Concurrent Programs

Running Concurrent Programs

Use the following high level procedure for running any Oracle Applications concurrent program or program set. You can use these procedures to run or schedule any of the Oracle Channel Rebate and Point-of-Sale Management concurrent programs.

See Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance for complete details on Oracle E-Business Suite concurrent programs.

Select the Oracle Trade Management Administrator responsibility.

  1. Choose Single Request (if running a single concurrent program) or Request Set (if running a set of concurrent programs).

  2. Query for the appropriate concurrent program, if necessary.

  3. You can run the program immediately or schedule batch jobs. If scheduling, select the time frame.

You can check the status of the program you submitted using the Find Request window. To navigate to this window, go to Requests from the View menu and click on the Find Requests button. Use the Refresh Data button to update the request status.

Concurrent Programs for Channel Rebate

The following table provides a summary of the concurrent programs used for budgets, quotas, and offers.

Concurrent Programs for Channel Rebate
Program/Name Required Description
Funds Accrual Engine Yes This is an engine that extracts all accrual and discount information from sales orders executed at all ordering channels. The following are the categories of Events handled by this engine:
  • Calculates budget utilization and earnings based on ship confirmed orders.

  • Handles a return orders' impact on budget utilization and earnings.

  • For fully accrued type of budgets with accrue to is ‘customer', it updates Budget and Utilized columns with the accrued amount.

  • For budgets with accrue to ‘Sales', it updates the Budget column but does not update the Committed and Utilized columns.

  • For Volume offer adjustments, it calculates the accruals for each sales order and makes accrual adjustments that are necessary as a result of volume offers.

  • For accrual rates that are adjusted retroactively, it creates the adjustments based on sales order information in the past.


    Run in Debug Mode

    Run Budget Utilization for Adjusted Offer

    Set to Y to run Order Management Except Queue.

    Repost Failed GL Posting

    Run Budget Utilization for Volume Offer

    Set the adjustment parameter to 'Yes" to close Future Dated Adjustment.

Generate Party List for Market Qualifiers Yes Generates the party list for Trade Management territories and Buying Groups. Customers are qualified for Offers, Quota, and Target allocations only when this program is run after creation or modification of a Trade Management Territory or a Buying Group.
Import Territory Hierarchy Yes This concurrent program uploads the hierarchy data from jtf_territories to OZF schema used for budget allocation to that territory hierarchy. It is also used for defining budget hierarchy for a fully accrued budget. The concurrent program expects a hierarchy id meaning which particular hierarchy the user wants to import.
Parameters: Hierarchy Id
These are represented by all the root territories under Oracle Trade Management in the Territory Manager module.
Net Accrual Engine Yes Calculates the net accruals for all offers of type "Net Accrual" only.
Perform Recalculated Commitment For Offers No Re-Calculated Committed is an option to re-calculate the necessary funding level based on the actual sales performance of a promotion. Funds can be increased or decreased. If the promotion performs well, funding can be automatically increased, and vice versa.
This program performs the re-calculation.
Refresh Account Manager Dashboard Yes Refresh Account Manager Dashboard program refreshes the data on the Account Manager Dashboard.
Refresh Materialized Views for Order Sales Yes Refresh Materialized Views for Order Sales must be run at least once. It refreshes the materialized view (OZF_ORDER_SALES_SUMRY_MV) that summarizes the Orders data from Order Management. This materialized view is the source for all Order sales information used across Trade Management.
Refresh Materialized Views for Promotional Payment Yes For refresh for promotional payments to occur, run with the parameter "earnings".
Updated the materialized view for promotional payments with the most recent earnings information.
This profile options collects the data as follows:
  • Order related utilizations (positive), such as those for accrual and off-invoice offers, are utilizations for orders booked but not shipped, invoiced or closed. These utilizations are not the same as “earned” balances. Return related utilizations (negative), are utilizations for return orders booked but not invoiced (credited) or closed.

  • Non-order related utilizations, such as those for lump sum and scan data offers, as well as utilizations created by net accrual offers, partner activities or indirect sales purposes, do not distinguish between utilized and earned.

  • Adjustments are made to the utilized amount, whether manually created, created by public API or system generated.

  • Order related utilizations (positive), are utilizations for orders shipped, invoiced or closed. Return related utilizations (negative), are utilizations for return orders invoiced (credited) or closed.

  • Non-order related utilizations as well as utilizations created by net accrual offers, partner activities or indirect sales purposes, are the same as utilized.

  • Adjustments are made to the utilized amount, whether manually created, created by public API or system generated.

  • For off-invoice types of utilizations such as off-invoice, order value and promotional good offers, the paid amounts are the same as earned amounts.

  • For accrual types of utilizations such as accrual, lump sum and scan data offers, the paid amounts are claim amounts associated to the accruals.

  • Adjustments are made to the utilized amount, whether manually created, created by public API or system generated.

Unpaid Earnings (Earned minus paid)
  • The Budget Materialized View does not contain an Unpaid earnings column because these values are essentially a calculation. Storing a calculated column on the Budget Materialized View may result in performance issues.

Refresh Trade Management Activities (Offers and Schedules) Yes When you run Refresh Trade Management Activities (Offers and Schedules), Offers and Schedules are denormalized into OZF tables for faster performance in the application. Offers are searched across Trade Management based on this denormalized data.
These three programs (Refresh Materialized Views for Order Sales, Refresh Account Manager Dashboard, and Refresh Trade Management Activities) must be run in the order listed for account planning functions to work properly. The frequency that they are run is set by the user and can be different for each program. For example, the first program can be run frequently during the day, the second can be run daily, and the third program can be run less often.
Release Committed Budget Amount After Grace Period Yes Reconciliation is a way to return the following money at the end of an offer:
  • Adjusts previously committed, but un-utilized funds, transferring them from the Committed column to the Available column (“Reconcile Unutilized”).

  • Adjusts previously utilized, but unpaid funds, thus adjusting the Utilized column accordingly as well as transferring it from the Committed column to the Available column (“Reconcile Unutilized and Unpaid Earnings”).

    Budget reconciliation may be performed manually on each object such as an offer, or automatically via this concurrent process.


    Object code

    Object end date

    Object status, for example, active, draft

    Object Type, for example, CAMP, OFFR, EVEH

    Reconcile both utilized and paid

Resale Batches Purge No Purges processed reslae order record. This program purges the entries in the OZF_RESALE_LINES_INT_ALL interface table.
Transfer to General Ledger No This program is run to transfer the accounting entries created by claims/accruals into Oracle General Ledger accounting tables.
The accounting entries are transferred from Trade Management's interface tables to Oracle General Ledger's interface tables. There is an option to automatically create the entries as Journals using Journal Import upon arriving at Oracle General Ledger. After the entries are turned into Journals, they need to be "Posted" to complete the Oracle General Ledger process.
Ledger Name: Primary set of books
Batch Name: Name of batch for transfer. This is optional.
From Date: Transfer entries created starting from this date.
To Date: Transfers entries created ending this date.
Journal Category: All, fixed budgets (for promotional accruals created for offers funded by fixed budgets), Accrual budgets (for promotional accruals created by a fully accrued budget) and Settlement (for promotional claims).
Validate Accounts: Yes/No. Determines whether Oracle General Ledger accounts will be validated during transfer.
Transfer to GL Interface: In Detail (each accrual record on its own), Summarize by Accounting Date (grouping accrual records by accounting date during transfer), Summarize by Accounting Period (grouping accrual records by Accounting Period during transfer).
Submit Journal Import: Yes/No. Determines whether Journal Import will be run when the entry gets transferred to Oracle General Ledger; if Yes, a journal will be created for an entry; if No, the entries sit in Oracle General Ledger's interface tables until a Oracle General Ledger user runs the Journal Import program in Oracle General Ledger.
Update Time Structure Yes Must be run the first time these system profiles are set, and any time thereafter one of these profiles is changed: AMS: Marketing Calendar; OZF: Start Day of Week; OZF: Period Type; OZF: Global Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy); OZF: Degree of Parallelism-Src; OZF: Debug Mode.
See trade planning profile options for details.
Unutilized Commitment Mass Transfer No Evaluates to see if the end dates of the selected budgets have passed, and if true, performs transfers to new linked budgets, if any.
Utilize Lumpsum Offers Yes If a lump sum offer's start date is in the future, the offer has already been approved for budgets, and is active, this program is run to update the budget's Utilized volume.
In the case when the Offer is active on the date when Offer was created, then the budget utilization will be updated immediately not by this program.
Validate Budget and Quota Thresholds Yes Threshold alerts are designed to help users monitor their budgets' activities. Different rules can be established to send out alert notifications to inform users of fund usage, depletion levels, and monitoring over spending or under spending.
A threshold contains a set of rules. After being set up, it is assigned to a budget. Alerting budget owners to the danger of spending exceeding budget norms can help avoid over-spending.
This concurrent process is run to monitor the different budgets and see if they meet the rules and definitions of their budget thresholds. If it does, it automatically sends a workflow notification to the budget owner.
Parameters: None
Validate Market and Product Eligibility for Budget No An offer that is executed in Oracle Marketing is sourced by budgets approved for that offer. This concurrent program validates which budgets are eligible to fund an executed offer based on product and market eligibility. Various business scenarios cause offers to need funding from multiple budgets. In previous releases, each budget's product and market eligibility had to be a superset of that of the offer for validation to succeed. Now, the restriction can be relaxed to support the following scenarios:
  • No validation for customers and products

  • Validate customers and products by each budget

  • Validate customer by each budget, products by all budgets (relax product)

  • Validate products by each budget, customers by all budgets (relax customer)


    p_actbudget_id: Budget request ID

    p_object_id: Offer ID

    p_object_type: OFFR

Concurrent Programs for Point-of-Sale Management

The following table provides a summary of the concurrent programs used for chargebacks, soft funds, special pricing requests, third party accruals, and inventory tracking.

Run the following concurrent programs for Point of Sales.

Concurrent Program for Point-of-Sale
Program/ Name Required Description
Refresh Materialized Views Yes This program is used to refresh various materialized views. Choose inventory mv to refresh the inventory materialized view. Run this program for manual inventory adjustments to be reflected on the UI.
Refresh Materialized Views for Order Sales Yes See Description in Concurrent Programs for Channel Rebate.
Release Committed Budget Amount After Grace Period Yes This program closes a soft fund request after the grace period. It can be scheduled to run periodically.
Resale Batches Purge No This program purges the entries in the OZF_RESALE_LINES_INT_ALL interface table based upon Date Source/Patch Number and an IDSM parameter.
No parameter.
Third Party Accrual From Interface table No This program is used to create a third party accrual based on the resale data in the OZF_RESALE_LINES_INT_ALL table.
This replaces the Chargeback Accrual concurrent program used in 11.5.9.
Third Party Accrual From Resale Table Yes This program is used to create a third party accrual based on the resale data in the OZF_RESALE_LINES_ALL table.