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System Administration Guide: Network Services
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Part I Network Services Topics

1.  Network Service (Overview)

2.  Managing Web Cache Servers

3.  Time-Related Services

Part II Accessing Network File Systems Topics

4.  Managing Network File Systems (Overview)

5.  Network File System Administration (Tasks)

Automatic File System Sharing

How to Set Up Automatic File-System Sharing

How to Enable WebNFS Access

How to Enable NFS Server Logging

Mounting File Systems

How to Mount a File System at Boot Time

How to Mount a File System From the Command Line

Mounting With the Automounter

How to Disable Large Files on an NFS Server

How to Use Client-Side Failover

How to Disable Mount Access for One Client

How to Mount an NFS File System Through a Firewall

How to Mount an NFS File System Using an NFS URL

Setting Up NFS Services

How to Start the NFS Services

How to Stop the NFS Services

How to Start the Automounter

How to Stop the Automounter

How to Select Different Versions of NFS on a Server

How to Select Different Versions of NFS on a Client by Modifying the /etc/default/nfs File

How to Use the Command Line to Select Different Versions of NFS on a Client

Administering the Secure NFS System

How to Set Up a Secure NFS Environment With DH Authentication

WebNFS Administration Tasks

Planning for WebNFS Access

How to Browse Using an NFS URL

How to Enable WebNFS Access Through a Firewall

Task Overview for Autofs Administration

Task Map for Autofs Administration

Using the /etc/default/autofs File to Configure Your autofs Environment

How to Use the /etc/default/autofs File

Administrative Tasks Involving Maps

Modifying the Maps

How to Modify the Master Map

How to Modify Indirect Maps

How to Modify Direct Maps

Avoiding Mount-Point Conflicts

Accessing Non-NFS File Systems

How to Access CD-ROM Applications With Autofs

How to Access PC-DOS Data Diskettes With Autofs

Accessing NFS File Systems Using CacheFS

How to Access NFS File Systems by Using CacheFS

Customizing the Automounter

Setting Up a Common View of /home

How to Set Up /home With Multiple Home Directory File Systems

How to Consolidate Project-Related Files Under /ws

How to Set Up Different Architectures to Access a Shared Namespace

How to Support Incompatible Client Operating System Versions

How to Replicate Shared Files Across Several Servers

How to Apply Autofs Security Restrictions

How to Use a Public File Handle With Autofs

How to Use NFS URLs With Autofs

Disabling Autofs Browsability

How to Completely Disable Autofs Browsability on a Single NFS Client

How to Disable Autofs Browsability for All Clients

How to Disable Autofs Browsability on a Selected File System

Strategies for NFS Troubleshooting

NFS Troubleshooting Procedures

How to Check Connectivity on an NFS Client

How to Check the NFS Server Remotely

How to Verify the NFS Service on the Server

How to Restart NFS Services

Identifying Which Host Is Providing NFS File Service

How to Verify Options Used With the mount Command

Troubleshooting Autofs

Error Messages Generated by automount -v

Miscellaneous Error Messages

Other Errors With Autofs

NFS Error Messages

6.  Accessing Network File Systems (Reference)

Part III SLP Topics

7.  SLP (Overview)

8.  Planning and Enabling SLP (Tasks)

9.  Administering SLP (Tasks)

10.  Incorporating Legacy Services

11.  SLP (Reference)

Part IV Mail Services Topics

12.  Mail Services (Overview)

13.  Mail Services (Tasks)

14.  Mail Services (Reference)

Part V Serial Networking Topics

15.  Solaris PPP 4.0 (Overview)

16.  Planning for the PPP Link (Tasks)

17.  Setting Up a Dial-up PPP Link (Tasks)

18.  Setting Up a Leased-Line PPP Link (Tasks)

19.  Setting Up PPP Authentication (Tasks)

20.  Setting Up a PPPoE Tunnel (Tasks)

21.  Fixing Common PPP Problems (Tasks)

22.  Solaris PPP 4.0 (Reference)

23.  Migrating From Asynchronous Solaris PPP to Solaris PPP 4.0 (Tasks)

24.  UUCP (Overview)

25.  Administering UUCP (Tasks)

26.  UUCP (Reference)

Part VI Working With Remote Systems Topics

27.  Working With Remote Systems (Overview)

28.  Administering the FTP Server (Tasks)

29.  Accessing Remote Systems (Tasks)

Part VII Monitoring Network Services Topics

30.  Monitoring Network Performance (Tasks)



Automatic File System Sharing

Servers provide access to their file systems by sharing the file systems over the NFS environment. You specify which file systems are to be shared with the share command or with the /etc/dfs/dfstab file.

Entries in the /etc/dfs/dfstab file are shared automatically whenever you start NFS server operation. You should set up automatic sharing if you need to share the same set of file systems on a regular basis. For example, if your computer is a server that supports home directories, you need to make the home directories available at all times. Most file system sharing should be done automatically. The only time that manual sharing should occur is during testing or troubleshooting.

The dfstab file lists all the file systems that your server shares with its clients. This file also controls which clients can mount a file system. You can modify dfstab to add or delete a file system or change the way sharing occurs. Just edit the file with any text editor that is supported (such as vi). The next time that the computer enters run level 3, the system reads the updated dfstab to determine which file systems should be shared automatically.

Each line in the dfstab file consists of a share command, the same command that you type at the command-line prompt to share the file system. The share command is located in /usr/sbin.

Table 5-1 File-System Sharing Task Map

For Instructions
Establish automatic file system sharing
Steps to configure a server so that file systems are automatically shared when the server is rebooted
Enable WebNFS
Steps to configure a server so that users can access files by using WebNFS
Enable NFS server logging
Steps to configure a server so that NFS logging is run on selected file systems

How to Set Up Automatic File-System Sharing

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Add entries for each file system to be shared.

    Edit /etc/dfs/dfstab. Add one entry to the file for every file system that you want to be automatically shared. Each entry must be on a line by itself in the file and use this syntax:

    share [-F nfs] [-o specific-options] [-d description] pathname

    See the dfstab(4) man page for a description of /etc/dfs/dfstab and the share_nfs(1M) man page for a complete list of options.

  3. Share the file system.

    After the entry is in /etc/dfs/dfstab, you can share the file system by either rebooting the system or by using the shareall command.

    # shareall
  4. Verify that the information is correct.

    Run the share command to check that the correct options are listed:

    # share
    -        /export/share/man   ro   ""
    -        /usr/src     rw=eng   ""
    -        /export/ftp    ro,public  ""
See Also

The next step is to set up your autofs maps so that clients can access the file systems that you have shared on the server. See Task Overview for Autofs Administration.

How to Enable WebNFS Access

Starting with the Solaris 2.6 release, by default all file systems that are available for NFS mounting are automatically available for WebNFS access. The only condition that requires the use of this procedure is one of the following:

See Planning for WebNFS Access for a list of issues to consider before starting the WebNFS service.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Add entries for each file system to be shared by using the WebNFS service.

    Edit /etc/dfs/dfstab. Add one entry to the file for every file system. The public and index tags that are shown in the following example are optional.

    share -F nfs -o ro,public,index=index.html /export/ftp

    See the dfstab(4) man page for a description of /etc/dfs/dfstab and the share_nfs(1M) man page for a complete list of options.

  3. Share the file system.

    After the entry is in /etc/dfs/dfstab, you can share the file system by either rebooting the system or by using the shareall command.

    # shareall
  4. Verify that the information is correct.

    Run the share command to check that the correct options are listed:

    # share
    -        /export/share/man   ro   ""
    -        /usr/src     rw=eng   ""
    -        /export/ftp    ro,public,index=index.html  ""

How to Enable NFS Server Logging

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. (Optional) Change file system configuration settings.

    In /etc/nfs/nfslog.conf, you can change the settings in one of two ways. You can edit the default settings for all file systems by changing the data that is associated with the global tag. Alternately, you can add a new tag for this file system. If these changes are not needed, you do not need to change this file. The format of /etc/nfs/nfslog.conf is described in nfslog.conf(4).

  3. Add entries for each file system to be shared by using NFS server logging.

    Edit /etc/dfs/dfstab. Add one entry to the file for the file system on which you are enabling NFS server logging. The tag that is used with the log=tag option must be entered in /etc/nfs/nfslog.conf. This example uses the default settings in the global tag.

    share -F nfs -o ro,log=global /export/ftp

    See the dfstab(4) man page for a description of /etc/dfs/dfstab and the share_nfs(1M) man page for a complete list of options.

  4. Share the file system.

    After the entry is in /etc/dfs/dfstab, you can share the file system by either rebooting the system or by using the shareall command.

    # shareall
  5. Verify that the information is correct.

    Run the share command to check that the correct options are listed:

    # share
    -        /export/share/man   ro   ""
    -        /usr/src     rw=eng   ""
    -        /export/ftp    ro,log=global  ""
  6. Check if nfslogd, the NFS log daemon, is running.
    # ps -ef | grep nfslogd
  7. (Optional) Start nfslogd, if it is not running already.
    • (Optional) If /etc/nfs/nfslogtab is present, start the NFS log daemon by typing the following:
      # svcadm restart network/nfs/server:default
    • (Optional) If /etc/nfs/nfslogtab is not present, run any of the share commands to create the file and then start the daemon.
      # shareall
      # svcadm restart network/nfs/server:default