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System Administration Guide: Basic Administration
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Document Information


1.  Oracle Solaris Management Tools (Road Map)

2.  Working With the Solaris Management Console (Tasks)

3.  Working With the Oracle Java Web Console (Tasks)

4.  Managing User Accounts and Groups (Overview)

5.  Managing User Accounts and Groups (Tasks)

6.  Managing Client-Server Support (Overview)

7.  Managing Diskless Clients (Tasks)

8.  Introduction to Shutting Down and Booting a System

9.  Shutting Down and Booting a System (Overview)

10.  Shutting Down a System (Tasks)

11.  Modifying Oracle Solaris Boot Behavior (Tasks)

12.  Booting an Oracle Solaris System (Tasks)

13.  Managing the Oracle Solaris Boot Archives (Tasks)

Managing the Oracle Solaris Boot Archives (Task Map)

Description of the Oracle Solaris Boot Archives

Managing the boot-archive Service

How to Enable or Disable the boot-archive Service

Automatic Boot Archive Recovery

x86: How to Clear Automatic Boot Archive Update Failures by Using the auto-reboot-safe Property

How to Clear Automatic Boot Archive Update Failures by Using the bootadm Command

Using the bootadm Command to Manage the Boot Archives

How to Manually Update the Boot Archive by Using the bootadm Command

How to Manually Update the Boot Archive on a Solaris Volume Manager RAID-1 (Mirrored) Root Partition

How to List Contents of the Boot Archive

x86: How to Locate the Active GRUB Menu and List Current Menu Entries

x86: How to Set the Default Boot Entry for the Active GRUB Menu

14.  Troubleshooting Booting an Oracle Solaris System (Tasks)

15.  x86: GRUB Based Booting (Reference)

16.  x86: Booting a System That Does Not Implement GRUB (Tasks)

17.  Working With the Oracle Solaris Auto Registration regadm Command (Tasks)

18.  Managing Services (Overview)

19.  Managing Services (Tasks)

20.  Managing Software (Overview)

21.  Managing Software With Oracle Solaris System Administration Tools (Tasks)

22.  Managing Software by Using Oracle Solaris Package Commands (Tasks)

23.  Managing Patches

A.  SMF Services


Managing the boot-archive Service

The boot-archive service is controlled by the Service Management Facility (SMF). The boot-archive service instance is svc:/system/boot-archive:default. The svcadm command is used to enable and disable services.

To determine if the boot-archive service is running, use the svcs command.

For more information, see the svcadm(1M) and the svcs(1) man pages.

How to Enable or Disable the boot-archive Service

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. To enable or disable the boot-archive service, type:
    # svcadm enable | disable system/boot-archive
  3. To verify the state of the boot-archive service, type:
    % svcs boot-archive

    If the service is running, the output displays an online service state.

    STATE          STIME    FMRI
    online          9:02:38 svc:/system/boot-archive:default

    If the service is not running, the output indicates the service is offline.


For information about clearing automatic boot archive update failures, see Automatic Boot Archive Recovery.