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Oracle Solaris Cluster Upgrade Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster
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1.  Preparing to Upgrade Oracle Solaris Cluster Software

2.  Performing a Standard Upgrade to Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 5/11 Software

3.  Performing a Dual-Partition Upgrade to Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 5/11 Software

4.  Performing a Live Upgrade to Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 5/11 Software

5.  Performing a Rolling Upgrade

6.  Completing the Upgrade

Completing a Cluster Upgrade

How to Commit the Upgraded Cluster to Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 5/11 Software

How to Verify Upgrade of Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 5/11 Software

How to Finish Upgrade to Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 5/11 Software

7.  Recovering From an Incomplete Upgrade

8.  SPARC: Upgrading Sun Management Center Software


Completing a Cluster Upgrade

How to Commit the Upgraded Cluster to Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 5/11 Software

Before You Begin

Ensure that all upgrade procedures are completed for all cluster nodes that you are upgrading.

  1. From one node, check the upgrade status of the cluster.
    phys-schost# scversions
  2. From the following table, perform the action that is listed for the output message from Step 1.
    Output Message
    Upgrade commit is needed.
    Proceed to Step 3.
    Upgrade commit is NOT needed. All versions match.
    Upgrade commit cannot be performed until all cluster nodes are upgraded. Please run scinstall(1m) on cluster nodes to identify older versions.
    Return to the Oracle Solaris Cluster upgrade procedures that you used and upgrade the remaining cluster nodes.
    Check upgrade cannot be performed until all cluster nodes are upgraded. Please run scinstall(1m) on cluster nodes to identify older versions.
    Return to the Oracle Solaris Cluster upgrade procedures that you used and upgrade the remaining cluster nodes.
  3. After all nodes have rejoined the cluster, from one node commit the cluster to the upgrade.
    phys-schost# scversions -c

    Committing the upgrade enables the cluster to utilize all features in the newer software. New features are available only after you perform the upgrade commitment.

  4. From one node, verify that the cluster upgrade commitment has succeeded.
    phys-schost# scversions
    Upgrade commit is NOT needed. All versions match.

Next Steps

Go to How to Verify Upgrade of Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 5/11 Software.

How to Verify Upgrade of Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 5/11 Software

Perform this procedure to verify that the cluster is successfully upgraded to Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 5/11 software. Perform all steps from the global zone only.

Before You Begin

  1. On each node, become superuser.
  2. On each upgraded node, view the installed levels of Oracle Solaris Cluster software.
    phys-schost# clnode show-rev -v

    The first line of output states which version of Oracle Solaris Cluster software the node is running. This version should match the version that you just upgraded to.

  3. From any node, verify that all upgraded cluster nodes are running in cluster mode (Online).
    phys-schost# clnode status

    See the clnode(1CL) man page for more information about displaying cluster status.

Example 6-1 Verifying Upgrade to Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 5/11 Software

The following example shows the commands used to verify upgrade of a two-node cluster to Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 5/11 software. The cluster node names are phys-schost-1 and phys-schost-2.

phys-schost# clnode show-rev -v
phys-schost# clnode status
=== Cluster Nodes ===

--- Node Status ---

Node Name                                          Status
---------                                          ------
phys-schost-1                                      Online
phys-schost-2                                      Online

Next Steps

Go to How to Finish Upgrade to Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 5/11 Software.

How to Finish Upgrade to Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 5/11 Software

Perform this procedure to finish Oracle Solaris Cluster upgrade. Perform all steps from the global zone only.

Before You Begin

Ensure that all steps in How to Verify Upgrade of Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 5/11 Software are completed.

  1. Copy the security files for the common agent container to all cluster nodes.

    This step ensures that security files for the common agent container are identical on all cluster nodes and that the copied files retain the correct file permissions.

    1. On each node, stop the Sun Java Web Console agent.
      phys-schost# /usr/sbin/smcwebserver stop
    2. On each node, stop the security file agent.
      phys-schost# /usr/sbin/cacaoadm stop
    3. On one node, change to the /etc/cacao/instances/default/ directory.
      phys-schost-1# cd /etc/cacao/instances/default/
    4. Create a tar file of the /etc/cacao/instances/default/ directory.
      phys-schost-1# tar cf /tmp/SECURITY.tar security
    5. Copy the /tmp/SECURITY.tar file to each of the other cluster nodes.
    6. On each node to which you copied the /tmp/SECURITY.tar file, extract the security files.

      Any security files that already exist in the /etc/cacao/instances/default/ directory are overwritten.

      phys-schost-2# cd /etc/cacao/instances/default/
      phys-schost-2# tar xf /tmp/SECURITY.tar
    7. Delete the /tmp/SECURITY.tar file from each node in the cluster.

      You must delete each copy of the tar file to avoid security risks.

      phys-schost-1# rm /tmp/SECURITY.tar
      phys-schost-2# rm /tmp/SECURITY.tar
  2. If you upgraded Oracle Solaris software, ensure that external access to RPC communication and Sun Java Web Console is enabled.

    If you did not upgrade the Oracle Solaris software, omit this step.

    During Oracle Solaris OS upgrade, the default restricted network profile is applied, which disables external access for certain network services. This includes the RPC communication service, which is required for cluster communication, and the Sun Java Web Console service, which is used by the Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager GUI.

    The following steps check whether external access to these services are available and, if necessary, restore the Oracle Solaris functionality.

    1. Display the status of external access to RPC communication and Oracle Java Web Console.
      • For RPC communication, external access is available if the output of the following command shows that the local_only property is set to false.

        phys-schost# svcprop network/rpc/bind:default | grep local_only
      • For Oracle Java Web Console, the external access is available if the output of the following command returns an entry for 6789, which is the port number that is used to connect to Oracle Java Web Console.

        phys-schost# netstat -a | grep 6789

      If external access to both services is enabled, skip to Step 3. Otherwise, continue to Step b

    2. If external access to RPC communication is restricted, perform the following commands.
      phys-schost# svccfg
      svc:> select network/rpc/bind
      svc:/network/rpc/bind> setprop config/local_only=false
      svc:/network/rpc/bind> quit
      phys-schost# svcadm refresh network/rpc/bind:default
    3. If external access to Oracle Java Web Console is restricted, perform the following commands.
      phys-schost# svccfg
      svc:> select system/webconsole
      svc:/system/webconsole> setprop options/tcp_listen=true
      svc:/system/webconsole> quit
      phys-schost# /usr/sbin/smcwebserver restart

      For more information about what services the restricted network profile restricts to local connections, see Planning Network Security in Solaris 10 10/09 Installation Guide: Planning for Installation and Upgrade.

    4. Repeat Step a to confirm that external access is restored.
  3. On each node, start the security file agent and then start the Sun Java Web Console agent.
    phys-schost# /usr/sbin/cacaoadm start
    phys-schost# /usr/sbin/smcwebserver start
  4. If you upgraded any data services that are not supplied on the product media, register the new resource types for those data services.

    Follow the documentation that accompanies the data services.

  5. If you upgraded the Oracle Solaris OS and your configuration uses dual-string mediators for Solaris Volume Manager software, restore the mediator configurations.
    1. Determine which node has ownership of a disk set to which you will add the mediator hosts.
      phys-schost# metaset -s setname
      -s setname

      Specifies the disk set name.

    2. On the node that masters or will master the disk set, become superuser.
    3. If no node has ownership, take ownership of the disk set.
      phys-schost# cldevicegroup switch -n node devicegroup

      Specifies the name of the node to become primary of the disk set.


      Specifies the name of the disk set.

    4. Re-create the mediators.
      phys-schost# metaset -s setname -a -m mediator-host-list

      Adds to the disk set.

      -m mediator-host-list

      Specifies the names of the nodes to add as mediator hosts for the disk set.

    5. Repeat these steps for each disk set in the cluster that uses mediators.
  6. If you upgraded VxVM, upgrade all disk groups.
    1. Bring online and take ownership of a disk group to upgrade.
      phys-schost# cldevicegroup switch -n node devicegroup
    2. Synchronize the disk group.

      This step resolves any changes made to VxVM minor numbers during VxVM upgrade.

      phys-schost# cldevicegroup sync devicegroup
    3. Run the following command to upgrade a disk group to the highest version supported by the VxVM release you installed.
      phys-schost# vxdg upgrade devicegroup

      See your VxVM administration documentation for more information about upgrading disk groups.

    4. On each node that is directly connected to the disk group, bring online and take ownership of the upgraded disk group.
      phys-schost# cldevicegroup switch -n node devicegroup

      This step is necessary is to update the VxVM device files major number with the latest vxio number that might have been assigned during the upgrade.

    5. Repeat for each remaining VxVM disk group in the cluster.
  7. Migrate resources to new resource type versions.

    You must migrate all resources to the Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 5/11 resource-type version to use the new features and bug fixes that are provided in this release.

    Note - For HA for SAP Web Application Server, if you are using a J2EE engine resource or a web application server component resource or both, you must delete the resource and recreate it with the new web application server component resource. Changes in the new web application server component resource includes integration of the J2EE functionality. For more information, see Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for SAP Web Application Server Guide.

    See Upgrading a Resource Type in Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide, which contains procedures which use the command line. Alternatively, you can perform the same tasks by using the Resource Group menu of the clsetup utility. The process involves performing the following tasks:

    • Registering the new resource type.

    • Migrating the eligible resource to the new version of its resource type.

    • Modifying the extension properties of the resource type.

      Note - The Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 5/11 release might introduce new default values for some extension properties. These changes affect the behavior of any existing resource that uses the default values of such properties. If you require the previous default value for a resource, modify the migrated resource to set the property to the previous default value.

  8. If your cluster runs the HA for Sun Java System Application Server EE (HADB) data service and you shut down the HADB database before you began a dual-partition upgrade, re-enable the resource and start the database.
    phys-schost# clresource enable hadb-resource
    phys-schost# hadbm start database-name

    For more information, see the hadbm(1m) man page.

  9. If you upgraded to the Oracle Solaris 10 OS and the Apache httpd.conf file is located on a cluster file system, ensure that the HTTPD entry in the Apache control script still points to that location.
    1. View the HTTPD entry in the /usr/apache/bin/apchectl file.

      The following example shows the httpd.conf file located on the /global cluster file system.

      phys-schost# cat /usr/apache/bin/apchectl | grep HTTPD=/usr
      HTTPD="/usr/apache/bin/httpd -f /global/web/conf/httpd.conf"
    2. If the file does not show the correct HTTPD entry, update the file.
      phys-schost# vi /usr/apache/bin/apchectl
      HTTPD="/usr/apache/bin/httpd -f /global/web/conf/httpd.conf"
  10. If you upgraded to the Oracle Solaris 10 OS and you intend to configure zone clusters, set the number of expected zone clusters.

    Specify the number of zone clusters that you expect to configure in the cluster.

    phys-schost# cluster set net-props -p num_zoneclusters=N

    The command calculates the number of additional private-network IP addresses that are needed and automatically modifies the IP address range.

  11. From any node, start the clsetup utility.
    phys-schost# clsetup

    The clsetup Main Menu is displayed.

  12. Re-enable all disabled resources.
    1. Choose the menu item, Resource Groups.

      The Resource Group Menu is displayed.

    2. Choose the menu item, Enable/Disable a Resource.
    3. Choose a resource to enable and follow the prompts.
    4. Repeat Step c for each disabled resource.
    5. When all resources are re-enabled, type q to return to the Resource Group Menu.
  13. Bring each resource group back online.

    This step includes the bringing online of resource groups in non-global zones.

    1. Choose the menu item, Online/Offline or Switchover a Resource Group.
    2. Follow the prompts to put each resource group into the managed state and then bring the resource group online.
  14. When all resource groups are back online, exit the clsetup utility.

    Type q to back out of each submenu, or press Ctrl-C.

  15. If, before upgrade, you enabled automatic node reboot if all monitored shared-disk paths fail, ensure that the feature is still enabled.

    Also perform this task if you want to configure automatic reboot for the first time.

    1. Determine whether the automatic reboot feature is enabled or disabled.
      phys-schost# clnode show
      • If the reboot_on_path_failure property is set to enabled, no further action is necessary.
      • If reboot_on_path_failure property is set to disabled, proceed to the next step to re-enable the property.
    2. Enable the automatic reboot feature.
      phys-schost# clnode set -p reboot_on_path_failure=enabled

      Specifies the property to set


      Specifies that the node will reboot if all monitored disk paths fail, provided that at least one of the disks is accessible from a different node in the cluster.

    3. Verify that automatic reboot on disk-path failure is enabled.
      phys-schost# clnode show
      === Cluster Nodes ===                          
      Node Name:                                      node
        reboot_on_path_failure:                          enabled
  16. Revalidate the upgraded cluster configuration.

    See How to Validate the Cluster in Oracle Solaris Cluster Software Installation Guide.

  17. (Optional) Capture the disk partitioning information for future reference.
    phys-schost# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/cNtXdYsZ > filename

    Store the file in a location outside the cluster. If you make any disk configuration changes, run this command again to capture the changed configuration. If a disk fails and needs replacement, you can use this information to restore the disk partition configuration. For more information, see the prtvtoc(1M) man page.

  18. (Optional) Install or complete upgrade of Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition 3.3 5/11 software.

    See Chapter 4, Upgrading the Geographic Edition Software, in Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Installation Guide.

  19. (Optional) Make a backup of your cluster configuration.

    An archived backup of your cluster configuration facilitates easier recovery of the your cluster configuration,

    For more information, see How to Back Up the Cluster Configuration in Oracle Solaris Cluster System Administration Guide.


Resource-type migration failure - Normally, you migrate resources to a new resource type while the resource is offline. However, some resources need to be online for a resource-type migration to succeed. If resource-type migration fails for this reason, error messages similar to the following are displayed:

phys-schost - Resource depends on a SUNW.HAStoragePlus type resource that is not online anywhere. (C189917) VALIDATE on resource nfsrs, resource group rg, exited with non-zero exit status. (C720144) Validation of resource nfsrs in resource group rg on node phys-schost failed.

If resource-type migration fails because the resource is offline, use the clsetup utility to re-enable the resource and then bring its related resource group online. Then repeat migration procedures for the resource.

Java binaries location change - If the location of the Java binaries changed during the upgrade of Oracle Solaris software, you might see error messages similar to the following when you attempt to run the cacaoadm start or smcwebserver start commands:

phys-schost# /usr/sbin/cacaoadm startNo suitable Java runtime found. Java 1.5.0_06 or higher is required.Jan 3 17:10:26 ppups3 cacao: No suitable Java runtime found. Java 1.5.0_06 or higher is required.Cannot locate all the dependencies

phys-schost# smcwebserver start/usr/sbin/smcwebserver: /usr/jdk/jdk1.5.0_06/bin/java: not found

These errors are generated because the start commands cannot locate the current location of the Java binaries. The JAVA_HOME property still points to the directory where the previous version of Java was located, but that previous version was removed during upgrade.

To correct this problem, change the setting of JAVA_HOME in the following configuration files to use the current Java directory:


Next Steps

If you have a SPARC based system and use Sun Management Center to monitor the cluster, go to SPARC: How to Upgrade Oracle Solaris Cluster Module Software for Sun Management Center.

Otherwise, the cluster upgrade is complete.