Creating, Scheduling, and Importing Jobs

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Creating, Scheduling, and Importing Jobs

This chapter explains how to create and schedule jobs, and how Oracle Manufacturing Scheduling accepts all jobs and schedules from Oracle Work in Process, including ATO (Assemble to Order) jobs.

Oracle Manufacturing Scheduling enables you to maintain the scheduling of discrete jobs based on resource and material constraints. You use the Work in Process windows and load program to perform these tasks including the Discrete Jobs window, the AutoCreate Final Assembly Orders window, and the Import Jobs and Schedules window.

Note: Oracle Shop Floor Management is enabled so you can schedule discrete jobs on the Scheduler Workbench created in lot based organizations.

Creating and Scheduling a New Job

Refer to the Oracle Work in Process task for creating and scheduling discrete jobs. See: Defining Discrete Jobs Manually, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide and Discrete Scheduling, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.

Note: To use the constraint-based scheduling engine to schedule your jobs, you must check the Constraint Based Scheduling check box on the Scheduling tab of the WIP Parameters window. You also must complete all other setup requirements as specified in Setup Steps.

To create and schedule a new job

  1. Navigate to the Discrete Jobs window in Oracle Work in Process.

  2. Choose New

    The Discrete Jobs window appears.

  3. Enter the name of a job.

  4. In the Type field select Standard.

  5. In the Assembly field select an assembly from the List of Values.

  6. Enter a class.

  7. With the constraint-based scheduling engine active, the Status field is automatically set to Pending Scheduling. See: Profile Options.

  8. Ensure that the Firm check box is not checked.

    If the Firm check box is checked the job will not be automatically rescheduled.

  9. In the Quantities region enter a quantity in the Start field.

  10. In the Dates region enter a date in the Start or Completion field.

  11. Select the Scheduling tab.

  12. Optionally, you can enter a date in either the Requested Start Date or Requested Due Date fields.

    These values are used by the scheduling engine to schedule as close to this date as possible. The scheduling engine uses the Requested Start Date value to schedule the job from that starting point for forward scheduling. Or uses the Requested Due Date value to schedule the job from that ending point for backward scheduling.

  13. Optionally, enter a scheduling priority.

  14. Optionally, assign a penalty factor in the Penalty Per Day Late field.

  15. Optionally, in the Due Date Tolerance (days) field, enter the number of days that a job can be delayed in scheduling without penalty.

  16. Select the other tabs to ensure that there are no other specific user requirements.

  17. Save your work.

Resource Instances

If resource instances were defined for a resource used in the job, you can override the resource instance(s) assigned to the job. Navigate to the Resource Instances window, select either the Person or Equipment tab, and change the resource instance name.

Note: If a job requires two resource instances, but only one is available, the operation resource starts beyond the end of the scheduling horizon.

Scheduling Jobs with Simultaneous and Alternate Resources

Simultaneous resources consist of two or more resources scheduled with the same start date. Alternate resources consist of other resources, or groups of resources, used instead of the primary resource in the job operation. Simultaneous and alternate resources in Oracle Manufacturing Scheduling include the following features:

See: Defining Simultaneous and Alternate Resources.

Alternate resources are invoked when there is high demand for the original resource, or when a resource is unavailable. Oracle Manufacturing Scheduling also provides the ability to adjust resource capacity. See: Adjusting Resource Capacity.

Creating Final Assembly Orders

You can automatically create final assembly orders for ATO (Assemble to Order) items entered in Oracle Order Management. You can also associate sales orders to discrete jobs for ATO items, thereby allocating production to specific customers.

After running AutoCreating Final Assembly Orders, discrete jobs are automatically scheduled using the constraint-based scheduling engine.

See Also

AutoCreating Final Assembly Orders, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide

Final Assembly Orders, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide

Importing Jobs and Schedules

When importing jobs and schedules you can perform the following tasks:

Oracle Manufacturing Scheduling is integrated with Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning. If you have this application installed, Manufacturing Scheduling accepts all jobs imported by Advanced Supply Chain Planning and does not automatically reschedule those jobs when they are imported. See: Importing Jobs and Schedules, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide