chain MPS Copy Plan MPS > Launch Copy Plan
  MPS > Workbench > Launch Copy Plan
Launch MRP MRP > Launch
  MRP > Names [Launch]
Launch MRP Copy Plan MRP > Launch Copy Plan
  MRP > Workbench > Launch Copy Plan
Launch Supply Chain MRP Copy Plan MRP > Launch Copy Plan
  MRP > Workbench > Launch Copy Plan
Load/Copy/Merge Master Demand Schedule MDS > Items [Load/Copy/Merge]
  MDS > Load/Copy/Merge
Load/Copy/Merge Master Production Schedule MPS > Load/Copy/Merge MPS
Master Demand Schedule Bucketed Entries Inquiry > MDS > View Items [Bucketed]
  Inquiry > MDS > View Entries [Bucketed]
  MDS > Entries [Bucketed]
  MDS > Items [Bucketed]
  MDS > View Entries [Bucketed]
  MDS > View Items [Bucketed]
Master Demand Schedule Entries Inquiry > MDS > View Items [Bucketed] > [Detail]
  Inquiry > MDS > View Items [Detail]
  MDS > Items [Bucketed] > [Detail]
  MDS > Items [Detail]
  MDS > View Items [Bucketed] > [Detail]
  MDS > View Items [Detail]
Master Demand Schedule Items Inquiry > MDS > View Items
  MDS > Items
  MDS > View Items
Master Demand Schedule Reliefs Inquiry > MDS > View Entries [Reliefs]
  Inquiry > MDS > View Items [Bucketed] > [Detail] > [Reliefs]
  Inquiry > MPS > View Items [Detail] > [Reliefs]
  MPS > Entries [Reliefs]
  MPS > Items [Bucketed] > [Detail] [Reliefs]
  MPS > Items [Detail] > [Reliefs]
  MPS > View Entries [Reliefs]
  MPS > View Items [Bucketed] > [Detail] [Reliefs]
  MPS > View Items [Detail] > [Reliefs]
Master Production Schedule Source List MPS > Source List
Master Production Schedules MPS > Names
MPS Planner Workbench Inquiry > MPS > Workbench
  MPS > View Plan
  MPS > Workbench
MRP Names MRP > Names
MRP Planner Workbench Inquiry > MRP > Workbench
  MRP > Workbench
  MRP > View Plan
Personal Profile Values Other > Profile
Plan Options DRP > Options
  DRP > Names [Options]
  MPS > Options
  MPS > Names [Options]
  MRP > Options
  MRP > Names [Options]
Plan Organizations DRP > View Plan Status [Plan Organizations]
  DRP > Workbench [Options] > [Plan Organizations]
  DRP > Names [Options] > [Plan Organizations]
  MPS > View Plan Status [Plan Organizations]
  MPS > Workbench [Options] > [Plan Organizations]
  MPS > Names [Options] > [Plan Organizations]
  MRP > View Plan Status [Plan Organizations]
  MRP > Workbench [Options] > [Plan Organizations]
  MRP > Names [Options] > [Plan Organizations]
Plan Status DRP > View Plan Status
  DRP > Workbench [Status]
  Inquiry > MPS > Status
  Inquiry > MRP > Status
  MPS > View Plan Status
  MPS > Workbench [Status]
  MRP > View Plan Status
  MRP > Workbench [Status]
Planner Tasks DRP > Workbench [Status] > [Planner Tasks]
  DRP > View Plan Status [Planner Tasks]
  Inquiry > MPS > Status [Planner Tasks]
  Inquiry > MRP > Status [Planner Tasks]
  MPS > View Plan Status [Planner Tasks]
  MPS > Workbench [Status] > [Planner Tasks]
  MRP > View Plan Status [Planner Tasks]
  MRP > Workbench [Status] > [Planner Tasks]
Planning Exception Sets Setup > Exception Set
PLANNING_GROUP Lookups Setup > Planning Group
Planning Manager Setup > Planning Manager
Planning Parameters Setup > Parameters
Request Diagnostics (See User) Help Menu: View My Requests > Diagnostics
Resource DRP > Workbench > [Resource]
  MRP > Workbench [Resource]
  MRP > Workbench [Exceptions] [Resource]
SHIP_METHOD QuickCodes (See IN) Setup > Ship Method
Snapshot Tasks DRP > Workbench > Status [Snapshot Tasks]
  DRP > View Plan > Status [Snapshot Tasks]
  DRP > View Plan Status [Snapshot Tasks]
  Inquiry > MPS > Status [Snapshot Tasks]
  Inquiry > MPS > Workbench [Snapshot Tasks]
  Inquiry > MRP > Status [Snapshot Tasks]
  Inquiry > MRP > Workbench [Snapshot Tasks]
  MPS > View Plan > Status [Snapshot Tasks]
  MPS > View Plan Status [Snapshot Tasks]
  MPS > Workbench > Status [Snapshot Tasks]
  MRP > View Plan > Status [Snapshot Tasks]
  MRP > View Plan Status [Snapshot Tasks]
  MRP > Workbench > Status [Snapshot Tasks]
Sources DRP > Workbench [Items] > [Sources]
  MPS > Workbench [Items] > [Sources]
  MRP > Workbench [Items] > [Sources]
Sourcing Rule/Bill of Distribution Sourcing > Bills of Distribution
  Sourcing > Sourcing Rules
  Sourcing > View Sourcing Rules
Sourcing Rule/Bill of Distribution Assignments Sourcing > Assign Sourcing Rule/BOD
  Sourcing > View Assignments
Subinventory Netting DRP > Names [Options] > [Subinventory Netting]
  DRP > View Plan Status [Plan Organizations] [Subinventory Netting]
  DRP > Names [Options] > [Plan Organizations] [Subinventory Netting]
  MPS > Names [Options] > [Subinventory Netting]
  MPS > Names [Options] > [Plan Organizations] [Subinventory Netting]
  MPS > View Plan Status [Plan Organizations] [Subinventory Netting]
  MRP > Names [Options] > [Subinventory Netting]
  MRP > Names [Options] > [Plan Organizations] [Subinventory Netting]
  MRP > View Plan Status [Plan Organizations] [Subinventory Netting]
Submit Requests (See User) Report
  Inquiry > Report
Supply/Demand Detail DRP > View Plan [Demand]
  DRP > View Plan [Exceptions] > [Demand]
  DRP > View Plan [Exceptions] > [Supply/Demand]
  DRP > View Plan [Exceptions] > [Supply]
  DRP > View Plan [Items] > [Demand]
  DRP > View Plan [Items] > [Supply/Demand]
  DRP > View Plan [Items] > [Supply]
  DRP > View Plan [Supply/Demand]
  DRP > Workbench [Demand]
  DRP > Workbench [Exceptions] > [Demand]
  DRP > Workbench [Exceptions] > [Supply/Demand]
  DRP > Workbench [Exceptions] > [Supply]
  DRP > Workbench [Items] > [Demand]
  DRP > Workbench [Items] > [Supply/Demand]
  DRP > Workbench [Items] > [Supply]
  DRP > Workbench [Supply/Demand]
  DRP > Workbench [Supply]
  Inquiry: MRP > View Plan [Demand]
  Inquiry: MRP > View Plan [Exceptions] > [Demand]
  Inquiry: MRP > View Plan [Exceptions] > [Supply/Demand]
  Inquiry: MRP > View Plan [Exceptions] > [Supply]
  Inquiry: MRP > View Plan [Items] > [Demand]
  Inquiry: MRP > View Plan [Items] > [Supply/Demand]
  Inquiry: MRP > View Plan [Items] > [Supply]
  Inquiry: MRP > View Plan [Supply/Demand]
  Inquiry: MRP > View Plan [Supply]
  MRP > View Plan [Demand]
  MRP > View Plan [Exceptions] > [Demand]
  MRP > View Plan [Exceptions] > [Supply/Demand]
  MRP > View Plan [Exceptions] > [Supply/Demand]
  MRP > View Plan [Exceptions] > [Supply]
  MRP > View Plan [Items] > [Demand]
  MRP > View Plan [Items] > [Supply/Demand]
  MRP > View Plan [Items] > [Supply]
  MRP > View Plan [Supply/Demand]
  MRP > View Plan [Supply]
  MRP > Workbench [Demand]
  MRP > Workbench [Exceptions] > [Demand]
  MRP > Workbench [Exceptions] > [Supply/Demand]
  MRP > Workbench [Exceptions] > [Supply]
  MRP > Workbench [Items] > [Demand]
  MRP > Workbench [Items] > [Supply/Demand]
  MRP > Workbench [Items] > [Supply]
  MRP > Workbench [Supply/Demand]
  MRP > Workbench [Supply]
  Inquiry: MPS > View Plan [Demand]
  Inquiry: MPS > View Plan [Exceptions] > [Demand]
  Inquiry: MPS > View Plan [Exceptions] > [Supply/Demand]
  Inquiry: MPS > View Plan [Exceptions] > [Supply]
  Inquiry: MPS > View Plan [Items] > [Demand]
  Inquiry: MPS > View Plan [Items] > [Supply/Demand]
  Inquiry: MPS > View Plan [Items] > [Supply]
  Inquiry: MPS > View Plan [Supply/Demand]
  Inquiry: MPS > View Plan [Supply]
  MPS > View Plan [Demand]
  MPS > View Plan [Exceptions] > [Demand]
  MPS > View Plan [Exceptions] > [Supply/Demand]
  MPS > View Plan [Exceptions] > [Supply]
  MPS > View Plan [Items] > [Demand]
  MPS > View Plan [Items] > [Supply/Demand]
  MPS > View Plan [Items] > [Supply]
  MPS > View Plan [Supply/Demand]
  MPS > View Plan [Supply]
  MPS > Workbench [Demand]
  MPS > Workbench [Exceptions] > [Demand]
  MPS > Workbench [Exceptions] > [Supply/Demand]
  MPS > Workbench [Exceptions] > [Supply]
  MPS > Workbench [Items] > [Demand]
  MPS > Workbench [Items] > [Supply/Demand]
  MPS > Workbench [Items] > [Supply]
  MPS > Workbench [Supply/Demand]
  MPS > Workbench [Supply]
View Bill of Distribution Sourcing > View Bills of Distribution
View Kanban Demand Kanban > Kanban Planning > Kanban Planner Workbench > [Demand]
  Kanban > Kanban Planning > Kanban Planner Workbench > [Details] > [Demand]
View My Requests (See User) Help Menu: View My Requests
View My Requests (See User) DRP > Workbench [Items] Tools menu > Onhand
  MPS > Workbench > [Items] Tools menu > Onhand
  MRP > Workbench [Items] Tools menu > Onhand
View Sourcing Assignment Hierarchy Sourcing > View Sourcing Hierarchy
View Sourcing Rule Sourcing > View Sourcing Rules
View Sourcing Rule/Bill of Distribution Assignments Sourcing > View Assignments [View Sourcing Rule]
  Sourcing > View Sourcing Hierarchy [View BOD/Sourcing Rule]
  Sourcing > View Assignments [View Supply Chain Bill]
  Sourcing > View Supply Chain Bill
Where Used DRP > Workbench [Items] > [Where Used]
  MPS > Workbench [Items] > [Where Used]
  MRP > Workbench [Items] > [Where Used]