Components in Oracle Incentive Compensation


This section contains the components in Oracle Incentive Compensation.

Components in Oracle Incentive Compensation

Feature Name Component Name Search Tags Description
Advance Config Add_Collection_Source_Filter Advance Config, Collection, Sources, Filter, SETUPCOMP To do advance configuration for collection - collection sources and mapping - details - filters
Advance Config Set_Payment_Parameters Advance Config, Payment, SETUPCOMP To do advance configuration for payment - setup payment parameters
Advance Config Set_Collection_Table_Col Advance Config, Collection, Tables and Columns, Attributes, SETUPCOMP To do advance configuration for collection - configure tables and columns - attributes
Advance Config Set_Collection_Param Advance Config, Collection, SETUPCOMP To do advance configuration for collection - setup collection parameters
Advance Config Set_Calc_Parameters Advance Config, Calculation, Parameter, SETUPCOMP To do advance configuration for calculation - setup calculation parameters
Advance Config Set_Appln_Param_Interval_Num Advance Config, Application Parameters, Interval, SETUPCOMP To do advance configuration for application parameters - define interval settings - enter interval numbers
Advance Config Set_Appln_Param_Interval Advance Config, Application Parameters, Interval, SETUPCOMP To do advance configuration for application parameters - define interval settings
Advance Config Set_Appln_Param_General Advance Config, Application Parameters, SETUPCOMP To do advance configuration for application parameters - general parameters
Advance Config Set_Appln_Param_Credit_Type Advance Config, Application Parameters, SETUPCOMP To do advance configuration for application parameters - define credit types and credit conversion factors - search and remove actions
Advance Config Set_Appln_Param_Conv_Factor Advance Config, Application Parameters, SETUPCOMP To do advance configuration for application parameters - define credit types and credit conversion factors - functional currency
Advance Config Search_Pay_Elements_Mapping Advance Config, Payment, Mapping To do advance configuration for payment - define pay element mappings- search
Advance Config Search_Collection_Table_Col Advance Config, Collection, Tables and Columns To do advance configuration for collection - configure tables and columns - select table
Advance Config Search_Collection_Source Advance Config, Collection, Sources, Mapping To do advance configuration for collection - define collection sources and mapping - search and remove
Advance Config Add_Appln_Param_Credit_Type Advance Config, Application Parameters, SETUPCOMP To do advance configuration for application parameters - define credit types and credit conversion factors - add action
Advance Config Add_Collection_Ext_Table Advance Config, Collection, Tables Mappings, SETUPCOMP To do advance configuration for collection - define external table mapping - add
Advance Config Add_Collection_Source Advance Config, Collection, Sources, Mapping, SETUPCOMP To do advance configuration for collection - define collection sources and mapping - add source
Advance Config Add_Collection_Source_Map Advance Config, Collection, Sources, Mapping, SETUPCOMP To do advance configuration for collection - collection sources and mapping - details - column mapping - action 'add'
Advance Config Add_Collection_Source_Trigger Advance Config, Collection, Sources, Trigger, SETUPCOMP To do advance configuration for collection - collection sources and mapping - details - triggers
Advance Config Add_Collection_Table_Col Advance Config, Collection, Tables and Columns, SETUPCOMP To do advance configuration for collection - configure tables and columns - add table
Advance Config Define_Pay_Elements_Mapping Advance Config, Payment, Mapping, SETUPCOMP To do advance configuration for payment - define pay element mappings
Advance Config Generate_Collection_Package Advance Config, Collection, Generate Packages To do advance configuration for collection - generate collection packages
Advance Config Navigate_Bus_Area_Tasks Advance Config, Tasks To do advance configuration - select task
Advance Config Navigate_Business_Areas Advance Config, Business Areas To do advance configuration - select business area
Advance Config Rem_Appln_Param_Conv_Factor Advance Config, Application Parameters To do advance configuration for application parameters - define credit types and credit conversion factors - functional currency - search and remove actions
Advance Config Rem_Collection_Source_Filter Advance Config, Collection, Sources, Filter To do advance configuration for collection - collection sources and mapping - details - remove filters
Advance Config Rem_Collection_Source_Map Advance Config, Collection, Sources, Mapping To do advance configuration for collection - collection sources and mapping - details - column mapping - action remove
Advance Config Rem_Collection_Source_Trigger Advance Config, Collection, Sources, Trigger To do advance configuration for collection - collection sources and mapping - details - remove triggers
Advance Config Search_Collection_Ext_Table Advance Config, Collection, Tables Mappings To do advance configuration for collection - define external table mapping - search and remove
Compensation Periods Manage_Compensation_Periods Comp Periods, SETUPCOMP To manage compensation periods
Compensation Plan Map_Plan_Salesrep Compensation Plan To associate role to a plan
Compensation Plan Create_Plan Design, Compensation Plan To create compensation plan
Compensation Plan Map_Plan_PlanElement Design, Plan Element To map the plan to plan element
Compensation Plan Search_Plan Compensation Plan, Search To search for compensation plan
Pay Group Search_Pay_Sheet Paysheets To search for pay sheet
Pay Group Approve_Pay_Sheet Paysheets To approve pay sheet
Pay Group Map_Pay_Group_Role Pay Groups, Pay Group To associate roles to pay group and verify if resource is mapped
Pay Group Search_Pay_Group Pay Groups, Pay Group To search for pay group
Pay Group Create_Pay_Group Pay Group To create pay group
Payment Batch Create_Payment_Batch Payment Batches To create payment batch
Payment Batch Pay_Payment_Batch Payment Batches To pay payment batch
Payment Batch Search_Payment_Batch Payment Batches To search for payment batch
Plan Components Create_Expression Rate Tables, Create Expression To create an expression
Plan Components Create_Formula_Expression Update Formula Expression, Create Formula Expression To create a formula expression
Plan Components Create_Formula_Options Expressions To create a formula
Plan Components Create_Formula_Rates Update Formula To create formula rates
Plan Components Create_Payment_Plan Plan Element Search, Create Payment Plan, SETUPCOMP To create payment plan
Plan Components Create_Payment_Plan_2   To create payment plan
Plan Components Create_Plan_Element_Gen_Info Plan Element Search, Create Plan Element To create plan element with general information
Plan Components Create_Plan_Element_Products Plan Element Search, Create Plan Element To add products while creating plan element
Plan Components Create_Plan_Element_Quota Create Plan Element: Define Default Quotas, Create Plan Element, Define Default Quotas To define quotas for eligible products while creating plan element.
Plan Components Create_Rate_Dim Rate, Dimension, Rate Dimension To create rate dimension
Plan Components Create_Rate_Table Rate Table, Create Rate Table To create rate table
Plan Components Crt_Plan_Element_Map_Rt_Table Create Plan Element: Assign Rate Tables, Create Plan Element, Assign Rate Tables To assign rate table for selected task
Plan Components Crt_Plan_Element_Rules Create Plan Element: Define Earnings Rule, Create Plan Element, Define Earnings Rule To enter earning rules while creating plan element
Plan Components Map_Rate_Table_Rate_Dim Rate Table, Rate Dimension, Map, Associate To associate the rate table with the rate dimension created
Plan Components Search_Component_Exp Expressions To search for expression name
Plan Components Search_Component_Formula Formulas, Search Formula To search for formula name
Plan Components Search_Component_PE Plan Element Search, Payment Plan To search for plan element
Plan Components Search_Component_RD Rate, Dimension, Rate Dimension, Search To search for rate dimension
Plan Components Search_Component_RT Rate Table, Search To search for rate table
Plan Components Search_Payment_Plan Payment Plans To search for payment plan and export or delete
Plan Components Update_Rate_Table Rate table, Update To update rates of a rate table
Product Classification Update_Pdt_Hierarchy_Node Product, Hierarchy, Node To map a product to a product hierarchy - step 2 - node
Product Classification Search_Rule_Set Classification Rule To search for a rule set
Product Classification Search_Product_Hierarchy Product, Hierarchy To map a product to a product hierarchy -step 1
Product Classification Search_Product Products, Search product To search a product
Product Classification Create_Product Products, create product, SETUPCOMP To create a product
Product Classification Update_Rule_Set Classification Rule To update a rule set
Product Classification Create_Child_Node_Add_Option Product, Hierarchy, SETUPCOMP To map a product to a product hierarchy using add button - step 1
Product Classification Create_Child_Add_Row_Option Product, Hierarchy, SETUPCOMP To map a product to a product hierarchy using add another row button - step 1
Product Classification Create_Class_Rule Classification Rule, SETUPCOMP To create a class rule
Reports Create_Plan_Scenario Scenarios, Create Scenario To create a plan scenario
Reports Export_Scenario Scenarios, Export Scenario To export the plan scenario
Transaction Verify_Search_Results_Txn Transactions To verify the search results for transaction
Transaction Verify_Sales_Credit_Allocation Transactions To verify if new lines are created after executing sales credit allocation
Transaction Verify_Commission_Calc Transactions, Transaction Details To verify if the commission is calculated
Transaction Simple_Search_Txn Transactions To perform simple search transaction
Transaction Run_Sales_Credit_Allocation Credit Allocation, Requests To execute the 'credit allocation' process
Transaction Load_Txn_Online Load Transactions To load transactions by clicking on run button
Transaction Import_Txn_Source_Target_Flds Incentive Compensation : Import / Export Summary To select source and target fields while importing
Transaction Import_Txn_1 Incentive Compensation : Import / Export Summary To import the transaction
Transaction Create_Txn Transactions To create transaction
Transaction Collect_Txn Collect Transactions To collect order from order management or account receivables, which gets generated as a transaction
Transaction Adv_Search_Transaction Transactions To perform advance search transaction with dynamic search criteria
Transaction Calculate_Txn_Online Calculate Compensation To calculate compensation, run the request and verify the status