Document Types and Document Styles

Document Types

Login using your credentials and use a CLM Purchasing responsibility that gives you access to the Setup pages or windows.

Navigate to: Setup > Purchasing > Document Types to open the Document Types page. The Document Types page lists all the available document types that you can use with CLM for a given operating unit. The Operating Unit LOV is displayed in the top right corner of the page and you can select any listed operating unit to see the document types associated with it. The following columns provide more information on the document type:

Please note that the Document Types page is a common page to view all the document types. However you are allowed to create only certain document types, that is, Offers and Request for Quotations (RFQs).

Click Create to create a new document type. The Create Document Type page opens, displaying the fields you need to specify to create a document type. Enter the following information:

You can enable or disable the document type using the Disable checkbox in the Control region.

Click Apply to save your changes and return to the Document Types page.

Note: Customers upgrading from a prior release of e-Business Suite will see some nomenclature changes to the Document Type names. For example, Blanket Purchase Agreement will be displayed as IDV, Purchase Orders will be displayed as Awards, etc.

Updating a pre-defined Document Type

Click Update (pencil icon) in order to update your selected seeded document type. The Update Document Type page displays. The following fields are available for you to edit for procurement documents. The fields below are an example only, the Update Document Type page displays different fields for different document types:

Approvals Region

The approval region enables you to set the approval controls for the document type. Please note that if the document types approval fields do not have values, the document styles values are used.

The following fields are in the Control region:

Click Apply to save your changes and return to the Document Types page.

Document Styles

Login using your credentials and use a CLM Purchasing responsibility that gives you access to the Setup pages or windows.

Navigate to: Setup > Purchasing > Document Styles to open the Document Styles page. The Document Styles page lists all the available document styles that you can use with CLM. Some styles are seeded and depending on the users' requirements, new styles can be created. Document Styles are relevant for Purchasing documents only. The values in the Document Styles page override the values that you have set in the Document Types page for Purchasing documents.

Click Create to access the Document Styles page in order to create a new Document Style. Enter a Name, Description and Status (Active or Inactive). Select the CLM Enabled checkbox to specify if the document style (and all subsequent documents created using that document style) are FAR documents or non-FAR documents.

By enabling this checkbox, you will be able to create FAR compliant documents with all the CLM functionality such as CLIN-SLIN structures, Complex Pricing of Contracts, Incremental Funding, Options etc. If this checkbox is not enabled, any document created using this style will be a non-FAR document. This checkbox cannot be updated, once selected and saved.

In the Document Types region, specify the document types and their display names that you wish to associate with the style. The display names appear in the LOV when users create a document, therefore it is a good practice to provide appropriate and meaningful display names.You can associate one or more document types to a document style. Select Enable to enable the document style for that document type.

If CLM Enabled checkbox is selected, then the Forms region appears. This region is applicable for CLM documents only. Click Add Another Row to add a document type and it’s related formats. Select a Document Type from the list and then select a Standard Form and Document Format from the LOVs. The Standard Form LOV and Document Format LOV populate only those forms and formats which are applicable to that document type. The Standard Form Templates are actually BI Publisher Templates that print on the face page of the form. The Document Format Templates are also BI Publisher Templates that enable you to print the continuation pages of the form. In order to print a pdf, the Standard Form template and Document Format templates are combined to generate the output.

Select a Standard Form Template and a Document Format Template from the LOVs for that document type. Select the Active checkbox to activate the row, and select Default to select the document type as a default. For a given document type, you can specify many combinations of Standard Forms and Document Formats, however only one can be a default on the CLM transaction document.

If the CLM Enabled checkbox is selected, then the Document Controls region appears. The Document Controls region enables you to specify the approval workflows and to enforce warrants for the document style. Enter values for the following fields:

In the Commodities region, specify the line types that you wish to associate with the document style. You can select one or more Purchase Basis for the line:

If you select Specified as your Line Type, the Line Types LOV opens, enabling you to choose one or more line types for the document style.

The Pricing region is not applicable for CLM FAR transactions.

The Complex Payments region enables you to define the various payment types for complex work orders.

Click Apply to save your changes and return to the main page.

In the main page, you can duplicate a document style by selecting the Copy icon beside a document style. You can also update an existing document style by clicking the Update (pencil) icon.


Setup considerations for Modifications documents are as follows: