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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for MaxDB Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster
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1.  Installing and Configuring HA for MaxDB

HA for MaxDB Overview

Overview of the Installation and Configuration Process for HA for MaxDB

Planning the HA for MaxDB Installation and Configuration

Configuration Requirements

MaxDB Software Version Requirements

HA for MaxDB Configuration Requirements

SAP xserver Configuration Requirements

Supported Configurations of This Data Service

Configuration Considerations

Device Group for the MaxDB Application

Dependencies of the MaxDB Application on SAP xserver

Administration of SAP xserver by a User Other Than Root

Configuration Planning Questions

Installing and Configuring MaxDB

How to Install and Configure MaxDB

How to Enable MaxDB to Run in a Cluster

Verifying the MaxDB Installation and Configuration

How to Verify MaxDB Installation and Configuration on Each Node

Installing the HA for MaxDB Packages

How to Install the HA for MaxDB Packages

Configuring the HAStoragePlus Resource Type to Work With HA for MaxDB

How to Register and Configure an HAStoragePlus Resource

Registering and Configuring HA for MaxDB

Setting HA for MaxDB Extension Properties

Administering SAP xserver as a User Other Than Root

How to Register and Configure an SAP xserver Resource

How to Register and Configure a MaxDB Resource

Tuning the HA for MaxDB Fault Monitors

Factors That Affect the Interval Between Fault Monitor Probes

Operations by the HA for MaxDB Fault Monitors During a Probe

Operations by the MaxDB Fault Monitor During a Probe

Operations by the SAP xserver Fault Monitor During a Probe

Faults Detected by the HA for MaxDB Fault Monitors

Faults Detected by the MaxDB Fault Monitor

Faults Detected by the SAP xserver Fault Monitor

Recovery Actions in Response to Detected Faults

Forcing the MaxDB Database Instance to Be Restarted if the Parent Kernel Process Is Terminated

Verifying the HA for MaxDB Installation and Configuration

How to Verify the Operation of the MaxDB Fault Monitor

How to Verify the Operation of the SAP xserver Fault Monitor

Upgrading the SUNW.sap_xserver Resource Type

Information for Registering the New Resource Type Version

Information for Migrating Existing Instances of the Resource Type

A.  HA for MaxDB Extension Properties


Planning the HA for MaxDB Installation and Configuration

This section contains the information that you need to plan your HA for MaxDB installation and configuration.

Note - HA for MaxDB can be configured to run in a whole root or a sparse root non-global zone, if required.

Note - Before you begin, consult your MaxDB documentation for configuration restrictions and requirements that are not imposed by Oracle Solaris Cluster software. For information about restrictions that the Oracle Solaris Cluster software imposes, see the Oracle Solaris Cluster documentation.

Configuration Requirements

The configuration requirements in this section apply only to HA for MaxDB.


Caution - If your data service configuration does not conform to these requirements, the data service configuration might not be supported.

For requirements that apply to all data services, see Configuration Guidelines for Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Services in Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide.

MaxDB Software Version Requirements

Use MaxDB version 7.4 or compatible versions.

HA for MaxDB Configuration Requirements

Configure HA for MaxDB as a failover data service. You cannot configure HA for MaxDB as a scalable data service. For more information, see the following sections:

SAP xserver Configuration Requirements

To enable client applications to access HA for MaxDB, you must use SAP xserver. Configure SAP xserver as a scalable data service. Do not configure SAP xserver as a failover data service.

Configure SAP xserver so that SAP xserver starts on all nodes to which the MaxDB resource can fail over. To implement this configuration, ensure that the node list of the SAP xserver resource group contains all nodes that are in the node list of the MaxDB resource group. For more information, see How to Register and Configure an SAP xserver Resource.

Supported Configurations of This Data Service

The HA for MaxDB data service supports configurations that conform to the requirements in Configuration Requirements.

If you plan to use MaxDB with other highly available SAP applications, you must also configure the Oracle Solaris Cluster data services for those applications. For more information, see the following table.

SAP Application
Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service
Associated Document
Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for SAP
SAP liveCache
Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for SAP liveCache
SAP Web Application Server
Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for SAP Web Application Server

The examples that follow show these supported configurations of HA for MaxDB:

Note - HA for MaxDB might support additional configurations. However, you must contact your Oracle service provider for information about additional configurations.

Example 1-1 Two-Node Configuration

This example shows a two-node configuration in which a client application accesses the MaxDB resource through the SAP xserver resource. The characteristics of this configuration are as follows:

image:Illustration: The preceding context describes the graphic.

Example 1-2 Four-Node Configuration With SAP R/3

This example shows a four-node configuration in which MaxDB is used with SAP R/3. This configuration uses multiple Advanced Planner & Optimizer (APO) application servers. The characteristics of this configuration are as follows:

image:Illustration: The preceding context describes the graphic.

Example 1-3 Four-Node Configuration With SAP R/3 and SAP liveCache

This example shows a four-node configuration in which MaxDB is used with SAP R/3 and SAP liveCache. This configuration uses multiple APO application servers. The characteristics of this configuration are as follows:

image:Illustration: The preceding context describes the graphic.

Configuration Considerations

The configuration considerations in the subsections that follow affect the installation and configuration of HA for MaxDB.

Device Group for the MaxDB Application

Ensure that you create a device group for the MaxDB application as follows:

Dependencies of the MaxDB Application on SAP xserver

Configure MaxDB so that MaxDB starts only on a node where SAP xserver is running. To implement this configuration, configure resources and resource groups as follows:

For more information, see Registering and Configuring HA for MaxDB.

Administration of SAP xserver by a User Other Than Root

You might be required to administer SAP xserver as a user other than root. In this situation, you must create and define that user as follows:

Configuration Planning Questions

Answer the questions in this section to plan the installation and configuration of HA for MaxDB. Write the answers to these questions in the space that is provided on the data service worksheets in Appendix A, Data Service Configuration Worksheets and Examples, in Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide.