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ToolTalk User's Guide
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Document Information


1.  Introducing the ToolTalk Service

2.  An Overview of the ToolTalk Service

3.  Message Patterns

4.  Setting Up and Maintaining the ToolTalk Processes

5.  Maintaining Application Information

6.  Maintaining Files and Objects Referenced in ToolTalk Messages

7.  Participating in ToolTalk Sessions

8.  Sending Messages

9.  Dynamic Message Patterns

10.  Static Message Patterns

11.  Receiving Messages

12.  Objects

13.  Managing Information Storage

Information Provided to the ToolTalk Service

Information Provided by the ToolTalk Service

Calls Provided to Manage the Storage of Information

Marking and Releasing Information

Marking Information for Storage

Releasing Information No Longer Needed

Example of Marking and Releasing Information

Allocating and Freeing Storage Space

Allocating Storage Space

Freeing Allocated Storage Space

Special Case: Callback and Filter Routines

Callback Routines

Filter Routines

14.  Handling Errors

A.  Migrating from the Classing Engine to the ToolTalk Types Database

B.  A Simple Demonstration of How the ToolTalk Service Works

C.  The ToolTalk Standard Message Sets

D.  Frequently Asked Questions



Information Provided by the ToolTalk Service

The ToolTalk service provides an allocation stack in the ToolTalk API library to store information it gives to you. For example, if you ask for the sessid of the default session with tt_default_session, the ToolTalk service returns the address of the character string in the allocation stack (a char * pointer) that contains the sessid. After you retrieve the sessid, you can dispose of the character string to clean up the allocation stack.

Note - Do not confuse the API allocation stack with your program's runtime stack. The API stack will not discard information until instructed to do so.