Profile Options in CLM for Public Sector

Profile Options

A user profile is a set of changeable options that affects the way your application runs. You can set user profiles at different levels. The levels used by the standard Security hierarchy type are as follows:

Values set at a higher level cascade as defaults to the lower levels. The lower level value overrides the higher level value, unless otherwise specifically mentioned.

Suggestion: Set site-level options first to ensure that all options have a default. If a profile option does not have a default value, it might cause errors when you use windows, run reports, or run concurrent requests

Profile Options Summary

The table below indicates whether users of the system can view or update the profile option, and at which levels (either user, responsibility, application, or site) the profile options can be updated. These levels are included in the table as Site, Application, Responsibility, and User.

For the User column, Yes indicates that you can update the profile, View Only indicates that you can view the profile but you cannot update it, and No indicates that you can neither view nor update the profile.

A Required profile option requires you to provide a value. Otherwise, the profile option already provides a default value, so you only need to change it if you do not want to accept the default.

For details of profile options applicable to all Oracle Applications, see: Profile Options in Oracle Applications Object Library

Summary of Profile Options
Profile Option Admin Update Levels User Required Value
FND: Industry ID Site No Yes Public Sector - National Government
PO: CLM Enabled Responsibility No Yes Yes/No
PO: CLM Installed Site No Yes Yes/No
PO: Contracting Officer’s Electronic Signature Required Organization Yes No Yes/No
PO: Enable IDV In Document Builder Site
Yes No Yes/No
PO: Enable FPDS-NG Reporting Site No Yes Yes/No
PO: FPDS-NG Agency ID Site, Organization No Yes  
PO: FPDS-NG Contracting Office Agency ID Site, Organization No Yes  
PO: FPDS-NG Award XML Source Site, Organization No Yes  
PO: FPDS-NG Award Mod XML Source Site, Organization No Yes  
PO: FPDS-NG IDV XML Source Site, Organization No Yes  
PO: FPDS-NG IDV Mod XML Source Site, Organization No Yes  
PO: FPDS-NG User Account for contract action reporting Responsibility, User Yes Yes  
PO: FPDS-NG User Account for viewing contract action report Responsibility, User Yes Yes  
PO: User to Notify for Award Release Check Failure Site, Organization No Yes Buyer or Approver
PO: OA_HTML Absolute Path Site No Yes  

Profile Options Description

FND: Industry ID: For CLM, you must set this profile option to Public Sector - National Government to enable federal nomenclature. The federal nomenclature works based on this particular profile value.

PO: CLM Enabled: Determines if the application is enabled for the responsibility. Set this profile option to Yes to enable CLM for the responsibility. If you set this profile option to No, then CLM features will not display for any CLM responsibility. If you set the profile option to Yes, then for the responsibility to display CLM features, both this profile option and the PO: CLM Installed profile option must be set to Yes.

Note: CLM enabled document styles display only for those responsibilities for which this profile option is set to Yes.

PO: CLM Installed: Determines if CLM is installed on the instance.

PO: Contracting Officer’s Electronic Signature Required: Determines if the contracting officer must electronically sign CLM documents. Set this profile option to Yes to make it mandatory for the Contracting Officer to sign the award, IDV, or modification document.

PO: Enable IDV In Document Builder: Set this profile to yes to enable referencing IDV without lines as the source document in the document builder.

PO: Enable FPDS-NG Reporting: This profile option is used to turn on the FPDS-NG functionality in CLM and integrate with the FPDS-NG website.

PO: FPDS-NG Agency ID: When you register at the FPDS-NG site, you need to provide your agency ID. You need to enter this registered agency ID value in the profile in order to integrate with the FPDS-NG site. For example, an agency ID of 9700 (Navy) is registered at the FPDS-NG site. 9700 is the value you enter for this profile option.

PO: FPDS-NG Contracting Office Agency ID:When you register at the FPDS-NG site, you need to provide your Contracting Office agency ID. You need to enter this registered Contracting Office agency ID value in the profile in order to integrate with the FPDS-NG site.

PO: FPDS-NG Award XML Source: The value of this profile indicates the XML source for generating the payload for posting to the FPDS-NG page. The prefill information that is displayed in the Reporting Details region is also based on this XML.

PO: FPDS-NG Award Mod XML Source: The value of this profile indicates the XML source for generating the payload for posting to the FPDS-NG page. The prefill information that is displayed in the Reporting Details region is also based on this XML.

PO: FPDS-NG IDV XML Source: The value of this profile indicates the XML source for generating the payload for posting to the FPDS-NG page. The prefill information that is displayed in the Reporting Details region is also based on this XML.

PO: FPDS-NG IDV Mod XML Source: The value of this profile indicates the XML source for generating the payload for posting to the FPDS-NG page. The prefill information that is displayed in the Reporting Details region is also based on this XML.

PO: FPDS-NG User Account for contract action reporting: This user is registered with the FPDS-NG site and has read/write (edit mode) access to the Contract Action Reports (CARs).

PO: FPDS-NG User Account for viewing contract action report:This user is registered with the FPDS-NG site and has read-only (view mode) access to the Contract Action Reports (CARs).

PO: User to Notify for Award Release Check Failure:The values for this profile option are : Buyer or Approver. Before submitting for approval, the CAR needs to be authenticated. If any errors occur during this stage, the buyer or approver specified receives a notification listing the errors. During CAR approval, if there are any technical or other issues at the FPDS-NG site, notifications are sent to the buyer or approver specified, informing them of the errors.

PO: OA_HTML Absolute Path: You need to specify the value of this profile option (absolute path) in order for the approval workflow to function. Navigate to an OA Framework page in the application, and click the About this Page link. Then click the Java System Properties tab and search for the value of the attribute OA_HTML. The value should be the value for this profile option. (for e.g. /slot/ems1797/appmgr/apps/apps_st/comn/webapps/oacore/html).