Supplier Responses and Awards

Creating a Surrogate Response

As a buyer, you can place a surrogate response on behalf of your suppliers. The supplier can view detailed information about the solicitation, for example, items and pricing information, from the pdf. The supplier then contacts the buyer with the offer information, and the buyer enters the details in the negotiation. Surrogate responses are processed the same way as other offers.

You can choose to create a Two-Stage Surrogate Quote that enables you to enter the technical information, and the commercial information for a two-stage RFQ on behalf of a supplier. In the technical stage, you enter the technical offer submitted by a supplier. The supplier's technical offer is evaluated and if it is found acceptable it is shortlisted for the commercial round. In the commercial evaluation process, you enter the supplier's commercial offer and evaluate it.

You can create an order from a solicitation when a solicitation is created to complete the buy. You can use the surrogate offer to do this, provided the offer is updated to capture the information that must flow from solicitation to award.

To enter a surrogate response:

  1. On the Negotiation home page, access, the negotiation in which you wish to bid by clicking its number.

  2. On the Negotiations page, select Create Surrogate Offer from the Actions menu.

  3. Search for the Supplier and click Create Surrogate Offer. Click Accept to accept the Terms and Conditions of the offer.

  4. The Create Offer page displays, where you can enter details in the Header and Lines tabs. You can also perform actions such as Cancel, View Solicitations, Offer by Spreadsheet, Save Draft, and Continue.

    Working with the Header and Lines tabs:

    1. By default, the Header tab displays the name of the Supplier, Solicitation Currency, Offer Currency, and the Price Precision. You cannot update this information.

    2. Enter a value for the Offer Received Time for the solicitation.

    3. Enter a value for the Offer Valid Until for the solicitation.

    4. Enter the Reference Number for the solicitation.

    5. Enter a note for the buyer.

    6. In the Reference IDVs region, select the Internal IDV and enter the External IDV name.

    7. Use the Attachments region to add an attachment for the solicitation. Click Add Attachment to search for and add an attachment.

    8. If there are additional contract terms associated with the solicitation, then the Contract Terms region enables you to Preview Contract Terms. You can also view the details of the Variables and add a value associated with the variable.

    9. Click the Lines tab to update the line information. By default, you can view the Solicitation Currency, Offer Currency, and the Price Precision values. You cannot update these details.

    10. Enter an Offer Price, Offered Quantity, and Promised Date against each line. Alternatively, if you need to make any further changes to the line details, click Update for the selected Line. You can view and update details as follows:

      • Select the Informational check box to indicate that the line is not a priced line.

      • View the Description, Unit, Contract Type, IDC Type, Cost Constraint (if any), Start Price, Target Price, Target Quantity, Close Date, Offer Currency, Rank, Ship-to address, and Need-by Date. You cannot modify these details.

    11. In the Additional Item Information region, enter the following details:

      • Enter the NSN. This is the National Stock Number (NSN) and is a thirteen (13) digit number assigned to an item of supply. It consists of the four digit Federal Supply Class (FSC) and the nine digit National Item Identification Number (NIIN). The NSN is used as the common denominator to tie together logistics information for an item of supply. A NIIN is a unique nine character code assigned to each item of supply purchased, stocked or distributed within the Federal Government; when combined with the four character FSC it composes the NSN. The NIIN is used as the common denominator for an item of supply

      • Enter a Drawing Number - The drawing number as given by the manufacturer/vendor for the item being purchased. This field provides the ability to more specifically identify the item being requested. This detail will help to ensure that the correct item is procured.

      • Serial Number: The serial number as given by the manufacturer for the item being purchased. This field provides the ability to more specifically identify the item being requested. This detail helps to ensure that the correct item is procured.

      • Piece Number: The piece number as given by the manufacturer for the item being purchased. This field provides the ability to more specifically identify the item being requested. This detail will help to ensure that the correct item is procured.

      • Model Number: The model number as given by the manufacturer for the item being purchased. This field provides the ability to more specifically identify the item being requested. This detail will help to ensure that the correct item is procured.

      • Item Long Description: In cases where the Commodity or Service Name / short description field does not provide enough space for the item/service being requested, the Item Long Description field is used to enter additional descriptive text. The text entered within this field is carried forward to subsequent transactions. This is the description of what the government is procuring.

        The supplier, receiving clerk, and payment office use the item long description to ensure that the correct items are shipped, received and invoiced.

      • Specification Number: The specification number as given by the manufacturer/vendor for the item being purchased. This field provides the ability to more specifically identify the item being requested. This detail will help to ensure that the correct item is procured.

      • Manufacturer Name - the name of the manufacturer by whom the goods are made.

      • Manufacturer Number: The number of the manufacturer. This field provides the ability to more specifically identify the item being requested. This detail will help to ensure that the correct item is procured.

      • Manufacturer Part Number: The part number as given by the manufacturer for the item being purchased. This field provides the ability to more specifically identify the item being requested. This detail will help to ensure that the correct item is procured.

      • Product/Catalog Number: In the case where a manufacturer provides a catalog from which goods can be purchased, this is the product/catalog number associated to the item being requested. This field provides the ability to more specifically identify the item being requested. This detail will help to ensure that the correct item is procured.

      • Supplier Part Number: The part number as given by the supplier for the item being purchased. This field provides the ability to more specifically identify the item being requested. This detail will help to ensure that the correct item is procured.

    12. In the Federal Customer Designation region, enter the following details:

      • MDAPS/MAIS: Major Defense Acquisition Programs/ Major Automated Information System Acquisition Programs.

      • NAICS: The commodity group (defined by the NAICS) under which the size standard is applied.

      • Program Code: Allow the user to select from established Program Codes. Programs are also agency-defined and can be used to group and report purchases under a particular program.

      • FSC/PSC: The Federal Supply Classification (FSC) is a set of codes designed to help the federal government in supplying operations.

      • Customer Project Code: This identifies PRs created for special programs, exercises, projects, operations, or other purposes. Sites can establish their own set of codes and use them to identify and group PRs. It is used to capture the Construction Project Number for the SF1442 (block 6).

      • Customer Project Text: Text Description of the selected project code. It is used to capture / map the A&E Project Title and Location for the SF252 form and the Project number for the 1442 form as well.

    13. In the Notes region, enter a note for the buyer

    14. The Attachments region enables you to add an attachment for the offer, if required. Click Add Attachment to search for an add an attachment.

  5. Click Cancel to cancel the creation of the surrogate response.

  6. Click View Solicitation to view the details of the solicitation. You can view information in the Header, Addresses, Lines, Controls, Contract Terms, and Suppliers tab.

  7. Click Offer By Spreadsheet to use the a spreadsheet to work with the solicitation data. Select the type of spreadsheet format you wish to use: XML Spreadsheet or Tab-Delimited. If you choose Tab delimited, you will also have to select which spreadsheet you wish to download - Requirement or Line. Click Export. Save the spreadsheet file to a convenient location. Open the spreadsheet file and complete your work. Once done, select the format of the spreadsheet you wish to import. Browse to the location where you saved your spreadsheet file. Click Import. The system will validate the response information you entered in your spreadsheet.

    Note: If you use MS Excel to open and work with this spreadsheet, then select the Data menu, select Get External Data, and then select Import Text File. Browse and select the downloaded response text file. In the Text Import Wizard that displays, select Delimited in Step 1 of 3 and click Next. In Step 2 of 3, ensure the Tab check box is selected, and click next. In Step 3 of 3, select the second column containing Solicitation Line Number and select the Text radio button. Click Finish. This ensures that your line numbers display in the correct format.

  8. Click Save Draft to save your work.

  9. Click Continue to progress.

Awarding a Solicitation to a Supplier

Once you have closed you solicitation, you decide on the supplier to whom you want to make the award. You can choose to make a full award or a partial award. Partial awards depend on the CLIN/SLIN structure you use.

To make an award:

  1. From the Negotiations Home page, search for and select the solicitation to award.

  2. Select Close Solicitation from the Actions menu to close the solicitation. On the Close Solicitations page that displays, enter a note to the suppliers and Click Apply. This closes the solicitation immediately.

  3. Select either Award by Offer, or Award by Line from the Actions menu.

  4. If you select Award by Offer, then select the supplier and click Award Multiple Lines to award the supplier multiple lines. On the Award Multiple Lines page, review the award and recalculate if required. Select Save Award.

  5. Select Change Shortlist Status to alter the supplier's status.

  6. If you select Award by Line, then select the line to award and click Award. The Award Line page displays information about the offer. Add a note to the suppliers and click Award.

  7. Click Award Summary to see a summary of the award.