Components in Oracle Procurement

This appendix covers the following topics:


This appendix describes the components in Oracle Procurement.

Components in Oracle Procurement

Product Name Feature Name Component Name Search Tags Description
Procurement Contracts Clause Analyze Constant_Create Create, Constant To create a constant so that it can be added to a variable
Procurement Contracts Clause Analyze Question_Create Create, Question To create a question so that it can be added to a rule
Procurement Contracts Clause Analyze Verify_Contract_Clauses Verify, Contract, Clause, Analysis, Report To verify the presence of various clauses which are used in various contracts in the clause analysis report
Procurement Contracts Clauses Clause_Search_Browse Search, Clause, Browse To search for a clause using browse button where master detail relation tables are available to select a clause
Procurement Contracts Clauses Clause_Sea_UpdateToBeRemoved Update, Clause, Search To select a clause after search and update the clause details
Procurement Contracts Clauses Clause_Search Clause, Basic, Advanced, Search To search for clauses by using basic and advanced search options
Procurement Contracts Clauses Clause_Update Update, Clause To update the clause details and also to put a clause on hold
Procurement Contracts Clauses Add_Alternate_Clause Add, Remove, Alternate, Relative, Clause To add/remove an alternate or relative clause to a clause in a contract template
Procurement Contracts Clauses Create_Folders Create, Folder To create a folder so that clauses can be added to this folder
Procurement Contracts Clauses Clause_Search_Results Clause, Submit, Review, Adoption, Update, Create New Version, Duplicate To initiate operations like submit, duplicate, create new version, review for adoption and update on the result of a clause search
Procurement Contracts Clauses Create_Clause Create, Clause To create a clause so that it can be added to a folder or contract or contract template under a section
Procurement Contracts Clauses Dup_Adopt_Localize_Clause Duplicate, Adopt, Localize, Clause To duplicate, submit, adopt and localize a clause
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Create Contract_Controls Add, Users, Access, Controls Repository, Contract To add users and access controls to a repository contract
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Contracts_Add_Clause Add, Update, Delete, Clause, Contract To add a clause to a contract and clause search and to remove or update a clause in a contract
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Create_Contract Create, Repository, Contract To create a contract in contract repository
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Create_Risk Create, Risk, Repository, Contract To create a risk in a contract repository
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Create_Contact_Role Create, Contact, Role To create a contact role in contract repository
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Creat_Contrt_Add_Contact Add, Contact Party, Contract To add a contact to a party in a contract in the contract repository
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Contract_Validate Validate, Contract To verify the validation report of a contract in the contract repository
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Update_Contract Update, Contract, Operation, Actions To initiate update contract operation in contract repository after contract search using actions
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Create_Rule_Add_Question Add, Question, Rule To add a question to a rule by using question search
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Contract_Doc_Add_Document Add, Attachment Document Contract To add a document or attachment to a contract in contract repository
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Create_Contract_Deliverable Create, Deliverable, Contract To create a deliverable in a contract
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Sign_Contract Sign, Contract To sign a contract in contract repository
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Create_Contract_Risks Create, Add, Risk, Contract To create or add a risk to a contract
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Create_Contract_Type Create, Contract, Type To create a contract type in contract repository
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Create_Non_Standrd_Clause Create, Non-Standard, Clause To create a nonstandard clause
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Create_Contract_Document Add, New, Documents Contract To add new documents to a contract through actions
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Create_Rule_Add_Cls_Condition Create, Rule, Add, Value, Condition, Clause To create rule and add value, condition or clause to a rule It can also be used to delete a rule
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Analyze_Contract_Clauses Analyze, Contract, Clauses To give the search criteria for analyze contract clauses operation
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Contracts_Advanced_Search Contracts, Advanced, Search To search for a contract using advanced search
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Analyze_Ctrct_Ctrct_Criteria Contract, Clause, Analysis, Search, Criteria To give the contract search criteria for contract clause analysis
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Create_Contract_Notes Create, Add, Note Contract To create or add a note to a contract
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Creat_Contrt_Add_Party Add, Party Contract To add a party to a contract
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Creat_Contrt_ActnLov Contracts, Actions To select actions list box value and click on go button of repository contract
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Apply_temp_Review_deviation Review, Contract, Deviations To update details in the review contract deviations page
Procurement Contracts Contracts Expert Contracts_Clause_Update Make, Nonstandard, Clause, Revert, Standard, Clause To update a clause and make it non-standard clause or revert a non standard clause to standard clause
Procurement Contracts Deliverables Search_Results_Deliverables Search, Deliverable, Update, Contract To search for a deliverable in a table and click on update in a contract
Procurement Contracts Deliverables Create_Template_Deliverables Create, Deliverable, Contract, Template To create deliverable in contract template
Procurement Contracts Deliverables Crt_Temp_Deliverable_Attachmts Add, Attachment, Deliverable, Contract, Template To add attachment to a deliverable in a contract template
Procurement Contracts Folders Add_Clause_To_Folder Add, Clause, Folder To search a clause and add it to a folder
Procurement Contracts Rules Apply_Template_Verify_Rules Verify, Deviations, Clauses, Contract To verify deviations in the clauses after applying contract template to a contract
Procurement Contracts Rules Create_Rule_add_Template Add, Contract, Template, Rule To add contract template to a rule
Procurement Contracts Rules Create_Rule_Add_Clause Add, Clause, Rule To add clause to a rule during rule creation
Procurement Contracts Rules Search_Rules Search, Update, Delete, Duplicate, Activate, Disable, Question, Sequence, Rule To search for a rule and then update rule, delete rule, disable rule, duplicate rule, activate rule and to view question sequence of a rule
Procurement Contracts Sections Create_Section Create, Section To create a section which can be added to a contract template
Procurement Contracts Templates Template_ActionLov_Select Contract, Template, Actions, Template To select actions list box value and click on go button of a contract template
Procurement Contracts Templates Template_ActionLOV_Validate Contract, Template, Actions, Validate, Template To select actions list box value and click on go button to validate a contract template
Procurement Contracts Templates Template_Duplicate Duplicate, Template, Details To enter the details of a contract template after duplication
Procurement Contracts Templates Terms_Actn_UpdatContrt_Dtls Update, Contract, Details, Template, Administrator To update contract details of a contract template and to define contract administrator for a contract template
Procurement Contracts Templates Add_Section_To_Template Add, Section Contract, Template To add a section to a contract template under clauses tab
Procurement Contracts Templates Terms_ActionLov_Select Procurement, Contracts, Actions To select actions list box value and click on go button of procurement contracts like standard purchase order, blanket purchase agreement, contract purchase agreement, RFI, RFQ, SO, BSA, Quote
Procurement Contracts Templates Renumber_Section Renumber, Section To renumber a section to pick a different numbering scheme for the sections list
Procurement Contracts Templates Mandate_Del_Clause Make, Clause, Mandatory, Delete, Clause, Contract, Template To make a clause mandatory or delete a clause in contract template
Procurement Contracts Templates Apply_Template_Vfy_deviation Verify, Deviations, Clauses, Contract To verify the deviations appeared after the doing the review contract deviations actions
Procurement Contracts Templates Purchasing_Apply_Template Apply, Contract, Template, Purchasing, Documents To apply template on blanket purchase agreement, contract purchase agreement and standard purchase order business documents
Procurement Contracts Templates Sourcing_Apply_Template Apply, Contract, Template, Sourcing, Documents To apply template on RFQ, RFI and auction business documents
Procurement Contracts Templates Purchasing_Apply_Template_Frm Apply, Contract, Template, Purchasing, Documents, Forms To apply template on blanket purchase agreement, contract purchase agreement and standard purchase order business documents in forms
Procurement Contracts Templates Default_Template Make, Contract, Template, Default, Business, Document To make a contract template default to a particular business document
Procurement Contracts Templates Remove_Contract_Terms Remove, Contract, Terms, Document To remove a contract template from a business document
Procurement Contracts Templates Template_Search_Results Update, Submit, Create, New, Version, Duplicate, Delete, Contract, Template To update, submit, create new version, duplicate or delete a contract template after contract templates search operation
Procurement Contracts Templates Add_Claus_To_Sectn_In_Template Add, Clause, Section, Contract, Template To add clause to a section in a contract template by performing clause search
Procurement Contracts Templates Template_Search Template, Search To search for a contract template using basic and show more search options
Procurement Contracts Templates Verify_Alternate_Clause Select, Alternative, Clause, Contract, Template To select an alternative clause to a clause in a contract template
Procurement Contracts Templates Select_Terms_Move Move, Clause, Section, Contract, Template To move the clause/section in a contract template
Procurement Contracts Templates OM_Apply_Template Order, Management, Apply, Contract, Template To apply contract template to all OM types like SO, BSA, quote
Procurement Contracts Templates Add_Alt_Clause_To_Document Add, Alternate, Clause Contract To add alternate clause to a clause in a contract in contract repository
Procurement Contracts Templates Create_Template Create, Contract, Template To create a contract template
Procurement Contracts Templates Create_Template_Document_Type Add, Document Type, Contract, Template To add document type to a contract template
Procurement Contracts Variables Create_Value_Set Create, Value Set To create a value set to assign values to it
Procurement Contracts Variables Assign_Values_To_Value_Set Assign, Values, Value Set To assign values to a value set
Procurement Contracts Variables Create_Flexfield_Segments Create, Flexfield, Segments To create descriptive flexfield segments
Procurement Contracts Variables Update_DFF_Segments Update, Descriptive, Flexfield, Segments To update descriptive flexfield segments
Procurement Contracts Variables Create_Variable Create, Variable To create a variable so that values in the value set can be assigned to this variable
Oracle Purchasing ASL SR Documentstyle Query_Assi_Set_Common Forms, Query, Assignment Set, Approved Supplier List, Sourcing Rule To search periods and open control periods
Oracle Purchasing ASL SR Documentstyle Create_approved aupplier listAttribute_Common Forms, Approved Supplier List To create approved supplier list attribute
Oracle Purchasing ASL SR Documentstyle Create_approved aupplier list_Common Forms, Create, Approved Supplier List To enter details in approved supplier list header
Oracle Purchasing ASL SR Documentstyle Create_Doc_Styles_Common HTML, Document Styles, SETUPCOMP To define a document style
Oracle Purchasing ASL SR Documentstyle Create_PO_Period_Common HTML, Control Purchasing Periods, Accounting To search periods and open control periods
Oracle Purchasing ASL SR Documentstyle Verify_Sourcing_Rule Forms, Supply Base, Sourcing Rule To query for sourcing rule and to verify the details of the sourcing rule
Oracle Purchasing ASL SR Documentstyle Verify_Assignment_Set Forms, Supply Base, Assign Sourcing Rules To verify the item assigned with the sourcing rule and to get the source rule name
Oracle Purchasing ASL SR Documentstyle Verify_approved aupplier list_Source_Doc Forms, Supplier Item Attributes, Verify ASL Source Documents To verify item attributes in approved supplier list form
Oracle Purchasing ASL SR Documentstyle Verify_approved aupplier list Forms, Approved Supplier List, Verify Approved Supplier List To verify record details information in approved supplier list window
Oracle Purchasing ASL SR Documentstyle Update_Assi_Set_Common Forms, Assign Sourcing Rules, Assignment Set, Update, Sourcing Rule, Assignment To update assignment set
Oracle Purchasing Approved supplier list SR Documentstyle Update_approved aupplier list_Common Forms, Update, Approved Supplier List To query for Item and update the fields business, supplier, site, status in key attributes tab and global field in record details tab
Oracle Purchasing ASL SR Documentstyle Crt_Sourcing_Rule_Buyfrom_Line Forms, Create, Buy From, Approved Supplier List, Sourcing Rule To enter line with Line type 'Buy From' in sourcing rules window
Oracle Purchasing ASL SR Documentstyle Create_Styles_Complex_Comm HTML, Create, Document Styles, Complex Services To define a complex document style
Oracle Purchasing ASL SR Documentstyle Create_Sr_Make_Txn_Com Forms, Create, Make From, Transfer, Approved Supplier List, Sourcing Rule To enter line information with line type 'Transfer From' in sourcing rules window
Oracle Purchasing ASL SR Documentstyle Create_Sr_Header_Common Forms, Create, Sourcing Rule, Approved Supplier List To create sourcing rules in sourcing rules window
Oracle Purchasing ASL SR Documentstyle Create_Pur_Assign_Source_Rules Forms, Sourcing Rule, Create Assign Sourcing Rule To assign sourcing rule
Oracle Purchasing Apprvl Grps Asgmnts Create_Approval_Assignments Forms, Setup, Approvals, Approval Assignments, SETUPCOMP To enter header and approval assignment details and save them
Oracle Purchasing Apprvl Grps Asgmnts Create_Approval_Groups Forms, Approval Groups, SETUPCOMP To create approval group in approval groups form by entering name, amount and other approval details
Oracle Purchasing Apprvl Grps Asgmnts Verify_Approval_Assignment Forms, Approval Assignments, Verify, Approval Assignments, Setup To verify approval assignments
Oracle Purchasing Apprvl Grps Asgmnts Verify_Approval_Groups Forms, Approval Groups, Verify, Approval Groups, Setup To verify approval groups
Oracle Purchasing Change Order Change_Order Forms, Setup, Tolerances And Routing, Change Order, SETUPCOMP To enter maximum increment values in change order page
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Crt_Cxp_Goodslines_Com HTML, Create, Complex Services, Goods Line To create complex services (actuals) purchase order goods line with common details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Crt_Cxp_Goodslinedist_Comp HTML, Create, Complex Services, Goods Line, Distributions To create complex services (actuals) purchase order goods line distribution with complete details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Crt_Cxp_GoodsLinedist_Com HTML, Create, Complex Services, Goods Line, Distributions To create complex services (actuals) purchase order goods line distribution with common details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Crt_Cxp_FPS_Com HTML, Create, Complex Services, Fixed Price Services Line To create complex services (actuals) purchase order fixed services line with common details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Upd_Cxp_Rate_PayItems_Com HTML, Update, Complex Services, Rate, Pay Items To update complex rate pay item details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Upd_Cxp_Rate_Dist_Com HTML, Update, Complex Services, Rate Distributions To update complex services (actuals) purchase order rate distribution common details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Upd_Cxp_Mile_FPS_Dist_Com HTML, Update, Complex Services, Mile Stone Fixed Price Services Distributions To update complex services (actuals) purchase order mile stone fixed price services distribution common details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Upd_Cxp_MileFPS_PayItem_Com Update, Complex, Services, Mile Stone Fixed Price Services, Pay Item To update mile stone fixed price services pay item details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Upd_Cxp_Lumpsum_PayItem_Com Update, Complex, Services, Lumpsum, Pay Item To update lumpsum pay item details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Upd_Cxp_Lumpsum Dist_Com Update, Complex, Services, Lumpsum, Distributions To update complex services (actuals) purchase order lumpsum distribution common details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Select_More_Type Select, More, Create To select more option from create list box and select the appropriate value from the search and select list of values page
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Crt_Cxp_Rate_PayItems_Com Create, Complex Services, Rate Pay Items To create complex services (actuals) purchase order rate pay item with common details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Crt_Cxp_Rate_Dist_Com Create, Complex Services, Rate Distributions To create complex services (actuals) purchase order rate distribution with common details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Crt_Cxp_MilestoneFPS_Dist_Com Create, Complex Services, Mile Stone Fixed Price Services Distributions To create complex services (actuals) purchase order mile stone fixed price services distribution with common details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Crt_Cxp_MileFPS_PayItem_Com Create, Complex Services, Mile Stone Fixed Price Services Pay Items To create complex services (actuals) purchase order mile stone fixed price services pay item with common details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Crt_Cxp_Lumpsum_PayItem_Com Create, Complex Services, Lumpsum Pay Items To create complex services (actuals) purchase order lumpsum pay item with common details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Crt_Cxp_Lumpsum_Dist_Com Create, Complex Services, Lumpsum Distributions To create complex services (actuals) purchase order lumpsum distribution with common details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Crt_Cxp_Hdr_Html_Comp HTML, Create, Complex Services, Header To create complex services (actuals) purchase order header with complete details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Crt_Cxp_Hdr_Html_Com HTML, Create, Complex Services, Header To create complex services (actuals) purchase order header with common details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Crt_Cxp_Goodslines_Comp Create, Complex Services, Goods Line To create complex services (actuals) purchase order goods line with complete details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Crt_Cxp_Goodspay Item_Com Create, Complex Services, Goods Pay Items To create complex services (actuals) purchase order goods pay item with common details
Oracle Purchasing Complex Service PO Crt_Cxp_Goodspay Item_Comp Create, Complex Services, Goods Pay Items To create complex services (actuals) purchase order goods pay item with complete details
Oracle Purchasing Document Types Create_UN_Numbers HTML, Setup, Purchasing, UN Numbers, SETUPCOMP To create UN numbers
Oracle Purchasing Document Types Update_BPA_Document_Types HTML, Setup, Purchasing, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Document Type, SETUPCOMP To update document types for blanket purchase agreement
Oracle Purchasing Document Types Update_CPA_Document_Types HTML, Setup, Purchasing, Contract Purchase Agreement, Document Type, SETUPCOMP To update document types for contract purchase agreement
Oracle Purchasing ASL SR Documentstyle Update_Rel_Blanket _Doc_Types HTML, Setup, Purchasing, Release Blanket, Document Type, SETUPCOMP To update document types for blanket release
Oracle Purchasing Document Types Update_Req_Internal_Doc Types HTML, Setup, Purchasing, Internal Requisition, Document Type, SETUPCOMP To update document types for internal requisition
Oracle Purchasing Document Types Update_Req_Purchase_Doc_Types HTML, Setup, Purchasing, Purchase Requisition, Document Type, SETUPCOMP To update document types for purchase requisition
Oracle Purchasing Document Types Update_SPO_Document_Types HTML, Setup, Purchasing, Document Type, SETUPCOMP To update document types for standard purchase order
Oracle Purchasing FORMS Carriers Create_Freight_Carriers Forms, Setup, Purchasing, Create, Freight Carrier To create freight carriers in carriers form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Approve_Autocreate_Release Forms, Release, Auto Create, Blanket Purchase Agreement To get purchase order number, release number and to click on approve button for auto created releases
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Create_Auction_Autocreate Forms, Create, Auction, Auto Create Documents To create auction from auto create in auto create documents form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Create_Auto_RFQ_Autocreate Forms, Create, RFQ, Auto Create Documents To create RFQ from auto create in auto create documents form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Create_Auto_Rel_Autocreate Forms, Auto Create, Auto Create Release, Automatic, Blanket Purchase Agreement To create release using automatic in auto create documents form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Create_Auto_SPO_Autocreate Forms, Auto Create, Auto Create Standard Purchase Order, Automatic To create a standard purchase order using auto create in auto create documents form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Create_Auto_SPO_Autocreate_Gmf Forms, Auto Create, Auto Create Standard Purchase Order, Automatic To create standard purchase order in automatic mode from requisition
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Create_Man_RFQ_Autocreate Forms, Auto Create, Auto Create RFQ, Manual, RFQ To create sourcing RFQ using manual creation in auto create documents form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Create_Man_Rel_Autocreate Forms, Auto Create, Auto Create Release, Manual, Blanket Purchase Agreement To create release of approved blanket purchase agreement using auto create in auto create documents form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Create_Man_SPO_Autocreate Forms, Auto Create, Auto Create Standard Purchase Order, Manual To create standard purchase order using manual creation in auto create documents form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Create_SrcRFQ_Autocreate Forms, Auto Create, Auto Create Sourcing RFQ, Automatic, RFQ To create sourcing RFQ from auto create in auto create documents form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Modify_Req_Autocreate_Common Forms, Auto Create, Modify Requisition, Split Requisition To modify requisition lines common details for a requisition in auto create documents form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Modify_Req_Autocreate_Complete Forms, Auto Create, Modify Requisition, Split Requisition To modify requisition lines complete details for a requisition in auto create documents form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Reassign_Autocreate_Common Forms, Auto Create, Reassign Requisition, Reassign To reassign a buyer for a requisition in auto create documents form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Return_Requisition_Autocreate Forms, Auto Create, Return Requisition, Return To return requisition lines for a requisition in auto create documents form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Search_Autocreate_Common Forms, Auto Create, Search Requisition To search requisition with common details in find requisition lines form for auto create
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Search_Autocreate_Complete Forms, Auto Create, Search Requisition To search requisition with complete details in find requisition lines form for auto create
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Select_AutoCreate_All_Lines Forms, Auto Create, Select All Lines For Auto Create To select all requisition lines for auto create
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Select_AutoCreate_Req_Lines Forms, Auto Create, Select Requisition Lines For Auto Create To select specific requisition lines for auto create
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Select_Data_Autocreate Forms, Auto Create, Auto Create Data To select action, document type and grouping in auto create documents form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps AddTo_SPO_Man_Autocreate Forms, Auto Create, Auto Create Add To Standard Purchase Order, Manual, Standard Purchase Order To add standard purchase order using add to in manual mode in auto create documents form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps Approve_Autocreate_PO Forms, Purchase Orders, Auto Create, Standard Purchase Order Auto Create To get purchase order number and click on approve button for auto created standard purchase order
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps AddTo_SPO_Auto_Autocreate Forms, Auto Create, Auto Create Add To Standard Purchase Order, Automatic, Standard Purchase Order To add standard purchase order using add to in automatic mode in auto create documents form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps AddTo_Rel_Man_Autocreate Forms, Auto Create, Auto Create Add To Release, Manual, Blanket Purchase Agreement To release using add to in manual mode in auto create documents form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps AddTo_Rel_Auto_Autocreate Forms, Auto Create, Auto Create Add To Release, Automatic, Blanket Purchase Agreement To release using add to in automatic mode in auto create documents form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps AddTo_RFQ_Man_Autocreate Forms, Auto Create, Auto Create Add To RFQ, Manual, RFQ To add RFQ using add to in manual mode in auto create documents form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Auto Create Comps AddTo_RFQ_Auto_Autocreate Forms, Auto Create, Auto Create Add To RFQ, Automatic, RFQ To add RFQ using add to in automatic mode in auto create documents form
Oracle Purchasing Forms BPA Create_PO_Header_Comp Forms, Purchase Order, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Create, Forms BPA To enter header details for blanket purchase agreement in purchase orders form
Oracle Purchasing Forms BPA Create_PO_Line_Amount_Com Forms, Purchase Order Lines, Agreement Lines, Blanket Purchase Agreement Line Create, Amount Lines To enter amount based line details in lines tab for blanket purchase agreement in purchase orders form and save the details
Oracle Purchasing Forms BPA Create_PO_Line_Amount_Comp Forms, Purchase Order Lines, Agreement Lines, Blanket Purchase Agreement Line Creation, Amount Lines To enter amount based line details in lines tab, price reference tab, reference documents tab, more tab and agreement tab for blanket purchase agreement in purchase orders form and save those details
Oracle Purchasing Forms BPA Create_PO_Line_FPS_Com Forms, Purchase Order Lines, Agreement Lines, Blanket Purchase Agreement Line Creation, Fixed Price Line Services To enter fixed price services line details in lines tab for blanket purchase agreement in purchase orders form and save the details
Oracle Purchasing Forms BPA Create_PO_Line_Goods_Com Forms, Purchase Order lines, Agreement lines, Blanket Purchase Agreement Line Creation, Goods Line To enter goods line details in lines tab for blanket purchase agreement in purchase orders form and save the details
Oracle Purchasing Forms BPA Create_PO_Line_Goods_Comp Forms, Purchase Order Lines, Agreement Lines, Blanket Purchase Agreement Line Creation, Goods Line To enter goods line details in lines tab, price reference tab, reference documents tab and more tab for blanket purchase agreement in purchase orders form and save those details
Oracle Purchasing Forms BPA AddTerms_Encumber_Complete Forms, Terms And Condition, Terms, Blanket Purchase Agreement Encumbrance To add terms and conditions and encumbrance complete details for a blanket purchase agreement in terms and conditions form and save those details
Oracle Purchasing Forms BPA Enter_Terms_Encumber_Com Forms, Terms And Condition, Terms, Blanket Purchase Agreement Encumbrance To enter details in terms tab and encumbrance tab for blanket purchase agreement in terms and conditions form and save those details
Oracle Purchasing Forms BPA Create_Line_FPS_Complete Forms, Purchase Orders, Fixed Price Services Line To create fixed price services line with complete details for blanket purchase agreement in purchase orders form
Oracle Purchasing Forms BPA Create_BPA_PrBreak_Comp Forms, Purchase Order Lines, Agreement Lines, Blanket Purchase Agreement Line Creation, Fixed Price Line Services, Price Breaks To enter price breaks line details in price breaks tab for blanket purchase agreement in price breaks form
Oracle Purchasing Forms BPA Approve_Form_Release_Com Forms, Approve, Release Approve, Blanket Purchase Agreement To approve standard purchase order, blanket purchase agreement, contract purchase agreement or release after entering approval details in approval details tab in approve document form
Oracle Purchasing Forms BPA Approve_Form_PO_Rel_Com Forms, Purchase Order Approval, Blanket Purchase Agreement Approval To approve standard purchase order, blanket purchase agreement, contract purchase agreement or release after entering approval details in approval details tab in approve document form
Oracle Purchasing Forms BPA Approve_Form_PO_Comp Forms, Purchase Order Approval, Blanket Purchase Agreement Approval To approve standard purchase order, blanket purchase agreement and contract purchase agreement after entering approval details in approval details tab and additional options tab in approve document form
Oracle Purchasing Forms BPA Enter_Form_PO_Currency_Comp Forms, Currency, Blanket Purchase Agreement Currency, Foreign Currency To enter currency details for standard purchase order, blanket purchase agreement and contract purchase agreement
Oracle Purchasing Forms Controls Preferences_PO_Summary_Comp Forms, Purchase Order Summary, Preference To set preferences for a purchase order
Oracle Purchasing Forms Controls Acceptance_PO_Summary_Comp Forms, Purchase Order Summary, Standard Purchase Order, Acceptance, Terms, Search To create an acceptance for purchase order
Oracle Purchasing Forms Controls Change_Hist_PO_Summary_Comp Verify, Purchase Order, Change History To change purchase order history
Oracle Purchasing Forms Controls Control_PO_Summary_Comp Forms, Control, Purchase Order Actions To perform control actions on a purchase order
Oracle Purchasing Forms Controls Copy_PO_Complete Forms, Controls, Copy To copy purchase order document with complete details and get newly created purchase order number
Oracle Purchasing Forms GBPA Line Create_GBPA_Line_FPTL_Comp Forms, Purchase Orders, GBlanket Purchase Agreement, Line, Temp Labor, Fixed Price, FPTL To enter fixed price temp labor line details in lines tab, price reference tab, reference documents tab, more tab and agreement tab for global blanket purchase agreement in purchase orders form
Oracle Purchasing Forms GBPA Line Enter_GBPA_Price_Differentials Forms, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Enter Price Differentials, Global Blanket Purchase Agreement To enter price differentials details for global blanket purchase agreement in price differentials form by selecting tools menu and select price differentials
Oracle Purchasing Forms GBPA Line Create_GBPA_Line_RBTL_Comp Forms, Purchase Orders, Global Blanket Purchase Agreement, Line, Temp Labor, Rate Based, RBTL To enter rate based temp labor line details in lines tab, price reference tab, reference documents tab, more tab and agreement tab for blanket purchase agreement in purchase orders form and save those details
Oracle Purchasing Forms GBPA Line Create_GBPA_Line_RBTL_Com Forms, Purchase Orders, GBlanket Purchase Agreement, Line, Temp Labor, Rate Based, RBTL To enter rate based temp labor line details in lines tab for global blanket purchase agreement in purchase orders form
Oracle Purchasing Forms GBPA Line Create_GBPA_Line_FPTL_Com Forms, Purchase Orders, GBlanket Purchase Agreement, Line, Temp Labor, Fixed Price, FPTL To enter fixed price temp labor line details in lines tab for global blanket purchase agreement in purchase orders form and save the details
Oracle Purchasing Forms GBPA Line Assign_Form_GBPA_Organization Forms, Enable Organizations, Assign Organization, Global Blanket Purchase Agreement, Blanket Purchase Agreement, CPA To focus on organization line, go to file menu and select new and enter assignment details in enable organizations form
Oracle Purchasing Forms HTML CPA Create_BWC_CPA_Control_Com HTML, Contract Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement Control creation To enter controls details for contract purchase agreement in contract purchase agreement web page
Oracle Purchasing Forms HTML CPA Crt_BWC_Agreement_Header_Comp HTML, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Blanket Purchase Agreement Header Creation To select agreement type in agreements page and enter header and terms details for agreement
Oracle Purchasing Forms HTML CPA Create_Form_CPA_Header_Com Forms, Contract Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement Header creation To enter header details for contract purchase agreement in purchase orders form and save those details
Oracle Purchasing Forms HTML CPA Create_BWC_CPA_Header_Com HTML, Contract Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement Header Creation To enter header details for contract purchase agreement in contract purchase agreement page and get the contract purchase agreement number and save or submit the details or select actions for the contract purchase agreement
Oracle Purchasing Forms PO Summary Vrf_Distribution_POSummary Forms, Purchase Orders, Verify Purchase Order Distribution Summary, Standard Purchase Order To verify the distribution of a line of a purchase order by clicking on distributions button and then verify details like encumbered amount, active encumbrance amount in distributions form
Oracle Purchasing Forms PO Summary Verify_PO_POHeader Forms, Purchase Order Summary, Verify Header, Standard Purchase Order, Blanket Purchase Agreement, GBlanket Purchase Agreement, CPA To verify details of a purchase order in purchase order headers window after user has searched purchase order in purchase order summary form
Oracle Purchasing Forms PO Summary View_Invoices_Web HTML, Invoices For Standard Purchase Order, View Invoices From Web, Standard Purchase Order To view invoices from the purchase summary form for purchase order
Oracle Purchasing Forms PO Summary Add_PO_Catalog_Comm Forms, Catalog, Add To add item from catalog for lines in forms
Oracle Purchasing Forms PO Summary Query_Verify_PO_Complete Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Verification Of Purchase Order Summary To search purchase order by clicking on view menu and query by example, then enter search criteria like operating unit, purchase order number fields in purchase orders form Verify complete purchase order details like header information, lines information
Oracle Purchasing Forms PO Summary Search_POSummary_Common Forms, Purchase Order Summary, Standard Purchase Order Summary, Header To search a purchase order by filling search criteria like operating unit, purchase order number fields in purchase order summary form
Oracle Purchasing Forms PO Summary Vrf_PriceBreaks_BPA_POSumm Forms, Purchase Orders, Verify Blanket Purchase Agreement Price Breaks, Blanket Purchase Agreement, GBPA To verify blanket purchase agreement price breaks details by clicking on open button of a line and then focus on desired line in purchase order summary to purchase order window, click on price breaks button and verify price break details like org, ship to
Oracle Purchasing Forms PO Summary Verify_Form_POSumm_Lines Forms, Purchase Order Headers To verify the line details of a purchase order from summary page
Oracle Purchasing Forms PO Summary Search_POSummary_Complete Forms, Purchase Order Summary To search a purchase order by filling search criteria like operating unit, purchase order number fields in purchase order summary form and also the additional information in line, date ranges, status , related documents, deliver to , accounting, projects
Oracle Purchasing Forms PO Summary Vrf_PriceDifferentials_POSumm Forms, Price Differentials, Verify Price Differentials, Standard Purchase Order, Blanket Purchase Agreement, GBPA To verify the price differentials of a line of a purchase order like type, multiplier
Oracle Purchasing Forms PO Summary Define_Mass_Cancel ADVPACK, Mass Cancel To perform mass cancel
Oracle Purchasing Forms PO Summary Run_Mass_Cancel ADVPACK, Mass Cancel To run mass cancel
Oracle Purchasing Forms Pend PO Changes Change_Pending_PO HTML, Pending Purchase Order Changes To perform pending changes for purchase order in forms
Oracle Purchasing Forms Preferences Create_PR_Pref_Source_Inv Forms, Purchase Requisition, Preferences With Source As Inventory To enter the details for a requisition preference page having source as inventory
Oracle Purchasing Forms Preferences Create_PR_Pref_Source_Suppl Forms, Purchase Requisition, Preferences With Source As Supplier To enter the details for a requisition preferences page having source as supplier
Oracle Purchasing Forms Preferences Create_PO_Preferences Forms, Purchase Order, Preferences To enter the details for a purchase orders preferences page
Oracle Purchasing Forms RFQ Quotation Unapprove_Quote_Complete Forms, Quotation, Quotation Un Approval Complete To un-approve a quote in quotations form by selecting un-approve radio button and click ok in approve entire quotation window
Oracle Purchasing Forms RFQ Quotation Search_QuoteAnalysis_Complete Forms, Quotation, Quotation Analysis Complete To search quote in quote analysis form by filling the search criteria and find quote based on search criteria
Oracle Purchasing Forms RFQ Quotation Create_RFQ_Header_Complete Forms, RFQ, Creation Of RFQ Header Complete To create RFQ in RFQ form, to fill all fields in header form, along with mandatory header fields user will be able to fill currency, terms information
Oracle Purchasing Forms RFQ Quotation Create_RFQ_Header_Common Forms, RFQ, Creation RFQ Header Common To create RFQ in RFQ form, filling all mandatory fields in header form
Oracle Purchasing Forms RFQ Quotation Create_Quote_Header_Comp Forms, Quotation, Create Quotation Header Complete To create quote in quotations form and enter details for all fields like type, supplier
Oracle Purchasing Forms RFQ Quotation Create_Quote_Header_Comm Forms, Quotation, Create Quotation Header Common To create quote in quotations form and enter details for all mandatory fields
Oracle Purchasing Forms RFQ Quotation Copy_Quotation_BPA_Complete Forms, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Copy, Create Blanket Purchase Agreement By Copying From Quotation To create blanket purchase agreement in quotations form by copying a quote to blanket purchase agreement there by creating new blanket purchase agreement
Oracle Purchasing Forms RFQ Quotation Copy_Create_SPO_Complete Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Copy, Create Standard Purchase Order By Copying From Quotation To create a standard purchase order in quotations form by copy a quote to standard purchase order there by creating new standard purchase order and the created standard purchase order number is captured into variable purchase order number
Oracle Purchasing Forms RFQ Quotation Approve_Quote_Complete Forms, Quotation, Quotation Approval Complete To approve a quote in quotations form by filling approval criteria like approver, type, reason etc fields in approve entire quotation window
Oracle Purchasing Forms RFQ Quotation Add_RFQ_Supplier_Complete Forms, RFQ, Add RFQ Supplier Complete To add a supplier to RFQ in RFQ form, to quickly add a supplier to RFQ by filling supplier, supplier site, supplier contact in RFQ form and to add suppliers from predefined suppliers list
Oracle Purchasing Forms RFQ Quotation Add_RFQ_Supplier_Common Forms, RFQ, Add RFQ Supplier Common To add a supplier to RFQ in RFQ form, to quickly add a supplier to RFQ by filling supplier, supplier site, supplier contact in RFQ form
Oracle Purchasing Forms RFQ Quotation Add_RFQ_Shipments_Complete Forms, RFQ, Add RFQ Shipments Complete To add a shipment to RFQ in RFQ form, by filling UOM, quantity and mandatory fields in shipments form To fill all additional information like match approval level, tolerance, exception by clicking on more tab in price breaks window
Oracle Purchasing Forms RFQ Quotation Add_RFQ_Shipments_Common Forms, RFQ, Add RFQ Shipments Common To add shipments to RFQ in RFQ form by filling UOM, quantity and mandatory fields in shipments form
Oracle Purchasing Forms RFQ Quotation Add_RFQ_Price_Beaks_Comp Forms, RFQ, Add RFQ Price Breaks Complete To add a price break to RFQ in RFQ form by filling UOM, quantity etc mandatory fields in price breaks window in RFQ form and fill additional information like match approval level, tolerance, exception by clicking on more tab in price breaks window
Oracle Purchasing Forms RFQ Quotation Add_RFQ_Price_Beaks_Comm Forms, RFQ, Add RFQ Price Breaks Common To add price breaks to RFQ in RFQ form with mandatory details in price breaks window in RFQ form
Oracle Purchasing Forms RFQ Quotation Add_RFQ_Goods_Line_Comp Forms, RFQ, Add RFQ Goods Line Complete To add goods line for RFQ with item details and additional information in more tab in RFQ form
Oracle Purchasing Forms RFQ Quotation Add_RFQ_Goods_Line_Comm Forms, RFQ, Add RFQ Goods Line Common To add goods line for RFQ with common details in RFQ form
Oracle Purchasing Forms RFQ Quotation Add_RFQ_Amt_Line_Complete Forms, RFQ, Add RFQ Amount Line Complete To add amount line for RFQ with complete details in RFQ form
Oracle Purchasing Forms RFQ Quotation Copy_Quote_RFQs_Comp Forms, Quotation, Copy, Create Quotation By Copying From RFQ To create quote in RFQ form To copy a RFQ along with quotes to new RFQ and add quotes for the newly created RFQ And to capture newly created quote number
Oracle Purchasing Forms Release Verify_Release_Dist_Common Find Purchase Orders, Purchase Order Summary To Releases, Verify To verify release rate distribution details
Oracle Purchasing Forms Release Verify_Release_Complete Forms, Releases, Verify To verify release after auto create in an entry mode
Oracle Purchasing Forms Release Release_Receiving_Controls_Com Forms, Releases, Receiving Control To enter release receiving controls details in receiving controls page
Oracle Purchasing Forms Release Release_Dist_Common Forms, Releases, Distributions To enter release distribution details in destination tab and project tab fields
Oracle Purchasing Forms Release Create_Releases_Shipments Forms, Releases, Create Shipments For Releases, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Global Blanket Purchase Agreement To enter release shipment details in release form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Release Create_Releases_Agreement Forms, Releases, Release, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Acceptance, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Terms To enter the details of agreement data after clicking on agreement button in the release page having acceptance by check box and acceptance by test field available
Oracle Purchasing Forms Release Create_Releases_Common Forms, Releases, Create To create release for purchase order having purchase order, rev, operating unit, buyer and release fields in header, more tab fields and shipment tab fields
Oracle Purchasing Forms Release Create_Releases_More Forms, Releases, More Tab, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Global Blanket Purchase Agreement To enter the details of more tab fields in releases page
Oracle Purchasing Forms Release ADD_RETENTION_WITHHOLD_EXPCAT Add, Retention Terms To add retention setup for withholding term by expenditure category
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_IR_Line_Goods_Dist_Comp Forms, Internal Requisition, Requisition Distribution, Goods Line To add goods line distribution details with both the accounts tab and project tab fields in distribution page for a internal requisition
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_IR_Line_Serv_Complete Forms, Internal Requisition, Service Line To add services line details for internal requisition in the requisition page with line tab and details tab fields
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_IR_Line_Serv_Dist_Comm Forms, Internal Requisition, Service Line, Requisition Distribution To enter the quantity, recovery rate and general ledger date for services line of a internal requisition in distribution form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_Line_Catalog_Common Forms, Line Requisition, Catalog, Add To add common details in negotiated sources tab of supplier item catalog page
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_Line_Catalog_Complete Forms, Line, Requisition, Catalog, Add To add complete fields data in supplier item catalog page
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_PRLine_Goods_Common Forms, Requisition, Line Type, Goods, Add To add goods line with common details of a purchase requisition
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_PRLine_Goods_Complete Forms, Requisitions, Line Type, Goods, Add To add goods line with complete details of a purchase requisition in the requisition page
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_PRLine_OSP_Common Forms, Requisition Distributions, OSP, Outside process To enter outside processing line of a purchase requisition in Requisition page, having lines tab fields available
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_PR_IR_Line_FPS_Comm Forms, Internal Requisition, Fixed Price Services To enter the value of fixed price services line of a purchase and internal requisition having line tab fields
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_PR_IR_Line_FPS_Comp Forms, Internal Requisition, Fixed Price Services To enter fixed price services line details of internal requisition and purchase requisition having lines, source details, details and currency tabs fields with view attachment option in requisition page
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_PR_IR_Line_FPS_Dist_Comp Forms, Internal Requisition, Fixed Price Services, Requisition Distributions To enter fixed price services line distribution details of internal requisition and purchase requisition, having account tab and project tab fields available
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_PR_Line_Amount_Common Forms, Requisition, Line Type, Amount, Add To enter amount based line details of the purchase requisition, having line tab fields and source details tab fields available
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_PR_Line_Amount_Complete Forms, Requisition, Line Type, Amount, Add To enter amount based line details of a purchase requisition, having lines tab, source details tab, details and currency tab fields
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_PR_Line_Amount_Dist_Comp Forms, Requisition, Line Type, Amount, Distribution, Add To add amount line distribution details of a purchase requisition, having account and project tab details in the distribution page
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_PR_Line_Amt_Dist_Comm Forms, Requisition, Line Type, Amount, Distribution, Add To add amount line distribution account tab details of a purchase requisition in distribution page
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_PR_Line_FPS_Dist_Comm Forms, Internal Requisition, Fixed Price Services, Requisition Distributions To add fixed price services distribution line with quantity, recovery rate and general ledger date for a purchase requisition in distribution page
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_PR_Line_Goods_Dist_Comm Forms, Requisition, Line Type, Goods, Distribution, Add To add goods line distribution details of a purchase requisition with accounts tab details
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_PR_Line_Goods_Dist_Comp Forms, Requisition, Line Type, Goods, Distribution, Add To add goods line distribution details of a purchase requisition with account and project tab details
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_PR_Line_OSP_Complete Forms, Requisition Distributions, OSP, Outside Process To add outside processing line of a purchase requisition with complete details in the requisition page
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_PR_Line_OSP_Dist_Comm Forms, Requisition Distributions, OSP, Outside Process To add distribution accounts tab details of outside processing line type of a purchase requisition in the distribution form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_PR_Line_Ser_Dist_Comm Forms, Requisition Distributions, Service Lines To add distribution details of accounts tab of services line type of a purchase requisition in the distribution form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_PR_Line_Ser_Dist_Comp Forms, Requisition Distributions, Service Lines To add complete distribution details of services line type of a purchase requisition in the distribution form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_PR_Line_Services_Common Forms, Requisition, Line Type, Services, Add To add purchase requisition services line, having lines tab and source details tab fields in requisition page
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_PR_Line_Services_Comp Forms, Requisition Distributions, Service Lines To add purchase requisition services line with complete details in requisition page
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Apply_Req_Pref_Complete Forms, Preference, Requisition To enter complete details in main tab and project information tab in requisition preferences page
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Approve_Requisition_Common Forms, Requisition Approval To approve requisition in requisition page, having submit for approval check box in approve document form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Approve_Requisition_Complete Forms, Requisition Approval To approve the requisition in requisition page, having all the fields in approve document form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Create _IR_Temp_Line_Goods_Com Forms, Requisition Template, Enter Requisition Template Line For Goods, Requisition To create requisition template goods line
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Create_IR_Temp_Source_Com Forms, Requisition Template, Enter Requisition Template Source, Requisition To enter source details of requisition template
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Create_IR_Template_Header_Com Forms, Requisition Template, Enter Requisition Template Header, Requisition To enter the header information of a requisition template page with common details like operating unit, template, type and description fields
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Create_Req_Header_Common Forms, Requisitions, Requisition, Header To enter header information in requisition form with common details like operating unit, type and description fields
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Create_Req_Header_Complete Forms, Header, Requisitions, Create To create a requisition having all the header fields available in the requisition page
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Create_Requisition_Check_Funds Requisitions To check funds while creating requisition in requisitions form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Find_Requisition Forms, Requisition Summary, Verify Requisition, Query Requisition, View To find requisition based on any fields in find requisitions form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Verify_Requisition_App_Status Forms, Requisition Summary, Verify Requisition, Query Requisition To search requisition based on operating unit and requisition number and then verify the approval status field in find requisitions form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_IRLine_Services_Common Requisition To add services type line in requisition form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_IR_Line_Amount_Common Forms, Internal Requisition, Amount Based Line To add amount based line for internal requisition in requisition form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_IR_Line_Amount_Complete Forms, Internal Requisition, Amount Based Line To add amount based line for internal requisition with source details and currency tab fields available in requisition form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_IR_Line_Amt_Dist_Comm Forms, Internal Requisition, Amount Based Line, Requisition Distribution To enter account details for internal requisition amount line in distribution forms
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_IR_Line_Amt_Dist_Comp Forms, Internal Requisition, Amount Based Line, Requisition Distribution To enter distribution details for internal requisition amount based line with account and project tab fields available in distribution form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_IR_Line_Goods_Common Forms, Internal Requisition, Goods Line To add goods type line for internal requisition with only lines tab fields available in requisition form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_IR_Line_Goods_Comp Forms, Internal Requisition, Goods Line To add goods type line for internal requisition with lines and source details tab fields available in requisitions form
Oracle Purchasing Forms Requisition Add_IR_Line_Goods_Dist_Comm Forms, Internal Requisition, Requisition Distribution, Goods Line To enter distribution details for internal requisition goods line in distribution form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Cancel_Form_PO_Comp Forms, Control Document, Cancel Purchase Order, SPO To cancel a purchase order
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Vrf_Form_Releases_Comp Forms, Releases, Verify Releases, Blanket Purchase Agreement, GBPA To find and verify purchase order details like release, status, line details, shipment details and distribution details
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_AB_Dist_Comp Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Amount Based, Distribution, Complete To enter distribution details for amount based type line with destination and more tab fields available in distributions form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_AB_Rec_Cont_Com Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Amount Based, Receiving Control, Common To enter receiving controls details for amount based type line in shipments form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_AB_Ship_Com Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Shipments, Amount Based, Common To enter shipment details for amount based type line in shipments form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_AB_Ship_Comp Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Shipments, Amount Based, Complete To enter shipment details for amount based line with shipment and more tab fields available in shipment form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_AmtBased_Dist_Com Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Amount Based, Distribution, Common To enter distribution details for amount based line in distribution form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_FPS _Ship_Comp Forms, Purchase Order, Fixed Price Services, Line Type, Shipments To enter shipment details for fixed price services line type with shipments and more tab fields available in shipments form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_FPS_Dist_Com Forms, Purchase Order, Fixed Price Services, Line Type, Distribution To enter distribution details for fixed price services line type in distribution form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_FPS_Dist_Comp Forms, Purchase Order, Fixed Price Services, Line Type, Distribution To enter distribution details for fixed price services line type with destination and more tab fields available in distributions form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_FPS_Prj_Dist_Com Forms, Purchase Order, Fixed Price Services, Project, Distribution, Line Type To enter project details for fixed price services line type in distribution form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_FPS_Rece_Cont_Com Forms, Purchase Order, Fixed Price Services, Receiving Controls To enter receiving controls details for fixed price services in receiving controls form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_FPS_Ship_Com Forms, Purchase Order, Fixed Price Services, Line Type, Shipments To enter shipment details for fixed price services line type in shipments form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Goods_Dist_Com Forms, Purchase Order, Line Type, Goods, Distribution To enter distribution details for goods line type in distribution form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Goods_Dist_Comp Forms, Purchase Order, Goods, Line Type, Distribution To enter distribution details for goods line type with destination and more tab fields available in distribution form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Goods_Proj_Dist_Com Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Amount Based, Distribution, Project, Complete To enter project details for goods line type in distribution form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Goods_Ship_Com Forms, Purchase Order, Goods, Line Type, Shipment To enter shipment details and to click receiving controls button for goods line type in shipments form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Goods_Ship_Comp Forms, Purchase Order, Goods, Line Type, Shipment To enter shipment details for goods line type in shipments form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Goods_Terms_Comp Forms, Purchase Order, Goods, Terms and Conditions To enter terms for purchase order in terms and conditions form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Header_Comp Forms, Purchase Order, Header, Create To enter purchase order header details in header form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Line_AB_Com Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Line, Amount Based, Common To enter amount based line details in purchase order form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Line_FPS_Com Forms, Purchase Order, Fixed Price Services, Line Type, Project, Distribution To enter fixed price services line details in purchase order form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Line_FPS_Comp Purchase Orders, Fixed Price Services, Line To enter fixed price services line details with price reference, reference documents and more tab fields available in purchase order form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Lines_AB_Comp Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Line, Amount Based, Complete To enter amount based line and shipment details in purchase order form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Lines_Goods_Com Forms, Purchase Order, Outside Processing, Distribution, Line Type To enter goods line details in purchase order form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Lines_Goods_Comp Purchase Orders, Goods, Line To enter goods line details with price reference, reference documents, more and agreement tab fields available in purchase order form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Lines_OSP_Com Forms, Purchase Order, Outside Processing, Line To enter outside processing line details in purchase order form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Lines_Osp_Comp Forms, Purchase Order, Outside Processing, Line To enter outside processing line details with price reference, reference documents and more tab fields available in purchase order form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Lines_RBTL_Com Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Lines, RBTL, Common, Rate Based Temp Labor To enter rate based temp labor line details with price reference, reference documents, more and temporary labor tab fields available in purchase order form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Lines_RBTL_Comp Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Lines, RBTL, Complete, Rate Based Temp Labor To enter rate based temp labor line details in purchase order form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_OSP_Dist_Com Forms, Purchase Order, Outside Processing, Distribution, Line Type To enter distribution details for outside processing line type in purchase order distribution form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_OSP_Proj_Dist_Com Forms, Purchase Order, Outside Processing, Distribution, Project, Line Type To enter project details for outside processing line type in purchase order distribution form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_OSP_Rec_Cont_Com Forms, Purchase Order, Outside Processing, Line Type, Receiving Control To enter receiving control details for outside processing line type in purchase order receiving controls form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_OSP_Ship_Com Forms, Purchase Order, Outside Processing, Line Type, Shipment To enter shipment details for outside processing line type in purchase order shipment form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_OS_Dist_Com Forms, Purchase Order, Outside Processing, Distribution, Line Type To enter distribution details for outside processing line type in purchase order distributions form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Osp_Dist_Comp Forms, Purchase Order, Outside Processing, Distribution, Line Type To enter distribution details for outside processing line type with more and destination tab fields available in purchase order distributions form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Osp_Ship_Comp Forms, Purchase Order, Outside Processing, Line Type, Shipment To enter shipment details for outside processing line type with more and shipment tab fields available in purchase order shipment form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_RBTL_Dist_Com Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Distribution, RBTL, Common, Rate Based Temp Labor To enter distribution details for rate based temp labor line type in purchase order distribution form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_RBTL_Proj_Dist_Com Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Distribution, Project, RBTL, Common, Rate Based Temp Labor To enter project details for rate based temp labor line type in purchase order distribution form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_RBTL_Recv_Cont_Com Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Lines, RBTL, Receiving Control, Common, Rate Based Temp Labor To enter receiving control details for rate based temp labor line type in purchase order receiving controls form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_RBTL_Ship_Com Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Shipments, RBTL, Common, Rate Based Temp Labor To enter shipment details for rate based temp labor line type in purchase order shipment form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Rbtl_Dist_Comp Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Distribution, RBTL, Complete To enter distribution details for rate based temp labor line type in purchase order distributions form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Rbtl_Ship_Comp Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Shipments, RBTL, Complete To enter shipment details for rate based temp labor line type with more and shipment tab fields available in purchase order shipment form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Frm_PO_Recieving_Cont_Com Forms, Purchase Order, Receiving Controls To enter receiving control details in purchase order shipment form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Verify_Form_Distrib_Entry Forms, Distributions, Verify Distribution Entry, Standard Purchase Order To verify distribution line details in purchase order distribution form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Verify_Form_PO_Dist_Comm Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Verify Distribution Information, Standard Purchase Order To verify distribution line details in purchase order distribution form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Verify_Form_Req_Entry_Comp Forms, PR, Entry Forms, Verification To query and verify requisition details like requisition status, requisition line and source details
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Verify_Form_Shipments_Entry Forms, Shipments, Verify Shipments Entry, Standard Purchase Order To verify shipment details in purchase order shipments form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Verify_Frm_ReqHeaderSummary Forms, Requisition Headers Summary, Verify Requisition Header Summary To verify requisition header details in requisition summary form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Verify_Frm_ReqLineSummary Forms, Requisition Lines Summary, Verify Requisition Lines Summary To verify requisition line details in requisition summary form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Verify_Frm_ReqSummary_Comp Forms, PR, Verification, Requisition Summary To verify complete requisition details in requisition summary form
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Verify_PO_Attachments_Create Purchase Order Attachments To verify attachments while creating a purchase order in attachments form page
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Vrf_Form_POSumm_Comp Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Verification, Purchase Order Summary To verify purchase order details like status, line details, shipments details and distribution details
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Vrf_Form_PO_Entry_Comp Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Verification, Purchase Order Entry To verify purchase order details like purchase order status, line details, reference documents, shipments and distribution details
Oracle Purchasing Forms SPO Line Types Crt_Encum_PO_Dist Forms, Standard Purchase Order, Encumbered Standard Purchase Order, Creation With Distribution To enter distributions line for encumbrance purchase order
Oracle Purchasing Forms PO Summary Create_Supplier_Statuses ADVPACK, Supplier Statuses To create supplier statuses
Oracle Purchasing Forms PO Summary Create_Accural_Write_Off ADVPACK, Write Off To create actual write off
Oracle Purchasing Forms PO Summary Submit_Purge ADVPACK, Purge To submit purge
Oracle Purchasing HTML Approval Currency Create_HtmlAgre_Curr_Com HTML, Agreement, Currency To enter currency details for agreements in create blanket purchase agreement page
Oracle Purchasing HTML Approval Currency Create_Html_Approval_Options HTML, Approval Options To select an approver and to submit the purchase order in create purchase orders page
Oracle Purchasing HTML Approval Currency Create_HtmlOrder_Curr_Com HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Standard Purchase Order Currency To enter currency details for orders in create standard purchase order page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Update_BWC_BPA_Goods_Compl HTML, Agreements, Update Blanket Purchase Agreement Goods To update goods line for a blanket purchase agreement in buyer work center page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Update_BWC_BPA_Line_PricBrks HTML, Agreements, Update Blanket Purchase Agreement Line, Price Breaks, Blanket Purchase Agreement To update price breaks for any line type for blanket purchase agreement in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Update_BWC_BPA_Line_Pric_Difs Update Line To add price differentials to a blanket purchase agreement line
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Update_Line_Agt_Lines HTML, Agreements, Update Line, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Blanket Purchase Agreement To update line for an agreement in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Verify_Agmnt_SearchResTable HTML, Agreements, Search Results Table, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement To verify search results after performing agreements search in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Verify_Agreement_Line HTML, Agreements, Verify Lines, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Blanket Purchase Agreement To verify lines in blanket purchase agreement page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Verify_Agreement_Line_Details HTML, Agreements, Verify Line Details, BPA To verify agreement line details in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Verify_BWC_Agreement_Header HTML, Agreements, Verify Header, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, GBlanket Purchase Agreement, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, Global Blanket Purchase Agreement To verify blanket purchase agreement header details in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Verify_BWC_Agreements_Attach Contract Purchase Agreement, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Attachment To verify agreement attachment details in either contract purchase agreement page or in blanket purchase agreement page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Verify_BWC_Agreements_Controls Contract Purchase Agreement, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Controls To verify agreement organization access details in agreements control page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Cancel_Agreement_Header HTML, Agreements, Actions, Cancel To cancel an agreement in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Create_BWC_AGE_Header_Common HTML, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Blanket Purchase Agreement Header, Blanket Purchase Agreement Header To create blanket purchase agreement header in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Create_BWC_Age_Header_Comp HTML, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Blanket Purchase Agreement Header, Blanket Purchase Agreement Header, Complete To create blanket purchase agreement header with complete fields in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Create_BWC_BPA_Control_Com HTML, BWC, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Control, Create To enter blanket purchase agreement controls details in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Create_BWC_BPA_FPL_Common HTML, BWC, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Line Type, Fixed Price Temp Labor, Create, Blanket Purchase Agreement To create fixed price line for a blanket purchase agreement
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Create_BWC_BPA_FPS_Common HTML, BWC, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Line Type, Fixed Price Services, Create, Blanket Purchase Agreement To create fixed price service line for a blanket purchase agreement in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Create_BWC_BPA_FPS_Complete HTML, BWC, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Line Type, Fixed Price Services, Create, Blanket Purchase Agreement To create fixed price service line for a blanket purchase agreement with complete fields in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Create_BWC_BPA_FPTL_Common HTML, BWC, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Line Type, Fixed Price Temp Labor, Create, Blanket Purchase Agreement To create fixed price temp labor line for a blanket purchase agreement in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Create_BWC_BPA_Goods_Common HTML, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Goods, Lines, Blanket Purchase Agreement To create goods line for a blanket purchase agreement in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Create_BWC_BPA_Goods_Complete HTML, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Goods, Lines, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Complete To create goods line for a blanket purchase agreement with complete fields in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Create_BWC_BPA_LineAmt_Common HTML, BWC, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Line Type, Amount, Create, Blanket Purchase Agreement To create amount based line for a blanket purchase agreement in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Create_BWC_BPA_LineAmt_Comp HTML, BWC, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Line Type, Amount, Create, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Complete To create amount based line for a blanket purchase agreement in agreements page and also to click on actions image
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Create_BWC_BPA_Line_Catalog HTML, BWC, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Line, Catalog, Create, Blanket Purchase Agreement To create line for a blanket purchase agreement using add lines by selecting from catalog option in list box
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Create_BWC_BPA_Line_Favorite HTML, BWC, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Line, Favorite, Create To create a line for a blanket purchase agreement using add lines by selecting from favourites option in list box
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Create_BWC_BPA_Rate_Common HTML, BWC, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Line Type, Rate Based Temp Labor, Create To create rate based temp labor type line for a blanket purchase agreement in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Crt_Auc_SourcingRFQ_Agreement HTML, Create RFQ, Creation Of Sourcing RFQ From Agreements, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement To create an auction or sourcing RFQ from agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Update_Agreement HTML, Agreements, Update Agreement, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement To update agreement in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Enable_Catalog_Admin HTML, Agreements, Enable Catalog Administrator Authoring, BPA To enable catalog administrator authoring in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Enable_Supplier_Authoring HTML, Agreements, Enable Supplier Authoring, BPA To enable supplier authoring in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Search_Agreement_Any_Condition HTML, Agreements, Search Agreement Any Condition, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement To search for an agreement in agreements page
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Verify_Tax_SPO ADVPACK, Tax To verify tax for SPO
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Search_Tax_SPO ADVPACK, Tax, Search To search tax
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Verify_Tax_Schedule ADVPACK, Tax, Verify To verify data for tax schedule
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Verify_Change_History ADVPACK, Verify, Change History To verify data in change history
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Verify_Requisitions ADVPACK, Verify, Requisitions To verify data in requisitions
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Search_Manage_Deliverables ADVPACK, Search To search deliverable
Oracle Purchasing HTML BPA Verify_Revision_History ADVPACK, Revision History To verify data in revision history
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Verify_Order_SearchRsults_Html HTML, Orders, Search, Verify, Standard Purchase Order To verify order details after searching orders in orders search page
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Verify_Requisition_ChrgAcc_Det HTML, Requisition, DWB, Verify Requisition Charge Account, Requisition To verify charge account details in Oracle iProcurement requisition page
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Verify_View_Invoices HTML, Orders, View Invoices To verify invoice details in purchasing view invoices page
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Verify_View_Payments HTML, Orders, View Payments To verify payments details in purchasing view payments page
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Verify_View_Work_Confirm HTML, Orders, Verify, Work Confirmation To verify work confirmation details in work confirmation page
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Verify_Work_Confirmation_Dtls HTML, Work Confirmation, Details To verify work conformation details which appears in a web table of work confirmation page
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench View_Work_Confirmations_Action HTML, Complex Service, View Work Confirmation To select a value from actions list box in iSupplier Portal view order details page
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Vrf_Work_Confirm_Correc_Hist HTML, Work Confirmation, Details To verify work confirmation correction details in work confirmation page
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Add_New_Auction_Html HTML, Document Builder, Add Document, HTML Autocreate, Auction To autocreate auction from demand workbench page
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Add_New_Order_Html HTML, Document Builder, Order Add Document, Document Builder, HTML Autocreate Order To autocreate purchase orders from demand workbench page
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Add_New_RFQ_Html HTML, Document Builder, Add Document, Document Builder, HTML Autocreate, RFQ To autocreate RFQ from demand workbench page
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Add_To_Auction_Html HTML, Document Builder, Add Document, Document Builder, HTML Autocreate, Auction To add new lines from requisition to auction in demand workbench page
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Add_To_Order_Html HTML, Document Builder, Add Document, Document Builder, HTML Autocreate To add new lines from requisition to order in demand workbench page
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Autocreate_Search_Common HTML, Document Builder, Document Builder, HTML Autocreate, Search To add new lines from requisition to RFQ in demand workbench page
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Create_View_Copy_Html HTML, Document Builder, View Document, Copy To copy the existing view for the demand workbench requisitions search
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Create_View_Html HTML, Document Builder, BWC Search, View Document To perform view creation for demand workbench requisitions search
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Reassign_Req_Lines_Html HTML, Requisition, Lines, Reassign To reassign the requisition lines to the requester
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Replace_Item_Catalog_Fav_Html HTML, Requisition, Lines, Item, Favorites, Replace To replace the requisition items from the favorites
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Replace_Item_Catalog_Html HTML, Requisition, Lines, Item, Catalog, Replace To replace the requisition items from the catalog
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Return_Req_Lines_Html HTML, Requisition, Lines, Return To return the requisition lines to the requester
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Search_Parameter_Add_Html HTML, Requisition, Requisition Search, Query for Requisition To add more parameters to the search criteria for requisitions in demand workbench page
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Search_Req_All_Condition_Html HTML, Requisition Search, Query For Requisition, All Condition To search the requisition with the criteria, show table data when all conditions are met, in demand workbench page
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Search_Req_Any_Condition_Html Demand Workbench, Search, Any Condition To search the requisition with the criteria, show table data when any conditions are met, in demand workbench page
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Search_Requisition_Save_Html HTML, Requisition Search, Query for Requisition To search the requisitions in demand workbench page and save that search criteria in view
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Update_AddTo_Auction_Html HTML, Requisition, Document Builder, Update, Add To, Currency, Auction To update the document builder for existing auction and then updates the auction line and currency details
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Update_AddTo_Order_Html HTML, Requisition, Document Builder, Update, Add To, Currency, Order To update the document builder for existing order and updates the order line and currency details
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Update_AddTo_RFQ_Html HTML, Requisition, Document Builder, Update, AddTo, Currency, RFQ, Order To update the document builder for existing RFQ and updates the RFQ line and currency details
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Update_New_Auction_Html HTML, Document Builder, Update New Auction To update the auction line and currency details for document builder new auction
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Update_New_Order_Html Demand Workbench, Update, New Order To update document builder new order and also to update the order line, currency and style details
Oracle Purchasing HTML Demand Workbench Update_New_RFQ_Html HTML, Document Builder, Update BWC Requisition To update the RFQ line and currency details for document builder new RFQ
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_Schedules_Com HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Create, Schedule, Common To create standard purchase order schedules for goods common in create standard purchase order page
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Verify_Order_Schedules_Details HTML, Orders, Verify Schedule Details, Standard Purchase Order To verify buyer work center order schedule details in standard purchase order page
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Save_Capture_SPO_Number_Html Capture, Standard Purchase Order Number To capture the order number after saving it in update standard purchase order page
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Select_Order_Action HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Select Order Action To perform the select operations directly for the particular order in orders page
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Update_Order_Cancel_Line HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Update, Cancel Line To perform the cancel operations for the particular order line by taking update action
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Update_Order_Cancel_Order HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Update, Cancel Order To perform the cancel operations for the particular order fully by taking update action
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Verif_HTML_Order_Comp Verify, Order, Complete To verify complete order details in view orders page
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Verify_BWC_Order_Line HTML, Orders, Verify Lines, Standard Purchase Order To verify buyer work center order line fields in the standard purchase order page
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Verify_BWC_Order_Line_Details HTML, Orders, Verify Line Details, Standard Purchase Order To verify buyer work center order line details in the standard purchase order page
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Verify_Order_Distrib_Details HTML, Orders, Verify Distribution Details, Standard Purchase Order To verify buyer work center order distribution details in standard purchase order page
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Verify_Order_Distribution HTML, Orders, Verify Distributions, Standard Purchase Order To verify buyer work center order distribution fields in standard purchase order page
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Verify_Order_Header HTML, Orders, Verify Header, Standard Purchase Order To verify buyer work center order header details in the standard purchase order page
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Verify_Order_Schedules HTML, Orders, Verify Schedules, Standard Purchase Order To verify buyer work center order schedules details in the standard purchase order page
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Cancel_Order HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Cancel Order To perform a cancel operation directly for a particular order in orders page
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Create_Order_Work_Confirm HTML, Orders, Create Work Confirmation, Complex Purchase Order To create work confirmation for demand workbench order for type complex
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_AB_Dist_Comp HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Lines, Create, Amount Based, Distribution, Complete To create complete distributions for amount based line in standard purchase order web page
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_AB_Schedules_Com Create Standard Purchase Order To create schedules for amount based line in standard purchase order web page
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_AB_Schedules_Comp Create Standard Purchase Order To create complete schedules for amount based line in standard purchase order web page
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_Dist_Comp HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Create, Goods, Distribution, Complete To create complete distributions for goods type line in standard purchase order web page
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_FP_Dist_Comp HTML, Purchase Order, Fixed Price, Distributions To create complete distributions for fixed price services type line in standard purchase order web page
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_FP_Lines_Com HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Line, OSP, Outside Processing To create the common standard purchase order line for fixed price in standard purchase order web page
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_FP_Lines_Comp HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Line, Fixed Price To create complete standard purchase order lines for fixed price services type in web
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_FP_Schedules_Com HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Line, Fixed Price, Schedule, Common To create the common standard purchase order schedules for fixed price services type in web
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_FP_Schedules_Comp HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Line, Fixed Price, Schedule, Complete To create the complete standard purchase order schedules for fixed price services type in web
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_Header_Com HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Header, Create To create common header for standard purchase order in web
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_Header_Comp HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Header, Create, Complete To create complete header for standard purchase order in web
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_Lines_AB_Com Create Standard Purchase Order, Amount Based To create standard purchase order amount based line
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_Lines_AB_Comp HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Lines, Create, Amount Based, Complete To create complete standard purchase order lines for amount based type in web
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_Lines_Com HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Lines, Create, Common To create common standard purchase order lines for goods type in web
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_Lines_Comp HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Lines, Create, Goods, Complete To create complete standard purchase order lines for goods type in web
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_Lines_RBTL_Com HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Lines, RBTL, Common, Rate Based Temp Labor To create common standard purchase order lines for rate based temp labor type in web
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_Lines_RBTL_Comp HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Lines, RBTL, Complete, Rate Based Temp Labor To create complete standard purchase order lines for rate based temp labor type in web
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_OSP_Dist_Comp HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Distribution, OSP, Complete, Outside Processing To create complete distributions for outside processing item line in standard purchase order in web
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_OSP_Lines_Com HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Lines, OSP, Common, Outside Processing To create common standard purchase order lines for outside processing item in web
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_OSP_Lines_Comp HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Lines, OSP, Complete, Outside Processing To create complete standard purchase order lines for outside processing item in web
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_OSP_Schedules_Com HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Schedule, OSP, Common, Outside Processing To create common standard purchase order schedules for outside processing item in web
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_OSP_Schedules_Comp HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Schedule, OSP, Complete, Outside Processing To create complete standard purchase order schedules for outside processing item in web
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_RBTL_Dist_Comp HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Distribution, RBTL, Complete To create complete distributions for rate based temp labor line in standard purchase order in web
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Crt_Html_PO_Schedules_Comp HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Create, Schedule, Complete To create complete standard purchase order schedules for goods type in web
Oracle Purchasing HTML SPO Line Types Close_Html_Order ADVPACK, HTML Order To close orders
Oracle Purchasing Manage HTML Crt_Order_Manage_Funds Order, Encumbrance, Manage Funds To manage the funds for an order
Oracle Purchasing Manage HTML Search_Order_Any_Condition HTML, Orders, Search Order With Any Condition, Standard Purchase Order To search purchase order when any condition given is met in orders web page
Oracle Purchasing Manage HTML Update_Order_Header HTML, Standard Purchase Order, Update Order To select purchase order from search results, select update from action drop down and click go button
Oracle Purchasing Manage HTML Vrf_Order_View_Action_History Order, View Action History To verify the action history of an order
Oracle Purchasing Manage HTML Validate_Orders Validate, Document, Orders, Actions To validate the order, enter details in header, select validate document from the actions list box and click go button
Oracle Purchasing Manage HTML View_Order_Acquisit_Cost Acquisition Cost Summary To view acquisition cost of an order
Oracle Purchasing Manage HTML Validate_Agreements Validate, Document, Agreements, Actions To validate the agreement, enter details in header, select validate document from the actions list box and click go button
Oracle Purchasing Requests Enter_Req_Param_Spec_Proc_001 Forms, View, Requests, Parameters To run the specific procurement concurrent request in forms
Oracle Purchasing Requests Enter_Request_Param_Specific Forms, Requests, Specific Parameter To run the specific procurement concurrent request in forms
Oracle Purchasing Requisition Summary Verify_Req_Dist_Summary Forms, Requisition Summary, Verify Distributions, Requisition To verify the requisition distribution details in forms in requisitions distribution summary
Oracle Purchasing Requisition Summary Search_PR_Summary_Comp Forms, Requisition, Search, Summary To search requisition with all fields in forms
Oracle Purchasing Requisition Summary Search_PR_Summary_Dist_Com Forms, Requisition, Search, Distribution, Summary To search a requisition by selecting the radio button distributions to view distribution details in forms
Oracle Purchasing Requisition Summary Search_PR_Summary_Hdr_Com Forms, Requisition, Search, Header, Summary To search requisition header details in requisition summary form
Oracle Purchasing Requisition Summary Search_PR_Summary_Line_Com Forms, Requisition, Search, Line, Summary To search requisition line details in requisition summary form
Oracle Purchasing Requisition Summary Capture_Req_Num_Req_Summary Forms, Requisition Summary, Capture Requisition To capture requisition number in header details of requisition summary form
Oracle Purchasing Requisition Summary Capture_Req_Num_Req_Ln_Summary Forms, Requisition Summary, Lines, Capture Requisition To capture requisition number in line details of requisition summary form
Oracle Purchasing Requisition Summary Manage_Tax_Pur_Req HTML, Tax, Manage Tax for Purchase Requisition To verify the tax details of requisition and enter the additional tax details in manage tax window
Oracle Purchasing Setup Add_Hazard_Classes Forms, Hazard Classes, Setup, SETUPCOMP To create setup for hazard classes
Oracle Purchasing Setup Verify_Buyer HTML, Buyers, Verify Buyer, SETUPCOMP To verify the buyer details in buyers page
Oracle Purchasing Setup Create_Agreement_Changes HTML, Set Up, Acceptance of Agreement Changes, SETUPCOMP To create acceptance of agreement changes setup in acceptance of agreement changes page
Oracle Purchasing Setup Create_Cost_Factor_Complete Cost Factors, SETUPCOMP To create cost factor
Oracle Purchasing Setup Create_Expense_Account_Rule Expense Account Rules, SETUPCOMP To create expense account rule
Oracle Purchasing Setup Create_Line_Type Line Types, SETUPCOMP To create line type
Oracle Purchasing Setup Create_Lookup_Codes Lookup Codes, SETUPCOMP To create lookup codes
Oracle Purchasing Setup Manag_Control_PO_Period Control Periods, SETUPCOMP To manage purchase control period in control purchasing periods page
Oracle Purchasing Setup Request_Change_Tol_SPO_BPA HTML, Tolerances, Auto Approval, Tolerance, Release, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Change, SETUPCOMP To create setup for buyer auto acceptance tolerances for standard purchase order and blanket release in request change order page
Oracle Purchasing Setup Requester_Change_Tol_IR HTML, Tolerances, Auto Approval, Tolerance, Internal Requisitions, Change, SETUPCOMP To create setup for change auto approval tolerances for internal requisition in request change order page
Oracle Purchasing Setup Requester_Change_Tol_PR HTML, Tolerances, Auto approval, Tolerance, Requisition, Change, SETUPCOMP To create setup for change auto approval tolerances for purchase requisition in request change order page
Oracle Purchasing Setup Search_Buyer HTML, Buyers, Search Buyer, SETUPCOMP To search the buyer in buyers page
Oracle Purchasing Setup Set_Purchasing_Opt_Doc_Num HTML, Setup, Set Purchasing Optional Document Number, SETUPCOMP To create setup for changing the purchase order number, type and entry in purchase options page
Oracle Purchasing Setup Setup_Add_Buyer HTML, Buyers, Add Buyer, SETUPCOMP To create setup for adding buyers in buyers page
Oracle Purchasing Setup Setup_Purchasing_Opt_Doc_Num HTML, Purchasing Options, Setup, Add rows, Document Numbering, SETUPCOMP To create setup for changing the purchase order number, type and entry in purchase options page
Oracle Purchasing Setup Setup_Purchasing_Option HTML, Purchasing Option, Setup, SETUPCOMP To create setup for purchase option in purchase options page
Oracle Purchasing Setup Setup_Req_Change_Ord_Aut_Acc HTML, Requester Change Order, Setup, Requester Change Order, Buyer Auto Acceptance Tolerances for Standard POs and Blanket Releases, SETUPCOMP To create setup for buyer auto acceptance tolerances for standard purchase order and blanket release in request change order page
Oracle Purchasing Setup Setup_Req_Change_Ord_Int_Req HTML, Requester Change Order, Setup, Requester Change Order, Internal Requisition, SETUPCOMP To create setup for change auto approval tolerances for internal requisition in request change order page
Oracle Purchasing Setup Setup_Requester_Change_Order HTML, Requester Change Order, Setup, Requester Change Order, Purchase Requisition, SETUPCOMP To create setup for changing auto approval tolerances for purchase requisition in request change order page
Oracle Purchasing Setup Setup_Supplier_Change_Order Supplier Change Order, SETUPCOMP To create setup for supplier change order
Oracle Purchasing Setup Update_Buyer HTML, Buyers, Set Up, Buyer, Update, SETUPCOMP To update the buyer details in buyers page
Oracle Purchasing Setup Associate_Job_Category_Search HTML, Associate Jobs with Categories, Associate Jobs with Category Search, SETUPCOMP To create setup for job and category association in job and category association page
Oracle Purchasing Setup Define_Receiving_Option ADVPACK, Receiving Options To define receiving options
Oracle Purchasing Setup Crt_Quality_Inspection_Code ADVPACK, Inspection Code To create inspection code
Oracle Purchasing Warrants Create_Warrants HTML, Warrants, Warrants, SETUPCOMP To create warrant for a buyer
Oracle Purchasing Warrants Verify_Warrants_Display HTML, Warrants, Verify To verify warrants information of a buyer
Oracle Purchasing Warrants Update_Warrants HTML, Warrants, Update To update warrant information of a buyer
Oracle Purchasing Warrants Search_Warrants HTML, Warrants, Search To search warrant of a buyer
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Update_CostFactor_List Cost Factor To edit an existing cost factor list
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Update_EMDInfo_Common EMD, Update To update EMD information of negotiation in create negotiations page
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations User_SetPreferences Preferences To set general user preferences for a page
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations VerNegConfig_Comm_Live_Con HTML, Verify, Negotiation, Configuration To verify the configuration details of a negotiation in negotiation configuration page
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations VerNegConfig_Comm_Supp_Dis HTML, Verify, Negotiation, Configuration, Supplier To verify provider details of a negotiation in negotiation configuration page
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Ver_Req_Attachment_Select_Comm HTML, Verify, Negotiation, Requisition, Attachment To verify requisition attachments of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations VerifyBidDetails_Auc_SPO_Comm HTML, Verify, Auction, Bid History, Bid Details, View Bid History To verify bid details for a published auction with standard purchase order outcome in bid history page
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_Actions_Complete HTML, verify, Negotiation, Actions To verify the actions list box of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_ActiveResponse_Supp_Com HTML, Verify, Negotiation, Active Responses To verify active supplier responses of a negotiation in negotiations page
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_Attchmt_Supp_comm HTML, Verify, Attachments, Response, Supplier To verify header and line attachments while creating a response to a negotiation by supplier
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_Charge_Acc_Req_Line HTML, Verify, Charge Account To verify charge account details of a requisition in iProcurement
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_Close_Nego_Comm HTML, Verify, Close, Negotiation To verify time left and close date of a negotiation in close negotiation page
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_Hdr_CollabTeamTemplate_Com HTML, Verify, Negotiation, Header, Team Collaboration To verify collaboration team details of a negotiation after applying a template
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_Hdr_Terms_Complete Verify, Negotiation, Header, Terms To verify terms of a negotiation after applying a template
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_Header_Currency_Common Verify, Negotiation, Header, Currency To verify currency of a negotiation after applying a template
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_Line_AttributeTemplate_Comm Verify, Negotiation, Line, Attribute, Template To verify line attributes of a negotiation after applying a template
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_Line_Update_Comm Verify, Negotiation, Line, Update To verify line details of a negotiation in update mode
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_LinesTemplate_Comm Verify, Negotiation, Line, Template To verify negotiation lines page for RFQ or auction after applying a template
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_ManageEvents Verify, Manage Events To verify event details in manage events table of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_ManualExtend_Neg Verify, Manual Extend To verify details in manual extend page of negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_Neg_Configuration_Comm Verify, Negotiation, Configuration To verify details in negotiation configuration page
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_NegotiationConfig_Comm Verify, Negotiation, Configuration To verify the price break radio button in negotiation configuration page
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_Notification Verify, Notification To verify the notification in notifications page
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_POSummary_Auction_Comm HTML, Verify, Negotiation, PO Summary To verify purchase order summary of an auction
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_PopupMsg Verify, Alert Dialog, Confirmation Dialog To verify message in alert dialog or confirmation dialog
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_PosummPriceBreaks Verify, Negotiation, PO Summary, Price Breaks To verify price breaks in purchase order summary page of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_PosummPriceDifferential Verify, Negotiation, PO Summary, Price Differentials To verify price differentials in purchase order summary page of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_PriceBreak_Settings Verify, Negotiation, Price Break, Settings To verify price break settings for blanket purchase agreement or contract purchase agreement outcome of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_Req_Attachment_Comm Verify, Negotiation, Requisition, Attachment To verify requisition attachments of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_SupplierTemplate_Comm Verify, Negotiation, Supplier Details, Template To verify suppliers details of a negotiation after applying a template
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations ViewActiveResponse_Supp_Comm Verify, Active Responses, Supplier To verify active responses for a negotiation from supplier
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations AddNeg_Hdr_CollabTeam_Comp Add, Negotiation, Header, Collaboration Team To add a member to collaboration team for a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Add_Attachment_Response_Comm Add, Attachment, Response, Supplier To add an attachment while creating response for a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Add_Hdr_Requirements_Comp Add, Negotiation, Header, Requirements To define multiple header requirements for a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Add_Hdr_Sections_Comp Add, Negotiation, Header, Requirements, Sections To add sections to requirements
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Advanced_Search_Comm Negotiation, Advanced Search To perform advanced search for a negotiation in sourcing
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Apply_Optimize_Scenario Negotiation, Award, Award Optimization To create a scenario in award optimization page of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Cancel_Negotiation_Common Cancel, Negotiation To cancel a published negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations CaptureAuc_Round_Amendment_num Capture, Get, Round Amendment Number To capture the amendment number of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Capture_Bid_Quote_Response_Num_Html Capture, Get, Quote, Bid, Response Number To capture response number for a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Capture_Event_Num Capture, Get, Event Number To capture event number created
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Capture_PO_Number_Html HTML, Negotiations, Get, Capture, Purchase Order Number To capture purchase order number in the purchase order summary page of negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Click_Bid_Link_Html Click, Bid, Bid History To click on bid link in the bid history page
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Click_Quote_Link_Html Click, Quote, Bid History To click quote link for viewing details for published auction with standard purchase order outcome in bid history page
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations CreateLine_Actions_Common Negotiation, Lines, Actions, Create Lines To select actions for creating line in lines page of negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations CreateTemplate_Header_Common Create, Template, Header To create a RFQ template header
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Create_Event_Common Create, Event To create an event
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations CrtNeg_ Line_Support_SPO_Comp Create, Negotiation Line, Support Line To create support type line for RFQ or auction with standard purchase order outcome
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations CrtNeg_EnterPriceBreaks_Comp Create, negotiation, Enter, Give, Price Breaks To enter price breaks details for a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations CrtNeg_PriceBreakSetting_Comp Create, Negotiation, Enter, Give, Price Break Settings To setup price break settings for a negotiation with blanket purchase agreement or contract purchase agreement outcome
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Crt_Neg_Hdr_Abstractforms_Comp Create, Negotiation, Header, Abstract Forms To add abstract forms in create header page for negotiation template
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Crt_Neg_Hdr_Reqs_Scoring_Comp Create, Negotiation, Header, Requirements Scoring To enter scoring details for a requirement in negotiation header
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Crt_Neg_Template_Controls Create, Template, Controls To create controls for a negotiation template
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Crt_NegotiationNewRound_Comm Create, Negotiation, New Round To create a new round for a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Crt_Resp_Update_Cost_Factors Update, Enter, Response, Cost factors To enter values for cost factors while creating response
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Disqualify_Response_Comm Disqualify, Supplier, Response To disqualify a supplier response for a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Enter_Corporate_EMD_Common Enter, EMD Administration To setup EMD amount for a supplier of a specific operating unit
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Enter_LotLevelRollup_Common Enter, Lot Line, Rollup To perform lot level rollup by clicking on rollup button in quote or bid creation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Enter_NotesAttchSupplier_Comm Enter, Notes and Attachments, Response, Header To add attachment while creating response for a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Enter_NotesAttchmnts_Buyer_Com Enter, Notes and Attachments, Negotiation, Header To add attachment while creating negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Enter_Score_ScoringTeamMem Enter, Requirement Scoring, Scoring Team To enter scores for requirements by scoring team members
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Get_RFQ_RFI_Auc_BPA_Num_Html Get, Capture, RFQ, Auction, RFI, Blanket Purchase Agreement To capture negotiation number on the web page
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Invite_Additional_Suppliers Negotiation, Invite, Additional Suppliers To invite additional suppliers for a published negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Line_Attrscoring_Neg_Comp Add, Scoring, Line Attribute To add scoring criteria to line attribute of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Manage_Drafts_Common Negotiations, Manage Drafts To manage drafts in a negotiation page
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Manage_Event_Common Manage Event To manage event
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Pause_Negotiation_Complete Pause Negotiation To pause an open negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Pay_EMD_Common Pay EMD To pay EMD amount by supplier
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Receive_EMD_Common Receive EMD To receive EMD amount submitted by supplier
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Reply_Online_Messg_Neg_Comp Reply, Online Messaging, Online Discussions To verify online discussion message and send reply to that message for negotiations
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations ReviewRFx_CollabTeam_Comm Verify, Collaboration Team, Review, Negotiation To verify collaboration team member of a negotiation in review page before publishing the negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations ReviewRFx_Lines_Comm Verify, Lines, Review, Negotiation To verify line details of a negotiation in review page before publishing the negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Review_RFx_Line_Attr_Comm Verify, Line Attributes, Review, Negotiation To verify line attribute details of a negotiation in review page before publishing the negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Review_RFx_Reqs_Notes_Comm Verify, Requirement Details, Review, Negotiation To verify requirement details of a negotiation in review page before publishing the negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Select_Hdr_Requirements_Comp Select, Header Requirements, Click, Add Section, Add Requirement To select header requirement and to click on add section or add requirement buttons in a negotiation page
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Set_Terms_Conditions Set Terms and Conditions, SETUPCOMP To setup terms and conditions for a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Verify_Project_Summary ADVPACK, Verify, Project To verify data for project summary
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Define_Supplier_Incentive ADVPACK, Incentive To define Supplier incentive
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Define_Incumbent_Supplier ADVPACK, Incumbent To define incumbent supplier
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Apply_Knockout_Result ADVPACK, Knockout To apply knockout result
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Approval_History_Comm ADVPACK, Verify, Approval History To verify approval history
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Crt_Draft_Surrogate_Response ADVPACK, Surrogate To create draft surrogate response
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Upd_Draft_Surrogate_Response ADVPACK, Surrogate To update surrogate response
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Vrf_Draft_Surrogate_Response ADVPACK, Verify, Approval History To verify values of draft surrogate response
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Register_New_Supplier_Comm ADVPACK, Register, Supplier To register new supplier
Oracle Sourcing Negotiations Vrf_Item_Details_Comm ADVPACK, Verify To verify item details
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Acknowledgeparticipation_Comp Supplier, Acknowledge, Participation To acknowledge the participation in a response for a negotiation from supplier
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Actions_Complete Select, Negotiation, Actions Listbox To select actions in list box to perform different operations on a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Active_Quotes_Common Click, Active Quotes, Analyze By Line To click active quotes link in analyze by line page of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction AddRequisitionLines_Common Add, Requisition Lines, AutoCreate, Requisition, Negotiation To add requisition lines to negotiation from demand workbench
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Add_Invitationlist_Complete Add, Invitation List To add list of supplier present in invitation lists to the negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Add_Resp_Line_Attribute Add, Line Attribute, Response To enter the value for line attribute response while creating the response for a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Add_Scoring_Team_Member Add, Requirement, Scoring, Team Member To add a scoring team member to a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction AllocationSummary_Auction_Comm View, Allocation Summary To view allocation summary of lines for an auction
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction AllowAutoExtend_Complete Enter, Allow Auto Extend To specify allowed auto extend minutes and number of extensions allowed to the auction
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Analyze_By_Bid_Comm Verify, Supplier Details, Analyze By Bid, Auction To verify supplier details in analyze by bid page of an auction
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Analyze_By_Line_Auction_Comm Verify, Line, Analyze By Line, Auction To verify details in analyze by line page of an auction
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Analyze_By_Line_RFQ_Comm Verify, Line, Analyze By Line, RFQ To verify details in analyze by line page of an RFQ
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Analyze_By_Quote_Comm Verify, Supplier Details, Analyze By Bid, RFQ To verify supplier details in analyze by quote page of an RFQ
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Analyze_By_Response_Comm Verify, Supplier Details, Analyze By Response, RFI To verify supplier details in analyze by response page of an RFI
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction AwardByLine_AmntBased_BPA_Com Award, Award By Line To award a line to supplier based on response to the negotiation which is having outcome as blanket purchase agreement
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction AwardByLine_By_Supplier Award, Award By Line To award a line to supplier based on response to the negotiation which is having outcome as standard purchase order
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction AwardSummary_AgrmntAmnt_Comm Award, Award By Line, Award Summary To enter total agreement amount in award summary page of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Award_Approval_Common Award, Approval Award To approve the award in award summary page of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Award_By_Line_AmountBased_Com Award, Award By Line, Amount Based To award a supplier response based on award by line for an amount based line of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Award_By_Line_BPA_Common Award, Award By Line To award a supplier response based on award by line for a negotiation which is having outcome as blanket purchase agreement
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Award_By_Line_Common Award, Award By Line To award a supplier response based on award by line for a negotiation which is having outcome as standard purchase order
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Award_By_Multiple_Suppliers Award, Award Multiple Suppliers To select multiple suppliers while awarding by line of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Award_By_Quote_BPA_Common Award, Award By Quote To award a supplier response based on award by quote of an RFQ which is having outcome as blanket purchase agreement
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Award_By_Quote_Common Award, Award By Quote To award a supplier response based on award by quote of an RFQ
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Award_Optimization_Common Award, Award Optimization To create an award scenario in award optimization page of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Click_Image_OAF_D Click, Image To click an image in a web page
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Click_Line_Modified_Comm Click, Line, Modified Line To click on item link in action table in round modifications page
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Click_Link_OAF Click, Link To click any link in a web page
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Close_Neg_Common Close Negotiation To close a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Compare_By_Line_Auc_Select_Com Analyze By Line, Compare, Compare Lines, Auction To click on compare button in analyze by line of an action
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Compare_By_Line_RFQ_Select_Com Analyze By Line, Compare, Compare Lines, RFQ To click on compare button in analyze by line of an RFQ
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Complete_Award_Common RFQ, Auction, Complete Award To complete award process for an RFQ or auction
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Complete_Award_PO_Actions_Comm Purchase Order, Award, Complete Award To enter purchase order details during complete award process of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Copy_Published_Negotiation_Com Cross Copy, RFQ, RFI, Auction, Copy Negotiation, Negotiation To copy a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction CreateNeg_Hdr_Terms_Complete RFQ, RFI, Auction, Terms To give header terms while creating a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction CreateNeg_UpdateSupplier_Comm RFQ, RFI, Auction, Supplier, Update Supplier To update the supplier site and supplier contact while adding supplier in a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Create_Amendment_Ack_Common RFQ, RFI, Auction, Amendment, Amendment Acknowledge To acknowledge the amendment of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Create_Amendment_Common RFQ, RFI, Auction, Amendment To create amendment for negotiations
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Create_Auction_Header_Common Auction, Header To create header of an auction
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Create_Auction_Header_Comp Auction, Header, Complete To give values for all the fields in auction header
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Create_Bid_BPA_CPA_Common Create Bid, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement To create a bid for an auction which is having outcome as blanket purchase agreement or contact purchase agreement
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Create_Bid_Common Create Bid To create bid for an auction
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Create_Bid_PriceBreaks_Comm Create Bid, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, Price Breaks To enter price breaks details while creating bid for an auction which is having outcome as blanket purchase agreement
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Create_Bid_SPO_Common Create Bid, Standard Purchase Order, Standard Purchase Order To create bid for an auction which is having outcome as standard purchase order
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Create_Group_Lot_Common Create Group, Lot To create a lot line for a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Create_Lot_Line_Common Create Lot, Line To click on add line image of a lot line for a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Create_Neg_AddSupplier_Common Negotiation, Add Supplier To add a supplier to the negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Create_Neg_Controls_RFQ_Common RFQ, RFI, Auction, Negotiation, Controls To define controls for an RFQ
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Create_Negotiation_Style_Comm Negotiation, Style To create negotiation style
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Create_Quote_Common Create Quote To create quote for an RFQ which is having outcome as standard purchase order
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Create_RFQ_Header_Common_Html RFQ, Header To create header for an RFQ
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Create_RFQ_Header_Complete RFQ, Header To give values for all the fields in RFQ header
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Createneg_Hdr_Terms_Complete Negotiation, Header, Terms To define header terms for a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction CrtHdr_AddList Add, Requirement, Attribute List To add requirement list to a negotiation header
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction CrtNeg_AnalyzePrcBrk_Assmptns Negotiation, Price Breaks To give quantity and need by date in analyze by line page of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction CrtNeg_Hdr_AbstractsForms_Comp RFQ, RFI, Auction, Abstract, Forms, Negotiation To give abstract details for a negotiation header
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction CrtNeg_Hdr_Reqs_Scoring_Comp RFQ, RFI, Auction, Define Scoring To define requirement scoring details for a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_CostFactor_List_NegHome Cost Factor, Cost Factor List To create cost factor list in negotiations home page
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Line_CostFactor_Complete Line, Cost Factor To create line level cost factors for a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Neg_BPA_CPA_Terms_Comp Negotiation, RFQ, RFI, Auction, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, Terms To define terms for a negotiation which is having outcome as blanket purchase agreement or contract purchase agreement
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Neg_BPA_Header_Terms_Comp Negotiation, RFQ, RFI, Auction, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, Header Terms, Terms To define terms for a negotiation which is having outcome as blanket purchase agreement
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Neg_Controls_Auction_Com Auction, Controls To define controls for an auction
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Neg_Hdr_Abstractsforms_Comp RFQ, RFI, Auction, Abstract, Forms, Negotiation To give abstract details of a negotiation header
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Neg_Hdr_Notes_To_Supplier RFQ, RFI, Auction, Negotiation, Negotiation, Notes To Supplier To enter notes for supplier of a negotiation header
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Neg_Hdr_Requirements_Comm RFQ, RFI, Auction, Negotiation, Header Requirements To define common header requirements of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Neg_Hdr_Requirements_Comp RFQ, RFI, Auction, Negotiation, Header Requirements, Complete To define complete header requirements of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Neg_Header_Currency_Comm RFQ, RFI, Auction, Negotiation, Header Currency To define currency of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Neg_Line_Attribute_Common RFQ, RFI, Auction, Negotiation, Line attribute To create line attribute of a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Neg_Line_FPS_BPA_CPA_Comp RFQ, Auction, Negotiation, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Fixed Price Services, Line To create a fixed price services line in a negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Neg_Line_Goods_BPA_Comp RFQ, Auction, Negotiation, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Goods, Line To create a goods line in a negotiation which is having the outcome as blanket purchase agreement
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Neg_Line_Goods_SPO_Comp RFQ, Auction, Negotiation, Standard Purchase Order, Goods, Line To create a goods line in a negotiation which is having the outcome as standard purchase order
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Neg_Line_RBTL_CPA_Comp RFQ, Auction, Negotiation, Contract Purchase Agreement, RBTL, Line To create a rate based temp labor line in a negotiation which is having the outcome as contract purchase agreement
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Neg_Line_Services_SPO_Comp Negotiation, RFQ/Auction, Standard Purchase Order, Lines, Services To create a service line in a negotiation which is having outcome as standard purchase order
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Neg_Lines_Common Negotiation, RFQ/Auction, Standard Purchase Order, Lines To create Negotiation lines page for RFQ/auction
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Neg_Manual_Extend_Common Negotiation, RFQ/Auction, Manual Extend To create manual extend process for RFQ/auction
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Neg_Pricediff_CPA_Complete Negotiation, Contract Purchase Agreement, Header To create price differentials for contract purchase agreement outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Negotiation_Lines_Common Negotiation, RFQ/Auction, Lines To create negotiation lines page for RFQ/auction
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Quote_BPA_CPA_Comm RFQ, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement To create quote for RFQ for blanket purchase agreement and contract purchase agreement outcome all line types
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Requirement_List_Complete Header, Requirement List To create reusable header requirement list
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Response_Pricebreaks_Compl Price Breaks, Response To create response for price breaks
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_Surrogate_Quote_Com RFQ/Auction, Surrogate To create surrogate quote for RFQ/auction
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Crt_TwoStageRFQ_Header_Reqmt RFQ, Header To create header requirements for two stage RFQ
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Edit_Negotiation_Template_Comm Negotiation, Template To edit negotiation template
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Edit_Requirement_List_Com Requirements To edit requirement list
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Enter_PriceDiff_Auc_Comm Bid, Price, Auction To enter price differential details while creating a bid
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Enter_Price_Diff_RFQ_Comm RFQ, Price To enter price differential details at the time submitting a quote
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Entr_Scoring_NeedByDt_Auction Need By Date scoring To enter scoring details for need by date
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Monitor_Supplier_Activities Supplier, Need By Date Scoring To create monitor supplier activities for negotiations
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction NeedByToScoring_RFQ_Complete Need By Date Scoring, RFQ To define need-by to scoring for RFQ
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Negotiation_Config_Common SETUPCOMP To create negotiation configuration for sourcing
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction NotificationSubscription_Com Sourcing, Notifications To create notification subscription for sourcing
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Online_Discussion_Complete Online Discussion, RFQ/RFI/Auction To create online discussion for RFQ, RFI/auction
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Pblshd_Neg_Nmbr_Search_Action RFQ/RFI/Auction, Number To do simple search for a published RFQ/RFI/auction by negotiation number
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Power_Bid_Complete Bid, Auctions To create power bid in auctions
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction PriceTiers_Common Tiers, Price To create price tiers at line level
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction QuantityScoring_Auction_Comp Quantity scoring To enter scoring details for quantity
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction QuantityScoring_RFQ_Comp Quantity scoring, RFQ To create quantity scoring for RFQ
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Review_Auction_Header_Comm Verify, Auction To verify auction header before publishing
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Review_Auction_Terms_Notes_Comm Verify, Auction, Terms To verify auction terms and notes before publishing
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Review_RFQ_Header_Comm Verity, RFQ, Header To verify RFQ header before publishing
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Review_RFQ_Terms_Notes_Comm Verity, RFQ, Terms To verify RFQ terms and notes before publishing
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Search_Requirement_List_Com Search, Requirements List To search for requirement list
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Search_Template_Comm Search, Template, HTML To search for template
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Search_Vrf_Negotiation_Styles Search, Verify, Negotiation, Styles, HTML To search negotiation style
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Select_ActiveBid_comm Activate, Bid, HTML To select active bid from buyer login
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Select_Requisition_Line_Html Select, Requisition, HTML To select a requisition line from web table
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Submit_Award_Approval_Comm Approval, Award, HTML To submit award approval for negotiations
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Submit_for_Approval_Compl Approval, Negotiation, HTML To submit negotiation for approval
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction SurrogateQuote_Auction_Com Surrogate Quote, Auction To create surrogate quote for auction
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Surrogate_Quote_RFQ_Com Surrogate Quote, RFQ, HTML To create surrogate quote for RFQ
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Upd_Neg_Hdr_CollabTeam_Comp RFQ/RFI/Auction, Collaboration, HTML To update an existing member in collaboration team for RFQ/RFI/auction
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Update_Allocation_Line_Comm Allocations, HTML To enter allocation details for a line
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Update_BidLine_BPA_CPA_Html HTML, Bid, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement To click on update image for bid line on create bid page
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Update_BidLine_SPO_Html Update, Bid Line, Standard Purchase Order, HTML To update bid line details
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Update_Costfactor_Comm Update, Cost Factor, HTML To update the cost factor details
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Update_QuoteLine_SPO_Html Update, Quote, Standard Purchase Order, HTML To update the attribute values for a quote line
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerAutoAwrdAuc_BPA_CPA Verify, Auto Award, Auction, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, HTML To verify auto award in auctions
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerAutoAwrdAuc_BPA_CPA_Det Verify, Auto Award, Auction, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, HTML To verify auto award in auctions
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerAutoAwrdRFQ_BPA_CPA_Det Verify, Auto Award, RFQ, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, HTML To verify auto award details
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerAwdSumryAuc_BPACPA_Lines Verify, Award, Auction, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, HTML To verify award summary line information for auctions with blanket purchase agreement, contract purchase agreement outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerAwdSumryAuc_BPACPA_LinesDet Verify, Award, Auction, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, HTML To verify award summary line details for auctions with blanket purchase agreement, contract purchase agreement outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerAwdSumryAuc_BPACPA_Supp Verify, Award, Auction, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, Supplier, HTML To verify award summary for auctions with blanket purchase agreement, contract purchase agreement outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerAwdSumryAuc_BPACPA_SuppDet Verify, Award Summary, Auction, HTML To verify award summary for auctions with blanket purchase agreement, contract purchase agreement outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerAwrdSmryRFQ_BPACPA_Line Verify, Award Summary, RFQ, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, HTML To verify award summary for RFQ with blanket purchase agreement, contract purchase agreement outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerAwrdSmryRFQ_BPACPA_LineDet Verify, Award Summary, RFQ, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, HTML To verify award summary for RFQ with blanket purchase agreement, contract purchase agreement outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerAwrdSmryRFQ_BPACPA_Supp Verify, Award Summary, RFQ, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, Supplier, HTML To verify award summary for RFQ with blanket purchase agreement, contract purchase agreement outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerAwrdSmryRFQ_BPACPA_SuppDet Verify, Award Summary, RFQ, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, Supplier, HTML To verify award summary for RFQ with blanket purchase agreement, contract purchase agreement outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerAwrdSummaryAuc_SPO_LinesDet Verify, Award Summary, Auction, Standard Purchase Order, HTML To verify award summary for auctions with standard purchase order outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerAwrdSummaryAuc_SPO_SuppDet Verify, Award Summary, Auction, Standard Purchase Order, HTML To verify award summary for auctions with standard purchase order outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerAwrdSummaryRFQ_SPO_LinesDet Verify, Award Summary, RFQ, Standard Purchase Order, HTML To verify award summary for RFQ with standard purchase order outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerAwrdSummaryRFQ_SPO_SuppDet Verify, Award Summary, RFQ, Standard Purchase Order, Supplier, HTML To verify award summary for RFQ with standard purchase order outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Ver_AutoAwrdRFQ_BPA_CPA Verify, Auto Award, RFQ, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, HTML To verify auto award
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Ver_AwrdSmryRFQ_BPACPALine Verify, Award Summary, RFQ, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, HTML To verify line details in award summary page
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Ver_AwrdSummaryAuc_SPO_Lines Verify, Award Summary, Auction, Standard Purchase Order, HTML To verify award summary for auctions with standard purchase order outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Ver_AwrdSummaryAuc_SPO_Supp Verify, Award Summary, Auction, Standard Purchase Order, Supplier, HTML To verify award summary for auctions with standard purchase order outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Ver_AwrdSummaryRFQ_SPO_Lines Verify, Award Summary, RFQ, Standard Purchase Order, HTML To verify award summary for RFQ with standard purchase order outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Ver_AwrdSummaryRFQ_SPO_Supp Verify, Award Summary, RFQ, Standard Purchase Order, Supplier, HTML To verify award summary for RFQ with standard purchase order outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Ver_Neg_AnalyzePriceBreak Negotiation, Price breaks, HTML To verify the price break details
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerifyAuction_HeaderTemplate_Com Verify, Auction, Header Template, HTML To verify auction header after applying template
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerifyPOSumary_Auc_BPACPA_Comm Verify, PO Summary, Auction, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, HTML To verify purchase order summary for auction for blanket purchase agreement, contract purchase agreement outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerifyPOSumary_RFQ_BPACPA_Comm Verify, PO Summary, RFQ, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, HTML To verify purchase order summary for RFQ for blanket purchase agreement, contract purchase agreement outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerifyPOSummary_Auc_SPO_Comm Verify, PO Summary, Auction, Standard Purchase Order, HTML To verify purchase order summary for auction for standard purchase order outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction VerifyPOSummary_RFQ_SPO_Comm Verify, PO Summary, RFQ, Standard Purchase Order, HTML To verify purchase order summary for RFQ for standard purchase order outcome
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_ActiveBid_Lines_comm Verify, Active Bid, Analyze Line, HTML To verify active bid details
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Allocation_Summ_Details Verify, Allocation Summary, HTML To verify allocation summary details
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_AmndAckFields_Comm Acknowledge Amendment, HTML To verify acknowledge amendment
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Amnd_History_Comm Amendment History, HTML To verify amendment history
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Analyze_Line_Attach Quote, Attachments, HTML To verifies the notes ad attachments of other suppliers
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Analyze_Line_Auction Analyze by Line, Analyze line, HTML To verify supplier table details in analyze line page of auction
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Awarded_Lines HTML, Supplier, Awarded lines To verify awarded lines of negotiation from supplier login
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_BidValues_Comm Verify, Bid, Line Auction, HTML To verify bid values from supplier login for rebid
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_BidValues_Edit_Comm Verify, Bid, Auction, HTML To verify bid values from supplier login for rebid
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Bid_Dtls_Auc_BPACPA_Com Verify, Bid Details, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, HTML To verify bid details for published auctions with standard purchase order outcome from bid history
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Bid_Rev_Price_Breaks HTML, Bid, Review, Price Breaks To verify price breaks in bid review page in supplier login
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Bid_Review_Line Create Bid, Auction, HTML To verify bid lines in review page
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Bid_Round_Modification Round Modifications, HTML To verify lines in round modifications
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Comp_Auc_Responses Analyze Line, Auction Response, HTML To compare bids from supplier for a particular line
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Controls_Auction_Com Create Auction, Controls, HTML To verify controls for auction
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Controls_RFQTemplate_Comm Verify, RFQ Template, HTML To verify controls for RFQ after applying template
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_CostFactorTemplate_Com Verify, Cost Factors, RFQ/Auction, HTML To verify cost factors for RFQ/auction after applying template
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Lines_After_Quote_Comm Verify, RFQ, Quotes, HTML To verify the line details after the supplier quotes/bids the negotiation
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_LotLevelRollup_Common Quote, Lot Level, HTML To verify the rolled up lot price
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_QuoteDtls_RFQ_SPO_Comm Verify, Quotes, RFQ, Standard Purchase Order, HTML To verify bid details for published auctions with standard purchase order outcome from bid history
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Quote_Analysis_Comp Verify, Quotes, HTML To verify quote analysis complete
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Quote_Header_Comp Verify, Quotes, Header, HTML To verify quotation header complete
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Quote_Lines_Complete Verify, Quotes, Lines, HTML To verify quote lines complete
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Quote_Price_Beakes_Comp Verify, Quotes, Price Breaks, HTML To verify quote price breaks complete
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Quote_Shipments_Comp Verify, Quotes, Shipments, HTML To verify quote shipments complete
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_RFQ_Header_Complete Verify, RFQ, Header, HTML To verify RFQ header complete
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_RFQ_Header_TemplateComplete Verify, RFQ, Header, Template, HTML To verify RFQ header complete after applying template
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_RFQ_Lines_Complete Verify, RFQ, Lines, HTML To verify RFQ lines complete
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_RFQ_Price_Breaks_Comp Verify, RFQ, Price Breaks, HTML To verify RFQ price breaks complete
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_RFQ_Shipments_Complete Verify, Shipments-[New], RFQ, HTML To verify RFQ shipments complete
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_RFQ_Supplier_Complete Verify, Supplier Details, RFQ, HTML To verify RFQ supplier complete
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Rejected_Lines HTML, Supplier, Rejected lines To verify rejected lines of a negotiation from supplier
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Req_Comm Verify, Requisition, HTML To verify requisition after auto create
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Review_Costfactors Verify, Cost Factors, HTML To verify the cost factor details
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Search_Neg_Comm Negotiations Search, HTML To search a negotiation and verify the status of the RFQ/auction
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction Verify_Unlock_Common RFQ, Header Details, HTML To verify the header details of an RFQ
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction View_Bid_History_Comp Verify, Bid History, HTML To verify bid history for published auctions
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction View_PO_Details_For_Neg Verify, Negotiation Details, HTML To verify purchase order details for negotiations
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction View_PO_Lines_Comm Sourcing, View Order Details, HTML To verify purchase order details for negotiations
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction View_Quote_History_Comp Verify, Quote History, HTML To verify quote history for published RFQ
Oracle Sourcing PON RFQ Auction View_Rep_Intelligence_Tab_Comp Verify, Reports, Intelligence, HTML To view reports in intelligence tab
Oracle Sourcing RFI View_Supp_RFI_Common Verify, RFI, Supplier, HTML To verify RFI supplier common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_RFI_Response_Line_Common RFI Response, Line, HTML To create RFI response line common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_RFI_SvrLn_Wot_Pric_Qty_Com RFI, Service Line, Without Price, Quantity HTML To create RFI services line without price/quantity common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_RFI_SvrLn_Wot_Pric_Qty_Comp RFI, Service Line, Without Price, Quantity HTML To create RFI services line without price/quantity complete
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_RFI_Svr_Ln_Wth_PricQty_Com RFI, Service Line, Price, Quantity HTML To create RFI services line with price/quantity common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_Svr_Line_Wth_Pric_Qty_Comp RFI, Service Line, Price, Quantity HTML To create RFI services line with price/quantity complete
Oracle Sourcing RFI Creat_Surrograte_Resp_RFI_Comm Surrogate Responses, RFI, HTML To create surrogate response for RFI common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Create_RFI_Complete RFI, HTML To create RFI complete
Oracle Sourcing RFI Create_RFI_Controls_Comm Create, RFI, Controls, HTML To create RFI controls common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Create_RFI_Controls_Comp Create, RFI, Controls, HTML To create RFI controls complete
Oracle Sourcing RFI Create_RFI_Hdr_Complete RFI, Header, HTML To create RFI header complete
Oracle Sourcing RFI Crt_Deliverables_Common Deliverables, Sourcing, Contract Terms, HTML To create buyer deliverable common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Login_Supplier_Common Negotiations Home, HTML To login online supplier common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Manage_Personal_Informtn_Supp Update Personal Information, HTML To manage personal information for supplier
Oracle Sourcing RFI Manage_Supp_Devr_Common Manage Deliverables, HTML To manage drafts deliverable for supplier
Oracle Sourcing RFI Manage_Supp_Drafts_Common Manage Draft Responses, HTML To manage drafts common for supplier
Oracle Sourcing RFI Manage_Supp_Drafts_Delete_Rsp Manage Draft Responses, Delete Response, HTML To delete response for supplier manage drafts
Oracle Sourcing RFI Manage_Supp_Drafts_Unlock_Rsp Manage Draft Responses, Unlock, HTML To unlock response for supplier manage drafts
Oracle Sourcing RFI Mge_Supp_Drft_Review_Sub_Comm Manage Drafts, Suppliers, Review, HTML To review and submit response for supplier manage
Oracle Sourcing RFI Mge_Supp_Drfts_Cancel_Req_Comm Supplier, Draft Manage, HTML To cancel request for supplier manage common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Mge_Supp_Drfts_Update_Comm Manage Drafts, Suppliers, HTML To update supplier manage response
Oracle Sourcing RFI Mge_Update_Devr_Supp_Common Suppliers, Deliverables, Update To manage and updates supplier deliverable
Oracle Sourcing RFI Add_Line_Attribute_Comp Negotiation, Attributes, Lines, HTML To create negotiation line attribute complete
Oracle Sourcing RFI Add_Supplier_Invitation_List Suppliers, Invitation, HTML To addition of supplier to the Invitation list
Oracle Sourcing RFI Add_Supplier_NEG_Complete Suppliers, Negotiation, HTML To add suppliers negotiation Complete
Oracle Sourcing RFI Analyze_By_Line_RFI_Comm RFI, Analyze, Line, HTML To analyze by line for RFI
Oracle Sourcing RFI Analyze_By_Response_Comm RFI, Response, HTML To analyze by response for RFI
Oracle Sourcing RFI Apply_Neg_Comm_Tab_Actions Negotiation, RFI, Tabs, HTML To apply negotiation common actions in all the tabs
Oracle Sourcing RFI Apply_RFI_Contract_Terms_Comm Negotiation, RFI, Contact Terms, HTML To apply negotiation RFI contract terms common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Capture_RFI_Amendment_Num Amendment, RFI, Number, HTML To get the RFI amendment number
Oracle Sourcing RFI Compare_By_Line_RFI_Select_Com Compare, RFI, HTML To analyze by line for RFI
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_AmtLn_Wot_Pric_Qty_Comp RFI, Amount, Price, Quantity, HTML To create RFI amount line without price/quantity complete
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_FPSLn_Wot_Pric_Qty_Comp RFI, FPS, Without Price, Quantity To create RFI fixed price services line without price/quantity complete
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_FPSLn_Wth_Pric_Qty_Comp RFI, FPS, Price, Quantity, HTML To create RFI fixed price services line with price/quantity complete
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_FPTLLn_Wot_Pric_Qt_Comp RFI, FPTL, Without Price, Quantity, HTML To create RFI fixed temp labor Line without price/quantity complete
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_FPTLLn_Wt_Pric_Qty_Comp RFI, FPTL, Price, Quantity, HTML To create RFI fixed price temp labor line with price/quantity complete
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_Lt_GdsLn_Wt_Pri_Qt_Comp Lot, RFI, Goods, Price, Quantity To create RFI lot goods line with price/quantity complete
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_Neg_Attribute_List_Comm Negotiation, Attributes, HTML To create negotiation reusable attribute list common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_Neg_Attribute_List_Comp Negotiation, Attributes, HTML To create negotiation reusable attribute list complete
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_Neg_Import Lines_Complete Negotiation, Import, Lines, HTML To import negotiation lines complete
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_Neg_Invitation_List_Comm Negotiation, Invitation, HTML To create negotiation reusable attribute list common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_Neg_Invitation_List_Comp Negotiation, Invitation, HTML To create negotiation reusable attribute list complete
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_RFI_AmtLn_Wot_Pric_Qty_Com RFI, Amount, Without Price, Quantity, HTML To create RFI amount line without price/quantity common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_RFI_AmtLn_Wth_Pric_Qty_Comp RFI, Amount, Price, Quantity, HTML To create RFI amount line with price/quantity common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_RFI_FPSLn_Wth_Pric_Qty_Comm RFI, FPS, With Price, Quantity, HTML To create RFI fixed price services line with price/quantity common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_RFI_FPS_Ln_Wot_Pric_Qty_Com RFI, FPS, Without Price, Quantity, HTML To create RFI fixed price services line without price/quantity common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_RFI_FPTLLn_Wth_Pric_Qty_Com RFI, FPTL, Price, Quantity, HTML To create RFI fixed price temp Labor line with price/quantity common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_RFI_Gds_Ln_Wih_PricQty_Comp RFI, Goods, With Lines, Quantity, Price, HTML To create RFI goods line with price/quantity complete
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_RFI_Gds_Ln_With_PricQty_Com RFI, Goods, With Lines, Quantity, Price, HTML To create RFI goods line with price/quantity common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_RFI_Gds_Ln_Wot_PricQty_Com RFI, Goods, Without Lines, HTML To create RFI goods line without price/quantity common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_RFI_Gds_Ln_Wot_PricQty_Comp RFI, Goods, Without Lines, HTML To create RFI goods line without price/quantity complete
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_RFI_Lt_Gds_Ln_Wt_Pri_Qt_Com RFI, Goods, With Lines, HTML To create RFI lot goods line with price/quantity common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_RFI_Onl_Response_Terms_Acpt RFI, Online, HTML To create supplier online response and accept terms and conditions
Oracle Sourcing RFI Cr_RFI_Response_Header_Common RFI, Response, Header, HTML To create supplier response header
Oracle Sourcing RFI Publish_Neg_Complete Negotiation, HTML To negotiations publish
Oracle Sourcing RFI Review_RFI_Header_Comm Verify, RFI, Header, HTML To verify RFI header before publishing
Oracle Sourcing RFI Review_RFI_Terms_Notes_Comm RFI, Verify, Terms, HTML To verify RFI terms and notes before publishing
Oracle Sourcing RFI Rsp_Supp_Contr_Trms_Devr_Comm Deliverables, Supplier, Contract, HTML To supplier response contract terms and deliverable
Oracle Sourcing RFI Send_Online_Messg_Neg_Common Online Discussion, Negotiation, HTML To create negotiation online discussion common
Oracle Sourcing RFI Send_Online_Messg_Neg_Complete Online Discussion, Negotiation, HTML To create negotiation online discussion complete
Oracle Sourcing RFI Simple_Srch_Supplier_Neg_Comm Negotiation, Search, HTML To simple search for supplier negotiation
Oracle Sourcing RFI Simple_Srch_Supplier_Neg_Comp Negotiation, Search, HTML To search the negotiation
Oracle Sourcing RFI Supp_Response_Tools_RFI_Common RFI, Response, HTML To respond to RFI by supplier
Oracle Sourcing RFI Supplier_Neg_Simple_Srch_Com Negotiation, Search, HTML To simple search for supplier negotiation
Oracle Sourcing RFI Verify_Lines_Common Verify, Sourcing, RFI, Lines, HTML To verify lines common
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Hierarchy Management Add_Child_Hierarchy Create Hierarchy, HTML To add child hierarchies during supplier hierarchy creation in create hierarchy
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Hierarchy Management Click_Update_Child_Hierarchy View Hierarchy, Edit Relationship, HTML To click on update icon in hierarchies details table
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Hierarchy Management Click_View_Hierarchy View Hierarchy, HTML To click view hierarchy icon from search results table in hierarchy
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Hierarchy Management Verify_Hierarchy View Hierarchy To verify hierarchy details in view hierarchy page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Hierarchy Management Remove_Child_Hierarchy View Hierarchy To remove child from hierarchy in view hierarchy page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Hierarchy Management Search_Hierarchy Hierarchies To search hierarchy in hierarchies page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Hierarchy Management Create_Supplier_Hierarchy Hierarchies, Create Hierarchy To create supplier hierarchy in hierarchies page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Notes Management Create_Note Notes To create notes in notes page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Notes Management Update_Delelet_Note Notes, Update Note To update or delete notes in update note page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Notes Management View_Full_Notes Notes, Update Note To view full details of notes in notes page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Crt_Contact_Prosp_Supp_Com New Supplier Request, Create Contact To create supplier contact for prospective supplier registrations common
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub View_Pub_History Publish Event History To view published event history
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Crt_Product_Services_Comp New Supplier Request, Add Products and Services To create product and services for prospective supplier registration
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Crt_Supp_Addr_Pros_Supp_Com New Supplier Request, Create Address To create supplier address for prospective supplier registration
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Enable_As_Supplier Com Suppliers, Enable Existing Organization As Supplier, Smart Search To enable existing organization as supplier
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Navigate_To_Enrich_Org Organization, Review, D&B Purchase Data, D&B Search and Results To navigate to enriching organization data page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Notify_All_Suppliers_Com Suppliers, Notification To notify all suppliers
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Notify_Supplier_Html_Com Organization, Notification To notify a supplier
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Order_Investigation D&B Search and Results, Order Investigation To investigate order data
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Publish_Data Suppliers, Attribute Groups To publish supplier data
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Publish_Supplier_Comp Organization To publish a supplier
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Purchase_Data D&B Search and Results, Select Data Product Or Report To purchase a data product or report
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Register_New_Supplier Com Suppliers, Choose Operating Unit To register a new supplier
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Run_Publication_Prgm Schedule Request, Parameters, Schedule Request, Review To run publication program
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Search_Activate_Batch Import Batches To search and activate batches
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Search_Attribute_Group Attribute Group To search for an attribute group
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Search_Current_Supp_Hdr_Comp New Supplier Request, Check Current Suppliers To search for a current supplier for prospective suppliers complete
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Search_Dun_And_Bradsheet D&B Search and Results To search from dun and bradstreet
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Search_Prosp_Supp_Html_Com Suppliers, Prospective Supplier Registrations To search for prospective supplier registration
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Select_Assoc_Attribute_Group Attribute Group Search and Select, Attribute Groups To select an attribute group for supplier
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Smart_Search Supplier Smart Search, Enable Existing Organization As Supplier, Smart Search To do a smart search to find out supplier profile
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Supplier_Search_Html_Comp Suppliers, Organization To search a supplier
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Upd_Business_Classifications Create, Update Address, Manage Sites To update business classifications
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Upd_Contact_Prosp_Supplier_Com New Supplier Request, Create Contact To update supplier contact for prospective supplier registrations
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Upd_Gnrl_Classifications_Comp New Supplier Request, Classifications To update general classifications for prospective supplier registrations
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Upd_Profile_Attributes_Comp New Supplier Request, Supplier Profile To update profile attributes for prospective supplier registrations
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Update_Attribute_Group Attribute Group, Attribute Group Details, Update Attribute Group To update attribute group
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Update_Attributes_of_AG Attribute Group, Attribute Group Details, Edit Attribute To update attributes of attribute group
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Update_OSN_Message Messages To update the OSN notification message
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Verify_D&B Results D&B Search and Results To verify Dun and Bradstreet search results
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Verify_Enable_As_Supplier Enable Existing Organization As Supplier, Smart Search, Organization To verify smart search results in enable as supplier page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Verify_Item_Sync Supplier Research To verify whether item is added into attribute supplier list after item qualification RFI
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Add_Attributes_to_AG SETUPCOMP To add attribute to attribute group
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Add_Business_Entity_To_AG Create Attribute Group, Attribute Group Details To add business entity to attribute Group
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Add_Values_To_Set SETUPCOMP To add values to a value set
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Assoc_Attribute_Group_Com SETUPCOMP To associate attribute groups
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Assoc_Attribute_Group_Prd SETUPCOMP To associate attribute group to products
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Attach_Roles_To_Supp SETUPCOMP To attach roles to supplier profiles
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Create_Attribute_Group Attribute Groups, Create Attribute Group To create an attribute group
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Create_Attribute_Page SETUPCOMP To create an attribute page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Create_Batch SETUPCOMP To create batches which will be used for data import
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Create_Customer_Comm SETUPCOMP To create customer record from customer data hub
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Create_General_Classify SETUPCOMP To create general or industrial classification to supplier profile
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Create_Permission_Set_Header Permission Set Search, Create Permission Set To create permission set header
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Create_Permission_Set_Lines Create Permission Set, Permission Set Search To create permission set lines
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Create_Privileges SETUPCOMP To create privileges
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Create_Roles SETUPCOMP To create roles
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Create_Source_System SETUPCOMP To create a source system
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Create_Supplier Com Suppliers, Create Supplier To create a supplier
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Create_Value_Set SETUPCOMP To create value sets
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Crt_Attribute_Group SETUPCOMP To create attribute group
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Crt_Attributes_to_Atribute_Grp Create Attribute, Attribute Group Details To add attributes to attribute group
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Verify_Negotiation_Control Negotiations Home To verify negotiation control
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Verify_Per_Eval_Values_Eval Organization To verify performance evaluation details
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Verify_Perf_Evaluation_Values Suppliers, Organization To search for a supplier and click on update image
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Verify_Smart_Search Supplier Smart Search, Organization To verify smart search results
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Verify_Supplier_Notification Notification Details To verify supplier notification
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Verify_System_Messages Messages To query and verify system messages
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Verify_Uda_Access Suppliers, Organization To verify attribute group access
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Verify_Uda_Access_Supp Organization To verify attribute group access for supplier
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Oracle Supplier Hub Crt_Or_Use_Existing_Org Suppliers, Duplicate Organizations To create a new organization or use an existing organization
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier General Classification Create_General_Classification General Classification, Assign Customer, Select Classifications To creating general classification in general classification page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier General Classification Del_Industrial_Classification Classifications To delete industrial classification from the supplier in classifications page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier General Classification Delete_General_Classification Classifications To delete general classification from the supplier in classifications page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier General Classification Restore_General_Classification Classifications, General Classification History To restore general classification after deleting it in general classification history page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier General Classification Restore_Industrial_Classify Classifications, General Classification History To restore industrial classification after deleting it
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier General Classification Verify_Industrial_Classify Classifications To verify industrial classifications in classifications page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier General Classification Select_Dates_In_Gen_Classify Assign Customer, Select Dates, Classifications To enter date details while creating general classification
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier General Classification Update_General_Classification Classifications, Update Classification To update general classification details in update classification page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier General Classification Update_Industrial_Classify Classifications, Update Classification To update industrial classification details in update classification page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier General Classification Verify_General_Classification Classifications To verify general classification details in classification page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier General Classification Select_Classif_In_Gen_Classify Assign Customer, Select Classifications, Assign Customer, Select Dates To select classification type while creating general classification
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Approve_RFI_Neg_Line RFI, Approve by Line To approve RFI negotiation line
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Approved_RFI_Line_Status RFI, Approve by Line To approve RFI line status
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Click_Continue_Submit Continue, Submit To click on continue and submit buttons
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Click_RFI_Eval_Settings Create RFI Template, Header, Select Evaluation Settings, RFI Template To click on select evaluation settings button
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Close_Complete_RFI RFI, Complete RFI To close and complete an RFI
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Close_RFI_Neg RFI, Close RFI To close RFI negotiation
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Complete_RFI_Approve_Line RFI, Complete RFI To complete RFI approved line
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Create_Display_Format SETUPCOMP To create display format
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Create_Search_Criteria SETUPCOMP To create search criteria
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Create_Template_Header_Common Create Requirement List To click on apply button while adding requirement to a requirement list
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Crt_Attribute_List_Mapping SETUPCOMP To map an attribute group to attribute list
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Crt_Requirement_List SETUPCOMP To create reusable requirement list
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Crt_Requirement_List_Hdr Reusable Requirement Lists, Create Requirement List To create requirement list header
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Crt_Requirement_List_Mapping SETUPCOMP To map attribute group to requirement list
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Define_RFI_Temp_Control SETUPCOMP To defining control section of RFI template
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Define_RFI_Temp_EvalTeam SETUPCOMP To defining evaluation control settings header section of RFI template
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Define_RFI_Temp_Header SETUPCOMP To create RFI template header details
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Define_RFI_Temp_List SETUPCOMP To add requirement list during RFI template creation
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Define_RFI_Temp_Supplier RFI, Create RFI Template To create RFI template supplier details
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Define_Sdh_Onboarding SETUPCOMP To define supplier onboarding configuration
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Define_Sdh_Onboarding_Prof_Sec Supplier Onboarding Configuration To define profile section of supplier onboarding configuration
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Defn_Sdh_Onboarding_Temp_Name Supplier Onboarding Configuration To define template name section of supplier onboarding configuration
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Enter_Evaluation Create Response To provide evaluations to prospective RFI
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Enter_Perf_Evaluation Create Response To provide performance evaluation of RFI
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Enter_Reg_UDA_Details Prospective Supplier Registration, Additional Details To enter supplier profile details during prospective supplier registration
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Enter_Supp_Pros_RFI_Pre_Qualif RFI, Create Response To create response for an RFI
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Enter_Supp_Prospective_RFI Prospective Supplier Registration, Additional Details To enter RFI response during prospective supplier registration
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Equalize_Weight SETUPCOMP To equalize weights of all requirements
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Navigate_Eval_Page_Evaluation Enter Evaluations To click on evaluation image in enter evaluations page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Navigate_Evaluation_Page Negotiations Home To navigate to evaluation page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Respond_RFI_Negotiation Active Negotiations To respond to RFI negotiation
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Search_RFI_Temp_Req_List RFI, Header, Add Requirement List To search for an RFI template list
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Search_RFI_Template RFI To search for a RFI template
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Select_Action_Req_List Create Requirement List To perform select action for a requirement list
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Select_Neg_Number RFI, Negotiations Search To click on a negotiation number link
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Select_RFI_Temp_Req RFI To select an RFI template
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Send_Notification Notification To send notification to selected suppliers
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Udp_RFI_Resp_Lines RFI To update RFI response lines
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Verify_approved aupplier list_Item_Entry Negotiations Home To verify whether a particular category is added to approved supplier list after item qualification
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Verify_Advance_Search_Supplier Verify, Advance, Search, Supplier To verify advanced search supplier details
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Accept_RFI_Terms_Conds Terms and Conditions To click on accept button in terms and conditions page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Activate_RFI_Template SETUPCOMP To activate an RFI template
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Add_Eval_Sectn_Assign RFI, Create RFI Template, Header To add a team assignment during evaluation settings of an RFI template
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Add_Eval_Team_Members RFI, Evaluation Team To add an evaluation team member
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Add_Eval_Teams RFI To add evaluation teams during evaluation settings of an RFI template
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Add_RFI_Temp_Req_List RFI To add requirement list to RFI template
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Add_Reqrmt_Section_To_Req_List Create Requirement List To add requirement section to the requirement list
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Add_Response_Value Create Requirement List To add response value to the requirement
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Add_Section_Req_List Create Requirement List To add a section to the requirement list
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Advance_Search Advance, Search To apply criteria and display formats during advance search of supplier
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Advance_Search_Supplier Advance, Search, Supplier To perform advance search for supplier
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Apply_Prosp_Temp_Assign_Cost Prospective Supplier Registrations To click on apply template button and publish a RFI
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Apply_Prosp_Temp_Clasfication Prospective Supplier Registrations To select a classification and click on continue button
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Apply_Prosp_Temp_New_Supp_Req Prospective Supplier Registrations To create and update new supplier request
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Apply_Prospect_Template Prospective Supplier Registrations To search for supplier and click on review image in prospective supplier registrations page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Apply_RFI_Template RFI To apply RFI template while creating RFI
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Apply_Requirement_List Create Requirement List To apply requirement list
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Supplier Lifecycle Management Approve_Prospective_Supplier Suppliers To approve prospective supplier request
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Task Management Click_Tasks_Update Tasks To click task update icon from search results table in tasks page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Task Management Create_Update_Task Tasks To enter task details in create task or update task page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Task Management Create_Update_Task_Owner Tasks To enter task owner details in create task or update task page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Task Management Verify_Task_Details Tasks To verify task details in tasks page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Task Management Get_Task_Number Tasks To extract task number after task is created in tasks page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Task Management Search_Task Tasks To search task in tasks page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Task Management Update_Task_Details Tasks, Update Tasks To update task details in update task page
Oracle Supplier Data Hub Task Management Delete_Task Tasks To delete a task in tasks page
Oracle iProcurement Generic Verify_Text_OAF Generic To verify text in web pages
Oracle iProcurement Pcard Create_CreditCrd_Profile_Limit Forms, Pcard, Create, Credit, Card Profile, Limit, SETUPCOMP To create credit card profile limit in forms
Oracle iProcurement Pcard Create_CreditCrd_CodSet_Values Forms, Pcard, Create, Code Set, Values, SETUPCOMP To create code set values in forms
Oracle iProcurement Pcard Create_CreditCrd_CodSet_Header SETUPCOMP, Forms, Pcard, Create, Code Set, Header To create code set header in forms
Oracle iProcurement Pcard Create_CreditCard_Suplier_Info Forms, Pcard, Create, Credit, Card, Supplier, Info To create supplier details for credit cards
Oracle iProcurement Pcard Create_CreditCard_Programs Forms, Pcard, Create, Credit Card, Programs To create credit card program in forms
Oracle iProcurement Pcard Create_CreditCard Forms, Pcard, Create, Credit, Card To create credit card in forms
Oracle iProcurement Pcard Define_Code_Conversion_Values Forms, Pcard, Setup, Create, Code, Conversion, Values To give code conversion values in forms
Oracle iProcurement Pcard Create_CreditCard_Profiles Forms, Pcard, Create, Credit, Card Profile, SETUPCOMP To create credit card profile in forms
Oracle iProcurement Requester Information Template Define_Requester_Info_Template Define Information Template To create information template header
Oracle iProcurement Requester Information Template Def_Info_Template_Attributes Define Information Template To create information template attributes
Oracle iProcurement Requester Information Template Def_Info_Template_Asociation Information Template Association To associate item category and item number to information template
Oracle iProcurement Requester Information Template Verify_Info_Template_Details Special Information To verify template attributes in special information page
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Verify_Reqs_Life_Cycle_Page HTML, Contractor, Request, Verify Contractor Life Cycle Page To verify the details in requisition life cycle page
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Verify_Temp_Labor_PO_Form Form, Purchase Order, Verify, Temp, Labor Details To verify the temp labor tab details in purchase order form
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Vrf_Amount_Contractor_Request Oracle iProcurement, Requisition To verify amount during contractor assignment for a requisition
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Vrf_RateDiff_Info_Cont_Request HTML, Contract, Request, Verify, Rate Differentials To verify the rate multipliers present on the supplier information page of the contractor request page
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Vrf_Shoping_Cart_Contract_Reqs HTML, Verify, Contract, Request, Data in Shopping Cart To verify the data on the shopping cart during contractor request creation
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Vrf_SuppNotifi_Det_Contract HTML, Supplier, Notification, Details To verify supplier details after clicking on notification link
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Vrf_Supplier_Info_Cont_Request HTML, Verify, Contract, Request, Data in Supplier Info To verify the contractor request details during contractor request creation
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement App_Checkout_Edit_Requisition HTML, Notification, Edit, Requisition, From, Notification To edit the requisition through notification in approver checkout page
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Assign_Contractor_Request HTML, Assign, Contract, Request To click on assign contractor image during contractor request creation
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Change_Manager_Contrctr_Asign HTML, Contractor, Request, Change Manager in Contractor Assignment To change manager in contractor assignment page
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Create_Contractor_Performance iProcurement, Shop, Contractor, Performance To create the contractor performance entry in the iProcurement contractor performance entry page
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Create_Contrctr_Assinmnt_Notif HTML, Contractor, Request, Assign, Contract Assignment Form Notification To create contractor assignment from notification of contractor request
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Edit_Contractor_Req_Rate_Info Oracle iProcurement, Contractor Request To update the rate information during contractor request creation
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Edit_Contractor_Request HTML, Update, Contract, Request To edit the supplier details during contractor request creation
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Enter_Agreed_Rate_Multipliers HTML, Contract, Request, Enter, Agreed, Rate, Multipliers To enter agreed rate multipliers and for clicking on checkout and submit buttons during requisition creation and contractor request creation
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Verify_Reference_Doc _Po_Form Form, Purchase Order, Verify, Reference Document Details To verify the reference document tab details in purchase order form
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Verify_Rate_Value_Cont_Assign HTML, Contractor, Request, Verify, Rate, Values To verify rate values in contractor assignment page
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Verify_Contractor_Performance iProcurement, Contractor, Performance To verify the contractor performance in iProcurement contractor performance page
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Verify_Contr_Details_PO_Notif HTML, Contract, Request, Verify Contractor Details in Contractor Approval Notification To verify the contractor details in notification of contractor request
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Verify_CR_Contractor_Info Oracle iProcurement, Review Supplier Information To verify supplier details in review supplier information
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Verify_Agreed_Rate_Multipliers Oracle iProcurement, Requisition To verify agreed rate multipliers while contractor assignment
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Update_Contractor_Performance iProcurement, Contractors, Performance To update the contractor performance
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Setup_Aceptance_Agt_changes HTML, Purchase Order, Setup, Acceptance for Agreement Changes To set acceptance of agreement changes for catalog admin and supplier
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Setup_Aceptance_Agrmnt_Changes Agreement To setup for acceptance of agreement changes for catalog admin and supplier
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Select_Notification_ISP HTML, ISP, Home, Select, Notification To select notification in iSupplier Portal home page
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Search_Contractor_Performance Oracle iProcurement, Contractor, Performance To search the contractor performance in Oracle iProcurement contractor performance page
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Enter_Amount_ContRequest HTML, Contract, Request, Enter, Amount To enter amount and for clicking on checkout and submit buttons during requisition creation while contractor request creation
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Enter_CR_Supplier_Information Oracle iProcurement, Contractor Request To select a supplier from list of preferred suppliers and enter its details
Oracle iProcurement Service Procurement Pref_Elig_Crteria_Cont_Worker Form, Setup, Set, Contingent Worker, Preferences To set an eligibility criteria preferences for contingent worker
Oracle iProcurement Setup Create_Test_Store_Setup_Header ADVPACK, Test Store To create test store header.
Oracle iProcurement Setup Verify_Test_Store_Search ADVPACK, Test Store, Search To verify data in test store search.
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Verify_View_Hierarchy Oracle iProcurement, Map iProcurement Categories To verify item category hierarchy details in Oracle iProcurement and map iProcurement categories page
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Add_Content_Zone Content Zone To add a content zone and it can be pulled multiple times to add multiple content zones
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Add_Smartforms SETUPCOMP To add smart forms for multiple times
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Assign_Content_Zone_Security SETUPCOMP To assign content zone security for iProcurement and use these content zones in iProcurement to perform search and checkout
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Assign_Info_Template SETUPCOMP To assign information template to all types of smart forms
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Assign_SF_CZ_Sequence SETUPCOMP To configure a store by assigning a sequence based on the content zone
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Click_Store_Name_Link Store To click store name link which is in iProcurement home page
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Copy_Smartform_Goods_Qnty SETUPCOMP To copy goods quantity of smart form
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Copy_Smartform_Services_Amount SETUPCOMP To copy existing smart form with type goods or services billed by amount and create new smart form
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Copy_Smartform_Services_Qnty SETUPCOMP To copy existing smart form with type of services billed by quantity and create new smart form
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Copy_Store SETUPCOMP To copy store for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Create_Base_Descriptors SETUPCOMP To create base descriptors for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Create_Child_Category SETUPCOMP To create child category for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Create_Inform_Content_Zone SETUPCOMP To create content zone for iProcurement and use these content zones in iProcurement to perform search and checkout
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Create_Item_Category SETUPCOMP To create item category for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Create_Local_Content_Zone SETUPCOMP To create content zone for iProcurement and use these content zone in iProcurement to perform search and checkout
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Create_Punchout_Cont_Zone_Cxml SETUPCOMP To create content zone with source direct supplier punchout for iProcurement and use these content zone in iProcurement to perform search and checkout
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Create_Punchout_Cont_Zone_Exng SETUPCOMP To create content zone with source exchange for iProcurement and use these content zone in iProcurement to perform search and checkout
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Create_Punchout_Cont_Zone_Xml SETUPCOMP To create content zone with source direct supplier punchout which is Oracle native XML for iProcurement and use these content zone in iProcurement to perform search and checkout
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Create_SmartForm_Services_Amnt SETUPCOMP To create smart form for iProcurement using item type of goods or services billed by Amount
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Create_Smartform_Goods_Qty SETUPCOMP To create smart form for iProcurement using item type of goods billed by quantity
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Create_Smartform_Services_Amnt SETUPCOMP To create smart form for iProcurement using item type of goods or services billed by Amount
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Create_Smartform_Services_Qty SETUPCOMP To create smart form for iProcurement using item type of services billed by quantity
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Create_Store_Sequence SETUPCOMP To create store sequence for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Create_Top_Level_Category SETUPCOMP To create top level category for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Create_Transpartcont_Zone_Exng SETUPCOMP To create transparent content zone with source exchange for iProcurement and use these content zone in iProcurement to perform search and checkout
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Create_Transpartcont_Zone_Supp SETUPCOMP To create transparent content zone with source supplier for iProcurement and use these content zone in iProcurement to perform search and checkout
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Crt_Store_Multiple_Cont_Zones Create Store Multiple Content Zones To create store with multiple content zones for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Crt_Store_One_Cont_Zn_Smrt_Frm SETUPCOMP To create store with one content zone and smart form for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Delete_Base_Descriptors SETUPCOMP To delete base descriptors for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Delete_Category_Hierarchy SETUPCOMP To delete category hierarchy for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Delete_Content_Zone SETUPCOMP To delete a specific content zone for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Delete_Item_Category SETUPCOMP To delete existing item category for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Delete_Smart_Form SETUPCOMP To delete complete smart form for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Delete_Store SETUPCOMP To delete complete store for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Insert_Existing_Child_Categ SETUPCOMP To insert an existing child to top level category
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Map_Purchasing_Category SETUPCOMP To map the purchasing category with shopping category for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Map_Shoping_Category SETUPCOMP To map the shopping category with purchasing category for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Remove_Category_Hierarcy SETUPCOMP To remove category hierarchy for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Remove_Information_Template HTML, Remove, Information, Template To remove information template that is assigned to smart forms
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Remove_Mapping_Purcha_Category SETUPCOMP To remove the existing mapping with purchasing category
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Remove_Mapping_Shoping_Categry SETUPCOMP To remove the existing mapping with shopping category for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Search_Item_Category SETUPCOMP To search for an item category
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Search_Purchasing_Category SETUPCOMP To search for purchasing category
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Search_Shoping_Category SETUPCOMP To search shopping category for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Srch_Agr_Any_Con_Catalog_Admin HTML, Agreements, Search Agreement Any Condition, Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement To search for an agreement in agreements page
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Update_Base_Descriptors SETUPCOMP To update base descriptors for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Update_Category_Hierarcy SETUPCOMP To update category hierarchy for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Update_Item_Category SETUPCOMP To update an existing item category
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Update_Of_Smart_Forms SETUPCOMP To copy an existing smart form with type of goods billed by quantity and create new smart form
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Update_Smartform_Goods_Qnty SETUPCOMP To update an existing smart form with type of goods billed by quantity
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Update_Smartform_Services_Amnt SETUPCOMP To update an existing smart form with type of services billed by amount
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Update_Smartform_Services_Qnty SETUPCOMP To update an existing smart form with type of services billed by quantity
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Update_Store Store To update the existing store for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Upload_BPA_CIF&Cxml SETUPCOMP To upload Blanket Purchase Agreement lines with Catalog Interchange Format and Cxml
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Upload_BPA_Tab_And_Xml SETUPCOMP To upload Blanket Purchase Agreement lines with Tab and Xml
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Upload_Quotation_CIF&cXml SETUPCOMP To upload quotations with Catalog Interchange Format and Cxml
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Upload_Quotation_Tab&Xml SETUPCOMP To upload quotations with Tab and Xml
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Upload_Schema SETUPCOMP To upload the Blanket Purchase Agreement lines with schema
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Ver_Purchasing_Category_Maping Category Mapping To verify purchasing category name from search results table in category mapping page
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Ver_Shoping_Category_Mapping Category Mapping To verify shopping category name from search results table in category mapping page
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Verify_Base_Descriptor Base Descriptors, Oracle iProcurement, Manage Descriptors, SETUPCOMP To verify base descriptor details in manage descriptors page
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Verify_Child_In_BrowsCategory SETUPCOMP To verify child category under browsing category for iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Verify_Item_Category Oracle iProcurement, Manage Item Categories To verify item category which is in manage item categories page
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Verify_Store_SmartForms SETUPCOMP To verify store and smart forms
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Download_Resources ADVPACK, Resources To download resources
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Convert_File_Template ADVPACK, Convert To convert file template
Oracle iProcurement iP Catalog Administration Search_Converter_History ADVPACK, Converter, History To search convert history
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Create_Multi_Receipt_IP_Items HTML, Receipt, Creation For The Multiple Items To generate multiple receipts based on requisition selected in Oracle iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Create_Receipt_Using_Full_List Receiving, Express Receive, Receive, Submit To create a receipt using the full list button in the iProcurement receiving page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Enter_Contractor_Request_Det HTML, Contractor, Request, Create, Contractor, Request To enter contractor request information in contractor request page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Express_IP_Receipts HTML, Receiving, Create, Express, Receipts To express receiving of requisition and then creates a receipt in Oracle iProcurment receiving OAF page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Receive_IP_Items HTML, Receiving, Receipt, Creation for the selected Item To receive requisition and then creates receipt for the received requisitions in Oracle iProcurement receiving page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Return_IP_Items HTML, Receiving, Return receipts for select receipt To correct receipts in Oracle iProcurement: return items page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Search_Contractor_Performance HTML, Contractor, Request, Contractor, Performance, Search To search contractor in Oracle iProcurement contractor performance page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Search_Contractors HTML, Contractor, Request, Search, Contractors To search requisition in Oracle iProcurement contractors search page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Search_IP_Receipts HTML, Receiving, Search, Receipts, For, View To search receipts in Oracle iProcurment view receipts page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Search_Items_On_Receiving_Page HTML, Receiving, Search, Items, From Tool Bar to Create Receipts, Correct, Return and View To search items based on items to receive, return, correct, view, order number, requisition number or by supplier
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Search_Req_In_Receiving_Region HTML, Receiving, Search, Items, From Receiving Process Region to Create Receipts, Correct, Return and View To click links which are available in receiving section and then searches requisition in Oracle iProcurement receiving page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Search_Req_To_Receive HTML, Receiving, Search, Select Items, To, Receive To search requisition number in Oracle iProcurment receiving page for creating receipts
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Search_Req_To_Return HTML, Receiving, Search, Receipts, For, Correct or Return To search requisition number in Oracle iProcurment receiving page for returning or correcting receipts
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Select_Receive_Item HTML, Receiving, Select, Receipt, Item To select and enter receipt amount or quantity and unit for receiving items in Oracle iProcurement receiving page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Verify_Contractor_Search HTML, Contractor, Request, Verify, Contractor, Search To verify contractor details in Oracle iProcurement contractor search page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Verify_Doc_Upload_History HTML, Catalog, Admin, Verify, Bulkload, Document, Upload, History, Status To verify the bulk of upload documents history for Blanket Purchase Agreement Page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Verify_IP_Receipts HTML, Receiving, Verify, Receipts, Search To verify receipt and requisition number in Oracle iProcurement view receipts page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Verify_Item_Checkout Oracle iProcurement, Checkout To verify items information in Oracle iProcurement checkout page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Verify_Receipt_Correction HTML, Receiving, Verify, Receipts, Correction, Confirmation To verify receipt correction confirmation message and receipt details after correcting a receipt in Oracle iProcurment correct receipts page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Verify_Receipt_Creation HTML, Receiving, Verify, Receipts, Creation, Confirmation To verify receipt creation confirmation message and receipt details after creating a receipt in Oracle iProcurment receiving page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Verify_Receipt_Return HTML, Receiving, Verify, Receipts, Return, Confirmation To verify receipt return confirmation message and receipt details after returning a receipt in Oracle iProcurment return Items page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Verify_Requisition_Search Oracle iProcurement, Receiving To verify component for search requisition to create receipt
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Views_Contractors HTML, Contractor, Request, View, Contractor, With, Status To search requisition in Oracle iProcurement: contractors page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Add_Budget_Contractrequest Html, Contractor, Request, Add, Rate and Budget Information, For Contractor Request type Fixed Price temporary labour To enter budget information to contractor request in Oracle iProcurment contractor request page and then add contractor request to the cart
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Add_Preferred_Supplier_To_CR HTML, Contractor, Request, Add, Preferred Supplier To include preferred supplier details to contract request in Oracle iProcurment contractor request page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Add_Rate_Budget_To_CR HTML, Contractor, Request, Add, Rate and Budget Information, For Contractor Request Type Rate based temp labour To enter rate and budget information to contractor request in Oracle iProcurment contractor request page and then add contractor request to the cart
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Add_Suggested_New_Supl_To_CR HTML, Contractor, Request, Add, New, Suggested, Supplier To select suggested supplier details and creates a new supplier for contract request in Oracle iProcurment contractor request page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Add_Suggested_Supplier_To_CR HTML, Contractor, Request, Add, Suggested Supplier To select suggested supplier details and enter existing supplier details to contract request in Oracle iProcurment contractor request page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Associate_Jobs_Category HTML, Purchase Order, Setup, Associate, Jobs, Category To associate jobs with categories in job and category association page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Correct_IP_Receipts HTML, Receiving, Correct To search and correct its quantity or amount and then submit it All these operations are done in Oracle iProcurement: correct receipts page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Correct_Multiple_IP_Receipts HTML, Receipt, Correction For The Multiple Receipts To search and enter correct quantity or amount value for receipts in Oracle iProcurement correct receipts page
Oracle iProcurement iP Receiving SP Create_Contractor_Performance Oracle iProcurement, Shop To search contractor to view performance
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Req_Approval_Groups HTML, Manage Requisitions, Requisition Lifecycle To verify the approver group of a requisition in iProcurement manage approvals page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Req_Approvals HTML, Manage Requisitions, Requisition Lifecycle To verify the approver list of a requisition in iProcurement manage approvals page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Req_Aproval_History HTML, Manage Approvals, Requisitions To verify the approval history of requisition in iProcurement requisition page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Req_Attachments HTML, Attachments To verify the details of attachment table in iProcurement checkout page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Req_Details HTML, Manage Requisitions, Requisition Lifecycle To verify the requisition details in iProcurement requisition page which is getting after clicking the requisition description link in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Req_Header_Review_Sub HTML, Manage Requisitions, Requisition Lifecycle To verify header details of requisition in iProcurement review page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Req_Info_Step HTML, Manage Requisitions, Requisition Lifecycle To verify data of common fields in delivery and billing information of requisition in iProcurement checkout page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Req_Invoice_Details HTML, Manage Requisitions, Requisition Lifecycle To verify Invoice details of requisition in iProcurement requisition line details page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Req_Line_Attachments HTML, Attachments To verify the details of line level attachments in iProcurement checkout page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Req_Line_Details HTML, Manage Requisitions, Requisition Lifecycle To verify the requisition line details by clicking on details image of line table in iProcurement requisition page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Req_Line_Review_Sub HTML, Manage Requisitions, Requisition Lifecycle To verify the line details of requisition in iProcurement review page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Req_PO_Details_In_Iproc HTML, Manage Requisitions, Requisition Lifecycle To verify order details of requisition in iProcurement requisitions page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Req_Review_Submit HTML, Manage Requisitions, Requisition Lifecycle To verify line table information in iProcurement review page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Req_Search_Result HTML, Manage Requisitions To verify the details of requisition after search the requisition in iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Req_Summary HTML, Manage Requisitions, Requisition Lifecycle To verify the requisition details in iProcurement requisition page which is getting after clicking the requisition number link in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Req_Tax_Info HTML, Tax, Requisitions To verify the tax information in requisition line details page of iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Shopping_Cart HTML, Shopping Cart, Requisitions To verify item line details in shopping cart page of iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Smartform_Data HTML, Non-Catalog Request To verify default data displayed from catalog in iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions View_Req_line_Attachment HTML, Attachments To click on attachments image in line table of requisition in iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Vrf_Change_Order_Line_Details Requisition, Line To verify change order details of requisition with purchase order
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Vrf_Requisition_Details_Line HTML, Manage Requisitions, Requisition Lifecycle To verify the requisition line table info in iProcurement requisition page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Vrf_Respnse_Status_Chng_Order HTML, Requisition Change Order To verify the status of response notification for changer order in notification details page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Action_Requisition Oracle iProcurement, Requisitions To go for requisition home page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Add_Approver_To_Chng_Req HTML, Manage Approvals, Requisitions To add approver while changing the requisition which is having purchase order associated with it in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Add_Item_To_Cart_Favs_Compare HTML, Add, Store, Item, To, Cart, Favourites And Compare To search and add an item to the cart or favorites or compare in iProcurement home page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Add_Line_Attachments_Html HTML, Attachments To add an attachment at line level to the requisition line in iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Add_Shopping_List_Item_To_Cart HTML, Add, Shopping, List, Item, To, Cart, Move, Delete To search and add an item from shopping lists to the cart or move or delete
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Attach_Approval_Notes HTML, Checkout, Approvals and Notes, Attachments To give data for notes, justification fields and performs button actions in the iProcurement checkout notes and approvals page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Cancel_Requisition HTML, Cancel Requisition, Manage Requisitions To cancel a requisition in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Cancel_Requisition_PO HTML, Cancel Requisition, Manage Requisitions To cancel a requisition which is associated with purchase order in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Change_Req_With_PO HTML, Requisition Change Order To change the requisition which is having purchase order associated with it in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Change_Req_With_PO_Lines HTML, Requisition Change Order To perform operations in table of change requisition which is having purchase order associated with it in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Change_Req_Without_PO HTML, Requisition Change Order To change the requisition which is not having purchase order associated with in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Click_Apply_Button HTML, Requisitions To click on apply button in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Click_Requisition_Status HTML, Manage Requisitions, Requisition Lifecycle To click the status link of a requisition in iProcurement requisitions page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Click_View_Cart_Checkout HTML, Shopping cart, View cart and Check out To click on view cart and checkout button in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Complete_A_Requisition HTML, Complete Requisition, Manage Requisitions To complete a requisition which is in Incomplete status in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Confirm_Requisition HTML, Confirmation, Requisitions To get requisition number and perform button actions in confirmation page of iProcurement
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Copy_Req_To_Cart HTML, Copy To Cart, Requisitions To copy a requisition to the cart in iProcurement requisitions page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Create_NCR HTML, Non-Catalog Request, Requisitions To add a non catalog requisition line to the cart in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Create_NCR_New_Supplier HTML, Non-Catalog Request, Requisitions To add a Non catalog requisition line with new supplier to the Cart in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Delete_Attachment_Req_Header HTML, Attachments To delete header level attachments in iProcurement checkout page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Delete_Store HTML, Requisitions To delete store in iProcurement catalog administration stores page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Enter_Accounts_Info HTML, Req, Update, Selected, Line, Requisition, Accounts, Info To perform table actions in accounts tab of requisition line in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Enter_Billing_Details Html, Update, Selected, Line, Requisition, Billing, Info To give values to the fields in billing tab in iProcurement edit lines page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Enter_Charge_Account_Info HTML, Requisition Distribution, Requisitions To give charge account to the line in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Enter_Delivery_Details HTML, Update, Selected, Line, Requisition, Delivery, Info To give values to the fields in delivery tab in iProcurement edit lines page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Enter_Info_Template_Details HTML, Enter, Information, Template, Attribute, Values To enter information template details in iProcurement shop page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Enter_OneTime_Address HTML, Requisitions To give value to deliver to location field after clicking on enter one time address link in delivery tab in iProcurement edit lines page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Enter_Project_Details HTML, Requisition Distribution, Requisitions To give values to the fields in project tab in iProcurement edit lines page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Enter_Req_Header_Info HTML, Checkout, Requisition, Header, Information To enter data for common fields of delivery and billing information of requisition in iProcurement checkout page and perform all button actions in that page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Manage_Approvals HTML, Checkout, Manage Approvals To add an approver for requisition in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Review_Submit_Req HTML, Review and Submit, Requisitions To review, submit and get the requisition number in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Save_Req_Confirm_Page HTML, Save Requisition, Requisitions To perform button actions after clicking on save in shopping cart page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Search_Requisition HTML, Search Requisition, Manage Requisitions To search a requisition in iProcurement requisitions page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Select_Item_Source HTML, Requisitions, Internal Requisition To select the source of an item from where we want to take that item while creating internal requisition in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Select_Requisition HTML, Manage Requisitions To select the requisition and click on the cancel requisition button in iProcurement requisitions page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Set_Iproc_Pref_Fav_Charge_Acnt HTML, Preferences To add charge account segment in iProcurement preferences
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Set_Iproc_Pref_Favourite_Lists HTML, Preferences To add favorite list in iProcurement preferences
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Set_Iproc_Pref_Pri_Charge_Acnt HTML, Preferences To set a primary charge account segment in iProcurement preferences
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Set_Iproc_Pref_Pri_Fav_Lists HTML, Preferences To set a primary favorite list in iProcurement preferences
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Set_Iproc_Pref_Shop_Deliv_Bill HTML, Preferences To give values to the fields in delivery and billing tabs in iProcurement preferences page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Shopping_Cart_Page HTML, Shopping cart, Checkout or Save To edit line information and click final checkout in shopping cart page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Submit_Chng_Req_Rev HTML, Requisition Change Order To submit the changed requisition which is having purchase order associated with it in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Update_Req_Text_Attachment HTML, Attachments To update the text type header level attachment in iProcurement checkout page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Update_Req_URL_Attachment HTML, Attachments To update the URL type header level attachment in iProcurement checkout page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Update_Store HTML, Requisitions To update store information in iProcurement catalog administration stores page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Ver_Charge_Account_Edit_Lines Oracle iProcurement, Checkout To verify charge account details before submitting a requisition in Oracle iProcurement checkout page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Ver_Req _Change_History_Ln_Det Verify, Requisition Change History To verify the change history of a requisition in iProcurement requisitions page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Accounts_Edit_Lines Oracle iProcurement, Checkout To verify requisition accounts details before submitting requisition in Oracle iProcurement checkout page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_ApprovalSeq_Notifcation HTML, Manage Requisitions, Requisition Lifecycle To verify the approval hierarchy of requisition in notification page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Approver_List Oracle iProcurement, Checkout To verify the generated approver in checkout page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Billing_Edit_Lines Oracle iProcurement, Checkout To verify requisition billing details before submitting a request and after clicking on edit lines button in oracle iProcurement checkout page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Billing_Req_Info_Page Verify, Billing, Information To verify requisition billing details before submitting a request in Oracle iProcurement checkout page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_ChangOrder_Notification Verify, Change, Order, Notification To verify attachment details in notification details page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Delivery_Edit_Lines Oracle iProcurement, Checkout To verify requisition delivery details before submitting a request and after clicking on edit lines button in Oracle iProcurement checkout page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_IRChange_OrderReviwPage HTML, Manage Requisitions To verify the line details of a requisition while changing the requisition which is having purchase order associated with it in iProcurement page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_IR_Change_Notification HTML, Internal Requisition, Requisitions To verify the order details of a requisition in notification details page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_IR_EnterChange_Order HTML, Requisition Change Order To verify the line details of a requisition in change requisition page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_IR_Order_Details HTML, Manage Requisitions To verify the order line details in iProcurement requisition page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_IR_Recv_Receipt_Details HTML, Receiving To verify the details of a receipt in iProcurement requisition line details page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_IR_Recv_Shipmnt_Details HTML, Manage Requisitions, Requisition Lifecycle To verify the shipment details of an internal requisition in iProcurement requisition line details page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Receipt_Trans_History HTML, Receiving To verify the transaction details of a receipt in view receipts page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Req _Change_History HTML, Manage Requisitions, Requisition Lifecycle To verify the change history of a requisition in iProcurement requisitions page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_ReqDetails_Notification HTML, Manage Requisitions, Requisition Lifecycle To verify the notification details of a requisition in iProcurement notifications page
Oracle iProcurement iP Requistions Verify_Req_And_Order_Changes Requisition, Order To verify requisition and order changes
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_Receipt_From_Supplier Receipt To search receipts for suppliers
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_Supplier Supplier To search a supplier
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_Supplier_Common Suppliers, Organization To search a supplier and update the supplier
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_Supplier_Item Supplier Item To search a supplier item
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_Supplier_Product Supplier Product To search a supplier and add products or services they offer during registration
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_Supplier_Site Supplier Site To search a supplier site
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_Supplier_User_Profile Supplier User Profile To search a supplier user profile
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_Time_Card Time Card To search a time card
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_Work_Confirmtn_Advanced Work Confirmation To search a work confirmation using advanced search
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Set_SPM_Notify Subscribe, Event To subscribe a user to a desired event, so that the user gets a notification whenever that event is fired
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Set_Supplier_Number_Auto Supplier Numbering Type To set supplier numbering type to automatic
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Accept_Or_Reject_Order Accept, Reject, Order To accept or reject the entire purchase order
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Acknowledge_PO Acknowledge, Purchase Order To acknowledge a purchase order
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Add_Product Add Product, Supplier To add a product from supplier login
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Add_To_Shipment_Notice Add Shipment Notice To add desired shipments to an advanced shipment notice or an advanced shipment and billing notice
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Add_To_Shipment_Notice_Com Add Shipment Notice To add desired shipments to an advanced shipment notice or an advanced shipment and billing notice with more details
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Approve_ISP_User Approve, iSupplier Portal To approve an iSupplier Portal user
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Approve_Reject_Address Approve, Reject, Address To approve or reject a supplier address request
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Approve_Supplier_Address Approve, Supplier Address To approve a supplier address request
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Approve_Supplier_Bank Approve, Bank To approve a supplier bank request
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Approve_Supplier_Biz Approve, Biz, Business To approve a supplier business request
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Approve_Supplier_Contact Approve, Supplier Contact To approve a supplier contact request
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Approve_Supplier_Product Approve, Supplier Product To approve a supplier product request
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Browse_Supplier_Product Browse, Supplier Product To browse a supplier and add products or services they offer during registration
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Cancel_ASN Cancel, ASN To cancel an advanced shipment notice
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Cancel_Entire_PO Cancel, Purchase Order To cancel an entire purchase order
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Cancel_PO_Shipments Cancel, Purchase Order, Shipments To cancel purchase order shipments
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Change_Multi_PO_Shipments Cancel, Purchase Order, Shipments To apply default values at shipment level to multiple purchase orders
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Change_Multi_PO_lines Cancel, Lines To apply default values at line level to multiple purchase orders
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Change_PO_Line Change, Purchase Order To request change request on the price of a purchase order
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Change_PO_Shipment_Status Change, Purchase Order, Shipment Status To change the document shipment status
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Change_PO_Shipments Change, Purchase Order, Shipments To raise a change request on purchase order quantity and promised date
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Change_PO_Status Change, Purchase Order, Status To change the document status of a purchase order
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Classify_Business Classify, Business, Biz To perform business classification from supplier login
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Click_PO_Number_Link Purchase Order Link To click the purchase order number link in the web table of purchase order window
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Correct_Work_Confirmation Work Confirmation To correct the details of a work confirmation
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Create_Address_From_Supplier Address, Supplier To create address from supplier login
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Create_Bank_Supplier Bank, Supplier To create a bank from supplier login
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Create_Contact_Supplier Contact Supplier To create a contact from supplier login
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Create_Contact_User Contact User To create a contact user for supplier
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Create_Employee_Supplier Employee Supplier To create an employee supplier
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Create_ISP_Invoice ISP, Invoice To create an invoice in iSupplier Portal
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Returns Returns To verify the details of a return
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Shipment_Details Shipments To verify the details of an advanced shipment notice or an advanced shipment and billing notice
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Supplier_Address Supplier Address To verify the supplier address
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Supplier_Bank Supplier Bank To verify the supplier bank details
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Supplier_Biz Supplier Business, Biz To verify supplier business classification
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Supplier_Contact Supplier Contact To verify details of the supplier contact
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Supplier_Payments Supplier Payments To verify payment details from payment query page
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Supplier_Product Supplier Product To verify supplier product details
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Supplier_Type Supplier Type To verify the supplier type
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Time_Cards Time Cards To verify time cards
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_WC_Approval_History Orders, Work Confirmations To verify work confirmation and approval history
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Create_Receipt Receipt To create a receipt from advanced shipment notice or purchase order
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Create_Returns Returns To return the received items
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Create_Supplier Create, Supplier To create a standard supplier
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Create_Supplier_Address Supplier Address To create address information during registration from supplier login
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Create_Supplier_Bank Supplier Bank To add new bank details during prospective registration from supplier login
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Create_Supplier_Biz_Classify Supplier, Business, Biz To classify the supplier business during registration from supplier login
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Create_Supplier_Contact Supplier Contact To enter supplier contact information during registration from supplier login
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Create_Supplier_Tax_Details Suppliers, Tax Details To enter tax details for a supplier in tax details page
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Create_Update_Supplier_Site Supplier Site To create a supplier site
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Create_Work_Confirmations Work Confirmation To create a work confirmation for a complex purchase order
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Create_iSP_Payment ISP, Payment To create payment for iSupplier Portal invoices
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Disable_Supplier_Contact Disable, Supplier Contact To deactivate a supplier contact
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Enable_Site_PCard Pcard To enable procurement card for supplier site
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Enter_ASBN_Billing_Information ASBN To enter billing information during the creation an advanced shipment and billing notice
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Enter_ASN_Freight_Information ASN, Freight To enter header information during the creation of an advanced shipment notice
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Enter_ASN_LPN_Info ASN, LPN To enter license plate number details during the creation of an advanced shipment notice
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Enter_ASN_Lines_Information ASN, Lines To enter lines information during the creation of an advanced shipment notice or advanced shipment and billing notice
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Enter_ASN_Shipment_Information ASN, Shipment To enter header information during the creation of an advanced shipment notice or advanced shipment and billing notice
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Enter_Lot_Info Lot To enter lot details during the creation of an advanced shipment notice
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Enter_Plain_Item_Info Plain Item To enter plain item details during the creation of an advanced shipment notice
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Enter_Serial_Info Serial To enter serial details during the creation of an advanced shipment notice
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Enter_Supplier_Company_Info Supplier Company To register a supplier with a guest user
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Get_Supp_Respond_URL Supplier Respond URL To get the respondURLl for supplier invitation
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Get_Supplier_Regn_URL Supplier Registration URL To get the supplier registration encrypted url for a particular operating unit
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Invite_Supplier_User Invite, Supplier User To invite a supplier user
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Launch_Encrypted_URL Encryption, URL To launch the encrypted URL
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Launch_URL Launch, URL To launch a url without login
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Manage_Sites_Identification Manage Sites, Identification To enter details in identification tab of manage sites page
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Manage_Sites_Site_Details Manage Sites, Site Details To enter details in site details tab in manage sites page
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Manage_Supplier_User_Profile Manage, Supplier User Profile To manage a supplier user profile
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Navigate_Agreement_CR_Response Respond To Changes To select a purchase order and click respond to changes button
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Navigate_PO_Revision Revision, Purchase Order To click on the revision link in purchase order details table for navigating to purchase order revision page
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Navigate_To_approved aupplier list_Form ASL To navigate to approved supplier list planning form
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Navigate_To_CR_Page Change Request To navigate to purchase order request change page
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Navigate_To_Diff_Summary Difference Summary To navigate to view difference summary page
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Navigate_To_Edit_Agreement Edit Agreement To navigate to edit agreement page from supplier
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Open_PO_From_Summary Purchase Order, Summary To open the purchase order summary form
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Register_Supplier_User Register, Supplier User To register supplier user
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Respond_To_Agreement_CR Respond To Agreement To respond to agreement changes
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Respond_To_Change_Request Respond To Change Request To respond to supplier change request
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Respond_To_Invitation Respond, Invitation To respond to supplier user invitation
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_ASN_From_Buyer ASN, Buyer To search an advanced shipment notice or advanced shipment and billing notice for buyers
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_ASN_From_Supplier ASN, Supplier To search an advanced shipment notice or advanced shipment and billing notice for suppliers
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_Agreement Agreement To search agreements from supplier
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_Invoice_From_Buyer Invoice, Buyer To search invoices from buyer
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_Invoice_From_Supplier Invoice Supplier To search invoices for suppliers
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_Overdue_Receipts Overdue, Receipts To search overdue receipts
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_PO_From_Buyer Purchase Order, Buyer To search purchase order from buyer
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_PO_From_Supplier Purchase Order, Supplier To search purchase order from supplier
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_Payments_From_Buyer Payments, Buyer To search payments for buyer
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_Payments_From_Supplier Payments, Supplier To search payments for suppliers
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_Prospect_Supplier Prospect, Supplier To search prospective supplier request
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_Receipt_From_Buyer Receipt, Buyer To search receipts for buyer
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_buyer_payments Buyer, Payments To verify payment details from payment query page
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Vfy_Business_Classifications Business Classifications To verify business classifications
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP View_Require_Ack_PO Acknowledgement To view purchase orders which require acknowledgment
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Set_Supplier_Onboard_Config_G Onboarding, Configuration To do supplier registration on boarding configuration which is applicable globally
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Set_Supplier_Onboard_Config_OU Onboarding, Configuration To do supplier registration on boarding configuration which is applicable for particular operating unit
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Set_Tolerance_Limits Tolerance Limits To set up tolerance limit for supplier change order
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Submit_Agreement_Changes Agreement To submit the line changes from supplier
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Submit_Work_Confirmation Work Confirmation To submit the work confirmation created
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Turn_off_Inv_Approval Approval To turn off the invoice approval
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Upd_Supplier_Payment_Details HTML, Supplier, Payment Details, Payment Method To perform payment method table actions in payment details page of supplier
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Update_Agreement_Line Agreement To update the lines details on agreement from supplier
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Update_Capacity Capacity To update the capacity and tolerance of items
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Update_Order_Modifiers Order Modifiers To update the modifiers of items
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Update_Price_Break Price Break To update the price break details on agreement from supplier
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Update_Supplier_Communication Supplier Communication To update the supplier notification method
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Update_Supplier_Contact Supplier Contact To update the supplier contact details
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Update_Supplier_Manage_Sites Manage Sites, Supplier To manage supplier sites
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Update_Supplier_Organization Organization To update fields present in the organization tab for a supplier
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Update_Supplier_Purchasing Create Supplier, Terms and Conditions, Purchasing To update the purchasing and freight tab of the purchasing link under the terms and control link
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Update_Supplier_Self_Billing Supplier, Self Billing To update the self billing details for supplier
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_ASBN ASBN To verify the details of the advanced shipment and billing notice for particular purchase order
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_ASBN_Preview_Data ASBN To verify advanced shipment notice details before submitting
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_ASL_Item_Capacity ASL, Item Capacity To verify item capacity values after approval on approved supplier list form
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_ASL_Order_Modifiers ASN, Order Modifiers To verify order modifiers values after approval on approved supplier list form
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_ASN ASN To verify the advanced shipment notice for particular purchase order
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_ASN_LPN ASN, LPN To verify license plate number information for particular shipments
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_ASN_Lines ASN, Lines To verify the advanced shipment notice shipment line details
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Ack_Response_Notif Notification Details To verify purchase order acknowledgment response details in notifications details page
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Agreement_Status Agreement Status To verify the agreement status before and after submitting changes
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_All_Shipments Shipments To view all the shipments
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Buyer_Shipments Buyer, Shipments To verify the shipment notices from buyer page
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Cancelled_ASN Cancel, ASN To verify the advanced shipment notice or advanced shipment and billing notice cancelled status
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Change_History Change History To verify the supplier change request history
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Change_Req_Notif Change Request, Purchase Order, Notification Details To verify purchase order change request details in notification details page
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Diff_Summ_Details Difference Summary To verify the difference summary details for particular line by supplier
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Diff_Summary Difference Summary To verify the difference summary to agreement after changes by supplier
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Invoice Invoice To verify the invoice for particular purchase order
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Invoice_Details Invoice Details To verify the invoice details
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Item_Order_Modifiers Item, Order Modifiers To verify the item order modifiers values after approval
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Item_capacity Item Capacity To verify item capacity values after approval
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Overdue_Receipts Overdue, Receipts To verify the overdue receipts details for particular purchase order
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_PO_Acceptance Purchase Order, Acceptance To verify purchase order acceptance details from purchase order summary form
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_PO_Acknowledge_Error Purchase Order, Acknowledge, Error To verify the error message when acknowledging a purchase order
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_PO_General Purchase Order To verify purchase order general details
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_PO_Line_Details Purchase Order, Line Details To verify purchase order line details
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_PO_Revision Revision, Purchase Order To verify the purchase order revision details in iSupplier Portal, revision history details page
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_PO_Ship_Acceptance Purchase Order, Acceptance To verify the purchase order shipments acceptance details from purchase order summary form
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_PO_Shipments Purchase Order, Shipments To verify the purchase order shipment details
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_PO_Status Purchase Order Status To verify the purchase order summary details
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_PO_Summary Purchase Order Summary To verify the purchase order summary (total, received, invoiced, paid status)
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_PO_Terms Purchase Order Terms To verify the purchase order terms and conditions, address
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Payment_Details Payment Details To verify the payment details
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Payments Payments To verify the payment for particular purchase order
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Price_Break_Details Price Break To verify the price break details for particular line by supplier
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Receipt Receipt To verify the receipt for particular purchase order
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Receipt_Details Receipt Details To verify the receipt details
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Search_Work_Orders Work Orders This component is used to search work orders
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Component Components This component is used to verify data in component table
Oracle iSupplier Portal ISP Verify_Link_Details Quality Plan, Components This component is used to verify the link
Oracle iSupplier Portal Quality Enter_Quality_Results_ISP Quality, ISP To enter or edit quality result from iSupplier Portal, manual entry
Oracle iSupplier Portal Quality Select_PO_For_Quality Quality To check purchase order simple search result and click on the quality hyperlink
Oracle iSupplier Portal Quality Select_Quality_Plan_And_Rows Quality To select a collection plan, click on enter quality results hyperlink and enter the test result rows number
Oracle iSupplier Portal Quality Simp_Search_PO_Quality Quality To search purchase order in quality sub tab page
Oracle iSupplier Portal Setup Define_RFI_Control Define, RFI, Control To define the control section of RFI
Oracle iSupplier Portal Setup Define_RFI_Temp_Team Define, RFI, Team To fill up the collaboration team details during RFI Template creation
Oracle iSupplier Portal Setup Update_Payment_Method Update, Payment, Method To update the payment method for particular supplier
Oracle iSupplier Portal Setup Update_Supplier_Notify Notify, Supplier To update the supplier notification method