Ship and Debit Batches


A batch is created for a single supplier and can include one or more requests approved by this supplier. The batch provides your supplier with sales information and claims for accrual amounts submitted for supplier approval and payment. For offers on supplier requests, accruals against sales orders are generated by the funds accrual engine. Based on the batch creation frequency for the supplier site that you set on the supplier trade profile, the Ship and Debit Batch Creation concurrent program generates supplier ship and debit batches. Alternatively, you can manually run the concurrent program from the supplier ship and debit dashboard, when required.

After you create a batch, you can review and edit it before you release it for supplier approval. The method you use to communicate with the supplier is based on your selection on the supplier trade profile. Rejected amounts are retained in the original batch. A new batch is automatically generated for approved lines, a claim is created for it, and then the batch is closed out. For rejected lines, you can review the reasons for rejection communicated using industry standard dispute codes and work on resolving them.

This section explains the process from creating to closing a supplier ship and debit batch.

Related Topics


Creating a Supplier Ship and Debit Request

Creating Ship and Debit Supplier Trade Profile, Oracle Supplier Ship and Debit Implementation Guide

Generating a Supplier Ship and Debit Batch

To generate a supplier ship and debit batch, perform the following steps.

  1. Log in using the Oracle Trade Management User responsibility and navigate to Supplier Ship and Debit under Trade Management.

  2. From the Ship and Debit Overview page (supplier ship and debit dashboard), navigate to the Batch Creation subtab.

  3. You can enter a unique request name to help search for your request later.

  4. Click Next to enter the parameters for the batch that you want to create.

  5. Select the operating unit and supplier.

  6. Optionally, select to enter one or more of the following parameters to restrict the accruals considered for this batch. Parameters include supplier site, fund or budget, ship and debit request number, product, and start and end dates and GL period for accruals to be considered.

  7. If this is a one-time manual batch creation, you can directly click Submit on the Parameters page.

  8. If you intend to create a schedule for batches for approved requests for a supplier, click Next and create a new schedule. Click Advanced Schedule to select specific days and months.

  9. If you do intend to include recipients, click Next to enter recipients and respective notification types.

  10. If you do not intend to print the batch, submit the program. Otherwise, click Next to specify printing options and then click Next to review and submit the request.

  11. Click Submit to navigate to the Review page. Review the details and click Submit again. This generates a new batch with a system generated batch number and a request ID for the concurrent program. If you did not specify a product or a ship and debit request number, the batch considers the accrual amounts for all approved and unclaimed accruals for the specified supplier.

  12. Click OK on the batch schedule confirmation page to view your completed new batch on the Requests page. You can click Submit Request to resubmit this batch or copy this batch to a new batch. You can click on the Details icon to view the details of your request.

Sending Batch Information for Supplier Approval

Before you send batch information to the supplier for approval, please perform the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the Batch Summary subtab from the supplier ship and debit dashboard. The Batch Details page displays a list of batches.

  2. Select the batch you created and navigate to the Lines subtab to view accrual information by product. Accrual information includes quantity, order, invoice number, and claimed amount.

  3. Click Export Batch to submit batch information to the supplier. You cannot edit a batch that you have submitted for supplier approval. You transmit information to an MS excel worksheet for Web ADI or to interface tables for the XML Gateway based on the selected communication method on the supplier trade profile.

  4. If you are using Web ADI, your supplier edits accrual lines on the excel sheet stating rejection codes for rejected lines and sends the excel sheet back to you. When you upload the returned excel sheet into the system, the batch is updated automatically. A new batch is generated for all approved lines and a claim is generated for this batch. Rejected lines and their rejection codes are displayed on the existing batch that was submitted for approval and the batch status changes to Work in Progress. If you are using the XML gateway, the whole process of exporting and importing approval and creating a new batch is automatic.

    Note: The supplier can partially approve a batch line. In this case the unapproved amount stays on the WIP batch and the approved amount goes into the new batch and claim. In the WIP batch, you can view the current unapproved claim amount and the original claim amount.

  5. For rejected lines, you can navigate to the Dispute subtab of the Batch Details page for a consolidated view of disputed lines grouped by dispute codes. Click on a dispute code to review and resolve individual lines in the Lines Detail page. Select the line to update and apply your resolution. Alternatively, you can do a mass update to correct multiple lines. You can select and delete unresolved rejected lines.

  6. You can then select the lines you want transmitted and export this Work in Progress batch to resubmit the changes to the supplier for approval. See step 4 onwards.

    Note: You can use the descriptive flexfield provided to capture additional information relevant to the batch irrespective of the batch status.

  7. The process of resubmission of rejected lines on the original batch continues till resubmission no longer achieves a significant increase in the total amount approved. When this happens, you can select the Complete Line check box to complete the line and choose the budget adjustment type that you want applied to the line.

    Note: If you created budget adjustment types for supplier ship and debit and selected these as system parameter defaults, budget adjustments are automatically created when you export the batch, close the batch, or edit the claim amount before submission and subsequent supplier approval. You can then view the adjusted amount on the batch and these partially or previously closed amounts

  8. You can return to the Batch Details page and navigate to the Claims subtab to view the child batches and claims that are automatically generated for each approval cycle. You can click on the links for the batches and for their claims to see details of approved and closed batches and claims.

  9. You can click Close to manually close out a batch in Approved, WIP, or Rejected status.

    Note: An RMA batch where the total claimed amount is negative usually remains in Approved status. You may want to close out a WIP or Rejected batch if you no longer want to pursue it.

Adjusting Claim Amounts on Batch Rejections

When sending out a ship and debit batch for supplier approval, the supplier can fully or partially approve batch line amounts. The supplier can also reject batch line amounts or approve more than the line amount. Based on this In the effort to get as much approved as possible from the supplier, distributors make manual adjustments to rejected or partially approved lines on the WIP batch and resubmits the batch as part of dispute management. This adjustment and resubmission process continues till the distributor determines that the amount approved by the supplier is the maximum that can be had. At this point, no further adjustment of batch line amounts are made and resubmitted. Instead, the distributor then manually closes out the batch. On batch closing, the system adjusts the budget utilized amount based on the accruals that are rejected by the supplier. This ensures that the budget checkbook is accurate and helps track actual realization of ship and debit dollars against claims that get rejected.

Note: You cannot adjust negative RMA lines on the batch.

If you enable the Complete Line check box for an adjusted batch line on a WIP batch before you save and resubmit the batch, a claim is automatically made for the approved amount and an budget adjustment made for the rejected or excess amount.

Lines UI changes - Original claim amount -Read Only all batches, contains original claimed line amount

Current claim amount - existing field. Just renamed to capture the most recent claim amount, it is the amount that the user changes and transmits during a subsequent submission)

Partially closed amounts - Not available in New / Submitted batches. Available for WIP/Approved/Closed Batches and carries any amounts partially/previously closed out

Claim number - to capture claim number for partially closed lines. Show child claim numbers only on Parent batches. Child batch the column will not be displayed.

Adjusted amount - to capture the amount that gets adjusted via budget adjustment

Adjustment type – field to capture the adjustment type to be used at batch line level

Calculating Foreign Exchange Gains or Losses on Claims

For multicurrency ship and debit claims, the currency in which earnings are associated depends on the functional currency of the operating unit, and the currencies for ship and debit requests and ship and debit batches. In addition, these currencies determine if Subledger Accounting must calculate foreign exchange gains or losses when creating accounting for ship and debit claim settlements. For example, if the exchange rate is different between accrual and claim creation dates, then an amount difference occurs that can cause incorrect accounting. This amount difference is referred to as the foreign exchange gain and loss amount and is used to balance GL accounts for exchange rate deviations. If you have performed the appropriate setups in Oracle Subledger Accounting (SLA), this calculates foreign exchange gains and losses when claim and transactional currencies for supplier ship and debit are the same but are not the same as the functional currency.

The following table explains in which currency earnings are associated and if foreign exchange gains or losses are to be calculated.

Scenario Transaction/ Request Currency Claim/Batch Currency Functional Currency Association Currency Calculate FXGL - Y/N
Trans Currency = Claim Currency = Functional USD USD USD Trans Currency (USD) = batch_curr_claim_amount N
Trans Currency = Claim Currency. Functional is different GBP GBP USD Trans Currency (GBP) = batch_curr_claim_amount Y
Claim Currency =Functional. Trans currency is different. GBP USD USD Func Currency (USD) = batch_curr_claim_amount N
All currencies are different. GBP RUR USD Func Currency (USD) = convert batch_curr_claim_amount to functional currency on system date N
Trans Currency =Functional. Claim currency is different. USD GBP USD Func Currency (USD) = convert batch_curr_claim_amount to functional currency on system date N