Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting

Entering Year End Adjustment Information

Use the Year End Adjustment Information window to collect and store an employee's information so that the enterprise can report this information to the NTS. You must enter this information before running the YEA process.

The following types of YEA information is displayed in the Year End Adjustment Information window:

To enter insurance premium and housing information

  1. Select the Special Tax Exemptions tab.

  2. In the Insurance Premium region, enter insurance information such as health, employment, personal, and disabled insurance premium amounts. The Health Insurance Premium and Employee Insurance Premium fields display the balance amounts for HI_PREM_EE_ASG_YTD and EI_PREM_ASG_YTD balances.

  3. Enter the purchase dates and loan amount in case of an institution loan in the Housing region.

  4. Enter the applicable dates and loan paid amount in case of a private loan.

  5. Enter the interest amount that you have repaid towards the long term loan in the applicable fields.

  6. Select the house holder exception check-box if the employee is not a householder but is eligible for Housing Expenses exemption.

To enter medical expense information

In the Medical Tax Exemption tab, you store the details of the invoices submitted as evidence for medical exemptions. This includes the details of evidence submitted for the medical expense incurred by the:

  1. Select the Medical Tax Exemption tab.

  2. Select the Medical Expense Details Required check box to enter the medical expenses in the Medical Expense Details region. If you leave the check box blank, you can only enter the details in the Total Medical Expense region.

  3. Select the Medical Expense Totals and Details check box to enter the medical expenses in the Total Medical Expense and Medical Expense Details regions. If you leave the check box blank, you can only enter the details in the Medical Expense Details region.

    If you leave both check boxes blank, you can enter the values in the Total Medical Expense Region only. If you leave the Medical Expense Totals and Details check box blank, then you can enter the values either in the Total Medical Expense Region or the Medical Expense Details but not both.

  4. In the Medical Expenses Details region, enter the following information:

    • In the Paid Date field, enter the date on the invoice, which you have submitted as evidence. If you are making a consolidated entry for a number of invoices, this date can represent any one of the invoices.

      Ensure that the date you enter is in the same year for which you are entering the Year End Adjustment data.

      You can choose to pay the medical expenses either through cash or card or both.

    • In the Paid Amount field, enter the exemption amount you paid for your current expense cash or/and card. This amount is the total amount against which you have submitted medical invoices as evidence for medical exemption.

    • In the No. of Payments field, enter the number of invoices you are submitting.

    • Specify the source code.

    • In the Expense Type field, enter the type of medical expense you have incurred.

    • In the Provider Name field and Provider Reg No field, enter the name of the medical service provider and the registration number of the provider in the format NNN-NN-NNNNN.

    • In the Relationship field, select the relationship with the employee.

    • In the Resident Reg No. field, enter the registration number of the employee.

    • In the Exception Type field, select from the list of values - aged, disabled, or Health Insurance Calculation Exception. Employees are eligible for certain exemptions depending on the values selected.

    • In the Expense Type field, enter the type of medical expense you have incurred.

    • Enter if you have incurred any expenses towards fertilization procedures, select the check box Expense Type Fertilization. Employees are eligible for certain tax exemptions for such expenses, if applicable.

    • If any expenses incurred towards postnatal procedures, then select the Postnatal check box. Employees are eligible for certain tax exemptions for such expenses.

  5. In the Total Medical Expense region, enter the total expense that the employee incurs for themselves, their dependents, the aged, the disabled and for fertilization expenses, if applicable.

    If you have already entered the details in the Detailed Medical Expense region, you must delete these details before entering the total medical expenses.

  6. Enter the details in the cash or card section as applicable.

To enter donation information

  1. Select the Donations tab. You can record the donation exemption information for resident, spouse, child, parent, and brother/sister.

  2. Select the Donation Details Required check box, to enter the donation expenses in the Details region. If you leave the check box blank, you can only enter the information in the Totals region.

    The exemption rates differ for each donation type and the value you enter here gets automatically displayed in the Total region.

  3. In the Details region, enter the following:

    • select the type of donation

    • select the description if money or in kind

    • donation date within the current financial year

    • recipient name

    • recipient's registration number (in the DDD-DD-DDDDD or NI format) and name

    • total amount

    • amount subject to tax break

    • NTS/Oher – if the donation is for NTS or Others

    • grant request amount to grant the full benefit of donation to the donation recipient instead of employees receiving the YEA tax break for the donation.

    • number of donations - this is mandatory

    • resident registration number, enter the registration number of the employee or dependent.

    • relationship - enter if employee or dependent contributes.

    • category and summary of the donation expenses

    • receipt number

    • remarks

    When you save, the application displays or updates the total values in the Totals region.

  4. If you have not enabled the Donation Details Required check box, you can enter the following in the Totals region:

    • In the Statutory (10) field, enter the amount donated and that is hundred percent exempted from tax.

    • In the Political (20) field, enter the amount donated towards the support of district committee.

    • In the Specified (40) field, enter the amount donated that is ten percent exempted from tax.

    • In the Religious(41), enter the amount donated towards religious activities that is ten percent exempted from tax.

    • In the ESOA(42) field, enter the amount contributed to the Employee Stock Ownership Association (ESOA).

    • Not Exempted (50)

  5. The Donation Carry Over Details region displays the following:

    • type

    • business registration number

    • donated year

    • donated amount

    • exempted balance

    • amount subjected to exemption

    • exemption during tax period

    • obsolete amount

    • carry over amount

To enter education and dependent expense information

  1. Select the Education Expenses tab.

  2. In the Education Expense region, enter any amount that the employee has incurred on self education, special education for disabled or on applicable occupational training.

  3. In the Dependent region, enter the name of the dependents, relationship, schooling information, NTS/Others and the amount of expenses incurred by you for your dependents.

To enter pension, employee stock ownership, investment partnership financing expense information

  1. Select the Other Tax Exemptions tab. Use this tab to enter the pension, employee stock ownership, investment partnership financing expense information.

    1. In the Pension region, enter the amount that you have paid towards National Pension Premium. This amount should not include the amount that has already been processed in the monthly payroll.

    2. Enter the premium amounts that you have paid towards personal pension and personal pension savings.

    3. Enter the amount paid towards the corporate pension premium.

    4. Enter the amount towards employment law and scientific technician.

    5. In the National Pension Premium balance field, the application displays the social insurance amount processed in the payroll (from the NP_PREM_EE_ASG_YTD balance). You require this information for employee purposes only.

    6. The Investment Partnership Financing (IPF) region is a read-only region. It is auto populated from the values entered in the Financing of Investment region of the Pension Saving tab.

    7. In the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) region, enter the amount that you have contributed for ESOP.

    8. In the Small Business Installment region, enter the installments paid for running a small business before joining the company in the tax year. You require this information for claiming tax exemption.

    9. Enter the days worked in the current and previous years in the Employment Retention SMB (Small Medium Business ) Info field. You require this information for claiming tax exemption.

  2. In the Pension region, enter the following values if applicable. You can record the Other Pension Premium Deductions in the following fields:

    • Civil worker pension premium

    • Military pension premium

    • Post office pension premium

    • Private school pension premium

    The application displays the balance values.

    To enter expenses for credit card, traditional market, and public transportation

    1. Select the Card Expenses tab. Employees can claim exemptions on all these amounts for themselves and their dependents. The application displays the values entered in the Income Tax window for the credit card, debit card and cash receipt amounts.

    2. The Card Expense region displays the employee and dependent expenses, if applicable.

    3. The Book and Performance expenses, if applicable are displayed and used for reporting on YEA Tax Receipt.

    4. The expenses for Traditional Markets. Employers must record this information for tax calculations and reporting on YEA Tax Receipt.

    5. The expenses for public transportation for employee and dependents. You require this information for the exemption purposes.

To enter house rent and contract details

  1. Select the Rent, Private Loan tab.

  2. In the Housing Rent Expense region, select the following details:

    • Contract details such as the start date and the end date

    • Enter the name and resident registration number of the person who leases the house.

    • Record the address of the leasing house and details such as size and type.

    • Enter the total monthly rent.

    • Specify the contract date in the target year.

    • Enter the amount eligible for exemption.

  3. In the Private Loan Contract Details, enter the following details of the lender:

    • lessee name and resident registration number

    • contract start and end date

    • interest rate, principal and amount paid for the interest. The total amount and the exempted amount are calculated by the application and displayed.

    You require this information for Deposit Lease Interest Repay exemption purposes.

  4. In the Rent Contract details region, enter the following details as required for YEA and e-file reporting purposes

    • lessor name and resident registration number

    • contract start and end date

    • type of house and its size, address of the leasing house

    • deposit amount for reporting purposes

To enter pension saving details

  1. Select the Pension, Saving tab.

  2. Record the saving information such as the priority, type, financial institute, account number, and contributed amount for each saving type. This information is display on the Tax Receipt Report.

    • Pension Saving

    • Housing Saving

      Additionally, you can record the year for this contribution in the Opened Year field.

    • Long Term Mutual Investment Stock Saving

    • Financing of Investment

      Additionally, you must record the year for this contribution in the Year field.

To enter tax breaks information

  1. Select the Tax Breaks tab.

  2. In the Tax Break region, enter the interest amount that you have paid towards your housing loan.

  3. In the Foreign Worker Tax Break region, enter the following information if the employee is a foreign worker.

    • Select the purpose of the foreign worker's immigration from the list of values.

    • the start date of the contract.

    • the expiry date of the contract.

    • the application date for the foreign workers' tax break If you leave the field blank, the application will default to the system date.

    • the submission date for the foreign workers' tax break. If you leave the field blank, the application will default to the system date.

  4. In the Overseas Tax Break region, enter tax break information for employees working overseas. Enter information such as the date the tax was paid, tax break rate, additional taxable information, overseas location, overseas work period, and overseas responsibility.

  5. Select the country where the overseas tax was paid.

  6. Select the currency of the overseas tax.

  7. The Overseas Earnings Processed field displays the value of your overseas balance.

  8. Enter any additional overseas taxable earnings that have not been included in the monthly payrolls in the current year.

  9. The Total Taxable Earnings (KRW) field displays the sum of overseas earnings processed and additional taxable earnings (KRW).

  10. Enter the tax break rate.

  11. The Tax (Foreign Currency) field displays the tax break value in foreign currency.

  12. Enter the tax paid in Korea Won, which is subject to overseas tax break.

  13. Enter the date of application for foreign worker tax break.

  14. Enter the date of submission for foreign worker tax break.

  15. Enter the period and responsibility of overseas work.

To enter previous employer's information

If your employee has joined the enterprise sometime during the current year and should be included in the YEA processing, then enter the following previous employer information:

  1. Select the Previous Employers tab.

  2. Enter the hire date, termination date, name of the enterprise where you were previously working, and the enterprises' business registration number of the previous employer.

    Follow this process to enter details of all your previous employers in the current year.

  3. In the Earnings/Deductions region, enter information about the various deductions and earnings that you have incurred during your previous employments. You enter information like monthly taxable earnings and bonus, stock purchase option executive earning , health insurance premiums, non-taxable overseas earnings and non-taxable overtime earnings, birth raising allowance, foreign worker exemption, separation pension, pension premiums, and compensation for employee invention, income tax, annual tax, other non-taxable earnings in this region.

To enter tax reductions information

  1. Select the Tax Reductions tab.

  2. Enter the following information for tax exemption purposes for medium-size business recruited young employees, Teachers by Tax Treaty (who are foreigners).

  3. In the SMB Recruited Young Employees region, specify the start and end dates of the tax reduction. The start date is defaulted to the hire date.

  4. In the Teachers by Tax Treaty region, specify the following:

    • start date. This is defaulted to the hire date.

    • end date of tax reduction. This is the last day of the month in which the entered end date (leaving date) falls in.

    • submission date for information purposes only and displayed on YEA Reclaim Sheet.

    • application date for information purposes only and displayed on YEA Reclaim Sheet.

  5. In the Marine Resource Development region, specify the following:

    • start date and end date of tax reduction

    • confirmation date from the Ministry

    • submission date

    You require this information for tax exemption purposes and displaying on the Reclaim Sheet.

    This is a read-only region. You cannot enter details effective from 01-Jan-2014.

To enter Type B Tax Group information

Enter the Type B Tax Group Information to calculate the post- tax deductions.

  1. Enter the business registration number of the Type B Tax Group to which the employee has registered. This is mandatory.

  2. Enter the name of the tax group to which the employee belongs.

  3. Specify the working period and tax break period. This is mandatory.

  4. Enter the amount subject to taxable earning for Type B Tax Group. If the taxable earning is not eligible for Type B Tax Group, then enter the applicable amount in the appropriate fields:

    • monthly taxable earning

    • bonus amount

    • special irregular bonus amount

    • exceeding executive separation pay

    • stock purchase option execution earning

    • ESOP withdrawal

    • overtime earnings

    • birth raising allowance

    • foreign worker income exemption

  5. Enter the income tax, local tax, and special tax amounts, if applicable.

  6. Enter the taxable earning amount in the Taxable Compensation for Employee Invention, if applicable.

To enter non-taxable earnings information

  1. Select the Non Taxable Earnings Information tab. You require this information for reporting purposes.

  2. Select the non-taxable earnings code from the list of values.

  3. Select the business registration number specified at the business group level.

  4. Enter a value for the non-taxable earning.

  5. Save your work.

To enter employee expenses information

  1. Select the Employee Expenses tab.

  2. In the Expenses Detail region, enter the NTS value for the various expenses that employees incur to avail themselves of tax exemptions. When you enter the NTS value, the application automatically calculates and displays the value in the Other field as a difference between the Total Amount and NTS value. You require this information to calculate exemptions in YEA processing. The application consolidates the employee amount and dependent amount (from the Tax window) and calculates the exemption on the consolidated amount.

    Enter the following expenses:

    • Insurance Expenses

    • Medical Expenses

    • Education Expenses

    • Credit Card Expenses

    • Donation Payments

    • Cash

      You record only the NTS value for Cash.

    • Credit (TM) (TM is Traditional Market)

    • Direct (TM)

    • Cash (TM)

    • Credit (PT)

    • Direct (PT)

    • Credit (BP)

    • Direct (BP)

    • Cash (BP)

  3. Save your work.

To enter other expense information

  1. Select the Obsolete tab.

  2. Enter the housing expenses such as house rent paid by an employee.

  3. Enter the education expenses for a dependent.

  4. In the Marriage, Funeral, and Relocation region, enter the number of times these events have taken place if the employee is eligible for these exemptions.

  5. The donation amounts towards promotion funds (100%), political activities is displayed.

  6. Enter the company related expenses.

  7. Enter the amount contributed under investment partnership financing until 2006, from 2007 to 2008, and from 2009 until 2011.

  8. Enter the loan amount interest paid for the number of years as applicable.

  9. Enter the long term stock fund amounts for the first, second and third years.

  10. Enter the amounts towards exempted from tax break under the long term stock saving option. Enter the loan amount interest paid for the number of years applicable.

  11. Enter the total amount excluded from cards exemption - When you run the YEA process, the application calculates the total amount excluded from cards exemption and displays the value.

    The medical expenses amount excluded from double exemption is equal to the total medical expense amount paid in cards – (the medical expense paid (both cards and cash) but not included in medical expense exemption – the medical expense paid in cards for the dependents who are not eligible for basic exemption).

  12. Record the employee's medical expense paid in cards. - If you had entered the amount for the Medical Expenses Paid in Cards in the Extra Assignment Information, then the application displays amount here.

  13. Select the Calculate A and B option, if you want the application to calculate the amounts in the Medical Expenses Paid in Card Not Eligible for Basic Exemption and Total Amount Paid Towards Medical Expenses.

    If you leave the Calculate A and B option blank, then you can enter the values in the Medical Expenses Paid in Card Not Eligible for Basic Exemption and the Total Medical Expenses Paid in Cards.

  14. Save your work.

To enter other expense information

  1. Select the Obsolete2 tab.

  2. The Long Term Stock Saving region displays the priority, financial institute, account number, year, and contributed amount.

Running the Year End Adjustment Reclaim Sheet

Run this report to generate a record with details about YEA tax exemptions and deductions. Oracle Payroll bases this information on the date you enter in the Year End Adjustment Information window. Your enterprise uses it to claim YEA and keeps the record as documentation for National Tax Services. You must run this process before you run the YEA process, and after you enter data for YEA in the Year End Adjustment Information window.

You run the Year End Adjustment Reclaim Sheet process from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Year End Adjustment Reclaim Sheet process

  1. In the Name field, select KR Year End Adjustment Reclaim Sheet. The Parameters window opens.

  2. Select the business place to process the report for only those employees who belong to the selected business place.

  3. Enter the year for which you want to generate the reclaim sheet.

  4. Select an employee to generate the reclaim sheet only for the individual employee. If you leave the field blank, the application will generate the reclaim sheet for all the employees in the selected business place and year.

  5. Choose the Submit button.

Running the YEA Balance Adjustment and Archive Process

Use the YEA Result window to view the detailed results of YEA calculations for each employee.

To view the Year End Adjustment Results

  1. Select the name of the worker, assignment number, status of the employee, and the YEA process.

  2. Choose the Find button.

    The YEA results appear in the following tabbed regions:

    • Income Details

    • Income Tax Exemption

    • Tax Details

Viewing the Year End Adjustment Results

Use the YEA Result window to view the detailed results of YEA calculations for each employee.

To view the Year End Adjustment Results

  1. Select the name of the worker, assignment number, status of the employee, and the YEA process.

  2. Choose the Find button.

    The YEA results appear in the following tabbed regions:

    • Income Details

    • Income Tax Exemption

    • Tax Details

Rolling Back the Year End Adjustment

When you roll back the Year End Adjustment process, you remove all archived data on yearend balances from the system. If you have generated any of the magnetic media reports, you must roll them back, before rolling back the Year End Adjustment process.

You roll back the Year End Adjustment process from the Submit Requests window.

To roll back the Year End Adjustment process

  1. In the Name field, select KR Rollback Year End Adjustment. The Parameters window opens.

  2. Select the payroll process that you want to roll back.

  3. Select an assignment set to process. If you leave the field blank, the application will roll back the process for all employees originally processed in the payroll.

    See: Creating an Assignment Set, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide

  4. Choose the Submit button.

Running the Year End Adjustment e-File Report

Oracle Payroll can generate a report about Year End Adjustment, based on the year end balance adjustment and archive process. You can view, and print the report, and store it on magnetic tape, and send the generated magnetic file to the local tax offices upon their request.

You run the Year End Adjustment e-File report from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Year End Adjustment e-File report

  1. In the Name field, select KR Year End Adjustment E-File report. The Parameters window opens.

  2. Enter a name to store the report on a magnetic tape file.

  3. Enter a name for the report, to view and print immediately. If you leave the field blank, the application uses the magnetic file name as the report's name.

  4. Select the primary business place to print the report for all the business places within the business group, to which the specified primary business place belongs. The application prints the report with the primary business place followed by all the other business places.

  5. Select the organization level at which you want to print the report:

    • All Organizations - the report prints all the employees within the business places under the business group

    • Specified Organization - the report prints all employees in the specified business place

    • Include All Sub-Organizations - the report prints all the employees within the selected primary business place and the subordinate organizations within the primary business place.

  6. Do one of the following:

    • If you want the print the report only for Normal and Interim actions, leave the fields Payroll Action and Report type blank.

    • If you want to print the report for all the assignments in a specific payroll action, select the specific payroll action and leave the report type field blank.

    • If you want to print the report for all the assignments with the specified report type, select the specific report type and leave the payroll action field blank.

    • If you select a payroll action, the report type displays only one value that supports the selected payroll action. Select both the Payroll Action and Report type fields to print the E-file for all the assignments in the selected payroll.

  7. Enter the date you are submitting the report. The default reporting date is the system date.

  8. Enter the year for which you want to run the report.

  9. Select a characterset from the list of values to print the report as a character report, as per the layout requirements.

  10. If you selected the primary business place, the application automatically completes the following fields:

    • tax reporting organization

    • tax reporter

    • contact number of the tax reporter

    You may override these entries by entering new information.

  11. If you entered the home tax ID of the tax reporter in the organization in the Corporate E-File Reporting window, this field is automatically completed with the data. You can also provide the information in this field.

    See: GREs/Legal Entities: Entering Corporate E-file Reporting Information

  12. Click Submit.

Running the Year End Adjustment Ledger Report

You must run this report to generate the YEA Ledger using Oracle Reports for all three YEA types, Normal, Interim and Re. You can generate the ledger using three different criteria:

You run the Year End Adjustment Ledger reports from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Year End Adjustment Ledger (Business Place) report

Use this criteria to generate the ledger for a selected business place.

  1. In the Name field, select KR Year End Adjustment Ledger (Business Place) report. The Parameters window opens.

  2. Select the business place to process.

  3. Select an assignment set. If you leave the field blank, the application will print the ledger for all assignments in the business place.

  4. Enter the dates for which you want to generate the ledger in the Effective Date From and Effective Date To fields.

    If you set the effective dates such that they cross over multiple calendar years, the application generates multiple ledgers (1 ledger per calendar year) for each assignment.

  5. Choose the Submit button.

To run the Year End Adjustment Ledger (Payroll Action) report

Use this criteria to generate the ledger for multiple business places.

  1. In the Name field, select KR Year End Adjustment Ledger (Payroll Action) report. The Parameters window opens.

  2. Select the payroll action as either Year End Adjustment or Interim Year End Adjustment.

  3. Select an assignment set. If you selected a payroll action associated with the assignment set, the application will select the field automatically. If you leave the field blank, the application will print the ledger for all assignments in all the business places.

  4. Choose the Submit button.

To run the Year End Adjustment Ledger (Assignment) report

Use this criteria to generate the ledger for a selected employee.

  1. In the Name field, select KR Year End Adjustment Ledger (Assignment) report. The Parameters window opens.

  2. Select the Business Place to which your employee belongs to shorten the search list. If you leave the field blank, the application will search for the employee in all the business places.

  3. Select the employee number to print the ledger only for the selected employee.

  4. Select an assignment action. If you selected an employee number associated with the assignment action, the application will select the field automatically.

  5. Choose the Submit button.

Running the Year End Adjustment Tax Receipt Report

Run this report to generate a YEA tax receipt with details like housing pre-tax deduction and insurance exemption for a particular payroll action, business place or an assignment set.

You run the Year End Adjustment Tax Receipt reports from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Year End Adjustment Tax Receipt (Business Place) report

Use this criteria to generate the tax receipt for a selected business place.

  1. In the Name field, select KR Year End Adjustment Tax Receipt (Business Place) report. The Parameters window opens.

  2. Select the business place to process.

  3. Select an assignment set. If you leave the field blank, the application will print the tax receipt for all the assignments in the selected business place.

  4. Enter the date you are submitting the report. The default reporting date is the system date.

  5. Enter the dates for which you want to generate the tax receipt in the Effective Date From and Effective Date To fields.

    If you set the effective dates such that they cross over multiple calendar years, the application generates multiple tax receipts (1 tax receipt per calendar year) for each assignment.

  6. Select the type of report that you want to print as either tax receipt report or tax claim report.

  7. Select the title of the report.

  8. Choose the Submit button.

To run the Year End Adjustment Tax Receipt (Payroll Action) report

Use this criteria to generate the tax receipt for multiple business places.

  1. In the Name field, select KR Year End Adjustment Tax Receipt (Payroll Action) report. The Parameters window opens.

  2. Select the payroll action as either Year End Adjustment or Interim Year End Adjustment.

  3. Select an assignment set. If you leave the field blank, the application will print the tax receipt for all the assignments in all the business places.

  4. Enter the date you are submitting the report. The default reporting date is the system date.

  5. Select the type of report you want to print as either tax receipt report or tax claim report.

  6. Select the title of the report.

  7. Choose the Submit button.

To run the Year End Adjustment Tax Receipt (Assignment) report

Use this criteria to generate the tax receipt for a selected employee.

  1. In the Name field, select KR Year End Adjustment Tax Receipt (Assignment) report. The Parameters window opens.

  2. Select the business place to which your employee belongs to shorten the search list. If you leave the field blank, the application searches for the employee in all the business places.

  3. Select the employee number to print the tax receipt only for the selected employee.

  4. Select an assignment action. If you selected an employee number associated with the assignment action, the application will select the field automatically.

  5. Enter the date you are submitting the report. The default reporting date is the system date.

  6. Select the type of report that you want to print as either tax receipt report or tax claim report.

  7. Select the title of the report.

  8. Choose the Submit button.

Running the Year End Adjustment Tax Summary Report

Run this report to view the summarized YEA tax details for a business place and period.

You run the Year End Adjustment Tax Summary report from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Year End Adjustment Tax Summary report

  1. In the Name field, select KR Year End Adjustment Tax Summary. The Parameters window opens.

  2. Select the business place to process.

  3. Enter the date you are submitting the report. The default reporting date is the system date.

  4. Enter the year for which you want to run the report. The default target year is the current year.

  5. Choose the Submit button.

Running the Year End Adjustment Medical Expense E-file Report

Generate an E-file report that includes detailed medical expenses of those employees whose medical expenses are KRW 2,000,000 or more. Your enterprise can view, and print the report, and store it on magnetic tape, and send the generated magnetic file to the National Tax Service upon their request.

You run the Year End Adjustment Medical Expense E-file report from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Year End Adjustment Medical Expense E-file report

  1. In the Name field, select KR Year End Adjustment Medical Expense E-file report. The Parameters window opens.

  2. Select the primary business place to print the report for all the business places within the business group, to which the specified primary business place belongs. The application prints the report with the primary business place followed by all the other business places.

  3. elect the organizational level at which you want to print the report:

    • All Organizations - the report prints all the employees within all business places under the business group

    • Specified Organization - the report prints all employees in the specified business place

    • Include All Sub-Organizations - the report prints employees within the selected primary business place and the subordinate organizations within the primary business place

  4. Enter a name to store the report on a magnetic tape file.

  5. Enter a name for the report. You can now view and print the report immediately. If you leave the report name blank, the application uses the magnetic file name as the report's name.

  6. Enter the effective date.

  7. Do one of the following:

    • To print the report only for Normal and Interim actions, leave the fields Payroll Action and Report type blank.

    • To print the report for all the assignments in a specific payroll action, select the specific payroll action and leave the report type field blank.

    • To print the report for all the assignments with the specified report type, select the specific report type and leave the payroll action field blank.

    • If you select a payroll action, the report type displays only one value that supports the selected payroll action. Select both the Payroll Action and Report type fields to print the E-file for all the assignments in the selected payroll.

  8. Enter the date you are submitting the report. The default reporting date is the system date.

  9. Enter the year for which you want to run the report.

  10. Select a characterset from the list of values to print the report as a character report, as per the layout requirements.

  11. If you entered the home tax ID of the tax reporter in the organization in the Corp E-file Reporting window, this field is auto populated with the data. You can also provide the information in this field.

    See: GREs/Legal Entities: Entering Corporate E-file Reporting Information

  12. Click Submit.

Running the Year End Adjustment Donation e-File Report

Generate an e-File report that includes detailed donation expenses of those employees whose donation exemptions are more than the specified limit. You can view, print, and store the report on magnetic tape, and send the generated magnetic file to the National Tax Service upon request.

You run the Year End Adjustment Donation e-File report from the Submit Request window.

To run the Year End Adjustment Donation e-File report

  1. In the Name field, select KR Year End Adjustment Donation eFile report. The Parameters window opens.

  2. Select the primary business place to print the business place registration number of the submitter.

  3. Select the organizational level at which you want to print the report:

    • All Organizations - the report prints all the employees within all business places under the business group

    • Specified Organization - the report prints all employees in the specified business place

    • Include All Sub-Organizations - the report prints the employees within the selected primary business place and the subordinate organizations within the primary business place

  4. Enter a magnetic tape file and report name. The name defaults to the business place registration number.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • If you want to print the report for all the assignments in a specific payroll action, select the specific payroll action and leave the assignment set field blank.

    • If you want to print the report for all the assignments with the specified assignment set, select the specific assignment set and leave the payroll action field blank.

    • If you want to print year end adjustment or interim year-end adjustment report, select the type of report.

  6. Enter the date you are submitting the report. The reporting date defaults to the system date.

  7. Enter the year for which you want to run the report. The reporting year defaults to the previous year.

  8. Select a characterset from the list of values to print the report as a character report, as per the layout requirements.

  9. If you entered the home tax ID of the tax reporter in the organization in the Corp E-file Reporting window, this field automatically populates with the data. You can also update this field.

    See: GREs/Legal Entities: Entering Corporate E-file Reporting Information

  10. Click Submit.

Running the KR Year End Adjustment PDF Import Process

Run the KR Year End Adjustment PDF Import process to import NTS PDF files from NTS web service on to the Oracle HCM system. After running the Import program, the files are stored in fnd_lobs table.

You run this program from the Submit Request window.

To run the KR Year End Adjustment PDF Import Process

  1. In the Name field, select KR Year End Adjustment PDF Import Process to open the Parameters window.

  2. Select the target year for which you want to process the employees. This is mandatory.

  3. Select the business place to which the employees belong to process.

  4. Select the assignment set to process.

  5. Click Ok and Submit.

Running the Year End Adjustment PDF Upload Process

Run the KR Year End Adjustment PDF Upload process to upload the NTS PDF files either to Self Service or Extra Information Type.

You run this program from the Submit Request window.

To run the KR Year End Adjustment PDF Upload Process

  1. In the Name field, select KR Year End Adjustment PDF Upload Process to open the Parameters window.

  2. Select the target year for which you want to process the employees. This is mandatory.

  3. Select the business place to which the employees belong to process.

  4. Select the assignment set to process.

  5. Click Ok and Submit.

Running the Year End Adjustment PDF Import and Upload Process

Run the KR Year End Adjustment PDF Import and Upload process to import and upload together. Users who do not use self-service function can use this option.

You run this program from the Submit Request window.

To run the KR Year End Adjustment PDF Import and Upload Process

  1. In the Name field, select KR Year End Adjustment PDF Import and Upload Process to open the Parameters window.

  2. Select the target year for which you want to process the employees. This is mandatory.

  3. Select the business place to which the employees belong to process.

  4. Select the assignment set to process.

  5. Click Ok and Submit.

Running the KR Simple Earnings Report Archive Process

You run this process to archive the earnings information to generate the Simple Earnings Report to submit to the NTS.

You run the Simple Earnings Report Archive Process from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Simple Earnings Report Archive Process

  1. In the Name field, select KR Simple Earnings Report Archive process. The Parameters window opens

  2. Select a primary business place for which you want to report.

  3. Select a payroll.

  4. Optionally, select an assignment set if you want to restrict the data.

  5. The target year is displayed by default in the Target Year field.

  6. The reporting period is displayed by default. You can change the report period by selecting from the list of values.

  7. Click OK and then Submit.

Running the KR Simple Earnings Report E-File

You run the KR Simple Earnings Report E-file for biannual reporting of employee's earnings to the NTS.

You run the report from the Submit Requests window.

To run the KR Simple Earnings Report E-File

  1. In the Name field, select KR Simple Earnings Report E-File. The Parameters window opens.

  2. Select a primary business place for which you want to report.

  3. The target year for which you are reporting is displayed by default in the Target Year field.

  4. Select a payroll action if you have already run the archive for a primary business place.

  5. The system date is displayed by default as the report date.

  6. Select the tax reporting organization you want to report. The name of the organization responsible for tax (e-File) reporting.

  7. Select the person who is responsible for tax (e-File) reporting in the Tax Reporter field.

  8. Enter the phone number of the contact person who is responsible for tax (e-File) reporting.

  9. Enter the home tax ID. The ID used in Home Tax service, if applicable.

  10. Click OK and then Submit.