Employment Agreements and Legal Compliance

Entering Work Incident Information

You use the Work Incidents window to enter information about the work incident in which a person was involved.

To enter work incident information:

  1. Enter information about the incident:

    • Enter a unique reference number for this incident.

    • Enter the date on which the incident occurred.

    • If the incident occurred over time, enter the date on which the incident was identified or reported.

    • Select the type of incident that occurred.

    • Enter the time at which the incident occurred, if known.

    • Check the check box if the incident occurred over a period of time. For example, check this box if the incident was a gas leak.

    • Select the circumstances of the incident in the Activity field. For example, you can specify if the incident occurred en route to work.

    • Enter the date on which the incident was reported.

    • Enter the reference number for a related work incident. The list is limited to incidents that involved this person and that occurred on or before the date of this incident.

Incident Description

  1. Choose the Incident Description tab.

  2. Enter more detail about the incident:

    • Select the main cause of the incident in the Hazard field.

    • Enter the location of this incident, for example, if the incident occurred in the workplace, identify the room and building.

    • Enter a further description of the incident, if required.

Incident Reporting

  1. Choose the Incident Reporting tab.

  2. Enter the reporting details:

    • Select the name of the person who reported this incident. You can only select a person who is on the system and who is in the same Business Group.

    • Select the method used to report this incident, for example, a voicemail.

    • Enter the date and time when the incident was reported. This cannot be earlier than the date and time recorded for the incident.

    Note: You must select the name of the person who reported this incident before you can enter the date and time.

    • Enter the organization to whom the incident was reported, for example, the local fire station or police.

    • Enter contact details for anyone who witnessed the incident.

Official Notifications

  1. Choose the Official Notifications tab.

  2. Enter the official notification details:

    • Select the name of your organization's health and safety representative and enter the date on which they were notified of the incident

    • Describe any remedial action that was taken (or is planned) as a result of this incident.

    • Select the organization and person that are the representative body for this person and enter the date on which they were notified of the incident

    Note: You must select the representative body organization before you can enter the person and reporting date.

    See: Entering Representative Body Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

Medical Details

  1. Choose the Medical Details tab.

  2. Enter any medical details:

    • Select the main diagnosis and, if necessary, the secondary diagnosis.

    • Enter any further description for the main or secondary diagnosis.

    • Select Medical Attention Received if the person received medical attention as a result of this incident. Enter the place of diagnosis and the name and address of the doctor who provided treatment.

Other Information

  1. Choose the Other tab.

  2. Enter other information about this incident:

    • If compensation was awarded for this incident, enter the amount. Then select the currency for the compensation amount. The Business Group's currency is shown as the default.

    Note: If you enter a compensation amount, the Currency field cannot be left blank.

    • Enter the date on which the compensation was given.

    • Enter the job the person was doing at the time of the incident. The list is limited to jobs with effective start dates before the incident and effective end dates, if any, after the incident.

    • Enter the time the worker began work on the day of the incident.

    See: Defining a Job, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    Note: If the person was involved in this incident prior to joining your enterprise, leave the Job field blank.

    • Check the Resulted in Absence? check box if the person was absent from work as a result of this incident.

  3. Enter information related to accidents involving glasses and contact lenses through the Further Work Incident Information window. You use this information for reporting purposes.

    You can enter the following information:

    • Enter the main type of work that your enterprise performs.

    • Indicate whether the employee is married to or is a relative of the employer.

    • Indicate whether somebody other than the employer reported the accident.

    • Enter the accident location and the employee's activity at the time of the accident.

    • Indicate whether the employee was wearing glasses or contact lenses at the time of the accident and the reason for wearing glasses or contact lenses.

    • Enter the location of the glasses or contact lenses at the time of the accident.

    • Enter the cause and type of damage to the glasses or contact lenses.

    • Enter the purchase date and price for the glasses or contact lenses.

    • Enter the optician's name.

  4. Save your changes.

What Next?

If a medical assessment is required as a result of this incident, you can choose the Medical Assessment button to open the Medical Assessment window and to enter the details of the assessment. If you enter a medical assessment in this way, its type is Occupational Assessment and it is automatically linked to this incident.