General Security Principles

Keeping software up-to-date

One of the principles of good security practice is to keep all software versions and patches up-to-date. This document is based on a release level of 12.2 on all software and documentation.

Restricting access to critical services

Keep both the E-Business application middle-tier and the database behind a firewall. In addition, place a firewall between the middle-tier and the database. The firewalls provide assurance that access to these systems is restricted to a known network route, which can be monitored and restricted, if necessary. As an alternative, a firewall router substitutes for multiple, independent firewalls.

If firewalls cannot be used, be certain to configure the TNS Listener Valid Node Checking feature which restricts access based upon IP address. Restricting database access by IP address often causes application client/server programs to fail for DHCP clients. To resolve this, consider using static IP addresses, a software/hardware VPN or Windows Terminal Services or its equivalent.

Data Security

Demantra data is secured as follows:

The following table summarizes how Demantra controls access to data elements.

Data Element Options Controlled by Component Controlled by User Group Controlled by User ID
Series Visible or not visible Yes No Yes
Series indicators (which indicate the presence of a note or promotion within the worksheet table.) Visible or not visible Yes No No
Levels Visible or not visible Yes No No
Level members Full control, including ability to delete members
Read/write existing members
Read existing members
No access
Yes No Yes
Units of measure Visible or not visible Yes No No
Indexes and exchange rates Visible or not visible Yes No No
Notes Similar to level member options No As specified by creator of note

It is useful to remember that each user of a component sees a subset of the data associated with that component. You cannot give user access to data that is not contained in the component.


Each component has the following properties:


User details are defined using the Business Modeler (Security > Create/Modify User). For more information about users see: Creating or Modifying a User

For users, you can specify the following details:

User Groups

For user groups, you can specify the following details:

Security for Deleting Members

Most level members are created by integration and it would generally be undesirable to delete them. Most users, therefore, do not have delete access to these members. The exception is a user with System Manager permission; see “Permission Levels”.

Level members can be created directly within Demantra (through Member Management). For any these members, the user who created the member has permission to delete it.

Data Security at Higher Levels

When a user views data at an aggregation level that is higher than where the permissions are set, it is necessary to resolve how to aggregate editable members and uneditable members. Demantra uses the following rules:

Custom Methods

As the implementer, you can define custom methods to perform operations on a selected member, for users to access as an option on the right-click menu. You can apply security to your methods, just as you do with the core right-click actions.

You can define a user security threshold for visibility of that method. For example, you can state the method should only be visible to users who have 'Full Control' of the member from which you launch the method. To control this, you log into the Business Modeler, select 'Configure > Configure Methods'. For 'Method Type'= Custom, you can select from the Security Threshold of Full Control, Read & Write or Read Only.

For information on methods, see “Methods and Workflow”.

Changing Worksheet Access

If a worksheet is private, it can be seen only by its owner. If it is public, it is visible to all users.

To change who can access a worksheet

  1. Log onto the Business Modeler as described in “Logging onto the Business Modeler.”

  2. Click Tools > Worksheet Management.

    The Worksheet Manager is displayed.

  3. In the row corresponding to the worksheet, click the Permission Type field.

  4. Click Private or Public and click OK.

Redirecting Demantra to a Different Database

Oracle does not support Microsoft SQL Server in this release. Please monitor My Oracle Support for versions supporting SQL Server. Items marked with ** are not valid unless support for Microsoft SQL Server is available.

In Demantra, the database connection (and data source configuration) is controlled by the Java Naming Directory Interface (JNDI).

To point Demantra to a different database without rerunning the installer, complete the following steps:

  1. Make a backup copy of server.xml. This file is located in …\Oracle Demantra\Collaborator\Tomcat\conf\.

  2. Open server.xml for editing.

  3. Locate the following sections:

    Context path="/demantra" 
            docBase="E:\Program Files\Oracle Demantra 73b37\Collaborator\demantra"      
  4. Modify the “username” and “password” sections to point to the new schema and to use the new password.

  5. To point to a different DB, modify the DB host and SID within the URL, which in this example are “” and “ORCL”, respectively.

  6. Restart the web server. (If you are not using Apache Jakarta Tomcat, refer to your application server’s version-specific documentation to learn how to modify the database hostname, username, password, and SID (system identifier) specified by the JNDI.)

Following the principle of least privilege

The principle of least privilege states that users should be given the least amount of privilege to perform their jobs. Over-ambitious granting of responsibilities, roles, grants, etc., especially early on in an organization’s life cycle when people are few and work needs to be done quickly, often leaves a system wide open for abuse. User privileges should be reviewed periodically to determine relevance to current job responsibilities.

Monitoring system activity

System security stands on three legs: good security protocols, proper system configuration and system monitoring. Auditing and reviewing audit records address this third requirement. Each component within a system has some degree of monitoring capability. Follow audit advice in this document and regularly monitor audit records.

Keeping security information up-to-date

Oracle continually improves its software and documentation. Check the notes on My Oracle Support regularly for the latest information.